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Fandom Superheros and Villains

James punched in some keys and soon she was fast asleep.

"Batman... I... think you should have some information... I think another evil version of Makoto is on the loose in our universe." Demy said

Makoto pulled out a handgun and immediately began walking backwards like Leon in Resident Evil 2 "Look at me! I'm a PS1 game!" He then slowly turned around recreating the tank controls.

Musicnotes Musicnotes Suddenly Peater and Nyx received a text message. "Hello hello. How have you two been?"
Maddy chuckled at the joke.

Nyx looked at the text message. "Hmm wonder who this is"
He looked at the two of them. "Go on."

Peter cracked up at the joke.

(I got nothing)
Maddy chuckled at the joke.

Nyx looked at the text message. "Hmm wonder who this is"
"Well... Are you familiar with other versions of Makoto being in this universe?"

"Any more civillians on the radar Pete?"

"I want to speak to both of you. I have a friend and we have mutual interests. Please meet me at warehouse 47 on Melvin Ave in Edgewood. I will be waiting." The text said.
"Well... Are you familiar with other versions of Makoto being in this universe?"

"Any more civillians on the radar Pete?"

"I want to speak to both of you. I have a friend and we have mutual interests. Please meet me at warehouse 47 on Melvin Ave in Edgewood. I will be waiting." The text said.
"Two of them I have met." He said.

"Not in this part of town. Lets move on."
After an hour and a half, she was awake and fully rested "How do you feel?"
Emily stepped out of the pod and leaned her arm against it “Well I certainly am dehydrated and something feels a little off but I can quite put my finger on it” she said. “other than that I think I’m fine”
Misty sat on a cloud near by. She saw the building be reduced to rubble. "Hey you cant go around destroying building" she said as she flew the cloud closer to him.
Jace floated backwards and repositioned himself to face towards her while changing his stance to appear in a nonconfrontational way.
Emily stepped out of the pod and leaned her arm against it “Well I certainly am dehydrated and something feels a little off but I can quite put my finger on it” she said. “other than that I think I’m fine”

Jace floated backwards and repositioned himself to face towards her while changing his stance to appear in a nonconfrontational way.
"Arnt you going to say anything. You cant just destroy buildings" Misty said
"Well... Are you familiar with other versions of Makoto being in this universe?"

"Any more civillians on the radar Pete?"

"I want to speak to both of you. I have a friend and we have mutual interests. Please meet me at warehouse 47 on Melvin Ave in Edgewood. I will be waiting." The text said.

"Two of them I have met." He said.

"Not in this part of town. Lets move on."
"I'll try to sniff out some more people." Maddy said before turning back to her werewolf form.

Nyx looked at the text. "I suppose we could see what this person wants."
"Two of them I have met." He said.

"Not in this part of town. Lets move on."
Emily stepped out of the pod and leaned her arm against it “Well I certainly am dehydrated and something feels a little off but I can quite put my finger on it” she said. “other than that I think I’m fine”

Jace floated backwards and repositioned himself to face towards her while changing his stance to appear in a nonconfrontational way.
"I'll try to sniff out some more people." Maddy said before turning back to her werewolf form.

Nyx looked at the text. "I suppose we could see what this person wants."
"What of this one?" She asked as she pulled out the photo of the weapons deal

James looked at her "And you're not inside out, so that's a bonus."

"The hunt begins!" Makoto said as he set off some car alarms to distract more zombies

Another text appeared "I will see you two soon"
"What of this one?" She asked as she pulled out the photo of the weapons deal

James looked at her "And you're not inside out, so that's a bonus."

"The hunt begins!" Makoto said as he set off some car alarms to distract more zombies

Another text appeared "I will see you two soon"
"Not familiar with him. When did he get here?" He asked.

Peter jumped back onto the rooftops
"Arnt you going to say anything. You cant just destroy buildings" Misty said
“I suggest you stay out of my affairs,” he said
"What of this one?" She asked as she pulled out the photo of the weapons deal

James looked at her "And you're not inside out, so that's a bonus."

"The hunt begins!" Makoto said as he set off some car alarms to distract more zombies

Another text appeared "I will see you two soon"
”right, so what now?” She asked
"What of this one?" She asked as she pulled out the photo of the weapons deal

James looked at her "And you're not inside out, so that's a bonus."

"The hunt begins!" Makoto said as he set off some car alarms to distract more zombies

Another text appeared "I will see you two soon"
Maddy started sniffing around for civilians.
“I suggest you stay out of my affairs,” he said

”right, so what now?” She asked

"You should listen to the lady." A voice said behind them. Jace stood with his hands behind his back. "Misty is a close personal friend of mine."
"I can choose what affairs I can get involved in. But still you could have hurt someone." She said and turned seeing her friend. "Jace I got this. Shouldnt you be off working on that magical dimension barrier." The Senate Himself The Senate Himself
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"I can choose what affairs I can get involved in. But still you could have hurt someone." She said and turned seeing her friend. "Jace I got this. Shouldnt you be off working on that magical dimension barrier."
"Not much more I can do until someone breaches it." He said.
"You should listen to the lady." A voice said behind them. Jace stood with his hands behind his back. "Misty is a close personal friend of mine."
"I can choose what affairs I can get involved in. But still you could have hurt someone." She said and turned seeing her friend. "Jace I got this. Shouldnt you be off working on that magical dimension barrier."
“My business here is not with you, I have a job to do here. im here for reasons out of my control and i cant let you interfere “ he said
"Not familiar with him. When did he get here?" He asked.

Peter jumped back onto the rooftops
Maddy started sniffing around for civilians.
“I suggest you stay out of my affairs,” he said

”right, so what now?” She asked
"No idea." Demy replied "And I think he doesn't want to be found."

"Well you're fully rested after all that." He hands her a tall glass of water "Nothing else I can think of. My experiments have concluded for the day."

Makoto was flying above with his jetpack "So how long have you two been cleaning things up here?"
"No idea." Demy replied "And I think he doesn't want to be found."

"Well you're fully rested after all that." He hands her a tall glass of water "Nothing else I can think of. My experiments have concluded for the day."

Makoto was flying above with his jetpack "So how long have you two been cleaning things up here?"
"I'll start looking into it." He said.
"No idea." Demy replied "And I think he doesn't want to be found."

"Well you're fully rested after all that." He hands her a tall glass of water "Nothing else I can think of. My experiments have concluded for the day."

Makoto was flying above with his jetpack "So how long have you two been cleaning things up here?"
"Feels like a couple of weeks" maddy said shrugging.

Nyx looked at Peater. "Let's go meet who ever is texting us. We can deal with the safe another time." The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth She stepped into the shadows.
"Feels like a couple of weeks" maddy said shrugging.

Nyx looked at Peater. "Let's go meet who ever is texting us. We can deal with the safe another time." The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth She stepped into the shadows.
"I'm on an extended job for the Century Times. Edgewood's news organization. Photo journalism. Though I'm not sure howany of these photos I'm actually going to put through." He said. "Not sure people need to see zombies on their news feed."

"Works for me." Peater said.
Kaleb went silent
Eliana was quite too, what could she say to the story that she had just heard. She could sense the anger and frustration and just the unfairness he felt. She looked down at her lap squeezing her hands as she held them together. Angry with herself that she couldn't think up of a wity remark to lighten up the mood, say something miningful, or just anything to make the feeling better. All she could think of was to wrap her arms around his waist and hug him tightly.
Eliana was quite too, what could she say to the story that she had just heard. She could sense the anger and frustration and just the unfairness he felt. She looked down at her lap squeezing her hands as she held them together. Angry with herself that she couldn't think up of a wity remark to lighten up the mood, say something miningful, or just anything to make the feeling better. All she could think of was to wrap her arms around his waist and hug him tightly.
He looked at her and returned the hug. "I know that heroes give second chances. I know that I should probably give him a second chance. But I just can't. I'm absolutely repulsed by the fact that he's still walking free.:"
He looked at her and returned the hug. "I know that heroes give second chances. I know that I should probably give him a second chance. But I just can't. I'm absolutely repulsed by the fact that he's still walking free.:"
"I guess....you have all the right to the way you feel about him....and you have the right not to want to give him a second chance for what you witness and know of him," Eliana said as she kept her hold on the hug around his waist.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
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