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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"It did seem to be yeah." The Doctor said Solemnly. "It seems that you have a very long ways to until you die." He said. He walked into the room and hung uo his trench coat. He looked at the TV.."That'll not.do at all." He pulled out the Sonic and pointed it at the small machine that was projecting the TV He pressed the button and thete was a buzzing noise. The TV began to play old episodes of Tom and Jerry.
"So... I own this hotel?" He asked, still confused "I never saw myself in real estate... I was more interested in law."
"So... I own this hotel?" He asked, still confused "I never saw myself in real estate... I was more interested in law."
"Well... Either that or it's some descendant of yours that looks very like yourself."
"You want to go look for him?" Allyson said. Fate set down her food. "I can go."
Peter nodded. "Would you please?" He said.
Vilgax jumped through them, using the force to catapult himself at Air strike
Airstrike had no expected this move. He barely moved out of the way. "How did you get here? Did you follow me somehow?" He asked.
"Well... Either that or it's some descendant of yours that looks very like yourself."
Peter nodded. "Would you please?" He said.
Airstrike had no expected this move. He barely moved out of the way. "How did you get here? Did you follow me somehow?" He asked.
Fate puts back up her hood and heads out of the house. Her cat follows.
"Well... Either that or it's some descendant of yours that looks very like yourself."
Peter nodded. "Would you please?" He said.
Airstrike had no expected this move. He barely moved out of the way. "How did you get here? Did you follow me somehow?" He asked.

"I am always tracking the omnitrix" Vilgax stated as he hammerfisted airstrike
"I am always tracking the omnitrix" Vilgax stated as he hammerfisted airstrike
"Blah Blah Blah. Omnitrix this Omnitrix that. This one won't even work for you." Aorstike said before getting hit. He tapped the Omnitrix dial again.


"Upchuck!" The alien yelled.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
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"Well... Either that or it's some descendant of yours that looks very like yourself."
Peter nodded. "Would you please?" He said.
Airstrike had no expected this move. He barely moved out of the way. "How did you get here? Did you follow me somehow?" He asked.
"Why don't we find out? See if there is a channel talking about me or my grand kid..." He said as he examined the TV hologram.
"Delight this!" Chormatone roared shooting a beam kf energy at Vilgax.

(I'm having fun)

Vilgax punched the ground causing a slab of concrete to rise up, taking the hit from the beam, then in the dust Vilgax came up behind Ben and grabbed the back of his head and thrusted him into the ground
(I'm having fun)

Vilgax punched the ground causing a slab of concrete to rise up, taking the hit from the beam, then in the dust Vilgax came up behind Ben and grabbed the back of his head and thrusted him into the ground
Chromastone was forced onto the ground. He slwoly tapped the Omniverse dial.


"Cannonbolt." The alien rolled into a ball and began to spin incredibly fast in attempt to force Vilgax to lose his grip.
Chromastone was forced onto the ground. He slwoly tapped the Omniverse dial.


"Cannonbolt." The alien rolled into a ball and began to spin incredibly fast in attempt to force Vilgax to lose his grip.

Vilgax held on until he saw cannonbolt get fast enough, then let go cuasing him to slam into some of the concrete columns holding up the building
Vilgax held on until he saw cannonbolt get fast enough, then let go cuasing him to slam into some of the concrete columns holding up the building
The Alien tore right through the column and then drifted chs gimg direction heading straight for Vilgax. (I really want you to make Vilgax actually be a thing just so I can see how he fairs against everyone else)

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