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Supernatural RP w/ clary

"I'm not "astatine maybe a hot sexy voice but in all his years he never really made time to anyone hoe how busy he was with school and now that he isn't that busy he us trying to fund someone for himself ,he looked at ink and shook his head "I'm not ,I swear "he said a little shyly
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"Wow," he trails off, his eyes flicker to the big screen, feeling a little embarrassed that he went ahead and stole a first kiss from someone. How old was this guy anyways? It took him this long to get kissed by someone, he was curious now. "Hey, how old are you?" He doesn't look all that old at all, maybe he was as old as he was when he got bit.
Astatine gulped 'just play it cool like everything else ' " I'm 22 "he said to ink hoping that was a good age to say he's said a bunch of ages toany peoplease but the ones he did mostly was 21 -22 ,he looked at him .why did he want to ask anyways he thought .

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