- Group
Character Sheets
Full Name:
Real Age:
Age Appearance: (If Applicable)
Death-day: (If Applicable)
Species: (See Below)
Face Claim:
Appearance: (Eye color, hair color, height, weight etc)
Physical Quirks, Identifying Features (If Applicable)
Personal History, Family Ties or Other Relations
Accomplishments & Failures
Savvies & Ineptitudes
Vices and Virtues / Likes and Dislikes
- Human
Generic -- Typically a human that is exposed to the supernatural world and then chooses to protect other humans from them.
Legacy -- a human born to a family of hunters; usually having ancient ties
Men of Letters - a human inaugurated into a supernatural secret society, often descended from other Men of Letters
Witch - a human with the power to affect change by magical means. A witch can be either female or male, as they connect themselves with supernatural forces in order to practice sorcery. Witches come in two varieties:
- Borrower - a person who has obtained their power through demonic forces, these witches are known to have summoned demons and made deals with them in exchange for power.
- Natural - any person who has obtained their power through practice and training, usually power is passed along genetically.
- Vampire
A vampire is created when a person ingests vampire blood, but the transformation is not complete until they feed on human blood. Once turned, they suffer from bloodlust and must feed on blood, human or animal, to survive. They also prefer to live in dens in locations called nests, and will mate for life.
- Enhanced senses
- Sharp, pointed, retractable teeth
- Immortal and unchanging
- Infect others by feeding them their blood
- Sunlight
- Dead man's blood
- Angelic powers
- Burning saffron, skunk's cabbage and trillium blocks a vampires scent.
- Werewolf
Werewolves are humans that transform into a wolf or wolf-like creature. They are either born as werewolves or become a werewolf as a result of being bitten.
- Can only turn into a werewolf during nights of the peak lunar cycle during their sleep.
- Often unaware of their condition
- No control during their turned state, however if there is a pure-blood wolf around, they can be directed by the pure-bloods will, like a wolf pack alpha
- Can turn into a full wolf at will
- Can turn into a werewolf at will
- Have the ability to shape-shift into a full wolf, these wolves appear slightly larger than their natural brethren
- Are aware of their surrounding and activities in both werewolf and full wolf form.
- Superior strength and agility
- Elongated sharp fangs and claws
- Enhanced sight and smell
- Infect others by biting them
- Dismemberment
- Silver
- Silver nitrate injection
- Sulfate gas
- Wolfsbane
- Djinn
Djinn are humanoid creatures with tattooed skin that prefer to live in large ruins with a lot of places to hide. They feed on human blood and can poison their victims with a touch. The poison can be used either to kill their victims quickly, or to leave victims in a coma-like state while the djinn feeds on their blood over a long period of time.
- Hallucinogenic Touch - they can induce a series of delusions on the mind of their target, typically causing them to enter in an unconscious, dream-like state.
- Dream Walking
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Shapeshifting - Djinns can change their form to pass as humans.
- Super agility
- Silver blade dipped in lamb blood
- Demons can over power a Djinn
- Angels can kill Djinns
- Kitsune
Are monsters that look similar in appearance to werewolves, but more fox-like. Kitsunes are very rare. They have claws; they can extend their claws from their fingertips on demand.
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Dismemberment
- Silver
- Silver nitrate
- FoxGlove
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