The Wordsmith Myth
A Story Teller
Ben nodded. The Doctor and himself periodically checked behind their backs. Ever once in a while Ben would pull out a knife and put the blade through the head of a zombie."I agree... even fighting a goddess... and well... this still surprises me. Probably because it feels like it came out of a game." Joey said. The alley had some zombies but they were slow and easy to pass. Joey took out his knife and dug it into the zombies head as he passed them "Huh... kinda thought they would put up a bigger fight you know..." He then began casually walking "I think we can take it easy for now. Just keep an eye on your backs.
"This dress is nice." She said as she twirled.
He looked up actually seeing her. He stood up. "Whoa... Leavanny's clothes always looked nice but... Her work looks a thousand times better.on you than anyone else I've seen." He said.