The Wordsmith Myth
A Story Teller
"She broke Johnny out of the negative zone." Tony said. "That's illegal in itself.""Legally speaking, you can't be taken in for not signing. The X-men refused to sign and merely remain neutral. Legally, we can not take them in because they refused to sign, otherwise it would be a direct violation of their rights as U.S. citizens." James replied "The act only has you arrested for the act of heroing, which basically means going on patrols and stopping bad guys and such, of course there are loopholes in certain situations such as minor emergencies that would take the police too long to handle followed by self defense." Joey stood out of the bathroom holding his stomach and his phone "He's right. Legally, we can't take you in." he said with a burp. "I'll get the saltwater." James said as he walked over to the mini kitchen