Supernatural <3

Flame in the Roses

Elder Member
This is about many supernatural people from the same place but different towns as they (in the story) one day meet each other. Some with hatred of the other, some with friendship. You decide what should be! (Note: anyone can join at anytime so hop right into the roleplay :P and be who you want to be)






Small Back Story (don't have to do this part if you don't want to):




Name:Rose Vibrante

Creature: Vampire

Age: 18 (150 in real years :P )

Small Back Story (don't have to do this part if you don't want to): Her mother was killed by a werewolf and her father was killed by vampire hunters, they have mistaken him as a vampire when he wasn't, but his daughter Rose was.

gf/bf/crush: Unknown for now...

Personality: Secretive about her past, shy but acts herself once she gets to know someone, very jumpy at times, always careful about who she talks to, is an art fanatic and a writer working on a book.


Other: She is very quiet and friendly. Is terrified of all werewolves or vampire hunters, her eyes can glow bright vibrant fire colors like light orange, yellow, or even dark blue all mixed in one, making her eyes look like they lit on fire. 
-wakes up from her bed and looks at the clock to see it was 9:35 am, gets up and takes a shower and puts on her make-up as she brushes her hair and then walks downstairs all dressed in her black jacket, dark blue jeans, shirt with a picture of fire on it, and her shiny new black leather boots- Ahh, morning Miali -pets her black cat with yellow eyes (that is Miali)-
Name: Anri Leibain

Creature: Half Banshee/Human

Age: 19 (27)

Small Back Story: Mother was a Banshee, Father a hunter. Raised by hunters who work with freindlier monsters, vampires etc, to eliminate the evil ones.

gf/bf/crush: Unknown

Personality: A little shy at first, and initially wary of trust, but opens up quickly once she knows someone, and becomes fiercely loyal to them. Prepared for many situations, good at keeping cool, but when she does loose it, gets panicked and makes worse decisions.

Appearance: Fairly tall, with pale skin and blue eyes without pupils or whites to them. Long pale gold hair, wears a formal dress, but with jacket and hunting tools

Other:Dislikes cats.

Anri was in town after reports of a vampire like creature in town, and unfortunatly, that meant she'd been working through most of the night to find out where it was.

It it was freindly, cool, no problem; she'd pass on a few concealment tips, maybe even stop and have lunch with it.

If they'd been hurting people, things would be...less pleasant.

(Hope thats alright, sounds fun :) )
(sounds cool) -goes to the kitchen as she pulls out a milk cartan and talks to her cat Miali- Are you hungry? -pours some milk into the cat's bowl, it fills half of the bowl and the cat drinks it as Rose Vibrante sighs-
Anri stifled a yawn before walking to the house the Vampire was supposed to live in.

She wrinkled her nose up in distaste as she saw a cat flap. Since it was the middle of the day, and there was no actual direct evidence the vampire was up to no good, she decided against breaking in, and knocked on the door a few times, just like you might visiting a freind.

Name: Electra (Elli) Saluagius

Creature: Werewolf

Age: 17 1/2

Small Back Story (don't have to do this part if you don't want to): Born and raised in a werewolf family under her father, the alpha dog, until a feud between her fathers pack and her step brothers caused her to flee from her family to seek refuge among men until the feud was settled, but Electra wanted to stay and fight.

gf/bf/crush: Unknown

Personality: Very tough and sarcastic but is very loyal. Is very impatient and fast acting.

Appearance: Dark brown, almost black, hair with matching brown eyes. Is slightly paler than normal. Wears an old gray t-shirt with unreadable logo worn off and a black tie washed jacket with old ripped jeans and dark brown leather boots. And she's a bit short. Not by much though.

Other: May seem very collected and put together, but is actually really clumsy. (and she dislikes vampires but that's a little obvious seeing is, she's a werewolf :P )

Electra walked through town with her thumbs in her front pockets looking for a hotel of some sort. She stopped when she felt a strange sensation go through her. Like something wasn't right. Her instincts told her there was an enemy near. She quickened her pace to engulf herself into a more crowed side of the street.
-hears the knocking on the door and thinks: Who would be wanting to knock on my door? hmm I'll just be kind. walks to the door and opens it- Hello -smiles to be kind to the person- 
(awesome start emilee! :D )
"Hey, uh..." Anri coughed and looked at her feet. Maybe knocking handnt been the best plan, she was kind of shy face to face unless she was attempting to kill someone.

" not very good at lying, and im kinda hungry, so i'll get to the point...are you like, eating people and stuff? Because if you are, I can just like, kill you now and then go and get some breakfast. S'cool if you arent. Speaking of eating, d'you know anywhere nearby that does food?"
I don't eat people at all -looks at her truthfully and questioning- Oh and there is a breakfast restaurant nearby, just go to the road and turn left at the stop light and you'll see it. 
"Oh! Thats good, then!" she said, perking up at the news.

"Im sorry...that wasn't very good, was it. It's uh, it's my first time on recon. I usually just jump in once we know someones bad."

She kicked at the ground a few seconds awkwardly.

"Umm...oh! Im Elri." she said, holding out her hand, taking her at face value. "Have you...lived here long?"
"Cool, uh, you are a vampire arent you? I must look totally nuts if you're not. Im a Banshee by the way. Okay, cool. Well theres a few things you could do to hide the fact youre here. Theres some...less forgiving hunters than me out there."
Electra walked with the crowd of people while slowly inching away from the street into the building walls until she could slip away unoticed by anyone. She quickly made her way through the alley ways and across some peoples lawns until she felt a pang of danger hit her chest like a ton of bricks. She put her back up against the nearest house, slowling opening the houses window and slinking inside into a small kitchen.
Oh alright -smiles- Well would you like to come in if you want? -she moves to the left of the doorway and motions the clean and small apartment-
"Um, sure..if it's no trouble." She stomped her boots firmly outside the door, then stepped in.

"Nice place." she commented, looking around.
She heard voices from the front of the house.

"crap" She thought.

She then felt along the wall and slid into a cabinet left cracked open and slowly closed it shut.
"Sure, i'd love some!" she said happily.

Frowning, she looked around.

"Is uh, is there only you living here? Because I can sense two deaths counting down...althought, one seems to be from a cat or something..."
(oooooooooooooooooooohhhhh okay sorry) 
-looks at her confused-Yeah I'm the only one living here. I don't really know who lived in here before me. all I know is that He was really secretive. Come here Miali come here! -she picks up Miali and pets her soft furry head- aww that's a good kitty -places her down and Miali purrs and runs off into the living room- 
-gives her a coffee cup full of coffee- would you like some creamer? i have Vanilla, Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamin Bun, which one do you want? -pours vanilla creamer in Rose's coffee cup and takes a sip-
Anri shivered slightly at the cats presence, but managed to stop herself from screaming, which would have been inconvienent. And rude, considering she'd have broken most of the girls funiture by doing so.

"Okay, that's cool. So..." she fished around for a topic.

"Is...your hair colour natural? It's really nice. Nah, plain coffees fine for me, thanks."

"Daniel, why don't you go make some coffee for me dear." said an old womans voice from outside the cupard.

"Alright." replied a mans voice.

Electra held her breath as she could hear the footsteps of someone walking towards the cabinet. She heard the pouring of coffee and then clanking of the a spoon in a mug and then the footsteps of the man faded back to the other room. Only then did Electra slowly alow herself to breath again.

She then crawled out of the cupard and into another room, oposite of were the man came from, and opened another window climing onto the fire escape of the apartment building next door.

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