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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Peter teleported to the hospital.

Apocalypse grabbed Oz by the throat and threw him out of the hospital. He turned to Venus. Habe fun my child.
Oz was thrown out of the window. The woman shouted. "Oz!" The little girl she was holding woke up. Venus smiled and before she headed out of the room she looked at the woman and her child. "I think I'll be back for you too."
Oz was thrown out of the window. The woman shouted. "Oz!" The little girl she was holding woke up. Venus smiled and before she headed out of the room she looked at the woman and her child. "I think I'll be back for you too."
Peter pushed apocalypse out. Once again apocalypse wasn't expecting it so it worked. He looked at the the woman speak french. "Hello Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man here to help." He said. "Can you walk?"
Peter pushed apocalypse out. Once again apocalypse wasn't expecting it so it worked. He looked at the the woman speak french. "Hello Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man here to help." He said. "Can you walk?"
The woman nodded. " yes but my grandfather..." She looked at the baker who was still unconscious in the hospital bed. The little girl looked at Peter afraid of all that was going on. It probably dawned on Peter that they were the reason Oz never wanted to leave Paris.

Outside Oz got up. He was bleeding from several areas of his body from the glass and he was sure he had a broken rib and leg. "I got to get back to them." He spoke in French so Venus had no clue what he was saying when she got out there. She made vines grow by her and smiled. "I'm going to enjoy this"
The woman nodded. " yes but my grandfather..." She looked at the baker who was still unconscious in the hospital bed. The little girl looked at Peter afraid of all that was going on. It probably dawned on Peter that they were the reason Oz never wanted to leave Paris.

Outside Oz got up. He was bleeding from several areas of his body from the glass and he was sure he had a broken rib and leg. "I got to get back to them." He spoke in French so Venus had no clue what he was saying when she got out there. She made vines grow by her and smiled. "I'm going to enjoy this"
Peter picked up the baker. "I know someone who can heal his mind." Peter said. "I need you to trust me and let him into my care. Then you run."
Peter picked up the baker. "I know someone who can heal his mind." Peter said. "I need you to trust me and let him into my care. Then you run."
The woman nodded. " fine."

Venus sent her vines at Oz. Oz barely dodged. He looked around trying to make a plan as illusions were starting to form.
the library was at the hero league.

kala left the training room and called Sabrina.

The woman nodded. " fine."

Venus sent her vines at Oz. Oz barely dodged. He looked around trying to make a plan as illusions were starting to form.
Peter jumped from the window on the opposite side and swung to a safe spot. He called the Hero League. "Get me one of our best telepaths." He said.

Sabrina saw her Mom's shadow. "Tell Mom I'm at school getting people safe." He said.
Peter jumped from the window on the opposite side and swung to a safe spot. He called the Hero League. "Get me one of our best telepaths." He said.

Sabrina saw her Mom's shadow. "Tell Mom I'm at school getting people safe." He said.
(she called her but that works). The shadow disappeared only to return with a nmote that read. "When you made done would you like to come to my library? I might have something to help everyone face Apocalypse.

"Okay, they are on their way." The agent who answered said.

The illusions Oz made were a giant snake and a bear. Venus laughed. "Those don't scare me." A vine lifted Oz off the ground.
(she called her but that works). The shadow disappeared only to return with a nmote that read. "When you made done would you like to come to my library? I might have something to help everyone face Apocalypse.

"Okay, they are on their way." The agent who answered said.

The illusions Oz made were a giant snake and a bear. Venus laughed. "Those don't scare me." A vine lifted Oz off the ground.
Sabrina eventually got back. "Apoca-who?" She asked.

Samuel and Ben were dispatched to france. Sam went to Peter and Ben saw Oz battling Venus. He pulled out a Pokeball. "CHARIZARD, LET'S GO!" He yelled throwing it. The pokémon Charizard erupted from the pokèball. He jumped onto it's back and it flew into the air. "Charizard use flamethrower on the vines." He said. The pokèmon spewed fire from it's mouth at the vines.
Sabrina eventually got back. "Apoca-who?" She asked.

Samuel and Ben were dispatched to france. Sam went to Peter and Ben saw Oz battling Venus. He pulled out a Pokeball. "CHARIZARD, LET'S GO!" He yelled throwing it. The pokémon Charizard erupted from the pokèball. He jumped onto it's back and it flew into the air. "Charizard use flamethrower on the vines." He said. The pokèmon spewed fire from it's mouth at the vines.
"mutant who pretty much wants to rule the world." kala said

"Oh looks like its a party" Venus said The vines broke from the flamethrower, letting go of Oz.
"mutant who pretty much wants to rule the world." kala said

"Oh looks like its a party" Venus said The vines broke from the flamethrower, letting go of Oz.
"Oh? Well he can't be that hard to stop." She said. "You'd be surprised kid." Logan said walking past.

"Charizard use bite." The pokèmon went to bite Venhs with it's sharp teeth.
"Oh? Well he can't be that hard to stop." She said. "You'd be surprised kid." Logan said walking past.

"Charizard use bite." The pokèmon went to bite Venhs with it's sharp teeth.
"He is Sabrina. He even has powered up Venus and Hades.," she said.

Venus made a tree trunk grow in front of her. She tossed a seed at them. Oz picked up a piece of glass from the ground. "This will due...ah it hurts to breathe..definably broke a rib"

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