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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

SomaFel said:
Character Sheet
Name: Alex Road


Gender: Male

Species: Half jackalope(rabbit creature) half elf

Powers/Abilities: Can shift fully into elf, jackalope or anything in between



Appearance::View attachment 251909

Personalty:fun,shy,calm, enjoys sweets mostly pie.

Bio: Alex always gets bullied, for any reason people can find, he is going to this school hoping to avoid that and get a fresh start.

Dating/lover: None yet

Bestfriend/buddy: None

Extra info
deadpool42 said:

Name: Millions Crowley

Age: 16

Gender: Trans Male

Species: Warlock (Half-human, half-demon)

Personality: Millions is generally quite misanthropic, jaded, and sarcastic. This is, in truth a self-defense mechanism propagated by his own insecurities, which primarily stem from his being transgendered. People calling out this behavior will often be met with vehemence on Millions' part.

Appearance: A Korean youth with rather draconian features and short, blacked hair, often spiked-up. His lower lip is punctured by a pair of dolphin bites, made from real vampire fangs. He typically wears a simple pair of jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt.


  • 101 Ways to Die - Millions has collected the death tags of one hundred and one cadavers, and strung them together. Each tag grants Millions immunity to death in the manner which the cadaver it belonged to was killed.

  • Caprine Manes - a pair of goat skulls carved out of what appears to be porcelain, each the size of a pill-bottle. When their names are invoked, these Manes grow to full size, and are capable of flying around and attacking Millions' enemies.

  • Tyche's Obol - an ancient coin attuned to the goddess of luck, Tyche. Millions can use it to influence whether certain possibilities and chances will play out in a certain way; heads-up means they will be beneficial to him, tails-up means they will be detrimental to his foes.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Dorm-mate: None

Bio: He's the guy who bullies all the other kids for no reason, so that they can have edgy backstories.

Name: Ryan


Gender: Male



Ryan can use magic.

He can learn new skillsets extremely fast.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Dormmate: N/A(for now)

Appearance: Ryan is a tall, lean red headed guy. He has short hair, which he spikes up in the front. He is very pale since he stays in his room most of the time. Ryan's green eyes and long nose can be seen a mile away. He also has small lips and small ears as well. Ryan is kind of handsome even though he does not describe himself that way.


Ryan is a very friendly person. He is also selfless as well as curious. He has a very brave personality, but can be shy at times as well as very protective. But he never uses his magic (Sorry for being bland. I usually build the character during the RP)


Ryan had a normal life till he found out he could do magic. It happened out of no where. He was being chased by a dog down a street. In a blink of a eye, the dog was dead on the ground. No blood anywhere. Just scorched marks on the dog. From that day on he tries to hide his magic because of the fear of hurting others. Till one day he found this school.


N/A (for now)


N/A (for now)

Extra info:
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Neuton said:
Name: Ryan

Gender: Male



Ryan can use magic.

He can learn new skillsets extremely fast.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Dormmate: N/A(for now)

Appearance: Ryan is a tall, lean red headed guy. He has short hair, which he spikes up in the front. He is very pale since he stays in his room most of the time. Ryan's green eyes and long nose can be seen a mile away. He also has small lips and small ears as well. Ryan is kind of handsome even though he does not describe himself that way.


Ryan is a very friendly person. He is also selfless as well as curious. He has a very brave personality, but can be shy at times as well as very protective. But he never uses his magic (Sorry for being bland. I usually build the character during the RP)


Ryan had a normal life till he found out he could do magic. It happened out of no where. He was being chased by a dog down a street. In a blink of a eye, the dog was dead on the ground. No blood anywhere. Just scorched marks on the dog. From that day on he tries to hide his magic because of the fear of hurting others. Till one day he found this school.


N/A (for now)


N/A (for now)

Extra info:
Character Sheet

Name: Melchior

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Powers/Abilities: Melchior is a young vampire who was bitten against his will, but he is determined to finish his education. He possesses all of these abilities:

- Heightened senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing)

- Speed (he can move so fast that he becomes a blur)

- Strength (he is stronger than a regular person but not strong enough to pick up cars or anything crazy)

- Self-healing (his injuries heal much faster than a human's/he can also heal someone by giving them his blood)

- Defying gravity (i.e., climbing flat surfaces, levitating, and standing on the ceiling)

- Stealth (he can move without making any sound)

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Dormmate: n/a

Appearance: Melchior is slightly below average height, with long black hair, huge dark eyes, pale skin, and full, soft lips. He likes to wear dark colors and sunglasses, combat boots, and almost never takes off his black leather gloves.

Personality: Melchior may seem cold and distant, but in truth he is careful with showing his emotions to people because he doesn't trust easily. He is also calm in emergencies and quick to make decisions. He is independent and almost never waits for someone else to do or say something before he makes up his mind. It is nearly impossible to make him mad, but when he does get angry, he loses control and starts destroying everything in his path. He also has a very clear sense of right and wrong, which is why he only feeds on someone if they agree to it.

Bio: Melchior came from a middle class family in a small town. He was a high achieving student with excellent grades and the student body president before the vampire attacked him. The night he was bitten, he was walking home with friends and they thought it would be fun to take a short-cut through the graveyard. They laughed at first until they heard a sound, and then, one by one, Melchior's friends started to drop like flies. A fast-moving shadow was attacking them and sucking them dry.

Finally, the shadow got to him and savagely bit his neck. But the vampire was already full and it stopped just before it killed Melchior. Then the vampire smiled and said, "You are lucky that I cannot drink anymore. Now you will become like me, a vampire." Then he buried Melchior in a grave with an amulet and told him that when he came out to never take off the amulet because it would protect him from the sun.

Melchior awoke three nights later and went home. His parents were relieved, the police had found all his friend's bodies but there had been no trace of their son and they had feared the worst. But Melchior told them he could not stay. They had a long discussion and Melchior convinced them to let him go away to school. What he didn't tell them was that he couldn't stay because they reminded him too much of what he used to be and he did not feel like the same person anymore. And so he left to finish his education.

Dating/lover: none

Bestfriend/buddy: none

Extra info: Melchior always liked knives and has a large collection of them. He keeps a few knifes hidden on his person at all times and he is practiced with throwing them and fighting with them.
WitchBoy said:
Character Sheet
Name: Melchior

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Powers/Abilities: Melchior is a young vampire who was bitten against his will, but he is determined to finish his education. He possesses all of these abilities:

- Heightened senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing)

- Speed (he can move so fast that he becomes a blur)

- Strength (he is stronger than a regular person but not strong enough to pick up cars or anything crazy)

- Self-healing (his injuries heal much faster than a human's/he can also heal someone by giving them his blood)

- Defying gravity (i.e., climbing flat surfaces, levitating, and standing on the ceiling)

- Stealth (he can move without making any sound)

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Dormmate: n/a

Appearance: Melchior is slightly below average height, with long black hair, huge dark eyes, pale skin, and full, soft lips. He likes to wear dark colors and sunglasses, combat boots, and almost never takes off his black leather gloves.

Personality: Melchior may seem cold and distant, but in truth he is careful with showing his emotions to people because he doesn't trust easily. He is also calm in emergencies and quick to make decisions. He is independent and almost never waits for someone else to do or say something before he makes up his mind. It is nearly impossible to make him mad, but when he does get angry, he loses control and starts destroying everything in his path. He also has a very clear sense of right and wrong, which is why he only feeds on someone if they agree to it.

Bio: Melchior came from a middle class family in a small town. He was a high achieving student with excellent grades and the student body president before the vampire attacked him. The night he was bitten, he was walking home with friends and they thought it would be fun to take a short-cut through the graveyard. They laughed at first until they heard a sound, and then, one by one, Melchior's friends started to drop like flies. A fast-moving shadow was attacking them and sucking them dry.

Finally, the shadow got to him and savagely bit his neck. But the vampire was already full and it stopped just before it killed Melchior. Then the vampire smiled and said, "You are lucky that I cannot drink anymore. Now you will become like me, a vampire." Then he buried Melchior in a grave with an amulet and told him that when he came out to never take off the amulet because it would protect him from the sun.

Melchior awoke three nights later and went home. His parents were relieved, the police had found all his friend's bodies but there had been no trace of their son and they had feared the worst. But Melchior told them he could not stay. They had a long discussion and Melchior convinced them to let him go away to school. What he didn't tell them was that he couldn't stay because they reminded him too much of what he used to be and he did not feel like the same person anymore. And so he left to finish his education.

Dating/lover: none

Bestfriend/buddy: none

Extra info: Melchior always liked knives and has a large collection of them. He keeps a few knifes hidden on his person at all times and he is practiced with throwing them and fighting with them.
Character Sheet

Name:Kiri kotohamaru




Powers/Abilities:Biju,nine tails,and rasengan.


Dormmate:none yet

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.82169d8bb49adec866ffba2d05c425a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.82169d8bb49adec866ffba2d05c425a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personalty:Hungry,fearless,and funny.

Bio:Kiri's dad and mother died before he could even get to know them he doesn't even know their name. His father gave him something called the nine tails and then people didnt want to be his friends and then as he got older he gained new friends.He has a best friend-rival which is sasuke uchia they became friends as they got older as they got older their unique powers in them got stronger the nine tails is now bijuu and kiri knows how to control the nine tails and he figured the name which is kurama. They are now 17.

Dating/lover:none yet.


Extra info:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.92bfca1dbdc799b5e8a2382b7d4d59db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.jpg.92bfca1dbdc799b5e8a2382b7d4d59db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.90469b8916c627c38ba877da23162d18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.90469b8916c627c38ba877da23162d18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Queen of Fantasy



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"I'm, Jonik Aemys, it's very nice to meet you."


"I'm 17 years old."


"I've been called out with female pronouns before, but believe me I am a boy."


"I'm a mutant, sort of like what you would see in marvel comics, ha ha."


"I don't like saying control, so lets just say that I can talk to plants and that they kindly aid me when I need them."


"Ah, I'm homoflexible"


"I'm not exactly sure, yet."


(Artist could not be found. Couldn't find the source.)



Kind, indecisive, shy, obedient, gullible, oblivious.


He was always made fun of for talking to the plants around him, and people teased him by stomping on them. As he grew older the bond between him and the plants became stronger and he learned how to control them. Since he is blind, the plants help tell where to and not to go, some like to tease him though and tells him to go a certain way, making him run into obstacles and such, which is why you would usually see him hurt. His mother was the one who new that he had an incredible power and brought him to this school. (Kinds short, sorry.)


"Wh-What?? Of course n-not." (?///?///?)


"I don't have one, yet. Oh wait, do the plants count?!"

Extra info:

"Oh, I'm blind, does that count?"

(By the way, will you be the one telling us who our room mates will be? Or will it be determined by ourselves?)
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xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx said:

(By the way, will you be the one telling us who our room mates will be? Or will it be determined by ourselves?)

Extra info:
You can just ask then bunk with someone
xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx said:


"I'm, Jonik Aemys, it's very nice to meet you."


"I'm 17 years old."


"I've been called out with female pronouns before, but believe me I am a boy."


"I'm a mutant, sort of like what you would see in marvel comics, ha ha."


"I don't like saying control, so lets just say that I can talk to plants and that they kindly aid me when I need them."


"Ah, I'm homoflexible"


"I'm not exactly sure, yet."


(Artist could not be found. Couldn't find the source.)



Kind, indecisive, shy, obedient, gullible, oblivious.


He was always made fun of for talking to the plants around him, and people teased him by stomping on them. As he grew older the bond between him and the plants became stronger and he learned how to control them. Since he is blind, the plants help tell where to and not to go, some like to tease him though and tells him to go a certain way, making him run into obstacles and such, which is why you would usually see him hurt. His mother was the one who new that he had an incredible power and brought him to this school. (Kinds short, sorry.)


"Wh-What?? Of course n-not." (?///?///?)


"I don't have one, yet. Oh wait, do the plants count?!"

Extra info:

"Oh, I'm blind, does that count?"

(By the way, will you be the one telling us who our room mates will be? Or will it be determined by ourselves?)
Name: Thomas Handell

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers/Abilities: Ultimate Knowledge, Invisibility, Super Speed.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dormmate: Uhhh...Looking for one?



Personalty: Kind and Gentle hearted, Thomas easily gets shy and embarrassed, he is the underdog in most classes, and usually the guy who gets picked on, doesn't have a lot of friends, Thomas always wants some.

Bio: Thomas is very kind to all but doesn't get much friends cuz he's an underdog, nerd, and probably the guy who always gets picked on. He is friendly to animals and gentle with nature. He wants to make friends even if nobody else does.

Dating/lover: N/A

Bestfriend/buddy: N/A

Extra info: Has a pet dog, Cinammon.

Has a blog, "Flowers Up Close"

An orphan living in the Orphanage of The Gifted.
Name: Andrea Blake

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Shapeshifter

Powers/Abilities: Can change into anyone of anything she chooses this also includes specific body parts (e.g. can turn arm/hand into some form of bladed weapon)

Sexuality: Asexual

Dormmate: (If you could choose for me that would help alot)

Appearance: (Artist - Keiichi Kunishige)


Personalty: Quite Sociopathic in other words she lacks a Moral Conscience and tends to be quite antisocial and can also be manipulative and lies quite a lot if it is to get something she wants but she deems this as her being normal.

Bio: She was born into a prestigous family her father was the head of an oil company which earned billions per year and her mother worked as the head of a womans charity that helped women in need (imagine Mrs Birling from An Inspector Calls but less of a douche) her family owned a quite expensive masion Andrea however was quiet and hardly ever spoke during meals she was homeschooled by her own nanny but unbeknowst to her parents Andreas nanny abused her constantly mentally and phsyically which left a mental scar in the back of her mind which is quite possibly the main reason of her developing into a sociopath the abuse carried on for years until the 22nd of March 2014 when Andreas first sign of shapeshifting occured when she turned her hand into a butcher knife and massacared the entire of the mansions population cept her parents which she kept alive Andrea then fled the mansion and has been a wanderer ever since.

Dating/lover: N/A

Bestfriend/buddy: N/A
Character Sheet

Name: Solar Young

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Species: Human..... probably?

Powers/Abilities: abbility to teleport short distences in flashes of light. create light, shoot light at things and make things shine for limited time

Sexuality: male

Dormmate: (no one yet)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Solar.jpg.a6acd58edc1386515a3da9b6e3576561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116617" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Solar.jpg.a6acd58edc1386515a3da9b6e3576561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personalty:Charming, inspiring, friendly , sympathetic

Bio: raised, loved, taught well and not stereotypicaly abused sent to school for education. done

Dating/lover: (blank)

Bestfriend/buddy: trys to be friends with every one



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