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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Tyson's right arm is coated in a black and white flame.

"You're back!" Allustra shouts.

"He kept trying to create a portal to get to you, but then this happened, and now he's in some kind of comatose state." Akane said.
"Pridius said he was fusing with the book..the power is in him so it can vanish but then he won't exist either... I don't know what to do " she said
(So how do I save her?)
(YOU DON'T! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Just kidding. In order to save her, it would have to be while she's not on Pridius' home world. You will also need something that would prevent her from being able to use her powers. Those are your hints. Enjoy lol I'll provide more should you need them)
"Pridius said he was fusing with the book..the power is in him so it can vanish but then he won't exist either... I don't know what to do " she said
*Alexander von Schnepfe claps*

"Good, have you misfits finished your fight? If so then your more than happy to surrender your power and knowledge to me"

*Alexander von Schnepfe looks at them before seeing their confused faces*

"You don't know me, i am Alexander von Schnepfe, the leader of the New Age army and i control everything and by extension you"
(YOU DON'T! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Just kidding. In order to save her, it would have to be while she's not on Pridius' home world. You will also need something that would prevent her from being able to use her powers. Those are your hints. Enjoy lol I'll provide more should you need them)
Peter looked at Pridius. "Give me back my wife." He said.
*Alexander von Schnepfe claps*

"Good, have you misfits finished your fight? If so then your more than happy to surrender your power and knowledge to me"

*Alexander von Schnepfe looks at them before seeing their confused faces*

"You don't know me, i am Alexander von Schnepfe, the leader of the New Age army and i control everything and by extension you"
"Yeah you can do you're own evil spiel in a second dude. We're busy." Peter said.
*Alexander von Schnepfe claps*

"Good, have you misfits finished your fight? If so then your more than happy to surrender your power and knowledge to me"

*Alexander von Schnepfe looks at them before seeing their confused faces*

"You don't know me, i am Alexander von Schnepfe, the leader of the New Age army and i control everything and by extension you"
"You know I really don't want to deal with this. I got more important things to do" hunter said.
*Alexander von Schnepfe looks at him*

"Evil? I beg your pardon good sir but i'm not evil i am a author of a new chapter of humanity"

(It's your not you're)
(Look dude I'm stressed. I'm busy, I'm trying to get things done. If I make a few grtical errors and you understand what I'm saying then just move on)

"Uh-Huh." Peter said not really listening.
"Pridius said he was fusing with the book..the power is in him so it can vanish but then he won't exist either... I don't know what to do " she said
"There is something you could do, but I wouldn't advise it." The wizard said as he's now floating in the air as a spirit.
"You know I really don't want to deal with this. I got more important things to do" hunter said.
*Alexander von Schnepfe laughs a little*

"Who said you had a choice? I control most of the world Hunter and you"

*Alexander von Schnepfe points at Hunter*

"Your not really going to assume you have free will are you?"
(Look dude I'm stressed. I'm busy, I'm trying to get things done. If I make a few grtical errors and you understand what I'm saying then just move on)

"Uh-Huh." Peter said not really listening.
*Alexander von Schnepfe ignores him*

(Sorry i wasn't trying to be a stuck up or anything your point is understandable)
*Alexander von Schnepfe laughs a little*

"Who said you had a choice? I control most of the world Hunter and you"

*Alexander von Schnepfe points at Hunter*

"Your not really going to assume you have free will are you?"
A glob of web hit his mouth. "Hey shut up. We're busy."
He looked at Eris. "This is really getting annoying. I'm sick of my friends and family always being mind controlled or whatever."
"If you're so sick, then go away and throw up." Pridius said. "Besides, you should be grateful. I'm not even controlling her mind. She's free to think on her own, but that's about it."

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