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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Oz had carried Ollie to her room. He came back out to the living room. "Maddy wanna spar?" Maddy shrugged. "Sure"
Sam thought about what had happened over the course of today. He had learned that Roxie's feelings were real but wasn't completely sure if that was all. He's have to ask her out later. He stared up at the ceiling. What was great is that being telepaths he could call her up whenever or vise versa.
Sam thought about what had happened over the course of today. He had learned that Roxie's feelings were real but wasn't completely sure if that was all. He's have to ask her out later. He stared up at the ceiling. What was great is that being telepaths he could call her up whenever or vise versa.
Roxie was still getting info from Wolf's place.
"Hmm" she walked into the room
She saw a clone being devoured by a skeleton with a hatchet. It looked up. It looked just like Sans except with large hole in it's head, a single glowing red eye, and a bloodstained shirt. The exact same shirt, hoodie, and clothes. All stained with blood. "hey look more good eats. and unlike a clone this one ain't store brand." He started to walk towards his hatchet dragging across the ground the metal making a screeching noise against the floor.
She saw a clone being devoured by a skeleton with a hatchet. It looked up. It looked just like Sans except with large hole in it's head, a single glowing red eye, and a bloodstained shirt. The exact same shirt, hoodie, and clothes. All stained with blood. "hey look more good eats. and unlike a clone this one ain't store brand." He started to walk towards his hatchet dragging across the ground the metal making a screeching noise against the floor.
"Yeah I'm no meal." Roxie said summoning her skeletons.
"Hey I worked hard on those." She said taking out her knife
"meh... don't worry... you won't kiss them for very long..." He rushed at her and then disappeared. Only to reappear behind sending his dull hatchet into her leg. Not enough to take off her leg but enough force to definitely cut deep.
"Ow" she said trying to use her other arm to stab him. a skeleton is trying to eat me .
Sam jumped out his window "Come on. If these lighting powers were ever gonna work do it now!" Suddenly lighting crackled around his wings and he flew faster landing at Wolfe's lab.

Sans caught the knife. "cool now i can cut off the best little bits first." He pressed the tip of the knife against her wrist. Then slowly painfully angle the knife down as he cut into it.
Sam jumped out his window "Come on. If these lighting powers were ever gonna work do it now!" Suddenly lighting crackled around his wings and he flew faster landing at Wolfe's lab.

Sans caught the knife. "cool now i can cut off the best little bits first." He pressed the tip of the knife against her wrist. Then slowly painfully angle the knife down as he cut into it.
"Ahh" she screamed.
"HEY!" Sam yelled. The skeleton looked at him immediately it's head turning with a slice info crack. "Sans?" Sam asked. He pulled the knife out Roxie's wrist leaving the artery exposed. He began to walk towards Sam.
She covered her wrist with her other hand. ," Sam be careful..."
She covered her wrist with her other hand. ," Sam be careful..."
He disappeared and reappeared in front of Sam slicing at his stomach with her knife. Sam backstepped barely dodging the attack. His shirt was cut open revealing the many burn scars underneath. "heh.. looks like this meals gonna be well done." Sam held out his arm and the hatchet on the ground flew into it. "that's not yours." Sans said. Sam looked at Roxie. Even with applied pressure she was going to lose too much blood if something wasn't done. He threw the ax into a terminal and overloaded the terminal with his lightning causing an explosion that filled the room with smoke. Sans was unsure of where Sam and Roxie were. When the smoke cleared they were gone. Sam was flu bug Roxie back to the house noticing how much blood she had lost. "Don't you dare die on me. Not now."
He disappeared and reappeared in front of Sam slicing at his stomach with her knife. Sam backstepped barely dodging the attack. His shirt was cut open revealing the many burn scars underneath. "heh.. looks like this meals gonna be well done." Sam held out his arm and the hatchet on the ground flew into it. "that's not yours." Sans said. Sam looked at Roxie. Even with applied pressure she was going to lose too much blood if something wasn't done. He threw the ax into a terminal and overloaded the terminal with his lightning causing an explosion that filled the room with smoke. Sans was unsure of where Sam and Roxie were. When the smoke cleared they were gone. Sam was flu bug Roxie back to the house noticing how much blood she had lost. "Don't you dare die on me. Not now."
" I'll try..not to..god my leg hurts" she said closing her eyes.
" I'll try..not to..god my leg hurts" she said closing her eyes.
He basically crashed through his window the glass shattered loudly and he landed on the ground with a loud thud Roxie on top of him. He had many cuts from the glass but got up despite his pain and ran to the dojo.
He basically crashed through his window the glass shattered loudly and he landed on the ground with a loud thud Roxie on top of him. He had many cuts from the glass but got up despite his pain and ran to the dojo.
Maddy and oz were sparring. They had stopped when they entered. "Sam! Roxie!" Maddy said concerned. "What happened"

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