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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Okay well everyone ELSE put on a hazmat suit."
Eris puts on a hazmat suit.
"Soooo anyone have a plan as to how we're gonna get these stones when we find Darkseid? I'm not sure how to deal with the time stone, but I could briefly level the playing field against the reality stone for a brief moment...I think."
"We need to distract him and get a radion bullet into him. Or at least stab him with the radion..." Thanos then looked at Maddy"
"Of course" Emily replied
Dragunov Dragunov
She chanted a bit and there was a sudden flash of light. When it cleared, Haruhi and Emily were in a forest.
"We need to distract him and get a radion bullet into him. Or at least stab him with the radion..." Thanos then looked at Maddy"

She chanted a bit and there was a sudden flash of light. When it cleared, Haruhi and Emily were in a forest.
"How long do you need me to distract him?" Eris asks as she looks at Thanos.
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He was chained up. "Ow... Fine... You can heal... Me... Outside.... This room."
she threw two cards and broke the chains and tried to drag him outside the room, she heals him as much as she can and prepares to go back inside to rescue this mysterious girl
she threw two cards and broke the chains and tried to drag him outside the room, she heals him as much as she can and prepares to go back inside to rescue this mysterious girl
The girl was in a different room. She's have to wait for Leo to recover some. Now was the time to retreat.
"We need to distract him and get a radion bullet into him. Or at least stab him with the radion..." Thanos then looked at Maddy"

She chanted a bit and there was a sudden flash of light. When it cleared, Haruhi and Emily were in a forest.
Emily stepped closer to Haruhi. " I know it's probably a bad time but please consider going out with me" Emily said as She looked down.
Jace walked out of the building he was in. "What the hell?" He started casting magic to protect himself.

In the air he saw a vortex open up and begin to suck things in, including water and poeple, for the Scrin had activated their super weapon, the Rift Generator
He cast a gravity spell on himself keeping him on the ground
The rift ended up destroying everything else, its pull was strong enough to making him feel like he was being pulled apart as his spell kept him on the ground
After everything was destroyed the rift closed itself
He looked at the building he had craftwd single-handedly by hand and magic. His eyes narrowed seeing it was completely and utterly destroyed. "Somebody is going to pay for this." He said to himself in a low drawn out growl.

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