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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Her eyes suddenly widened at the paranormal experience and, forgetting herself, reached down to touch the wolf tentatively on the pointed ear. It shouldn't surprise her that there were creatures like these in the world, yet the possibility that Strange wasn't the first to meddle in these affairs never crossed her mind.

"Fascinating..." she murmured, before retracting her hand like she touched burning iron. "S-Sorry. I've just nev-- um, it's been a long time since I've seen anything other than normal."
Maddy sat down in her wolf form. "It's okay I'm not going to bite. "
"I'll get out of here and I'm going to beat you to a pulp." She said going to the door of the cell and trying to ran into it to force it to open.
The door doesn't budge, but it sends an electric shock through Hunter's body. "Ah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Gerald says.
Maddy sat down in her wolf form. "It's okay I'm not going to bite. "
Allison shrugged her coat up again and peeled the butterfly off of her head, although it was stubbornly refusing to move. She gently nudged it away and it fluttered into the darkness of the night, zigzagging with intent with dozens of others that Alice knew were scattered across the city.

She grew silent for a moment, smiling at Maddy's comment and listening to the dozens of conversations, none of which were of any interest to her. Even if she'd left home to catch a break, she couldn't get over how normal everywhere else was.
The door doesn't budge, but it sends an electric shock through Hunter's body. "Ah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Gerald says.
"Ah" she said getting shocked. She glared at him. "People will know I'm missing and I won't let you keep me in this cage." She stood up. "I am a hunter, not some prey."
Allison shrugged her coat up again and peeled the butterfly off of her head, although it was stubbornly refusing to move. She gently nudged it away and it fluttered into the darkness of the night, zigzagging with intent with dozens of others that Alice knew were scattered across the city.

She grew silent for a moment, smiling at Maddy's comment and listening to the dozens of conversations, none of which were of any interest to her. Even if she'd left home to catch a break, she couldn't get over how normal everywhere else was.
She changed back to normal. She noticed her being silent. "Something on your mind."
She changed back to normal. She noticed her being silent. "Something on your mind."
She snapped back to reality, to Maddy the now-human, and smiled brightly. "In just tired. A good night's sleep is very rare for me." She glances back at the departing creature. "Haha, who needs plebian things like 'sleep'?"
She snapped back to reality, to Maddy the now-human, and smiled brightly. "In just tired. A good night's sleep is very rare for me." She glances back at the departing creature. "Haha, who needs plebian things like 'sleep'?"
Maddy nods. "Get some sleep it's important. Hopefully I'll see you around." She starts walking away.
"Ah" she said getting shocked. She glared at him. "People will know I'm missing and I won't let you keep me in this cage." She stood up. "I am a hunter, not some prey."
"You are MY prey....and my bait. You just haven't accepted it yet." He said. "Of course people will know you're missing. That doesn't change a thing." He paces. "Now, I still haven't awarded your prize, but I will offer you a better one. Be my apprentice."
"You are MY prey....and my bait. You just haven't accepted it yet." He said. "Of course people will know you're missing. That doesn't change a thing." He paces. "Now, I still haven't awarded your prize, but I will offer you a better one. Be my apprentice."
"really you're going to kidnap me then offer me an apprenticeship?" She ran her fingers through her hair taking out a bobby pin. "Yeah that's a stern no." She put her arm through the cell bars, ignoring the pain from getting shocked and tried to pick the lock. She didn't care about doing this in front of him. She was stubborn and was going to try to get out. As soon as she was able to get out she was going to beat him to a pulp and or possibly kill him.
"really you're going to kidnap me then offer me an apprenticeship?" She ran her fingers through her hair taking out a bobby pin. "Yeah that's a stern no." She put her arm through the cell bars, ignoring the pain from getting shocked and tried to pick the lock. She didn't care about doing this in front of him. She was stubborn and was going to try to get out. As soon as she was able to get out she was going to beat him to a pulp and or possibly kill him.
Gerald watches in amusement. "Wow, you really are stubborn. You know I have the key card to open the cell with, so picking that lock would only get you halfway home."
Gerald watches in amusement. "Wow, you really are stubborn. You know I have the key card to open the cell with, so picking that lock would only get you halfway home."
"Yeah..stubborn is..ah" Hunter said getting shocked. "In my DNA" she continued trying to pick the lock but after several more shocks she dropped the bobbypin. She took a few more shocks before sitting down and breathing heavily. "I will..never..be your apprentice..I'll get out and kill you" (I kind of want to see Gerald make her be her apprentice and become more of a pawn in his game.)
"Yeah..stubborn is..ah" Hunter said getting shocked. "In my DNA" she continued trying to pick the lock but after several more shocks she dropped the bobbypin. She took a few more shocks before sitting down and breathing heavily. "I will..never..be your apprentice..I'll get out and kill you" (I kind of want to see Gerald make her be her apprentice and become more of a pawn in his game.)
(Would be quite interesting. Let's make it happen.)
"It's only a matter of time before Tyson puts the pieces together." Gerald says. "Do you really want to be the reason that he dies? You know, like that guy in the grave...and the person that The Silencer killed outside of the buffet upstairs...and countless others before them. Hell, even the guy you killed earlier." He flashes a devilish smile. "Like it or not, you've already been working for me."
(Would be quite interesting. Let's make it happen.)
"It's only a matter of time before Tyson puts the pieces together." Gerald says. "Do you really want to be the reason that he dies? You know, like that guy in the grave...and the person that The Silencer killed outside of the buffet upstairs...and countless others before them. Hell, even the guy you killed earlier." He flashes a devilish smile. "Like it or not, you've already been working for me."
"just shut it. I might have done the tasks for you but I'm done. You will not make me be your apprentice. Don't try to guilt trip me" she said.
"just shut it. I might have done the tasks for you but I'm done. You will not make me be your apprentice. Don't try to guilt trip me" she said.
"Hah. When you find out the truth, you'll be begging to be my apprentice." He said. "Now for your prize. You wanted to know more about Tyson? Things that he's hiding? Well, here's something to know. I know how to kill him....permanently."
"Hah. When you find out the truth, you'll be begging to be my apprentice." He said. "Now for your prize. You wanted to know more about Tyson? Things that he's hiding? Well, here's something to know. I know how to kill him....permanently."
"I doubt it." She said and stood up, thinking about trying again with getting free. She looked around the cell for anything to help her. She glared at him. "You do?"
"I doubt it." She said and stood up, thinking about trying again with getting free. She looked around the cell for anything to help her. She glared at him. "You do?"
He folds his arms. "He is a very unique individual. Being able to come back to life after dying is phenomenal. However, his revival power only works if his spirit is intact. The key to killing him is to destroy his soul so that it isn't able to rise from the ashes. Only a handful of people in all of existence know this."
He folds his arms. "He is a very unique individual. Being able to come back to life after dying is phenomenal. However, his revival power only works if his spirit is intact. The key to killing him is to destroy his soul so that it isn't able to rise from the ashes. Only a handful of people in all of existence know this."
"Hmm" she said. "Good to know." She searches the cell for anything she could use to escape or possibly throw at Gerald.
"Hmm" she said. "Good to know." She searches the cell for anything she could use to escape or possibly throw at Gerald.
There were sheets and cups and fancy napkins and stuff. It was a combination of a suite and a prison cell. Nothing to help escape with, but plenty of things to throw. Suddenly, Gerald's expression turns serious. "You know, there's someone else I can get to that'll be much easier to kill. Tell me. What do you want me to write on your brother's grave?"
There were sheets and cups and fancy napkins and stuff. It was a combination of a suite and a prison cell. Nothing to help escape with, but plenty of things to throw. Suddenly, Gerald's expression turns serious. "You know, there's someone else I can get to that'll be much easier to kill. Tell me. What do you want me to write on your brother's grave?"
Hunter grabbed a cup and threw it. "I'm gonna kill you I promise you that. Stay away from my brother" she then ran into the door, getting shocked. She didn't care. She was angry.
Hunter grabbed a cup and threw it. "I'm gonna kill you I promise you that. Stay away from my brother" she then ran into the door, getting shocked. She didn't care. She was angry.
The cup hits Gerald in the face. "Well that's just mean. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. I don't have to go near your brother. I can just have his murder be someone else's task.....oh! I got it! I'll make it Tyson's final task and give him a short time limit. Either he kills Eric, or he dies. Regardless, you'll lose someone you love. Do you really think you'd be able to run the famed Gods Assassins after allowing something like that to happen? Hmmm...maybe I should put hits out on all of them."
The cup hits Gerald in the face. "Well that's just mean. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. I don't have to go near your brother. I can just have his murder be someone else's task.....oh! I got it! I'll make it Tyson's final task and give him a short time limit. Either he kills Eric, or he dies. Regardless, you'll lose someone you love. Do you really think you'd be able to run the famed Gods Assassins after allowing something like that to happen? Hmmm...maybe I should put hits out on all of them."
Hunter frowned. She was still full of anger. She didn't know what to do. She sat down on the ground putting her head to her knees. She started to cry.
The cup hits Gerald in the face. "Well that's just mean. Now, where was I? Oh yeah. I don't have to go near your brother. I can just have his murder be someone else's task.....oh! I got it! I'll make it Tyson's final task and give him a short time limit. Either he kills Eric, or he dies. Regardless, you'll lose someone you love. Do you really think you'd be able to run the famed Gods Assassins after allowing something like that to happen? Hmmm...maybe I should put hits out on all of them."
Jace was listening in magically. He had an idea. He hoped it would work.
Hunter frowned. She was still full of anger. She didn't know what to do. She sat down on the ground putting her head to her knees. She started to cry.
Gerald smirks as he watches her cry. Then, he takes a step back. "Welp, time to send your boyfriend kill your brother and see if he'll actually do it. No matter which one dies, I'll kill the other. Have fun in your new home." He turns to leave.

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