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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yeah...this is why I have a accountant. This stuff is so boring " she said setting down her pencil and looking over at Joey.
Peter laughed. "Makes sense." Then he went quiet. He heard a voice in his head. Get up. He did so. Good you're working. Now, leave the room I want you to do something for me. I want you to break yourself. I want you to destroy the last tie you in New York... Kill Harry Osborn.
Peter laughed. "Makes sense." Then he went quiet. He heard a voice in his head. Get up. He did so. Good you're working. Now, leave the room I want you to do something for me. I want you to break yourself. I want you to destroy the last tie you in New York... Kill Harry Osborn.
Maddy looked over at Peter. "What are you doing."
"This isn't like you." She said blocking his attack. "You arnt in control of yourself."
He was silent as he kept up his assault. There's a syringe of Wolf's bane in the cabinet. Peter webbed the cabinet door open and web pulled the syringe. He stuck the syringe in her arm.

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