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Fandom Superheros and Villains

(You picked the wrong one to cheat death with lol) the room was deep in the house with all manner of body parts but no whole beings.
(I meant he escaped the house. Lol, but doesn't everyone in comics cheat death? Including the villians, but I must continue my plans for my arc I'm building.) Shade's new body was originally a thug and he smelled like Cocaine, "Geez why does my body smells like Cocaine?" he said to himself
," oh you two going on a date? Have fun.' Maddy smiled. Fate smiles. "Thanks"
Ben got back in the car. There was a cop there. Ben hadn't exactly parked with great care. He received a parking ticket, the coo wished them well, amd then they were allowed to move on

"Protecting us or protecting humans?" Dru asked as he gave the Doctor a knowing look.
"This would kill me mid-regeneration and right now yoy're as human as she is." The Doctor said cocking his head at Allyson
(I meant he escaped the house. Lol, but doesn't everyone in comics cheat death? Including the villians, but I must continue my plans for my arc I'm building.) Shade's new body was originally a thug and he smelled like Cocaine, "Geez why does my body smells like Cocaine?" he said to himself
(You do realize that escaping the house wouldn't be just an easy thing right?)
Ben got back in the car. There was a cop there. Ben hadn't exactly parked with great care. He received a parking ticket, the coo wished them well, amd then they were allowed to move on

"This would kill me mid-regeneration and right now yoy're as human as she is." The Doctor said cocking his head at Allyson
"Yes a fact I'm well aware of." Dru said with a grumble his cheery expression fading back into a gloomy frown.
(You do realize that escaping the house wouldn't be just an easy thing right?)
(Yes, but could a house notice a tiny piece of blood, I could barely tell if my bedroom floor has dog piss without smelling it. Let alone blood and my bedroom has a wooden floor. I assume the house would not notice it because its like normal house material, But added with MAGIC!)
Ben got back in the car. There was a cop there. Ben hadn't exactly parked with great care. He received a parking ticket, the coo wished them well, amd then they were allowed to move on

"This would kill me mid-regeneration and right now yoy're as human as she is." The Doctor said cocking his head at Allyson
Fate chuckled. "Well that happens"

Allyson was just listening
Maddy smiled and headed home.

"Yes he was. So if you want to get Maddy you need to get her phone" Minerva said
"That may seem like a difficult task... for me." He said "However the multiverse has several realities, if I so wish, I can hire the greatest thief in history to come at my doorstep."
Fate chuckled. "Well that happens"

Allyson was just listening
Ben drove to the restuarant.

"Anyway. Have you ever heard of the Saphire Waterfall." He said.

(You get a cookie and is that because there's nothing on the surface or because it's not sentient?)
(Because there's only one canon life form ever heard (yes heard) and I don't think it sleeps)
"That may seem like a difficult task... for me." He said "However the multiverse has several realities, if I so wish, I can hire the greatest thief in history to come at my doorstep."
" you could do that but your going to have to take it when she's not in the house. " she said. "And if you really want Maddy, you should do it before Joey returns.". Janus then spoke up. " you could try to get her when she is at the hospital "
Ben drove to the restuarant.

"Anyway. Have you ever heard of the Saphire Waterfall." He said.

(Because there's only one canon life form ever heard (yes heard) and I don't think it sleeps)
Fate smiles

"No but I'm guessing its like a normal waterfall but instead of water, its sapphires" she said.
" you could do that but your going to have to take it when she's not in the house. " she said. "And if you really want Maddy, you should do it before Joey returns.". Janus then spoke up. " you could try to get her when she is at the hospital "
"Ah yes, that would work." Void said "Maybe even take her coworkers hostage." He said
(Yes, but could a house notice a tiny piece of blood, I could barely tell if my bedroom floor has dog piss without smelling it. Let alone blood and my bedroom has a wooden floor. I assume the house would not notice it because its like normal house material, But added with MAGIC!)
(Zadocks lab is in the center of the house because of it's possibility for dangerous escapee's and the house is literally an almost endless labrynth so... I'm not saying I won't let it go just letting you know.)
"Ah yes, that would work." Void said "Maybe even take her coworkers hostage." He said
"That would do." Janus said. "She would give up her phone if it meant saving the innocent.".

Minerva smiled " and the rest will be easy from there but just in case, I'll bring a few things if she becomes trouble. Artemis, has been working on a shock collar."
"That would do." Janus said. "She would give up her phone if it meant saving the innocent.".

Minerva smiled " and the rest will be easy from there but just in case, I'll bring a few things if she becomes trouble. Artemis, has been working on a shock collar."
"Hahaha... a shock collar for the dog." Void said "The irony is astounding."
Ben drove to the restuarant.

"Anyway. Have you ever heard of the Saphire Waterfall." He said.

(Because there's only one canon life form ever heard (yes heard) and I don't think it sleeps)
(I've seen tuat episode d
Too and I mean we truly don't know enough to be able to be sure)
Fate smiles

"No but I'm guessing its like a normal waterfall but instead of water, its sapphires" she said.
Dru ignored the question in favor of looking out at the beautiful planet wishinghe could truly enjoy it.

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