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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Besides a killer and a all around criminal? " Nyx asked. "Even in jail you're doing something, bribing guards to get a private room with personal chefs. I'm wondering if you could make it in jail like a normal person"
"If I tried, half the prison would be dead." he replied "But don't lie to yourself, you would do the same thing if you were in my position."
"Your health deteriorates. You'll start feeling dizzy at random. You'll feel energized one moment and then burnt out the next. Dehydration becomes a constant. And don't make contact with her after you've looked into her eyes. You'll get Fisherman's Madness. That's when you get obsessed with hunting the serpent to the point it destroys your personal life. Then, she basks in your misery before killing you."
"wow" he said
"Okay never mind on that" Maddy took the keys. "I'm coming for you joey.."
Peter landed at the house and went to talk to Abigail. FoolsErin FoolsErin

"Karma.." Indigo meowed.

Allyson looks around
"Who's Karma?" Sorrialus asked.

She was immediately pulled to the side by Scout. Sniper, Soldier, and Heavy were also there. Spy had gotten himself caught and started a firefight. Scout took out a pistol and handed it to Allyson. "I want dat back after dis." He pulled a bat with the word "Atomizer on it. He jumped and then jumped twice more in midair reaching higher ground.
" yeah your right." Nyx said. "So what do you think she sees in you?"
He remained silent for a moment lost in thought "... perhaps... a scared little boy lost in a world that was ready to leave him to die... and now seeks redemption for his sins to make the world a better place..." his stomach rumbled
Peter landed at the house and went to talk to Abigail. FoolsErin FoolsErin

"Who's Karma?" Sorrialus asked.

She was immediately pulled to the side by Scout. Sniper, Soldier, and Heavy were also there. Spy had gotten himself caught and started a firefight. Scout took out a pistol and handed it to Allyson. "I want dat back after dis." He pulled a bat with the word "Atomizer on it. He jumped and then jumped twice more in midair reaching higher ground.
indigo looked at him and then at fate. " my human."

Thanks" Allyson said.
He remained silent for a moment lost in thought "... perhaps... a scared little boy lost in a world that was ready to leave him to die... and now seeks redemption for his sins to make the world a better place..." his stomach rumbled
"You seek redemption but end up in jail. " she laughed. "And what do you see in her?"
indigo looked at him and then at fate. " my human."

Thanks" Allyson said.
"I thought her name was Fate." He said

Scout slid on his knees and shot a man in the chest. "Scout! Hurry up!" Spy yelled. "Shut it old man you da one who got into dis spot in the first place!" Scout shot back. He pulled out the baby face and shot another man with it. The resulting speed boost made him fast enough to outrun the spinning of a turret to try and shot him.
"A second chance." He replied as his stomach rumbled more "A second chance at everything."
"That all you had more to say about you then her. Well I'll be back. " Nyx said walking into the shadows but not before taking a picture of joey before leaving.
"That all you had more to say about you then her. Well I'll be back. " Nyx said walking into the shadows but not before taking a picture of joey before leaving.
"Sometimes a few words can say a lot more than a story." Joey said "Also... do me a favor and break your neck you bitch."
"I thought her name was Fate." He said

Scout slid on his knees and shot a man in the chest. "Scout! Hurry up!" Spy yelled. "Shut it old man you da one who got into dis spot in the first place!" Scout shot back. He pulled out the baby face and shot another man with it. The resulting speed boost made him fast enough to outrun the spinning of a turret to try and shot him.
"Real name Karma" indigo meows

Allyson pressed a button on he bracelet and a disc shaped energy shield appeared over it. She looks around for were the blue prints were.
"Sometimes a few words can say a lot more than a story." Joey said "Also... do me a favor and break your neck you bitch."
Nyx just laughed.

Maddy drove Peter's car around the city, trying to figure out where Nyx could have taken joey. She was worried. She got a photo sent to her phone, she opened it. " oh no joey.."
Nyx just laughed.

Maddy drove Peter's car around the city, trying to figure out where Nyx could have taken joey. She was worried. She got a photo sent to her phone, she opened it. " oh no joey.."
"So... tell me a bit about your world." He asked
"Real name Karma" indigo meows

Allyson pressed a button on he bracelet and a disc shaped energy shield appeared over it. She looks around for were the blue prints were.
"Oh." Sorrialus said.

Scout vaulted over something and saw Darkcloak about to touch Allyson without her noticing. Scout took out the Pretty Boy Pocket Pistol and aimed it at the man and shot. The bullet went through his hand. "How's the weather lookin' over dere dumbass!?" He asked. He got shot in the head. "Hah. Idiot." Another Scout Clone came from a teleporter. "What ya think we didn't have a back up plan for dyin'? Scout asked.
"So... tell me a bit about your world." He asked
Nyx stood in the shadows. "Its fine, my family is the best in the business, made my parents so proud. Your spiderman is known as venom in my world...well Maddy knows your missing, she's going to start looking for you know. I think I might go."
Nyx stood in the shadows. "Its fine, my family is the best in the business, made my parents so proud. Your spiderman is known as venom in my world...well Maddy knows your missing, she's going to start looking for you know. I think I might go."
"Good... leave." Joey replied "I look forward to using your spine as a back scratcher."

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