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Fandom Superheros and Villains

" come on Eris" she said. @LumaThePhoenix
Fisk led them to Blackmorph who was inspecting Monsterous specimens.

"Ah yes, well you see, you and Joey got into a fight. He won, easily." James said with a smirk

Joey looked at his watch waiting for Sans.
"I... Don't doubt tha- wait.... That's not what happened. He looked at the whole in the iron-spider outfit. "Did I... Mutate?"

Sans returned and took him to the warehouse.
Fisk led them to Blackmorph who was inspecting Monsterous specimens.

"I... Don't doubt tha- wait.... That's not what happened. He looked at the whole in the iron-spider outfit. "Did I... Mutate?"

Sans returned and took him to the warehouse.
"Maybe, I don't remember, I was drunk for the past few hours. Best not to think about it." James said

"Alright... I'll use the cliffnotes chant. Klaatu Verata Nikto." He then stabbed the man and acquired the Devil Cell.
"Maybe, I don't remember, I was drunk for the past few hours. Best not to think about it." James said

"Alright... I'll use the cliffnotes chant. Klaatu Verata Nikto." He then stabbed the man and acquired the Devil Cell.
Peter nodded. "Alright." He walked put of the lab. It slowly can!e back to him. He had mutated caused by that... Blackmorph.

Sans had his hands stuffed in his pockets. "huh. what does this thing do?" Sans asked.
"Maybe, I don't remember, I was drunk for the past few hours. Best not to think about it." James said

"Alright... I'll use the cliffnotes chant. Klaatu Verata Nikto." He then stabbed the man and acquired the Devil Cell.
(Geez retcons hurt my head)
Hayden was waiting outside the room as he was not allowed into most rooms( Dragunov Dragunov looking at you)
Peter nodded. "Alright." He walked put of the lab. It slowly can!e back to him. He had mutated caused by that... Blackmorph.

Sans had his hands stuffed in his pockets. "huh. what does this thing do?" Sans asked.
(Geez retcons hurt my head)
Hayden was waiting outside the room as he was not allowed into most rooms( Dragunov Dragunov looking at you)
"Eternal life." Joey said "Through eternal death." He then sighed "I need a gun. And bullets... lots of bullets."
Sans thought. "i guess i should probably ask. if this goes even the tiny bit left. what happens?"
"Peter! your fine! I can't believe your fine, I thought we were gonna to lose you...
"... Then I might be gone for several thousand years." He said "But things can't have changed much... I hope. Now the gun."
He looks at James "How can I thank you for bringing back my friend?" (I accidently replied to the wrong person my last post, I meant to reply to The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth )
"... Then I might be gone for several thousand years." He said "But things can't have changed much... I hope. Now the gun."
Sans hesitated. Joey was engaged. Maybe he should... "too late to turn back now." Sans said snapping his finger bones. A gun appeared in front of. Joey
"Peter! your fine! I can't believe your fine, I thought we were gonna to lose you...

He looks at James "How can I thank you for bringing back my friend?" (I accidently replied to the wrong person my last post, I meant to reply to The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth )
"Probably by not being around when Joey returns... Kidding, tickets to Disneyland. I haven't been there in a while." James replied
Sans hesitated. Joey was engaged. Maybe he should... "too late to turn back now." Sans said snapping his finger bones. A gun appeared in front of. Joey
Joey took the gun and blew his head clean off. His body then regenerated as the card appeared with only five lives left "Hope we got enough bullets left." he said as he put the gun back in his mouth.
"Probably by not being around when Joey returns... Kidding, tickets to Disneyland. I haven't been there in a while." James replied

Joey took the gun and blew his head clean off. His body then regenerated as the card appeared with only five lives left "Hope we got enough bullets left." he said as he put the gun back in his mouth.
"wait..." Sans said. "unexpected but okay." He snapped again and crates of ammo appeared.
Joey sighed and pulled the trigger once more. His body regenerated with four lives left "I hope you have something to repay me for this."
"does a guy with enough knowledge to transform a demon soul count?" Sans asked. "i also have a bottle of ketchup."
"Welp, whoever you are, I give you my gratitude..and tickets to disneyland, just don't expect it to be so soon, I'm out of money for the most part, christmas shopping ya know?"
Joey sighed and pulled the trigger once more. His body regenerated with four lives left "I hope you have something to repay me for this."
"Welp, whoever you are, I give you my gratitude..and tickets to disneyland, just don't expect it to be so soon, I'm out of money for the most part, christmas shopping ya know?"
He got a text "That mission was amazing! 215,000 has been added to your account!" It was Diane
"does a guy with enough knowledge to transform a demon soul count?" Sans asked. "i also have a bottle of ketchup."
"Save the bottle for if the transformation fails." He said as he pulled the trigger again. Three lives left.
He got a text "That mission was amazing! 215,000 has been added to your account!" It was Diane

"Save the bottle for if the transformation fails." He said as he pulled the trigger again. Three lives left.
"Nevermind, I just got money...Alright, Let's go to Florida.." he told James.
"Eeeh... I said Disneyland, not world." James replied "In California."

Joey pulled the trigger once more. Two lives left. "I honestly... don't want to go back..."
"Sorry get those two confused a lot, let me rephrase my last sentence," he coughs to help his voice "Alright, Let's go to California" he replied
"Sorry get those two confused a lot, let me rephrase my last sentence," he coughs to help his voice "Alright, Let's go to California" he replied
"Yay! Space Mountain first!" James said. He then coughed "I mean space mountain first."
"you.... don't have to do this." Sans said.
"A friend of a friend is a friend of mine." Joey said "You're on good terms with Peter... and I already have the Devil Cell... there's no going back now." He pulled the trigger once more. One life left.
"Yay! Space Mountain first!" James said. He then coughed "I mean space mountain first."

"A friend of a friend is a friend of mine." Joey said "You're on good terms with Peter... and I already have the Devil Cell... there's no going back now." He pulled the trigger once more. One life left.
"Alright, let's go to the house, and then using the teleporter room, we go to DisneyLand and buy tickets there, then you do whatever you want." he said

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