SuperHero Academy

Name: Arcan Colans (Half-brother of Zachary)

Age: 26

Superpowers: The same as his younger brother, however to a much more massive extent


As of now still unknown


As of now still unknown


As of now still unknown



[ @yjSidekick I hope you don't mind some attributes of his character to be unknown, as I wanted to make this character more mysterious, I'll update it more later when the time is right. ]
Name: Christopher Law


Superpowers: Body enhencment, means augmented strength, agility, his power built up mostly in his legs, because of excessive running, he can jump really high and uses the air as a step (limited uses everytime), a stone like skin (more like thick skin for now)

Mentor: To be assigned

Personality: Explosive personnality, sometimes punch first ask question later, but not that much of a trouble maker. He tries to be kind to people, but he's not that good at it.

Likes: Training for his power to grow, running, being in a quiet place.

Dislikes: Being picked on, people that look down on him, being underestimated

Looks: He is tall, a bit skinny, long blond hair always in a ponytail, brown eyes and wears sports gear to move around easier.
Name: Sam Dickerson

Age: 16

Superpowers: She can shrink down to 5 inches

Mentor: -

Personality: Sam is a shy, awkward, nerdy kid with social issues. She usually just reads a book or plays on her phone all the time. She is very jumpy, and if you touch her without warning, she might hit you or freak out. She shrinks when she gets scared as a natural instinct, and whatever she's holding (non-living) shrinks with her, so she usually hides in her shrunken state with a book and her phone.

Likes: Books, the internet, Harry Potter, writing, singing, dark colors

Dislikes: People, thunder, pink

Afrobrony said:
Are you still accepting character?

[QUOTE="Richard Cassen]Name: Christopher Law

Superpowers: Body enhencment, means augmented strength, agility, his power built up mostly in his legs, because of excessive running, he can jump really high and uses the air as a step (limited uses everytime), a stone like skin (more like thick skin for now)

Mentor: To be assigned

Personality: Explosive personnality, sometimes punch first ask question later, but not that much of a trouble maker. He tries to be kind to people, but he's not that good at it.

Likes: Training for his power to grow, running, being in a quiet place.

Dislikes: Being picked on, people that look down on him, being underestimated

Looks: He is tall, a bit skinny, long blond hair always in a ponytail, brown eyes and wears sports gear to move around easier.

accepted. read rules in over view first


FandomDork said:
Name: Sam Dickerson
Age: 16

Superpowers: She can shrink down to 5 inches

Mentor: -

Personality: Sam is a shy, awkward, nerdy kid with social issues. She usually just reads a book or plays on her phone all the time. She is very jumpy, and if you touch her without warning, she might hit you or freak out. She shrinks when she gets scared as a natural instinct, and whatever she's holding (non-living) shrinks with her, so she usually hides in her shrunken state with a book and her phone.

Likes: Books, the internet, Harry Potter, writing, singing, dark colors

Dislikes: People, thunder, pink

read rules in overview then you may RP.

Name: Mike Adair, though he prefers to be called Mikhail.

Age: 16

Superpowers: can rapidly regenerate his wounds and harden himself to the level of steel. Both cannot be done at the same time and the regeneration is impractical in battle as it just isn't fast enough to keep up. Being able to harden himself has made it possible for him to push his strength past human limits.

Mentor: (will I just pair up with someone in the RP?)

Personality: Mikhail is a cheerful guy for the most part, not letting things get to him for the most part. He can get angry when people call him Mike, but he hopes that nobody will be able to pick up on that for the most part. He's also very loyal to his friends and will be the same to his mentor. Mikhail hopes that he can learn how to help out the world by coming to this academy by fighting villains and stuff like that, knowing that he shouldn't use his talents just for fun.

Likes: For people to call him Mikhail, not Mike, because Mikhail is cooler. Fighting for fun, with anyone up to the challenge. The color green. Apples. Green colored apples.

Dislikes: Spiders, rude people, vegetarians (he can still get along with them but only eating vegetables? Yuck.)

Looks: Mikhail always wears a dark blue hoodie and sweatpants to keep his muscles warmed up with a black A-shirt underneath. Unless of course the weather says no, then he'll just wear the A-shirt and sweatpants. He keeps a nice muscular build, taller and bigger than the average man. He has his black hair either down to his shoulders or back in a ponytail. This might make him vulnerable to hair pulling but that doesn't matter to him, he'll give it right back ten fold.
Name: Som Traga

Age: 26

Personality: She is a very serious person when the situation calls for it. Som can have lots of fun with her students, but she does not like people fooling around while she teaches. She thinks if you fool around you die. She is also very quiet around other teachers. She looks out for the well being of all her students.

Likes: Respect, Quietness, fun, birds, cats

Dislikes: Trouble makers, dead things, fall/winter, bullies

Name: Elizabeth Triton

Age: 15

Superpowers: ability to control (not create) water

Mentor: -

Personality: She's quiet, kind, and able to take a joke. But not very confident.


Meeting people






Hearing people eat


Fake happy people


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(@yjSidekick )

Name: Zero

Age: unknown

Superpowers: Hybrid, lizard. Tongue can reach to surprising length and he can camo and look like anything around him. Has sharp claws and teeth, spits acid and can climb almost anything. Jaws strong enough to crush bone.


Personality: Loves going for the eyeballs, what cant see cant hit him. Also likes messy kills, whatever in will be out if he wins. Very hostile but is loyal to whoever he sees as a higher power.

Likes: (see above) and warm sleeping spots.

Dislikes: (opposite)

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/mortal-kombat-x-reptile.png.d0c4daccc04230b9b96d0ca6d34a5b01.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50849" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/mortal-kombat-x-reptile.png.d0c4daccc04230b9b96d0ca6d34a5b01.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(I know, Reptile from MKX but Zero is based on him so thats what he looks like and stuff)



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Name: Ian MacAllister or Reflector


Understudies: ???

Personality: Ian is strong-willed, independent, and driven to protect his students. Ian haves this calm and relaxed air around him. He doesn't discriminate judgement by appearance or abilities. Ian is incapable of purposely hurting any kind of animal. He can play around with everyone but when the situation calls for it.

Likes:Smoking, storms, the dark, the piano, history, books, mysteries, and coffee, cold weather

Dislikes:People who look down on him, theatrical drama, baseball, the smell of Vanilla, rude people

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Name: 'Cecil' Luke Jackson (Goes by first name.)

Age: 20

Superpower: Can manipulate people's visuals.

Protégé: Elizabeth 'Carolyn' Jackson

Personality: Quick to judge, and quick to speculate. He can get pretty protective of his sister, but only for "logical" reasons, which consists of about anything suspicious. Cecil also has a temper, and is easily provoked. However, if you manage to get off on the right foot with him, which is difficult, he has a lot of respect to give, and has compassion, diligence, and loyalty.

Likes: Black Coffee (a lot), FPS games, music, cars, guns, dogs, and gowsticking.

Dislikes: Specifically long-haired cats and pineapples because he is severally allergic to them. Hot weather, liars, prideful people, vain people, and younger people showing disrespect to older people.

Looks: His hair is naturally yellow, like his sister's but he dyes it black. He also has lip, eyebrow, and ear piercings, including gauges. 6' 3" (This is from a height chart and please forgive my horrid skills at drawing hands)


Name: Elizabeth 'Carolyn' Jackson (Goes by middle name.)

Age: 16

Superpower: Can blend in and match her background, but it becomes mottled when she moves.

Mentor: 'Cecil' Luke Jackson

Personality: Is very confident and diligent, like her brother, but is far less suspicious and judging. She'll laugh off most attempts to make her angry, but if you hit the right spots (See dislikes) her temper is even worse then her brother's.

Likes: Socializing, music, boxing, guns, hiking, swimming, (and maybe binge watching Netflix).

Dislikes: Condescending people, which is ironic, because she is one herself. She's also allergic to cats, but not really anything else, and she also dislikes littering, Liberals, and laziness.

Looks: She isn't as extreme as her brother when is comes to appearances, but still dresses a bit on the 'punk' side. 6' 1"

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Name:Derek Grey


Superpowers:Shadow Magic

Mentor: none yet

Personality:calm, can be a gentlemen, fun,carefree,patient, uncontrollable when angry

Likes:+having fun

+ learning





-being bored

-rude people

-lack of sleep

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25ee9f6c_images(45).jpg.b1f1d4111c94c365211bcfffb0a00eeb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25ee9f6c_images(45).jpg.b1f1d4111c94c365211bcfffb0a00eeb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25eed3c2_images(43).jpg.807c03460d9768820496930d60dc22a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25eed3c2_images(43).jpg.807c03460d9768820496930d60dc22a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25eefa67_images(39).jpg.bcdc480af87cfb3a97b3c9912c13e44a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25eefa67_images(39).jpg.bcdc480af87cfb3a97b3c9912c13e44a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Mitsushi Kane or Mask

Age: 25

Superpowers: Strength, Flying, Elemental control

Protege: none yet

Personality: is hidden. No one knows what lies behind his masks

Likes: Explosions and food

Dislikes: too much talking


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-7.jpeg.085c8c1a7e03c9aba1a0acafc376b52e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-7.jpeg.085c8c1a7e03c9aba1a0acafc376b52e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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@yjSidekick am I approved?



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