Supernatural Love ~ 1x1 with Take to the Skies


One Thousand Club
This is mine and Take to the skies rp. Feel free to read along if you like :P

My character is called:

Cyrus Barrone and hes a werewolf.

Human form

wolf form

How should we start?
(is it? its working for me! )))


I sat alone, out in the yard. I didn't like it here. I couldn't be free like i could back at home. At home, i could do whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted. But here- no! Its like being in prison... There were lots of other people here, but that wasnt really a good thing. I was more of a lone wolf...

It's broken for me </3

Oh~ & I writ in third person. But -shrugs- :,D

Sin ~

love is my weapon


She stood outside the buildings foundation, glowing red orbs just seemed to aimlessly stare the building.

She didn't want to go in, she didn't want to enter the school.

Already Sin could smell the scent of another Supernatural being.

Though it wasn't one of her own, It was in fact the scent of a wet dog.

Werewolf, She thought wrinkling her nose. Great.

Not only was she sent here against her own will. But having to put up with a werewolf as well?

That definitely wasn't part of the plan, ugh.

The vampire quickly withdrew from this thought with a disapproving groan escaping her throat.

She hadn't even entered the school yet and already was she dreading this decision.

Lanky fingers began to pat down her clothing, she had to have stashed a cigarette somewhere, anywhere.


I emerged from the forest, human once again... I needed a wash now- i stank, of wet dog and blood. I was used to it but everyone wasnt. I had to hunt everyday, and i allways came back dirty. No matter how hard i tryed to stay clean, it never happened. I sighed heavily, looking around as i came into the open.
Sin ~

love is my weapon


A sigh of relief departed from her lips as she withdrew a single cigarette and a Zippo lighter from her pocket. Yes, she was one of the immortal but the poisonous toxins had to effect on her body as it did with mortals. Old habits died hard for this vampire. It was a human coil that she couldn't yet part with. Placing the cigarette between her dead lips she sparked it up with a flick of her fingers. Taking the flame to the cigarette's tip, she took a long deep drag. Oh, the simple things in life~

Blood red orbs fell upon the source of the smell that had lingered up her nostrils moments before. Now, he carried another familiar scent on his skin, that scent of blood. Just the sight or smell set her being on edge. Not that she would let it show to the were. Instead she felt the corners of her lips tugging up into a small smirk, her pearly white fangs accompanied her expression. This man was indeed attractive, to bad he was the very creature she hated.

She sucked another drag of her cigarette, "Hello, love." She finally spoke, the smoke leaked from her lips it seemed to dance around her face before drifting into the darkness that lurked overhead.


I lifted my head as i heard a voice break the silence... I young looking women. I ran my fingers through my hair, fixing it up. I hated looking a mess for girls.

My gaze was instantly drawn to her pure white teeth. Vampire. Great... I put my head back down, hiding my eyes. I hated my eyes. One was red, and the other blue.

Growling under my breath, i pulled my leather jacket up over my broad shoulders.
Sin ~

love is my weapon


Sin couldn't help but laugh when he said nothing, instead he let a growl tickle the back of his throat. Why did he do this she wondered? Was it because she was a vampire? He couldn't be bothered with her? Or maybe he was just rude, seeming he hadn't replied to her greeting. Though she shrugged this off rather quickly as she exhaled the poisonous smoke from her lungs with a soft sigh. She couldn't help but let her eyes rake over his full figure, blood red eyes examined him as if he were a piece of art. He was easy on the eyes, indeed. The nose... not so much.

His eyes were something she took note on. Generally if that were to happen, people were normally blind out of the eye that held the blueish white color. A slender brow perked up in a curious manner.

Despite this man being a Were, he was odd. A man of few words.

Who blamed him?

It had been a vampire that had greeted him, after all.


I just stood there, not sure what to do or say... I didnt really like meeting new people, and i was known to be quiet a cruel, rude person.

I eventually brought myself to say something..

"Hello..?!" I murmured. My voice was deep and raspy, like it had not been used in years.

I didnt speak often, and when i did, it was usually just one word answers. I could just never be bothered. I just wanted to hunt, every second of the day, but i knew i couldn't...
Sin ~

love is my weapon


Blood red hues just seemed to stare at the boy, her face now held no expression, the smile had been wiped clean. How odd, this boy was. Normally Were's would have at least tried to attack her by now. It must of been against the school rules not to harm other students; what a shame. Sin puffed away on her cigarette, quickly sucking down the sweet smoke. Being around him quite odd for her. Just the way his scent lingered with his presence, not to mention he was so quiet. Normally they'd be snarling with those bright yellow eyes locked onto the undead. She shrugged this off almost immediately. What did she care? This disgusting creature was none of her concern. Nor did she care for the being.

Sin took the last puff of her cigarette, and threw the butt down onto the grass. She squished it with her shoe, though didn't care to dispose of the butt. The night was still young, and she was certain that her night classes didn't start for another hour so or. Like always she had arisen early. No trouble~ it gave her enough time to have breakfast.

OcC~ Are my posts okay? O.o ;

(yes! They are great!!)


I coughed a little as i breathed in some of the smoke. I used to be a smoker, but i was told to stop when i began to get addicted... I got addicted to things so easily...

I growled again, about to walk away. I didnt like this. It just fault awkward. (sorry for the small posts, having a bit of a rubbish day)
Sin ~

love is my weapon

OoC~ that's totally okay, what happened today? ;.;


Another smile tugged the corners of her pale lips again, another grin was forming on the vampires face. A face so pale that it looked as it were carved from marble. Small purple veins could be seen on her face, though they did pump no blood. Her eyes watched as the man went to move away from her. She could feel his heart pumping the sweet red nectar through his body. It sounded like the banging of drums, it was truly music to her ears. She had never tasted Were before. Sin figured if he were to retreat back into the forest from which he came, she would indeed follow. One, she had nothing better to do. Two, she was simply curious about this Werewolf. She was curious on what he hunted on the most.

She hoped it were humans.


I began walking, my pace quick... I knew i should be going to lessons now, but i didnt want to... I NEEDED to hunt more...

My quick run soon turned into a run. Before i knew it, i was wolf again. Only one word was on my mind: Hunt.

I came to a halt as i reached the clearing, perfect. All around, i could here the heartbeats of all the other creatures here.. 
(just having a bad day- wait no, a bad life :c)

Sin ~

love is my weapon

OoC~ that really sucks </3 tomorrow is a different day~ <3


The vampire moved behind the other, her movements were just as quick as his, though they were soundless and graceful, like that of a cat. She moved from tree to tree, from branch to branch. The moonlight shone down from the sky, the star danced by the moon's side, forever giving it company against the darkness. Though she could see perfectly in the dark, the moon did give the forest a type of setting. It was beautiful, peaceful to say the least. Sin stopped as the wolf stopped though she hid on the outskirts of the clearing. The darkness covered her like a blanket, only her peering eyes gave away her presence.

The scurrying of forest creatures could be hear, along with the sounds of their little hearts, working hard. Obviously, this Were did not hunt humans, how disappointing...

(i suppose <3 im not looking forward to going back to school though :(


My long black fur was matted and dirty from my previous hunts. A small growl erupted from the back of my throat as i caught sent of something... A hare... I began to follow the sent, unaware i was being followed.

My steps were almost silent as i crept towards my next victim...
Sin ~

love is my weapon

OoC~ School sucks, problems?


Her nose wrinkled once again as she caught the lingering smell of his scent. Wet dog, dry blood and mud. She had began to question herself as to why she had followed the Werewolf. So far she had high hopes for the creature that were quickly shut down. He fed on the blood of animals, obviously instead of prowling the night for a more... interesting pray. He didn't mind the presence of a vampire, he had even responded to her greetings. Normally a Werewolf wouldn't hesitate for a moment when they laid eyes on an Immortal and they would stop at nothing, they'd fight until the vampires limbs had been torn from their bodies. Or at least they tried. Red eyes watched the man as he began to stalk a rabbit. Seriously? Even this vampire had more in her than that. She smiled at the thought. Though seeing the man had made her skin itch with the urge to hunt herself. She could feel the thirst clawing at her, like a addict waiting for a fix.


As i came closer to the animal, another scent crossed my path, badger... I instntly began following the new smell i had discovered...

(sorry, ive got so much on my mind >.>)
Sin ~

love is my weapon

Sin watched the wolf with a wide fanged grin, she began to wonder if he had smelt her yet. But soon dismissed this as he gave no signal that he knew of her presence. She let her sense run wild as she sat perched upon the tree's branches, a leg dangling. She could hear, see and smell a lot of creatures within the forest <3


I could smell something else, but chose to ignore it... The only think i could think of now was how close i was to making a kill.

Now, not only could i smell the badger, i could see it, snuffling amongst the grass and dead leaves...

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