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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"So, how was everyone's day?" Joey asked

"Don't worry, I won't aim for you." Haruhi responded as she followed behind Maddy, firing shots near her

The girl smiled and said, "Really great! Mom let me try some of the new items we're gonna add to the menu, Lizzie and I played Jenga..." She rattles on and on about stuff she did with her family, someone called 'Nax' and most importantly, ghosts.
The girl smiled and said, "Really great! Mom let me try some of the new items we're gonna add to the menu, Lizzie and I played Jenga..." She rattles on and on about stuff she did with her family, someone called 'Nax' and most importantly, ghosts.
Joey listened to everything she had to say, sipping his tea on occassion, though it was more like liquid sugar.
Joey listened to everything she had to say, sipping his tea on occassion, though it was more like liquid sugar.

The solider is half asleep, barely holding his head up on the table. The girl shoots him a look, but he just yawns and continues to look bored.
Hayden was up tired and noticed Oracle...
Jackson stood in front of her his arms folded. "Have you calmed down?"

Oracle slowly rose to her feet. She smiled and nodded.

Then she attempted to swipe Jackson's feet from under him with a swift kick, all while screaming, "NOT UNTIL THOSE WHO TAKEN SIGHT HAVE PAY!" If she succeeded, she made a leap for the door, shoving into it to try and get outside and make a break for it.
"Trying to bleed out the poison?" He asked. "No. Not allowed." He waved his hand and the air she was breathing suddenly became laced with anesthesia.
Eris smirks. "Nope. Just tossing a lure. And you took the bait." She looks up towards Lazarus who's giving her the death stare. "Thank you. For all that you've done for me."
Oracle slowly rose to her feet. She smiled and nodded.

Then she attempted to swipe Jackson's feet from under him with a swift kick, all while screaming, "NOT UNTIL THOSE WHO TAKEN SIGHT HAVE PAY!" If she succeeded, she made a leap for the door, shoving into it to try and get outside and make a break for it.
Hayden sighed and blocked the door from Oracle he then trapped Oracle in a dome of energy
Oracle slowly rose to her feet. She smiled and nodded.

Then she attempted to swipe Jackson's feet from under him with a swift kick, all while screaming, "NOT UNTIL THOSE WHO TAKEN SIGHT HAVE PAY!" If she succeeded, she made a leap for the door, shoving into it to try and get outside and make a break for it.
Jackson's legs turned into steel and she hurt her toe.

Eris smirks. "Nope. Just tossing a lure. And you took the bait." She looks up towards Lazarus who's giving her the death stare. "Thank you. For all that you've done for me."
"Lazurus! Crush her!" Harry said.

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