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Fandom Superheros and Villains

At that moment they were teleported back to the house. Allyson checked the time. "you were going to call me?"
"No need to... say think you can get me these parts?" Joey then brought up a hologram of the parts he needed. Mostly scrap metal and car parts.
"No need to... say think you can get me these parts?" Joey then brought up a hologram of the parts he needed. Mostly scrap metal and car parts.
"I have most if not all the parts, Smaller parts are in the basement, larger stuff in the garage next to the cars." Allyson said looking over the list. "I can have K-9 help you if needed. also dont touch my work table if you go to the basement im working on some things."
"I have most if not all the parts, Smaller parts are in the basement, larger stuff in the garage next to the cars." Allyson said looking over the list. "I can have K-9 help you if needed. also dont touch my work table if you go to the basement im working on some things."
"Got it." He said "... Who's K-9?" Joey said
"Got it." He said "... Who's K-9?" Joey said
Allyson whistled and the robotic dog came running up the stairs. He wagged his tail. "hi." He said. Allyson chuckled. "You really havent been around if you don't remember K-9. my friend made his skeleton, I built his out shell and most of the other features and Dru gave him a voice box." Drumonkey Drumonkey
Allyson whistled and the robotic dog came running up the stairs. He wagged his tail. "hi." He said. Allyson chuckled. "You really havent been around if you don't remember K-9. my friend made his skeleton, I built his out shell and most of the other features and Dru gave him a voice box." Drumonkey Drumonkey
"Odd, I don't remember meeting him at all... then again I didn't really live here." He said. "Can you show me these parts?" He said as he brought up the hologram for K-9
" sounds like a good idea, don't want to make it worse." She nodded.
Allyson whistled and the robotic dog came running up the stairs. He wagged his tail. "hi." He said. Allyson chuckled. "You really havent been around if you don't remember K-9. my friend made his skeleton, I built his out shell and most of the other features and Dru gave him a voice box." Drumonkey Drumonkey
Dru appeared and looked at Joey "where were you with Maddy?" Dru asked suspiciously. He wanted to make sure Joey wasn't doing something he shouldn't especially to Maddy.
Dru appeared and looked at Joey "where were you with Maddy?" Dru asked suspiciously. He wanted to make sure Joey wasn't doing something he shouldn't especially to Maddy.
"We were just at the doctor's for a checkup." He said as he coughed.
"We were just at the doctor's for a checkup." He said as he coughed.
"Why didn't you just get ba check up here? Zadock is a trained physician and I studied all forms of anatomy over the last, what like 100 years." Dru chuckled and patted Joey's head like he was a foolish child.
"Why didn't you just get ba check up here? Zadock is a trained physician and I studied all forms of anatomy over the last, what like 100 years." Dru chuckled and patted Joey's head like he was a foolish child.
He shrugged "Didn't occur to me. Anyways, I have to head to the basement to get some stuff." He said as he went downstairs.
He shrugged "Didn't occur to me. Anyways, I have to head to the basement to get some stuff." He said as he went downstairs.
Dru shook his head "you should try to talk to people more not just be so much of a loner " Dru called after him with a shake of his head.
Dru appeared and looked at Joey "where were you with Maddy?" Dru asked suspiciously. He wanted to make sure Joey wasn't doing something he shouldn't especially to Maddy.

"Odd, I don't remember meeting him at all... then again I didn't really live here." He said. "Can you show me these parts?" He said as he brought up the hologram for K-9
Allyson nods. "Well he mostly stays in the basement or my room."

"Yes" k-9 said before heading to the basement. Maddy headed to the kitchen to get something to eat.
Allyson nods. "Well he mostly stays in the basement or my room."

"Yes" k-9 said before heading to the basement. Maddy headed to the kitchen to get something to eat.
He began looking around for the parts before the suit began scanning the basement. The suit appeared and covered his body as several tentacles sprouted from the suit and began grabbing the parts and bringing them to him. The suit then absorbed the parts one by one.
He began looking around for the parts before the suit began scanning the basement. The suit appeared and covered his body as several tentacles sprouted from the suit and began grabbing the parts and bringing them to him. The suit then absorbed the parts one by one.
K-9 followed him and watched curiously.

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