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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Um..we arnt from here." Maddy said fixing her coat quick to cover her tail.
"We're from America... about... 70 years in the future... of another universe." Joey replied. The captain just shook his head "You expect me to take that shit... after shooting at us and helping the Germans?"
"We're from America... about... 70 years in the future... of another universe." Joey replied. The captain just shook his head "You expect me to take that shit... after shooting at us and helping the Germans?"
"He's telling the truth, we didn't really know where we were until a couple of minutes ago." she said.
"He's telling the truth, we didn't really know where we were until a couple of minutes ago." she said.
"Right... like we expect a Japanese to not lie." One soldier said "We're taking you in." The captain said "But we're Americans! We were brainwashed!" Joey replied.
Maddy sighed.
"Can I at least get my wound treated?" He asked. Suddenly gunfire struck the American soldiers. Cowboy Joey jumped out of the trees and kicked the Captain in the face "Seems you two got caught! Run for it! I'll catch up." Joey then stood up and grabbed Maddy's hand as they ran into the forest.
"Can I at least get my wound treated?" He asked. Suddenly gunfire struck the American soldiers. Cowboy Joey jumped out of the trees and kicked the Captain in the face "Seems you two got caught! Run for it! I'll catch up." Joey then stood up and grabbed Maddy's hand as they ran into the forest.
(Wait what just happened?)
"Can I at least get my wound treated?" He asked. Suddenly gunfire struck the American soldiers. Cowboy Joey jumped out of the trees and kicked the Captain in the face "Seems you two got caught! Run for it! I'll catch up." Joey then stood up and grabbed Maddy's hand as they ran into the forest.
"Okay lets find a portal out of here fast." She said looking around. "When i was gone for three days..running from world to world I just entered portals as soon as I saw them. I figured my nose sometimes picked up the scents of them or something."
"Okay lets find a portal out of here fast." She said looking around. "When i was gone for three days..running from world to world I just entered portals as soon as I saw them. I figured my nose sometimes picked up the scents of them or something."
Cowboy Joey caught up to them "1138! If you want to get out of here... well... you gotta die." He said with a cigarette in his mouth
(Wait what just happened?)
(Multiverse shit bro.)
"but a portal brought us here, cant one bring us back?" She said
"Nope, but you're in a different timeline. You can't really die in another timeline. If you do, you get sent back to your original timeline as if it t'was a dream." He said "I've been at this jumping through universes thing for a few years, problem is the pain of the damage lingers when you return home."
"Nope, but you're in a different timeline. You can't really die in another timeline. If you do, you get sent back to your original timeline as if it t'was a dream." He said "I've been at this jumping through universes thing for a few years, problem is the pain of the damage lingers when you return home."
(Eheh. You guys get to meet evil Spidey.)
"Nope, but you're in a different timeline. You can't really die in another timeline. If you do, you get sent back to your original timeline as if it t'was a dream." He said "I've been at this jumping through universes thing for a few years, problem is the pain of the damage lingers when you return home."
"of course it does." She said.
"I guess I have to fix the formula for the next batch." He said not really caring that the young boy was melting and mumbling for Erika. Dana Zane Dana Zane
"You really need to work on his molecular structure. Have you been making sure to use their tissue. You can't make a complete clone without the DNA. Also you need to line up the genetics correctly which can take time." Peter said.
"You really need to work on his molecular structure. Have you been making sure to use their tissue. You can't make a complete clone without the DNA. Also you need to line up the genetics correctly which can take time." Peter said.
"I been following the instructions my dad used with the formula from his last remaining clone." He said.
"This one's defected...darn. Well I have more of him." Doctor Wolf said looking at the clone. He didn't seem to care. He just dropped the clone's body to the ground, the clone's body almost a pile of goo. "I don't need a defected clone. I guess I need to work on the formula some more"
Wolf soon felt Erika's fist right into face causing him to tumbling into the nearest wall as her body started to mold into something big and powerful as a ton of dark energy started to attach to her body adding to the mass.

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