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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Peter (who is in costume so he registers to her as Spider-Man) sprayed them with webbing. Using his webbing as an adhesive he pulled it and the infest out of the door.
Chroma soon gave Spider-Man a thumbs up as she pulled out her Deagle and slowly moves in as she soon changed elemental to fire.
A new update was sent to all participants in the tournament. Asian rounds have begun, middle east tournament to begin in 3 hours, American league to begin in 8 hours. Please report to the local city hall to acquire a form before heading to the designated arena. Thank you and good luck.
She nodded." Okay.. Hmm I'm going to have to look at Alex if he is taking part in the Tournament "
Dru nodded "let's go and find him."
The transfer happened almost seamlessly almost.
An explosive detonated outside the prison van.
It send the vehicle over sideways.
A shadow darkened the van.
"Come on John let's get you out of here."
A man in dark yellow armor got the entity out of the van.
"Who are you? Wait. Chris-"
"Shhhhhh. We need to get out now then you can yammer on as much as you want. Also yes."
A person in combat gear walked up to them.
"Come on let's go."
"Yada yada. Let's go."
(Dash can try to stop us at this point.)
They went over to a pickup truck.
Dash punched the two men helping the Entity and Zadock walked down the street looking bored "you don't learn do you?"
Chroma soon gave Spider-Man a thumbs up as she pulled out her Deagle and slowly moves in as she soon changed elemental to fire.
The Doctor walked in slowly and cautiously. "There's more of that material." He said. "This stuff is gross." Peter said.
Dru nodded "let's go and find him."
Dash punched the two men helping the Entity and Zadock walked down the street looking bored "you don't learn do you?"
The man in yellow armor shocked zombie guy while the person in combat armor used the combat equipment to take away their powers. The man in yellow armor. Now named Tempest used his power increaser to bump up the entity's powers. Hellstorm sent a blast at Dash and all three of them got out.
"So. Who were those guys?" Tempest asked
"Some people who I guess won't find us for a long time." The Entity said.
"Damn right. They will never find us." Both of The Entity's rescuers said.
They went to a new base that was on a private island. They won't be found for now. The power jammer was turned off and Dash and Zadock could get up now.
The man in yellow armor shocked zombie guy while the person in combat armor used the combat equipment to take away their powers. The man in yellow armor. Now named Tempest used his power increaser to bump up the entity's powers. Hellstorm sent a blast at Dash and all three of them got out.
"So. Who were those guys?" Tempest asked
"Some people who I guess won't find us for a long time." The Entity said.
"Damn right. They will never find us." Both of The Entity's rescuers said.
They went to a new base that was on a private island. They won't be found for now. The power jammer was turned off and Dash and Zadock could get up now.
(You're wrong) Zadock still there his sword at Hellstorm the sword moving faster than normal people could react the shock was dissipated by his enchanted armor. Dash now having no powers was at a disadvantage but he kept trying and barely dodged the blast.
Tempest grabbed a rifle and pointed it right at Zadock. "This ammo. If it hits you. It shall hurt very, very bad. And I never miss."
The Entity pointed both blades at Dash. "Shall I?" The blades charged up to max power.
Meanwhile the soldier activated the power dampener to get both of them.
Tempest grabbed a rifle and pointed it right at Zadock. "This ammo. If it hits you. It shall hurt very, very bad. And I never miss."
The Entity pointed both blades at Dash. "Shall I?" The blades charged up to max power.
Meanwhile the soldier activated the power dampener to get both of them.
Zadcok smiled and pulled out his sword "I'm going to give you a chance to shoot me before I take your arm off." (Wouldn't the blades get dampened too?) Zadcok began to charge his aura to overload the dampener while dash ran at the machine.
A new update was sent to all participants in the tournament. Asian rounds have begun, middle east tournament to begin in 3 hours, American league to begin in 8 hours. Please report to the local city hall to acquire a form before heading to the designated arena. Thank you and good luck.

Dru nodded "let's go and find him."
Dash punched the two men helping the Entity and Zadock walked down the street looking bored "you don't learn do you?"
Diana had teleported Alex home. They were standing outside the house. Diana was jumping up and down. "the house is back"

Allyson looked at her phone. "we have 8 hours now"
Zadcok smiled and pulled out his sword "I'm going to give you a chance to shoot me before I take your arm off." (Wouldn't the blades get dampened too?) Zadcok began to charge his aura to overload the dampener while dash ran at the machine.
Tempest fired a three round burst at Zadcoks chest.
The soldier readjusted the tech to increase the dampening power.
(No. The jammer was only adjusted at Zadcok and Dash.)
Diana had teleported Alex home. They were standing outside the house. Diana was jumping up and down. "the house is back"

Allyson looked at her phone. "we have 8 hours now"

"Are you planning on using me in the tournament Allyson? I can assist you if you wish" Thor stated as she looked at her phone

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