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Fandom Superheros and Villains

((Hi! Are you guys accepting new people? I asked on your OOC thread-saw that nobody's posted on it since the 22nd of last month-but I didn't know if anyone would respond.))
Sol simply continued to rest quietly not wanting to disturb her. He got to his feet and decided to explore the house a little bit. It was rather large he may as well get its layout.
As he explored, he sees that some of the bedroom doors had signs saying whose room it was, he also soon finds a gym.
Ben looked at the Omnitrix. "It's fixed henetic damage before." He said. "Omnitrix how far could an attempt to correct the Highbeed's genetics?" He asked. "A universal genetic repair is possible. Sill require all current energy and will trigger an immediate recharge mode." The Omnitrix said. "That please." Ben said. The omnitrix glowed amd a green light extended from it stretching across the entire universe. When the light was gone the highbreed all looked different from eachother."Now you guys don't have to die out." Ben said.

"This almost destoryed the Omnitrix." Max said. "But Ben was willing. And in doing this he saves his entire universe."

Jackson was shocked. "The entire universe? He never mentioned that."
" maybe he didn't want to " fate said.
((Alright, I've posted a character form on the character page.))
" maybe he didn't want to " fate said.
"I totally would." Jackson said honestly. "Ben doesn't seem like the bragging type." Peter said.

Another skip. Ben Gwen and Kevin were talking to work aliens who were asking them to take on an important mission. "Only the great Ben Tennyson is worthy enough to undertake such a critical mission." The Ambassador said. Ben looked at Gwen and Kevin. "That's cuz I saved the-" "Whole entire universe." They finished. Clearly Ben had been reiterating this fact a lot. "You were saying?" Jackson asked. "Hey so he had a bit of an ego for a while. He saved the Universe. Most people would."
"I totally would." Jackson said honestly. "Ben doesn't seem like the bragging type." Peter said.

Another skip. Ben Gwen and Kevin were talking to work aliens who were asking them to take on an important mission. "Only the great Ben Tennyson is worthy enough to undertake such a critical mission." The Ambassador said. Ben looked at Gwen and Kevin. "That's cuz I saved the-" "Whole entire universe." They finished. Clearly Ben had been reiterating this fact a lot. "You were saying?" Jackson asked. "Hey so he had a bit of an ego for a while. He saved the Universe. Most people would."
Fate laughed and watched.
Fate laughed and watched.
Later in the memory they were on the spaceship. Thee peqce offering was the prince of said aliens. "You don't think it's at all weird that a baby is the offering?" Gwen asked Kevin. "So promce grows up in castle number one or castle number two what's the diff?" Kevin asked. The alien got near the Omnitrix. It cracked with energy. "Ow!" Ben said. The Omnitrix transformed Ben on it's own.


Later in the memory they were on the spaceship. Thee peqce offering was the prince of said aliens. "You don't think it's at all weird that a baby is the offering?" Gwen asked Kevin. "So promce grows up in castle number one or castle number two what's the diff?" Kevin asked. The alien got near the Omnitrix. It cracked with energy. "Ow!" Ben said. The Omnitrix transformed Ben on it's own.


" why did he transform " Diana asked
" why did he transform " Diana asked
"The tiffin." Max said pointing to the baby. Rath pulled up the seat and threw it at the tiffin. It looked scared. "Dude you messing up the ship!" Kevin yelled jumping on his back. "You wanna fight Kevin Levin? LET'S GO!" Rath yelled throwing him to.

"Am I the only one who sees the obvious issues with this alien trying to make a peace treaty?" Jackson asked.
"The tiffin." Max said pointing to the baby. Rath pulled up the seat and threw it at the tiffin. It looked scared. "Dude you messing up the ship!" Kevin yelled jumping on his back. "You wanna fight Kevin Levin? LET'S GO!" Rath yelled throwing him to.

"Am I the only one who sees the obvious issues with this alien trying to make a peace treaty?" Jackson asked.
"The tiffin looks so cute" Diana smiled. Fate watches. "It looks like it can cause glitches or something"
"The tiffin looks so cute" Diana smiled. Fate watches. "It looks like it can cause glitches or something"
"Okay someome needs a time out." Gwen said putting a magic bubble over his head. "TIME OUT! IT'S TIME YOU REALIZE THAT NO ONE CAN BEAT ME AT- Did I just use up all my air?" Rath said. He faited. He woke up with magic restraints. "Ben can you understand me?" "OF COURSE I CAM FWEN TENNYSON! YOU THINK I'M STUPID!?" Rath yelled.
"Okay someome needs a time out." Gwen said putting a magic bubble over his head. "TIME OUT! IT'S TIME YOU REALIZE THAT NO ONE CAN BEAT ME AT- Did I just use up all my air?" Rath said. He faited. He woke up with magic restraints. "Ben can you understand me?" "OF COURSE I CAM FWEN TENNYSON! YOU THINK I'M STUPID!?" Rath yelled.
Fate keeps watching.
As he explored, he sees that some of the bedroom doors had signs saying whose room it was, he also soon finds a gym.
Sol rubbed his head. There were so many different people, with strange names he couldn't even recall any of them they just sort of blended together. The gym looked very impressive that Sol just stood admiring it. He shrugged and continued to look around for there to be so many people here the house seemed pretty empty but Sol just assumed they were busy somewhere.
((Not to be impatient here, but is anyone going to address the character form I posted on the respective character page?))
Fate keeps watching.
"Listen Ben you've become something called an APPOPLEXIAN." Gwen said. "Their strong argumentative and think any problem can be solved just by hitting it." Kevin said. "Not true! Sometimes you have to hit things ALOT!" Rath said.

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