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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Diana is back in the living room where she sees Dana in a rocking chair with a broken arm. She sees Diana and looks shocked.

"I knew you'd come back to finish the job. Go ahead. Kill me." She says.
(Tis not the actual Dana)
(I figured.) "No I'm not..I would never..I didn't want to.". She went over to Dan and tried to grab her hand. " come on use your future vision and we can get out of here."
Sol was sitting in a living room chair. Creating colorful shapes out of light as entertainment.
(Its called being polite plus doctors deserve money)

"Joey your house isn't far, I can fly you there"
"Where I'm from, tipping is an insult." He replied as he began swearing in foreign languages from the injuries. "Just stop Hayden. Focus on surviving. Void could come back any minute."
" you don't have to pay me"Maddy said. "Joey let me heal you"
"Please do." He said
Zadock raised an eyebrow " I am connected to the veil between the living world and the spirit realm that's where I draw my power from. If you think I'm some normal human trying to be tough you are mistaken." Zadock smiled and turned to his book and began chanting again and when he finished he said "I'll challenge you to a level duel whoever wins gets what they want how's that sound?"
"So be it, necromancer." Aeshma said, taking out his sword as the daemons behind him retreated.
"So be it, necromancer." Aeshma said, taking out his sword as the daemons behind him retreated.
Zadock smiled and stepped into the barrier taking off his jacket and pulling out a sword. "by the rights of Dru son of Gaia and master of time I demand fair stakes for this challenge." The immortal then appeared as time stopped around them. The immortal looked at Zadock with disinterest and open disgust at the Daemon. "fine Houdini make it happen." Suddenly Houdini waved a wand and made them equal to humans with no powers and no supernatural skills just their training.

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