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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Care to elaborate?" Makoto asked

"I see. I believe your fiance was doing business there, correct?" She replied
"There are two accounts of Arthurian legend. Both show Arthur as a good man. The conflictions come from Merlin." He said. "Their mostly thrown out at idle speculation but some wizard scholars think that he was helping Uthur with some nasty stuff."
“Think something simpler took out the drone, gonna take a while to make another.” Eddie said as he pulled up a blueprint of the building. “Since I am the one who can’t die, I should go in the front while you get Natalie and Malcolm out of their; I will try and keep as many of those things distracted as possible.”
"Sure I'm down for that plan." She nods looking over the blue prints
Angel only allowed herself to relax a little as at least the female of the pair walked off into the shadows like some sort of ghost, eyes still narrowed and watching the second guy.

"Well? Gonna chase your girlfriend?"

As she waited, she moved her fingers a little more away from the sensors that would have activated her suit.


It was a gunshop, and as such, there were endless traces of gunpowder everywhere, as well as many places where it was stored and or already in ammo. The clawmarks themselves didnt contain traces, meaning someone... or someTHING had broken in, not out.

The owner was probably overheard talking about the list of materials and a few weapons that had been taken as well. Nothing too expensive, but enough to keep a single individual very dangerous.
Nyx must smirked as she vanished.
Spider-Venom also stepped to the shadows.

He began to run through his suits database of claw marks from other villains he fought trying to find a match
Well, today certainly has been... eventful

Angel finally, well mostly, relaxed after the two vanished from sight, and soon also left the range of her Spidey Senses. The thought and anxiety of another meetup with some other person still had her defenses up, but no more than she was used to from her daily life.

Once she was more convinced the coast was clear, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket, only to find more confusion. No internet, that was to be expected in a different city, but no data? That was odd.

With a frown, she waved down the nearest person that would give her the time of day, and was soon on her way to the closest phone store to see what they had to say or could do for her.


Similar to his own intuitions, Peter's internal computer only could come up with similar markings, none quite fitting the mold. Again, similar to his hunch, the closest match available came up as The Lizard, but even damage created by Connors paled in comparison to the ones he was seeing.

"So," the young cop asked, frowning slightly, "whatcha think?"
"Yeah he is. Hes doing his business and we'll meet up later." She smiled
"the scanners picked up a few of those things in the bottom floors, probably patrolling the area." Eddie said as he attached a silencer to his hybrid rifle and pistol.
Well, today certainly has been... eventful

Angel finally, well mostly, relaxed after the two vanished from sight, and soon also left the range of her Spidey Senses. The thought and anxiety of another meetup with some other person still had her defenses up, but no more than she was used to from her daily life.

Once she was more convinced the coast was clear, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket, only to find more confusion. No internet, that was to be expected in a different city, but no data? That was odd.

With a frown, she waved down the nearest person that would give her the time of day, and was soon on her way to the closest phone store to see what they had to say or could do for her.


Similar to his own intuitions, Peter's internal computer only could come up with similar markings, none quite fitting the mold. Again, similar to his hunch, the closest match available came up as The Lizard, but even damage created by Connors paled in comparison to the ones he was seeing.

"So," the young cop asked, frowning slightly, "whatcha think?"
"I think I need to go visit an old friend." He said. He went to Avengers tower and placed a call to Connor's at ESU in New York.
"Hmm I see. Well we better be careful then" stella nods.
Eddie handed Stella a earpiece and microphone “This should be Durga or enough for us to use, if need assistance I can help you out as soon as I can.” Eddie said before he pulled a grappling hook from his belt “There is a shield against teleporting abilities up there, so I should try and climb to the first few floors, take the stairs and when I give the clear you can look for Malcolm and Natalie.”
"There are two accounts of Arthurian legend. Both show Arthur as a good man. The conflictions come from Merlin." He said. "Their mostly thrown out at idle speculation but some wizard scholars think that he was helping Uthur with some nasty stuff."
"I know nothing of Uthur. Please tell me more." Makoto sipped his wine
"Yeah he is. Hes doing his business and we'll meet up later." She smiled
"Indeed. He's currently dining with your wizard friend I think"
"I think I need to go visit an old friend." He said. He went to Avengers tower and placed a call to Connor's at ESU in New York.
Angel stopped in at the phone shop, explaining her problem to the clerk on duty before handing over her phone to them for a diagnostic. While she waited for the results, she sat herself down, exploring the shop with her eyes. Everything felt so familiar, yet something still felt so.... alien...

A short while later, a very confused clerk returned, handing her back her phone.

"Is this like... a Korean model or something, your SD card and even the code in this phone arn't anything I recognize... sorry."

"What, no no," she protested, taking it back from him, "I just bought this last week from a Vorison store...."

"Don't know what to tell you, sorry..."

With a sigh, she rolled her eyes, looking around the room. "Can I at least get a trade in?"

"With a phone I cant even resell? Maybe a flip-phone..."

"Forget it...."

She sighed heavily, soon trudging her way back outside. She was lost. She was hungry. She was alone.


It took a brief moment, but soon Connors voice came over the communicator.

"Hey there Peter, this is unexpected. What can I do for you?"
Angel stopped in at the phone shop, explaining her problem to the clerk on duty before handing over her phone to them for a diagnostic. While she waited for the results, she sat herself down, exploring the shop with her eyes. Everything felt so familiar, yet something still felt so.... alien...

A short while later, a very confused clerk returned, handing her back her phone.

"Is this like... a Korean model or something, your SD card and even the code in this phone arn't anything I recognize... sorry."

"What, no no," she protested, taking it back from him, "I just bought this last week from a Vorison store...."

"Don't know what to tell you, sorry..."

With a sigh, she rolled her eyes, looking around the room. "Can I at least get a trade in?"

"With a phone I cant even resell? Maybe a flip-phone..."

"Forget it...."

She sighed heavily, soon trudging her way back outside. She was lost. She was hungry. She was alone.


It took a brief moment, but soon Connors voice came over the communicator.

"Hey there Peter, this is unexpected. What can I do for you?"
"Hey doc. I'm working on a story for the Talker." He lied using the name of Edgewoods news company. "There's been an attack at a gun store. The claw marks... Are kind of like the ones you had when you fought Spider-Man but they're... Bigger."
Eddie handed Stella a earpiece and microphone “This should be Durga or enough for us to use, if need assistance I can help you out as soon as I can.” Eddie said before he pulled a grappling hook from his belt “There is a shield against teleporting abilities up there, so I should try and climb to the first few floors, take the stairs and when I give the clear you can look for Malcolm and Natalie.”
She put on the ear piece and mic. "Alright sounds good. If need be I'll just use my illusions. "
She put on the ear piece and mic. "Alright sounds good. If need be I'll just use my illusions. "
"Hopefully the creatures rely on sight." Eddie said as he zoomed in on one of the creatures pale eyes.
Angel stopped in at the phone shop, explaining her problem to the clerk on duty before handing over her phone to them for a diagnostic. While she waited for the results, she sat herself down, exploring the shop with her eyes. Everything felt so familiar, yet something still felt so.... alien...

A short while later, a very confused clerk returned, handing her back her phone.

"Is this like... a Korean model or something, your SD card and even the code in this phone arn't anything I recognize... sorry."

"What, no no," she protested, taking it back from him, "I just bought this last week from a Vorison store...."

"Don't know what to tell you, sorry..."

With a sigh, she rolled her eyes, looking around the room. "Can I at least get a trade in?"

"With a phone I cant even resell? Maybe a flip-phone..."

"Forget it...."

She sighed heavily, soon trudging her way back outside. She was lost. She was hungry. She was alone.


It took a brief moment, but soon Connors voice came over the communicator.

"Hey there Peter, this is unexpected. What can I do for you?"
As Angel was walking she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned around she saw a shadow. It gave what looked like a smile at her. It didnt set off her spider sense. It motioned for her to follow.
"Hopefully the creatures rely on sight." Eddie said as he zoomed in on one of the creatures pale eyes.
"Then should be easy to distract them. Hmm I could try making myself look like it. Might buy me some time." Stella said as she was thinking

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