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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Chuck made a shadow ball and chain that locked the shadow in place. "now come sit on the couch and I'll tell you about why I'm bringing the continent's together and changing history."

(Is he seriously bringing Pangaea back?)
Chuck made a shadow ball and chain that locked the shadow in place. "now come sit on the couch and I'll tell you about why I'm bringing the continent's together and changing history."
Kala nodded going over to the couch and sat down Her shadow tried to move the ball and chain, it was clear it wasn't happy to what was going on.
"I dont know my werewolf senses are more enhanced than a normal person, mostly smells just come in stronger like when we went to find espresso in italy" Maddy said.
"Then let me try searching for them. I could try sensing their energies." She replied
Kala nodded going over to the couch and sat down Her shadow tried to move the ball and chain, it was clear it wasn't happy to what was going on.
"So I'm going to have the continent's crash together and then move up to make a super mountain for me to build a throne on. From there I'll separate the heroes of the world and pick them off one by one and restore any of the funones to life so I can torment them for the foreseeable future. Once I claim this place I will be able to bring others of my kind here."
"So I'm going to have the continent's crash together and then move up to make a super mountain for me to build a throne on. From there I'll separate the heroes of the world and pick them off one by one and restore any of the funones to life so I can torment them for the foreseeable future. Once I claim this place I will be able to bring others of my kind here."
"I did not know there were others like you." Kala said
"So I'm going to have the continent's crash together and then move up to make a super mountain for me to build a throne on. From there I'll separate the heroes of the world and pick them off one by one and restore any of the funones to life so I can torment them for the foreseeable future. Once I claim this place I will be able to bring others of my kind here."

(Anna might have to go recruit some Dru's, lol)
"I did not know there were others like you." Kala said
"not many but a few. When we get bored or break rules we end up sent to these dimensions in your so called multiverse and are cursed until we aren't."
Cole was walking down the street to meet up with his friend Jacob. While walking he began to think about where his friend would take him. Finally after about an hour of walking Cole met up with Jacob.
Chuck smiled "as we speak Dru is out and about putting the world to sleep so that he may help in my efforts and serve as a distraction for the heroes of the world."

(no no feel free to bring more Dru's)
"And what would you like me to do? Get rid of some heroes?" She asked. Hearing that her shadow started to pull at the shadowball and chain frantically. Kala turned. "You're not going anywhere"
Cole was walking down the street to meet up with his friend Jacob. While walking he began to think about where his friend would take him. Finally after about an hour of walking Cole met up with Jacob.
(ill try to come up with something soon for you unless someone else replies)

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