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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Vera about fell face first onto the floor trying to move with the heavy blankets on. She waddled over to the closet, looking like a cloth potato, and found a shirt she wouldn't mind wearing. She shed the blankets and pulled the larger shirt over herself. "Yay! It's big enough!"
The heat went up in the room as the vent blowed hot air.
Dash was running around the world, he was trying to clear his mind and connect to the speed force. Each time he set foot in a continent he allowed hismelf a normal persons minute to fix things before moving on fixing minor and major issues all over the world.

Zadcok sat on the chair in the hallway of the arena with his head in his hands as he was slowly recharging from the amount of energy he had expended. He mentally checked the status of the potion that kept him from dying.

Dru was sitting on top of the arena looking over the city feeling the flow of dreams and drawing power from it. He was worried about what he would do in the later rounds but for now he would be fine. He worried about the note he had gotten from The Immortal about a possible disturbance in the scales of power in his world. Musicnotes Musicnotes (can I make that new character?)
Dash was running around the world, he was trying to clear his mind and connect to the speed force. Each time he set foot in a continent he allowed hismelf a normal persons minute to fix things before moving on fixing minor and major issues all over the world.

Zadcok sat on the chair in the hallway of the arena with his head in his hands as he was slowly recharging from the amount of energy he had expended. He mentally checked the status of the potion that kept him from dying.

Dru was sitting on top of the arena looking over the city feeling the flow of dreams and drawing power from it. He was worried about what he would do in the later rounds but for now he would be fine. He worried about the note he had gotten from The Immortal about a possible disturbance in the scales of power in his world. Musicnotes Musicnotes (can I make that new character?)
(at the moment I'm not really sure cause of all the bickering that's been going on..I haven't even approved Dana's new character...right now I just have a major headache)
(at the moment I'm not really sure cause of all the bickering that's been going on..I haven't even approved Dana's new character...right now I just have a major headache)
(I can understand that this character isn't meant to be powerful he's meant to explore himself)
"Your welcome." Petet said. He went to the living room and sat on the couch he turned on the news went to a coverage of the war.
When he turned it on he found that New Orleans was already under siege. There was a warning sent out four hours ahead and the city was already evacuated of civilians. President Trump was seeking to negotiate a peace treaty with the African nations in hopes of stopping the war.

"THE NEXT FIGHTERS ARE DRU VERSUS JACKSON!" The announcer shouted out.
When he turned it on he found that New Orleans was already under siege. There was a warning sent out four hours ahead and the city was already evacuated of civilians. President Trump was seeking to negotiate a peace treaty with the African nations in hopes of stopping the war.

"THE NEXT FIGHTERS ARE DRU VERSUS JACKSON!" The announcer shouted out.
Dru heard the announcement and hid the letter in his shirt before heading into the arena to see what would happen.

Dash found out about the war through other means. He ran into new Orleans and tried to settle things amicably before they got too far out of hand.
Dru heard the announcement and hid the letter in his shirt before heading into the arena to see what would happen.

Dash found out about the war through other means. He ran into new Orleans and tried to settle things amicably before they got too far out of hand.
The place was already a war zone.
The place was already a war zone.
Dash was zooming around trying to fix the problems that were currently happening. He was moving so fast that he was only a blur but he knew he wasn't fast enough. He was saving lives and rebuilding as fast as his hands and feet could handle.
"Wanna play rock paper scissors?" That's even more boring. "Ugh, nevermind." Then she realized something. "Hey! You never got your snuggles!" She said loudly.
He walked to his room. "Snuggles?" He asked. The war was getting worse.

When he turned it on he found that New Orleans was already under siege. There was a warning sent out four hours ahead and the city was already evacuated of civilians. President Trump was seeking to negotiate a peace treaty with the African nations in hopes of stopping the war.

"THE NEXT FIGHTERS ARE DRU VERSUS JACKSON!" The announcer shouted out.
Jackson went to the stadium. "This is gonna be a tough one." He said.

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