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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Violet was up and her and Fate were talking.w
After his shower Ben grabbed a fresh set of clothes. This time looking back to his younger days. A white shirt with a black stripe and green cargo pants. He went downstairs and saw them. "Hey you're awake. That's good. You want a Smoothie?" He asked.
After his shower Ben grabbed a fresh set of clothes. This time looking back to his younger days. A white shirt with a black stripe and green cargo pants. He went downstairs and saw them. "Hey you're awake. That's good. You want a Smoothie?" He asked.
Violet nods. "Sure sounds good." She said petting her black cat.
"Hey do you know where I can find someone that can remove souls?"
"Why do you need to know?" Ben asked.

"Yeah I am. I really wasn't myself..that stone made all my senses messed up." She said. Fate nods. "I understand"
"It's okay. I've seen good people corrupted by power. Even other versions of myself who couldn't handle the Omnitrix." Musicnotes Musicnotes
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