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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Medic teleported to Makato's house. He asked Walter to gather everyone who wasn't already doing something. Majority of the mercs. Jackson, Sans, and Josh.
"Is something wrong?" Walter asked
Venus sent vines at them. Nyx made a shadow orb and tossed it at her.
Portals appeared in the vines, cutting them. Armed guards ran down the stairs "Don't kill her boys! We need her alive!" Rage said. "YES SIR!" They shouted in unison as they pulled out dart guns and opened fire on Venus
"Oh?" She answered with intrigue
A clay mask formed in his hand and he put it on. He began screaming in pain as his features changed at an incredible rate.
"Is something wrong?" Walter asked

Portals appeared in the vines, cutting them. Armed guards ran down the stairs "Don't kill her boys! We need her alive!" Rage said. "YES SIR!" They shouted in unison as they pulled out dart guns and opened fire on Venus

A clay mask formed in his hand and he put it on. He began screaming in pain as his features changed at an incredible rate.

"How interesting" she replied
"Is something wrong?" Walter asked

Portals appeared in the vines, cutting them. Armed guards ran down the stairs "Don't kill her boys! We need her alive!" Rage said. "YES SIR!" They shouted in unison as they pulled out dart guns and opened fire on Venus

A clay mask formed in his hand and he put it on. He began screaming in pain as his features changed at an incredible rate.
"While your at it get Scout and Maddy too." He said. "I think Venus is in trouble."
"Is something wrong?" Walter asked

Portals appeared in the vines, cutting them. Armed guards ran down the stairs "Don't kill her boys! We need her alive!" Rage said. "YES SIR!" They shouted in unison as they pulled out dart guns and opened fire on Venus

A clay mask formed in his hand and he put it on. He began screaming in pain as his features changed at an incredible rate.
Peater tapped his foot waiting.
"Is something wrong?" Walter asked

Portals appeared in the vines, cutting them. Armed guards ran down the stairs "Don't kill her boys! We need her alive!" Rage said. "YES SIR!" They shouted in unison as they pulled out dart guns and opened fire on Venus

A clay mask formed in his hand and he put it on. He began screaming in pain as his features changed at an incredible rate.
Venus made a giant flower around her to protect herself but got hit by one of the darts. Nyx looked at the guards. "Hmm I could use guys like this"
Venus made a giant flower around her to protect herself but got hit by one of the darts. Nyx looked at the guards. "Hmm I could use guys like this"
The drugs were taking quick effect on Venus "My loyal servants. Gave me their loyalty and in exchange I don't torture them... much." Rage said
"I don't know, take off the mask so I can see" she replied
He removed the mask, he was a completely different person.
The drugs were taking quick effect on Venus "My loyal servants. Gave me their loyalty and in exchange I don't torture them... much." Rage said

He removed the mask, he was a completely different person.
The plant wilted as she fell to the ground. Nyx walked over. "You've grown soft Venus but you will do well for bait. "
The drugs were taking quick effect on Venus "My loyal servants. Gave me their loyalty and in exchange I don't torture them... much." Rage said

He removed the mask, he was a completely different person.

She crouched down to his level and carefully looked at his face "now, focus it on your hand" she smiled and placed hers on his skeletal hand
She crouched down to his level and carefully looked at his face "now, focus it on your hand" she smiled and placed hers on his skeletal hand
"That requires something else." He then took out a small bag of leaves and began chewing on some. His hand returned to normal.
The plant wilted as she fell to the ground. Nyx walked over. "You've grown soft Venus but you will do well for bait. "
"Ah... perfection." Rage said as he waited for Peater to come through the portal he just made
"Ooooh please tell me we can experiment on her when we're done." He said.

"Have you ever seen... Spirited away?" He asked.

(okay I can wait)
"We have Spirited Away both in English and Japanese on digital and in 35 milimeter." Petunia said as she passed by
"That requires something else." He then took out a small bag of leaves and began chewing on some. His hand returned to normal.

"Ah... perfection." Rage said as he waited for Peater to come through the portal he just made

"We have Spirited Away both in English and Japanese on digital and in 35 milimeter." Petunia said as she passed by
"Uh English please." He said. "And could someone get me a box of milk duds?" He asked.

"Please tell me when this over I can have her." He said.
"Ooooh please tell me we can experiment on her when we're done." He said.

"Have you ever seen... Spirited away?" He asked.

(okay I can wait)

"That requires something else." He then took out a small bag of leaves and began chewing on some. His hand returned to normal.

"Ah... perfection." Rage said as he waited for Peater to come through the portal he just made

"We have Spirited Away both in English and Japanese on digital and in 35 milimeter." Petunia said as she passed by
"sure, how do you feel about having 2 new subjects." Nyx said referring to Maddy.

"No i havent." Maddy said.

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