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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Legion laughed as he waved his hand, and more and more Grimm appeared from the pools of goo, until he had them outnumbered
"Legion surrender." Diana said looking at him. "You're out numbered."
A large snowball falls from high in the air, crushing some of the Grimm. Eris stands at the edge of the building she was on with her arms folded.

"Curses...I knew I should've waited until the snowball was big enough to smash them all. Then again, they may have been spread out too far by then." She says to herself before adding a shrug. "Oh well. I'll take what I can get."
Butch flew around and patrolled the city looking for some action
A large snowball falls from high in the air, crushing some of the Grimm. Eris stands at the edge of the building she was on with her arms folded.

"Curses...I knew I should've waited until the snowball was big enough to smash them all. Then again, they may have been spread out too far by then." She says to herself before adding a shrug. "Oh well. I'll take what I can get."
Allyson had gotten over to the fight. "nice attack."
There was still several grim creatures everywhere.
(Thanks. There’s really not much for me to do because Matt’s benched. Butch has been out of action for so long, and Viserok is broken)

Butch pushed a button and let loose a barrage of rockets at the grims as he flew by. He needed to find whoever made these things and scratch their nether regions off.
"anything you would like me to do." She said watching Dru and Ben attack Legion.
"Think you can cover me?" She asked. "I can bolster everyone's defenses, but it leaves me immobile for the most part. Of course, I could provide back-up for you as well if you want to go on the offensive."
"Think you can cover me?" She asked. "I can bolster everyone's defenses, but it leaves me immobile for the most part. Of course, I could provide back-up for you as well if you want to go on the offensive."
Allyson hit her shield with her her knuckles. "It's what this thing can do. I can give you cover."
(Thanks. There’s really not much for me to do because Matt’s benched. Butch has been out of action for so long, and Viserok is broken)

Butch pushed a button and let loose a barrage of rockets at the grims as he flew by. He needed to find whoever made these things and scratch their nether regions off.
Some other the creatures got hit while others dodged.
"Think you can cover me?" She asked. "I can bolster everyone's defenses, but it leaves me immobile for the most part. Of course, I could provide back-up for you as well if you want to go on the offensive."
Allyson hit her shield with her her knuckles. "It's what this thing can do. I can give you cover."
Feedback jumped over to them. "If it's a shield you need." He said. He tapped the Omnitrix symbol and transformed into a 20 foot tall lizard like alien.


"HUMUNGOSAUR!" The large alien shouted. "How about an alien with rock hard skin."
Allyson hit her shield with her her knuckles. "It's what this thing can do. I can give you cover."
Feedback jumped over to them. "If it's a shield you need." He said. He tapped the Omnitrix symbol and transformed into a 20 foot tall lizard like alien.


"HUMUNGOSAUR!" The large alien shouted. "How about an alien with rock hard skin."
Eris nods and drops to her knees, placing both hands on the ground and sending ice trails down the building towards everyone that wasn't the Grimm. She looks at Humongosaur.

"Marvelous." She says while drawing in the winds blowing through the dome.
Feedback jumped over to them. "If it's a shield you need." He said. He tapped the Omnitrix symbol and transformed into a 20 foot tall lizard like alien.


"HUMUNGOSAUR!" The large alien shouted. "How about an alien with rock hard skin."
Eris nods and drops to her knees, placing both hands on the ground and sending ice trails down the building towards everyone that wasn't the Grimm. She looks at Humongosaur.

"Marvelous." She says while drawing in the winds blowing through the dome.
"Looks like you got two shields now." Allyson said for a second she zoned out. "Ben watch out." A nevermore was about to come at him.

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