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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I was a kid, my family was training me to be a assassin. One day I was practicing with my dad who also controls shadows and I was dodging his shadow orbs I held up my hand and it stopped for a second. He then he had me try a few things like stepping into shadows and such." She said taking the glass.
He stares for a few seconds his smile falling just a bit. “Isn’t that interesting.” He takes a sip of his champagne, takes a breath “I discovered my powers thanks to my father as well, though not in the same way as you obviously, I haven’t thought about him in...... years.” As he says the last bit he starts staring off at nowhere.
He stares for a few seconds his smile falling just a bit. “Isn’t that interesting.” He takes a sip of his champagne, takes a breath “I discovered my powers thanks to my father as well, though not in the same way as you obviously, I haven’t thought about him in...... years.” As he says the last bit he starts staring off at nowhere.
Nyx nods and sips her champagne.
Silas sees the skeletons, “huh, open fire.” The jet begins unloading its miniguns on the hoard.

(Jets have miniguns right?)

He moves to the side avoiding the orb “ahahaha! What was that?!”

”Oh. That makes more sense.”

(Depends on the aircraft)
He stares for a few seconds his smile falling just a bit. “Isn’t that interesting.” He takes a sip of his champagne, takes a breath “I discovered my powers thanks to my father as well, though not in the same way as you obviously, I haven’t thought about him in...... years.” As he says the last bit he starts staring off at nowhere.
Nyx nods and sips her champagne.
"Something feels... Odd..." Rage said "For some odd reason... I can't feel my powers..." "That is because the car nullifies powers for security reasons." A British voice said from a speaker "Can't be too careful. Do not be alarmed. I have no intention of hurting you." (Not sure how Stalker's powers work.)
"Something feels... Odd..." Rage said "For some odd reason... I can't feel my powers..." "That is because the car nullifies powers for security reasons." A British voice said from a speaker "Can't be too careful. Do not be alarmed. I have no intention of hurting you." (Not sure how Stalker's powers work.)
"Hmm and who are you?" She asked the voice.
"Something feels... Odd..." Rage said "For some odd reason... I can't feel my powers..." "That is because the car nullifies powers for security reasons." A British voice said from a speaker "Can't be too careful. Do not be alarmed. I have no intention of hurting you." (Not sure how Stalker's powers work.)
(That would work, he’ll still be able to morph his body however he wants, but he won’t be able to control shadows outside of his body.)
(Depends on the aircraft)
(it’s a SHIELD jet so I assume they’d have one.)
(That would work, he’ll still be able to morph his body however he wants, but he won’t be able to control shadows outside of his body.)

(it’s a SHIELD jet so I assume they’d have one.)
"Hmm and who are you?" She asked the voice.
"Call me... Professor Sinister. Your talents are of high quality and of high need to me. The limo is taking you to one of my private islands." the voice said "Do not worry, there are pillows and blankets as well as face masks to make your ride more comfortable. You are free to consume the drinks and snacks at your leisure and we also have some movies for your viewing pleasure."
"Call me... Professor Sinister. Your talents are of high quality and of high need to me. The limo is taking you to one of my private islands." the voice said "Do not worry, there are pillows and blankets as well as face masks to make your ride more comfortable. You are free to consume the drinks and snacks at your leisure and we also have some movies for your viewing pleasure."
Shadow Stalker was too lost in thought to pay attention to anything that wasn’t directed to him. (Is that like MISTER sinister?)
"Call me... Professor Sinister. Your talents are of high quality and of high need to me. The limo is taking you to one of my private islands." the voice said "Do not worry, there are pillows and blankets as well as face masks to make your ride more comfortable. You are free to consume the drinks and snacks at your leisure and we also have some movies for your viewing pleasure."
"Hmm ok then." She said.
(That would work, he’ll still be able to morph his body however he wants, but he won’t be able to control shadows outside of his body.)

(it’s a SHIELD jet so I assume they’d have one.)

(Are we talking Movie shield or cartoon/comic shield?)

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