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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Eddie stood back up, whiling the fire from his armor before he advanced, relying on sound now. He listened for the ragged breathing and screaming as he advanced forward, reloading his rifle with higher caliber bullets.
"Everything good?" Stella asked into the mic
"Everything good?" Stella asked into the mic
“Ran into one of those things; My eye piece is compromised, their things can take a headshot with high caliber bullets, stabbing worked after a while.” Eddie said back while he slowly approached the next one, drawing a combat hatchet before swinging it with all of his strength, severing the head.
"That would be my shadow. You know the story of Peter pan and his shadow? Mine is like that. " she smiled. "My name is Kala. " she glanced over at her shadow as it appeared on a wall before moving on it's own as it acted something out. Kala nods and looks back at Angel. "My shadow says that you looked lost. Do you need help?"
Angel smirked softly, taking this moment to adjust her white hair from under her half mask, only just feeling it out of place as her adrenaline started to fade for the first time in a little while.

"Not sure Peter Pan is one you wanna use as a compairison... but sure..."

She shrugged, looking around the curious shop again.

"Lost is an understatement. Know anyone who would do me the solid of taking me home to New York for free?"
“Ran into one of those things; My eye piece is compromised, their things can take a headshot with high caliber bullets, stabbing worked after a while.” Eddie said back while he slowly approached the next one, drawing a combat hatchet before swinging it with all of his strength, severing the head.
"Alright good to know. I'll give you another minute before I head into look." She said
Angel smirked softly, taking this moment to adjust her white hair from under her half mask, only just feeling it out of place as her adrenaline started to fade for the first time in a little while.

"Not sure Peter Pan is one you wanna use as a compairison... but sure..."

She shrugged, looking around the curious shop again.

"Lost is an understatement. Know anyone who would do me the solid of taking me home to New York for free?"
"I might know a few people. Have you tried calling a friend or family to come pick you up?" Kala asked as she went over to one of the shelves picking up a small pink bottle, wiping away some dust.
A few hours laster Breeze found himself st the Aquarium for work. He was to meet eith the manager on shift.
"Either way, the two of you have to come down to the station." He said.
An older portly man with a great bread and mustache adorning his face greeted him.(imagine an old fishermen in looks). "Ah hello there my boy" he reached out his hand for a hand shake. "Glad you can make it"
"I know your simply following orders and protocol....but me and my friend here sound not even be here....so you can simply forget you ever saw us..." Emily responded taking a step over to Earl reaching out to grab him.
"Alright good to know. I'll give you another minute before I head into look." She said
“There’s a few more on this floor, oft tangled most are separated. Got a pair on the catwalk above me, be careful.” Eddie said as he fired a round into the first one on the catwalk, preparing for the second creatures attack.
An older portly man with a great bread and mustache adorning his face greeted him.(imagine an old fishermen in looks). "Ah hello there my boy" he reached out his hand for a hand shake. "Glad you can make it"
"I know your simply following orders and protocol....but me and my friend here sound not even be here....so you can simply forget you ever saw us..." Emily responded taking a step over to Earl reaching out to grab him.
He shook the mans hand. "We brought the high end filter. But remember you'll still need to clean those tabks by hand twice a year." He said.
"It doesn't work that way kid. We have protocol for non-entities and people from other Universes too."
“There’s a few more on this floor, oft tangled most are separated. Got a pair on the catwalk above me, be careful.” Eddie said as he fired a round into the first one on the catwalk, preparing for the second creatures attack.
"Always am. I'm use to sneaking in and out." Stella said as she entered the building.
"Always am. I'm use to sneaking in and out." Stella said as she entered the building.
The second creature turned around before barreling towards him. Eddie opened fire with his assault rifle, until it fell dead before him. Eddie fired into the things skull before moving on just to be safe.
The second creature turned around before barreling towards him. Eddie opened fire with his assault rifle, until it fell dead before him. Eddie fired into the things skull before moving on just to be safe.
Stella had her sword with her ready to use it as she started searching, occasionally checking the device to see if Eddie was still moving about and alive.
Stella had her sword with her ready to use it as she started searching, occasionally checking the device to see if Eddie was still moving about and alive.
Eddie continued climbing the floors, clearing out any of the creatures he saw in the area. There where many close calls but soon he reached the penultimate floor.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“And you are looking for them in these old ruins?” He asked

Musicnotes Musicnotes

While Allyson and her AI friend Thor worked on resetting the AI of the moon, Killian just stood next to Alex and gently took his hand “thank you Alex, for coming back for me despite everything I did to you”
Eddie continued climbing the floors, clearing out any of the creatures he saw in the area. There where many close calls but soon he reached the penultimate floor.
"Hmm" stella said as she was searching. She spoke into the mic. "So far I been clear. You did a good job clearing the floor"
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“And you are looking for them in these old ruins?” He asked

Musicnotes Musicnotes

While Allyson and her AI friend Thor worked on resetting the AI of the moon, Killian just stood next to Alex and gently took his hand “thank you Alex, for coming back for me despite everything I did to you”
"Hey I could never leave you behind. I know that wasnt the real you." Alex smiled. Allyson just looked over at her big brother, she smiled glad to see him happy. She got back to work resetting the AI with Thor.
"Hmm" stella said as she was searching. She spoke into the mic. "So far I been clear. You did a good job clearing the floor"
“There may be some in hiding, they aren’t hard to find so I would suggest keeping an eye out for anything odd.” Eddie said as he slowly cleared the floor, finding nothing.

Eddie recalled seeing a signature up here but it was gone, before he could finish his thought a creature pounced on him from the ceiling where it had been hiding; waiting for the right moment to attack.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“And you are looking for them in these old ruins?” He asked

Musicnotes Musicnotes

While Allyson and her AI friend Thor worked on resetting the AI of the moon, Killian just stood next to Alex and gently took his hand “thank you Alex, for coming back for me despite everything I did to you”
"I went where my watch told me her watch is." Ben said. "I'm not here to fight. I just want to know what's going on. And who's side I should really be on."
"Hey I could never leave you behind. I know that wasnt the real you." Alex smiled. Allyson just looked over at her big brother, she smiled glad to see him happy. She got back to work resetting the AI with Thor.

“I just don’t think I deserve your kindness” she replied

“System reboot initiated” thors sister replied
“I just don’t think I deserve your kindness” she replied

“System reboot initiated” thors sister replied
"Everyone deserves kindness dont worry." Alex smiled. "We've all been through things and made mistakes, we just got to learn from them."

"There we go." Allyson smiled. "At least we can get the moon back in order."
“There may be some in hiding, they aren’t hard to find so I would suggest keeping an eye out for anything odd.” Eddie said as he slowly cleared the floor, finding nothing.

Eddie recalled seeing a signature up here but it was gone, before he could finish his thought a creature pounced on him from the ceiling where it had been hiding; waiting for the right moment to attack.
"Yeah I'm keeping an eye out." Stella said as she was looking
"Yeah I'm keeping an eye out." Stella said as she was looking
Eddie was pinned to the ground as the thing tore into his shoulder, it’s claws raking against his arm before it sunk its fangs into his neck; the thing didn’t tear through his jugular, wanting Eddie to suffer as he felt the blood poor from the wound. After a second of Eddie’s silent screaming the thing tore his throat out, before dropping the corpse too the ground.

“Okay asshole, before I was fighting you guys too help some friends, now it’s personal.” Eddie said before firing his revolver into the things head, shredding through its skull with a loud bang.

The Revenant smirked under his helmet after hearing the loud gunshot, knowing his prey had arrived.

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