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Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

Heiji Obata

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2.jpg.0b640765f9433ea54bf3176e306892f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2.jpg.0b640765f9433ea54bf3176e306892f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'8"

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: Irish

Species: Dragon (Green Dragonflight)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83380396_2Dragon.jpg.3a4ee80801baa37813602917b51b3168.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83380396_2Dragon.jpg.3a4ee80801baa37813602917b51b3168.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush or Bf/Gf: "I think about it now and then... but last time I did that things ended bad."

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Lazy, Curious, Charismatic, Easily lost in thought

Station: Waiter


(I hope you add a tab for this stuff)

Green dragons are creatures of the Emerald Dream, the ethereal dreamworld that all life is tied to. From there the green flight watches over nature, often assisted by the night elven druids. The dragons and druids work closely together within the dream where they can control the ebb and flow of nature and influence the evolutionary path it takes. Greens are, like the other flights, highly intelligent and always striving to learn more about the world they were entrusted to protect, fretting out the mysteries of creation and life - but keeping all such secrets hidden within the Emerald Dream. As a result the greens are often the least interested about happenings in the mortal realm and must often have any major events brought to their attention by the dragons of other flights.

Dragons of the green flight are highly reclusive, and the most difficult to find on the mortal realm. The green dragonflight is a peaceful, meditative society and most greens spend their time in quiet contemplation and the study of dreams, interacting with creatures of myth and illusion. A surprisingly swift flight, they often move quickly, teleporting through the dream to wherever their thoughts lead. Time is meaningless inside the Dream and as a result the green dragonflight is extremely long-lived. Ysera's consorts in particular almost never emerge and are effectively immortal.



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"I got a secret..."

Devilinne M. Orchid


Height: 3,9"

Gender: Female

Age: 9

Nationality: German

Species: Witch

Crush: "Mommy said No!"

Bf/Gf: *Shakes Head*




•Devi is as shy as a butterfly though she is also fragile as one too

•Even though she's seems good she's actually a mini devi

•If you see her bad side she'll act all crazy and evil

Station: Entertainer


Other: Her aunt is Maggie, is usually on her broom. Either sings or performs tricks&Spells

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Iwata Misaki










Haunting Wraith








Misaki is very cold and hard to get along with, seeing as she has the ultimate attitude. However, she means well (sometimes) so once you get on her good side - if you can still stand strong without being turned away by her frozen everything - she'll keep you close.


She enjoys the diversity of people, and the calm that comes from it. She's all for observation.



V. Marvelo


Height: 5'8"

Gender: Male

(Looks like a female)

Age: 21

Nationality: Japanese

Species: Bunny

Crush: Shhh

Bf/Gf: *Ears Twitch*




•Alex spends his time listening to music so he's not very social

• Acts kinda girly and shy

•Very brave and takes things offensive easily

Station: Costumer

Why you come to the Cafe:

He loves to spend his time listening to music there. He adores the ramen and icecream.


Alexandra Vesper Marvelo born on a snowy day. Parents are Maria and Logan Marvelo. Alex was born into a poor family and given birth to in a cabin with only a unexperienced doctor. Due to the fact that Alex looked like a baby girl her parents named her as a Girl. Though over the years she revieled to be a boy. This was a surprise to most childhood friends so Alex just kept the fact that she was a girl. Alex's parents were killed in a car reck so he was sent to an orphanage at 6.

Other: Usually listening to the violin or piano in her headphones.


Name: Aleksandr "Alek" Hasterman

Height: 5'10"

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Nationality: German/Czech, raised in Canada.

Species: Vodnik

Crush: Bf/Gf: N/A

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: Stoic and calm

Station: Customer

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a customer): To wind down after work, pick up on goings on, and enjoy some music

Background(Optional): Alek's father was a Vodnik, a freshwater spirit, and his mother was a Selkie. According to his father, he was rafting down a tributary of the Rhine one day and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was far downriver and getting closer to the sea. On a beach, he noticed a beautiful selkie picking flowers, and he stole her coat, which by Selkie tradition meant she had to marry him. They had Alek about a year later. When Alek was three, his mother recovered her coat while his father slept and returned to the sea. Distraught, as he had thought her to be at least a little in love with him, Alek's father resolved to become a worthier man, as he believed his lazy ways are what drove her away. They moved to Canada where his father bought some land out in the country and started a successful farm, also using his abilities to find natural springs and piping the water to other local farms. Alek grew up and admired his father's example, deciding to forgo the typical stereotypes associated with Vodnici (lazy, typically loan sharks, landlords or low-level bureaucrats/local government officials). He enlisted in the Canadian Army and eventually joined the IRTF. After a few years, he was contacted by a representative of the Special Operative Defense Force, who explained that the SODF was a private and government funded organization that investigated supernatural beings that presented potential threats to humans and the supernatural community. He signed up with them and it wasn't long before he realized that "investigate and provide intel to appropriate authorities" was often superceded by the less stated objective of "eliminate potential or imminent threats" when it came to dealing with dangerous supernatural elements. Alek was particularly involved with many interdiction, hostage rescue and counter-terrorism operations against groups such as the Purple Diamonds, the Blood Collective, Cernunnos' Hounds, the GreyCoats, and the illegal magic and biological research group known as Manticore. However, all that is in the past now. Alek left the SODF about two years ago and joined the Ersatz City police department, where he quickly impressed his superiors with his investigative, interrogative, and paramilitary skills and was made a detective. After a year, he was transferred to the Marigold Valley Police Department to become their new Head Detective. Alek has settled comfortably into this life, as much as someone like him can, and enjoys his job. He makes frequent stops at Maggie's cafe when he has the time. He met Maggie once a while back and unbeknownst to her, helped warn of members of the Blood Collective who were interested in enlisting her support for their criminal organization. His original concern lead to him checking up on her now and again, which eventually settled into a habit of patronage for her business.

Other: As a Vodnik, whenever he gets water on his skin, it turns dark green with small black scales in random places while his hair turns a pale green. His hands also become webbed and gills grow behind his ears all the way down the sides of his throat. Salt water ordinarily would make a Vodnik terribly sick, but since his mother was a Selkie, it merely causes him minor irritation, like an itch. He is capable of absorbing water through his skin and breathing underwater. He has a dislike and distrust of vampires, but makes an exception for Maggie, although he treats her vampiric nature with distrust and is always looking out to make sure she can control herself in spite of his familiar attitude with her. He carries a number of weapons, but tries to keep them hidden to avoid making people uncomfortable and favors a modified H&K M23 loaded with .45 ACP Hollowpoint rounds cast in silver with a steel core (for fey creatures and supernatural monsters alike). He has a strong penchant for chai tea and enjoys cloudy, overcast days and rainy weather.

*edited profile pic to something more anime like
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Name: Dalavasta Pokie Goyton


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.ed2fe5397d3755a7771f4969c0367c26.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.ed2fe5397d3755a7771f4969c0367c26.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'6


Age:- 16

Nationality: Japenese


Crush: "ugh, relationships are stupid!"

Sexuality: hetero

Personality: sweet, welcoming, outgoing, party gal, kind, undeniably flirty.

Station: Waitress!

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer):



Name: Lynn 'Violin' Halso


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0074adcbbe5705e21c1a355a672f1cca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0074adcbbe5705e21c1a355a672f1cca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'0

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Nationality: Merica!

Species: Siren

Crush: "I rather spend my life performing for no one than date!"

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: welcoming, kind, sweetheart, secretive, carefree

Station: Entertainment (singer and violinist)

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer):


Other: this appears over her violin when she plays. Even though it's just a normal violin:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.94d7591528681e84d249cad623afcfe4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.94d7591528681e84d249cad623afcfe4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LilyannaGaming said:
View attachment 245489 Name: Dalavasta Pokie Goyton

View attachment 245485

Height: 5'6


Age:- 16

Nationality: Japenese


Crush: "ugh, relationships are stupid!"

Sexuality: hetero

Personality: sweet, welcoming, outgoing, party gal, kind, undeniably flirty.

Station: Waitress!

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer):


We're overfilled with watering staff at the moment talk to the GM @Bella Bloomet about it
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Name: David.

Height: 5'10.

Gender: Male.

Age: Twenty.

Nationality: Chilean.

Species: Ghost.

Crush: None.

Relationships: None.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Calm and collected, he doesn't let things bother him too much.

Station: Customer.

Why I want to come to the Cafe: The food is pretty good. Also needs some leads as to how he died.

Background: All he can remember is that he lived in Chile, his name is David, and he died to something sharp.

Other: Loves dogs.


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