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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Let me know if there's any issues with these GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
View attachment 1156613
Character Name: Lana
Game of Origin: Hyrule Warriors
Player Name: Shroomie

View attachment 1156615
Character Name: Cia
Game of Origin: Hyrule Warriors
Player Name: Shroomie
Character Name: Ike (Radiant Dawn version)
Player Name: Shroomie
Character Name: Ice Climbers (Popo and Nana)
Player Name: Shroomie
these some pretty solid pics, ngl. I'm especially surprised with Ice Climbers, those two ate the least expected options lol
these some pretty solid pics, ngl. I'm especially surprised with Ice Climbers, those two ate the least expected options lol
Lol thank you! I had to ask the question about villians specifically for Cia, as I couldn't just pick Lana and leave her out for HW lore reasons.

And yeahhhh, I can definitely see why the Ice Climbers wouldn't be people's first choice, but I mained them in Smash Bros Brawl when they were godlike, and I'm nothing if not a loyalist so I still main them today. Besides, they can literally spawn ice chunks and shoot ice out of their hands to freeze people so I think they'll be fine 🙃
Yup, I don't know all the lore but I know the most important chunks.
Lol thank you! I had to ask the question about villians specifically for Cia, as I couldn't just pick Lana and leave her out for HW lore reasons.

And yeahhhh, I can definitely see why the Ice Climbers wouldn't be people's first choice, but I mained them in Smash Bros Brawl when they were godlike, and I'm nothing if not a loyalist so I still main them today. Besides, they can literally spawn ice chunks and shoot ice out of their hands to freeze people so I think they'll be fine 🙃

Yup, I don't know all the lore but I know the most important chunks.
Ahh you be fine as long as you are knowledgeable on him. ❤️
Lol thank you! I had to ask the question about villians specifically for Cia, as I couldn't just pick Lana and leave her out for HW lore reasons.

And yeahhhh, I can definitely see why the Ice Climbers wouldn't be people's first choice, but I mained them in Smash Bros Brawl when they were godlike, and I'm nothing if not a loyalist so I still main them today. Besides, they can literally spawn ice chunks and shoot ice out of their hands to freeze people so I think they'll be fine 🙃

Yup, I don't know all the lore but I know the most important chunks.
Shiiiiz, That's one of the reasons I chose Captain Falcon lol. Respect 💯
Though Seph is gonna be disappointed he gave Roxas a chance to run and accepts the challenge
Oh boy Roxas.. no. Ahhhhh don’t challenge Seph. Great post. 🥰😈
He's not exactly accepting the challenge. He still is fleeing but he figures Sephiroth is going to pursue them so he's preparing for that possibility, hence why he's trying to convince Isabelle to run ahead and let him lag behind a bit. It's more of a safety measure than straight up accepting a fight. If anything he still wants to avoid one if possible especially since he did hand a keyblade off to Isabelle

Isabelle having the power of a keyblade now. She has been made too strong
He's not exactly accepting the challenge. He still is fleeing but he figures Sephiroth is going to pursue them so he's preparing for that possibility, hence why he's trying to convince Isabelle to run ahead and let him lag behind a bit. It's more of a safety measure than straight up accepting a fight. If anything he still wants to avoid one if possible especially since he did hand a keyblade off to Isabelle

Isabelle having the power of a keyblade now. She has been made too strong
Ahhh ok I’m still thinking of what Sephiroth will do once the military rolls in.
Now that I think about it.. should Sephiroth remember Sora? He was a boss in KH1 we don’t talk about Lance Bass
Now that I think about it.. should Sephiroth remember Sora? He was a boss in KH1 we don’t talk about Lance Bass
I always figured that KH Sephiroth is different from FF Sephiroth. It's kinda like how Squall (Leon in KH) is present but he's completely different than his FF coutnerpart int hat he's actually a resident of Radiant Gardens.
I always figured that KH Sephiroth is different from FF Sephiroth. It's kinda like how Squall (Leon in KH) is present but he's completely different than his FF coutnerpart int hat he's actually a resident of Radiant Gardens.
Ahh true.. true
Ahh true.. true
I have a personal headcanon that the Sephiroth and Cloud in Kingdom Hearts are actually Zack's Heartless and Nobdoy respectively. Cause it is implied that Zack ultimately meets a tragic fate following BBS. Not exactly the same one that his FF counterpart did, but one equally saddening. It could explain why Sephiroth wants Cloud to give into the darkness so much, because he's essentially talking to his other half
I have a personal headcanon that the Sephiroth and Cloud in Kingdom Hearts are actually Zack's Heartless and Nobdoy respectively. Cause it is implied that Zack ultimately meets a tragic fate following BBS. Not exactly the same one that his FF counterpart did, but one equally saddening. It could explain why Sephiroth wants Cloud to give into the darkness so much, because he's essentially talking to his other half
Interesting head canon and makes sense I wonder if it’s the same for Aerith. I like to think she met a tragic fate off screen with Square no longer using the final fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts 3.
Interesting head canon and makes sense I wonder if it’s the same for Aerith. I like to think she met a tragic fate off screen with Square no longer using the final fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts 3.
I still hate that they didn't add any. That was some bs 😤 Oh!
Sephiroth smoking that Cloud pack to a banger 😎🚬
Now that I think about it.. should Sephiroth remember Sora? He was a boss in KH1 we don’t talk about Lance Bass
I would assume he would remember Sora from Smash not KH1. His whole fight is optional so I wouldn't consider it a canon event to begin with

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