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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Jeremy looked at her sadly. "Trust me. This is something he needs to do." He said.
Eris looks at Jeremy confused as she pleads her case.

"That doesn't mean I can't be out there with him! Besides, Legion isn't our only problem right now and we have a half-dozen of us on the battlefield at any given time. You don't seriously think I'm gonna be content with just sitting on the bench hoping somebody comes back with good news, do you?"
Eris looks at Jeremy confused as she pleads her case.

"That doesn't mean I can't be out there with him! Besides, Legion isn't our only problem right now and we have a half-dozen of us on the battlefield at any given time. You don't seriously think I'm gonna be content with just sitting on the bench hoping somebody comes back with good news, do you?"
"I don't." Jeremy said. He gave her a teleportation device. "But he expects me to leave you here which exactly what I'm gonna do. You can say you found this." He said placing it on her hand. "This absolutely positively won't transport you back to the battlefield." He said with a sly smile.
"I don't." Jeremy said. He gave her a teleportation device. "But he expects me to leave you here which exactly what I'm gonna do. You can say you found this." He said placing it on her hand. "This absolutely positively won't transport you back to the battlefield." He said with a sly smile.
Eris gives Jeremy a tight hug and then lets him go. She stares at the teleportation device.

"Well played, good sir." She says with a smirk. "Perhaps you know a way to fix my finger so I can get back out there sooner?"
(Also sorry if I've been slow on the posts guys, been trying to kill the predator in ghost recon wildlands, and hes kicking my ass)
Eris gives Jeremy a tight hug and then lets him go. She stares at the teleportation device.

"Well played, good sir." She says with a smirk. "Perhaps you know a way to fix my finger so I can get back out there sooner?"
Maddy walked over. " that's my job as the house doctor." She laughed and healed her finger. Allyson grabbed her gear. "I say let's all head out. Ana think you could heal all the corrupted?" Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Dragunov Dragunov
Eris gives Jeremy a tight hug and then lets him go. She stares at the teleportation device.

"Well played, good sir." She says with a smirk. "Perhaps you know a way to fix my finger so I can get back out there sooner?"
Jeremy chuckled. He ran back to them.
Maddy walked over. " that's my job as the house doctor." She laughed and healed her finger. Allyson grabbed her gear. "I say let's all head out. Ana think you could heal all the corrupted?" Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Dragunov Dragunov
Jeremy stopped next to Diana. "I almost forgot." He pulled out her ring and held it out. "You dropped this." He said.
"Yes, of course" she replied and got off the couch
Ben smirke. He went through his playlist and found the alien he was looking for. He slammed on the core.


"BLITZWOLFER!" The alien howled.
"Sweet! Thanks!" Eris responds, excited to be able to move her fingers freely again. She cracks her knuckles. "Alright. Round three."
"Yes, of course" she replied and got off the couch
"okay guys let's go do this." Allyson said. Maddy looked over at Ben seeing his alien. "No problem eris. Its my job." She took off her coat and smoothed out the fur on her tail. "This should be fun. "
Jeremy chuckled. He ran back to them.
Jeremy stopped next to Diana. "I almost forgot." He pulled out her ring and held it out. "You dropped this." He said.
Ben smirke. He went through his playlist and found the alien he was looking for. He slammed on the core.


"BLITZWOLFER!" The alien howled.
Dru smiled at her before attacking legion on his own. The Immortal stood off to the side looking bored but paying attention nonetheless.
"Thanks" Diana put on her ring and smiled. "Go Dru you got this. " she looked overt Legion and a shiver went down her spine. She was still afraid of the villain but not much right now with her family by her side.
(I know this time I'm just playing along cutie pony)
"Thanks" Diana put on her ring and smiled. "Go Dru you got this. " she looked overt Legion and a shiver went down her spine. She was still afraid of the villain but not much right now with her family by her side.
Soon a Beowolf was hit with a rocket launcher. "STAY DOWN MAGGOT!" A familiar voice yelled. Jeremy smiled. "They're here." He said. His Mercenary team had arrived.

Blitzwolfer smiled. "Let's do this."
"Yes, of course" she replied and got off the couch
Jeremy chuckled. He ran back to them.
Jeremy stopped next to Diana. "I almost forgot." He pulled out her ring and held it out. "You dropped this." He said.
Ben smirke. He went through his playlist and found the alien he was looking for. He slammed on the core.


"BLITZWOLFER!" The alien howled.
"okay guys let's go do this." Allyson said. Maddy looked over at Ben seeing his alien. "No problem eris. Its my job." She took off her coat and smoothed out the fur on her tail. "This should be fun. "
(Yoooo I thought that was Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct for a section I was hyped XD)

"To battle!" Eris shouts as she tosses up the teleportation device. When she catches it, she accidentally activates it, sending her atop a building near the battlefield. "Uhhhhh oops." She shrugs and takes a seat, watching the various battles happening while measuring how big of a dome she would have to make. "Hmmm...decisions decisions..."
(Yoooo I thought that was Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct for a section I was hyped XD)

"To battle!" Eris shouts as she tosses up the teleportation device. When she catches it, she accidentally activates it, sending her atop a building near the battlefield. "Uhhhhh oops." She shrugs and takes a seat, watching the various battles happening while measuring how big of a dome she would have to make. "Hmmm...decisions decisions..."
Blitzwolfer grabbed her causing the teleporter to take him as well. "Thanks for the ride." He said.

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