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Fandom Supernatural

I am so confused on what you are talking about.

I thought just 3 people would get into in this and be its own roleplay?
No, this role play would be a group role play. There's at least five people interested: me, you, @Chara Angel of Death @Jesika and @Raikou Kaminari

I'm not going to turn anyone away unless their character is rather over the top, like if someone made a shifter-vampire-werewolf cross that was also in possession of some holy weapon that allowed them to fly with giant angel wings. That would be a no.

So there's going to be more than just your plot going on. Depending on what season we're going to rp in, and depending on if we even decide to use the Winchesters or go with OC hunters.
I'd like to join in.

As for plot, it could be like a Monster-Of-The-Week layout until something naturally evolves.
That would work! Now we just need a season, and to decide if we're using Sam and Dean.
Rather than a monster by week why not just take it hunt by hunt. Then depending on the characters it can evovle into a larger plot. Like how the show took things hunt by hunt till Azazel, than Lilith, than the apocalypse, so on and so forth. That way everyone if not at the stsrt1 become more involved. I am willing to Sam Winchester, as much I like Dean at this point I am more of Sam sympathizer.
I could probably pull off a Dean if no one else wants to rp him. Just note I won't be very good at it.
Perhaps we can do a roleplay around the Supernatural theme and have our own created character hunters. That is if we don't have people wanting to be one of the characters from the show.
I think that would be the best idea. We shouldn't force the shows characters into the game if no one actively wants to play them.
@Raikou Kaminari @SecretRock @Jesika

Okay, so. We all can't be hunters. There's four of us for now, but we should plan on more people joining after I set up the rp. I'm thinking we should have three general groups of role players: The main cast, the monsters, and the extras. People can jump around or be in more than one group if they want to.

The main cast should consist of probably the four of us, two hunters and two friendly non-humans, or three hunters and one friendly non-human. I personally don't care if I'm the hunter or the non-human, so it's up to the three of you to decide among yourselves. If you don't want to be in the main cast, that's okay, you can take up one of the other groups.

The role players in the main cast will have to 1) be online consistently and for long periods of time, 2) be able to solve disputes within he group should they arise, 3) be able to create flawed and interesting characters that people enjoy reading about, 4) do their research on the monster they're going up against, but are expected not to metagame (have your character know about things they shouldn't know about), 5) be friendly and flexible, and open to new ideas.

The monster group, of course, would primarily role play the monsters. They'd be, in tangent with the extras group, the GM's of the hunts the main cast goes on. To be in the monster group, you have to have originality, flexibility, and be willing to put in the research that goes with setting up hunts and the monster characters. They have to have a good sense of pacing and patience, dropping hints here and there as to what exactly the main cast is up against.

The role players in the monster group will have to 1) provide the lead for the hunt, including details like location, how many victims, and how they died, 2) provide the other groups in ooc with information regarding what's going on behind the scenes, so everyone's on the same page, 3) keep hunts original and exciting, 4) eventually tie in a plot (which will be voted on by the group) 5) control the monster(s) when conflict between the monster(s) and other characters arise, and fight fairly when they do so.

The extras will be playing expendable characters. While this seems rather dull, it's actually really important. People in the extras group should be able to rapidly make characters, and not get too attached to not want to kill them off. Sure, some extras might make returns if they survive the monsters, but for the most part, they're just going to be setting the scene.

The role players in the extras group will have to 1) work together solidly and fluidly, 2) be willing and able to fill in spots needed, 3) keep in close touch with the monster group when dealing with humanoid monsters and the victim(s) in order to keep the hunt's plot straight, 4) be willing to allow someone else to role play their expendable characters should the need arise, 5) be able to descriptively portray settings and locations pertaining to the character and the monster, and basically set the scene of the role play.

Now, since there's only four of us, we're each going to need at least two roles for this to work. One roll will be the main cast, and the other will be of your choosing. We need at least one person in the monster group before we can role play. I personally will be in the extras group.
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I can be the non-human helper but if someone else is really wanting to be it I can be one of the Hunters too. I am not picky and very flexible here.
I'll be a monster group as well as a main cast, I love researching mythos. I might not be too active right now though, I'm on holiday with limited WiFi.
I'm interested if you still need/want people.

I can rp as dean, bobby or crowley.
Location: Eastern Oregon

Problem: About five children in comas, two in critical condition.

Details: All children were in an accident before entering the coma, three separate ones. Hospital staff report seeing a woman in the children's rooms at night, one who can disappear without a trace. The day after she's seen, the child's condition gets worse.

Tell me if you need more details.
Hello! Supernatural is such a good show... Iโ€™ll watch it for as long as itโ€™s around (and hopefully it will be for a while). I am completely caught up in everything!

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