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Fantasy "Super" Powers


sun bleached fly
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[Realistic picture, no anime]





Power and how it is opposite of them:
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Echo McKeown






Echo is a bubbly, fun person. She is always up to make friends and will always make you feel special. At times, she can be annoying due to the fact that she doesn't understand what personal space is. Meaning she will grab your hand and pull you around without hesitation.

Super power and why they hate it:

Echo was born a fisherman's daughter, she loves the sea and loves to swim. She later finds out she can control fire, meaning she can't swim anymore.

"With everything so perfect, reality seemed somehow fragile, as if the slightest interruption could imperil her pretty future... all of it felt as tenuous as a soap bubble, shivering and empty."-Scott Westerfield, Pretties


(White hair, red eyes)


Ashlyn Storm (Nickname: Ash)






Ash is a gentle creature, who dislikes going anywhere near other people. She doesn't like to be crowded, and loves to be alone in the quiet, usually drawing something. She doesn't like other people being hurt, and tends to protect those being harmed by others, even when the others are her friends.

Power and how it is opposite of them:

Ash's power is that of changing into a large, white wolf, with red eyes. However, whilst she can shift into the wolf at anytime, she hates it because the wolf can take over when she is angry or upset, and attacks people because of it, without her having any control. She dislikes it because it stops her from having friends, which she really needs, as she doesn't want to be lonely

Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life. - Eragon, the Inheritance Cycle
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Love is something you can't take out of your heart - Ghostgirl, Lovesick
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Elizabeth is a creative person who likes to daydream all the time, she gets lost in her thoughts frequently and completely forgets everything going on around her. She is usually friendly and ready to help but doesn't forgive easily and is not afraid to cause harm to people who deserve to be harmed. She is very sarcastic, has a dark sense of humour and can be very random when she is with her friends. When angered, she turns very mean and aggressive. She is rebellious and manipulative but she would never manipulate someone she cares for.

Power and how it is opposite of them:

Elizabeth can control water. She hates this because when she was a little girl she almost drowned during a tsunami. She survived but her parents weren't so lucky. Since then, she has hated anything related to water.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Emma.jpg.80164b10726f71d739ffb9f202bdea49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Emma.jpg.80164b10726f71d739ffb9f202bdea49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Emma Hoftman

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Emma is very wild and wreckless, however she isn't social and isn't very fond of others. She's constantly bullied so she's very down on herself. She's a total hot head as well. She's what people would call "a Scene."


Power and how it is opposite of them: She absolutely hates the idea of the bad things in the future! She finds out she can see into the future, but only the unfortunate events.

(I have no book quote I can think of right now...I'll just make my own...Books are my escape from real life...is that okay?)



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WolfOfProphecys said:


(White hair, red eyes)


Ashlyn Storm (Nickname: Ash)






Ash is a gentle creature, who dislikes going anywhere near other people. She doesn't like to be crowded, and loves to be alone in the quiet, usually drawing something. She doesn't like other people being hurt, and tends to protect those being harmed by others, even when the others are her friends.

Power and how it is opposite of them:

Ash's power is that of changing into a large, white wolf, with red eyes. However, whilst she can shift into the wolf at anytime, she hates it because the wolf can take over when she is angry or upset, and attacks people because of it, without her having any control. She dislikes it because it stops her from having friends, which she really needs, as she doesn't want to be lonely

Just one thing, please read the rules in the overview
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c109dd_SuperPowerschari.jpg.91aad4c54c2e4c731e3c0d3768459770.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33c109dd_SuperPowerschari.jpg.91aad4c54c2e4c731e3c0d3768459770.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cynthia Flynn

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: She's generally very shy and is very awkward socially. If she ignores someone, it's not because she doesn't like them or doesn't want to talk, she just doesn't know how. It's hard for her to make new friends because of it and she's gotten used to being on her own for the most part. Cynthia is an intelligent young woman who tends to get wrapped up in whatever she's focused on, whether it be school or a more personal project. She's modest and doesn't react to praise very well, but has gotten good at deflecting unwanted attention onto other people.

Power and why it's hated: Cynthia can create and control electricity, and if her emotions run high enough, can even call lightning. She hates it because she can never really turn it off, only down, and the few people that have gotten close her (parents included) have ended up with some nasty electrical burns.

"One time, when I was very little, I climbed a tree and ate these green, sour apples. My stomach swelled and became hard like a drum, it hurt a lot. Mother said that if I’d just waited for the apples to ripen, I wouldn’t have become sick. So now, whenever I really want something, I try to remember what she said about the apples."

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini



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Evelyn Michaels, better known as Eve or Evie.






Eve lives in her own little bubble, ignoring everyone whenever she can and keeping to herself; she wants little to do with the rest of humanity, avoids gossip, and doesn't read newspapers because she really doesn't care. A dreamy sort of girl, Eve sometimes drifts off into a daydream and often appears a bit 'out of it', though if you give her a bit of a shake, she might pay more attention. If Eve decides that she likes and trusts you, she's a loyal, caring friend with wisdom beyond her years.


Eve can hear peoples' thoughts as if they were voicing them aloud most of the time, so she often has her headphones on with her music turned up high; she hates her power because she feels it's an intrusion of privacy and also couldn't care less. Besides, she's afraid she'll hear something and regret it.

' "Time to do the right
thing, even if it's for the wrong reasons." ' - Diana LadriS
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Erika Hudson






Fun, outgoing, she can be shy and quiet at times. She keeps to herself most of the time. Doesn't like being by herself.

Power and why they hate it:

Her power is super strength. She hates it because before she got her power she used to wrestle and fight with her older brother and she can't do anything that Involves her lifting things.

"Maybe 'okay' will be our always." -John Green, The Fault In Our Stars​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/images.jpeg.98b8646364a64a35144e98620df1c54f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/images.jpeg.98b8646364a64a35144e98620df1c54f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Greg Presper






After the discovery of his powers, Greg's personality has grown distant and cold. He finds himself having a hard time trusting anyone, even those whom he has known for a long time, and remains constantly skeptical of peoples' intentions, whether they be good or bad. Greg is very curt when responding to people and tends to be stubborn once he's made up his mind on something.

Contrasting Power:

Greg has the ability to reduce his body heat to staggering lows, being able to create ice and freeze liquids with merely a touch. However, Greg may not choose when to lower his body heat. Instead, he must remain in constant focus so that he doesn't freeze his surroundings and cause harm to both others and himself. This need for constant focus makes it hard for Greg to fall asleep, further adding to his stress.

'They float', it growled, 'They float, Georgie, and when you're down here with me, you'll float, too-'

Stephen King, IT


Leo Young






Leo is a live out loud kind of guy. He loves to goof around and joke with everyone to the point no one really knows when he's being serious. To him the world loves to be around him and he loves to be around it. Realty is he gets on people's nerves quite often. But he doesn't let it get him down. Always having an idea for something to do, always having an opinion Leo call's him self the leader of the pack. When maybe people just let him go first so he looks the fool and not them.

Power and how it is opposite of them:

Flight. Now many wonder why he cringes at this. First he's afraid of heights, when forced up higher than two stories he will not look out windows. Second his dad took him up in a crop duster when he was little. About the fifth barrel roll he was losing his lunch, the seventh he relized his harnis wasn't connected any more. Insert horrible images of falling out of a crop plane and then Leo was on the ground freaking out, having not fallen out of the plane but spent the better half of an hour picturing his doom.

It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Name:Zane Carthage

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Zane is a warm nice guy with a spiffy attitude towards life, always he's loved the thought of harmlessness and the beauty it induces. A weak rabbit is much more beautiful than a feral wolf is because the rabbit doesn't kill to live. For that Zane is a on and off vegetarian only eating meat when he sees fit, if everyone stopped eating meat all the beautiful and harmless creatures would be slaughtered by the ongoing starvation and not the instantaneous death by blade. Zane is very close to a pacifist the difference being he thinks fighting for a justified reason isn't a bad thing.

Power and how it is opposite of them: No one gets want they want in life especially those with a bloodline heritage of murder and pillaging. A beast has taken Zane's body for its own, a demon of sorts. Stronger, Faster, Smarter, and most of all, much more cruel. A split personality of Zane's own named Jackal a dark being with a thirst to feed on flesh and sorrow. Always Jackal will eventually do what's best for Zane whether it be save him from certain death or slaughter those who plan to destroy but Zane's direct control over Jackal is limited. Jackal is part of Zane but the body it uses is not a part of Zane, it's an ancient slumbering beast's body with a putrid hate for life. (I cannot express how scary this fucker looks, just seeing him would make chucknorris shit himself).

Weapon: A staff with a large black amulet at the head which only appears when Jackal takes over. It can be morphed into a sword, but when it is a staff it drains out the hatred in all nearby being causing them to draw on their hatred to create power. Dark Power will be explained in RP.

Appearance 1 Zane


Appearance 2 Jackal (Closest thing I could find)


"Those who ask for mercy are too weak to deserve it" -Darth Bane

^Hint at what kind of asshole Jackal will be.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/article-2131495-12A6CDE7000005DC-268_634x902.jpg.f9c3a4a5d7d4160add2349f774f80f5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/article-2131495-12A6CDE7000005DC-268_634x902.jpg.f9c3a4a5d7d4160add2349f774f80f5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Axton Reese

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Outgoing, quick witted, sarcastic, and optimistic.

Power and how it is opposite of them: Enslavement branding. (Leave a mark upon phyiscal contact) He hates the idea of bending someone to his will.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/to-kill-a-mockingbird.jpg.142918a4debe425b3be62665aee1e8ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/to-kill-a-mockingbird.jpg.142918a4debe425b3be62665aee1e8ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Aiden Jones

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, daredevil, prankster, charismatic, bad liar, carefree, artistic

Power and how it is opposite of them:

Aiden can copy other people's powers and use them for a few minutes. He hates it because he hates anything that has to do copying others because of his love of art and originality.

"We're all mad here" - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

(I might make a female character in the future)



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Name: Ned Travers

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Very quite person, mainly due to the intense bullying he is victim to. Likes to stay out of sight in order to avoid confrontation with others. Hates his step-dad and step-sister and wants more than anything to run away.

Power and how it is opposite of them: His step-dad works at a genetics company and was an avid comic fan. So he developed a serum that give someone the powers of Spiderman! Ned was accidently exposed to it and now he has Spider powers. However Ned feels this is a curse because with them he is given attention he so greatly avoids, making him a freak of nature, and has bestowed upon him the burden of responsibility with his powers.

Favorite book: Man in the High Castle by Phillip Dick
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Blarg222 said:

Name: Ned Travers

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Very quite person, mainly due to the intense bullying he is victim to. Likes to stay out of sight in order to avoid confrontation with others. Hates his step-dad and step-sister and wants more than anything to run away.

Power and how it is opposite of them: His step-dad works at a genetics company and was an avid comic fan. So he developed a serum that give someone the powers of Spiderman! Ned was accidently exposed to it and now he has Spider powers. However Ned feels this is a curse because with them he is given attention he so greatly avoids, making him a freak of nature, and has bestowed upon him the burden of responsibility with his powers.
Before I can acvept you, please read the rules.
Blarg222 said:
I fixed it
You may continue to post now. Just one thing that doesn't really affect it, I know you read the rules but it was faborite quote from a book not book, but atill accepted!


midnightrose said:
Name: Erika Hudson

Gender: Female

Personality: Fun outgoing she can be shy and quite at times. She keeps to herself most of the time. Doesn't like being by herself

Power and how it is opposite of them: her power is super strength. She hates it because before she got her power she used to wrestle and fight with her older brother.

"maybe okay will be our always?"
One quick question, is there any other reasons why she hates her powers? I think the reason you put makes it seem as though she dislikes it a bit, not hates it.
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]You may continue to post now. Just one thing that doesn't really affect it, I know you read the rules but it was faborite quote from a book not book, but atill accepted!

One quick question, is there any other reasons why she hates her powers? I think the reason you put makes it seem as though she dislikes it a bit, not hates it.

Maybe she killed someone
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy]You may continue to post now. Just one thing that doesn't really affect it, I know you read the rules but it was faborite quote from a book not book, but atill accepted!

One quick question, is there any other reasons why she hates her powers? I think the reason you put makes it seem as though she dislikes it a bit, not hates it.

Yeah I'll change it really quick


Kassadin Crowe.






Kassadin is a very classy and sophisticated person, he is very romantic and flirtatious. Not very outgoing ,but still not shy. He is a very attractive person, his charms and looks are almost irresistable. Kassadin is a very affectionate and loving person, loud sometimes He loves to party. Part of his powers is that Kassadin is very good in bed.

Power and how it is opposite of them:

supernaturally beautiful and be able to use it.The power to be supremely beautiful and use it to affect others. Example using his divine beauty to charm or convince people to do what he wants or such. Although he has supreme looks he always felt inconfident as a child, when his parents were abusive stating that he was the ugliest being they have ever seen. Sometimes Kassadin looks into the mirror

" How will this help me survive?"

"Beauty is power; a smile is its sword."

?John Ray



Andrei Markov Voichek






Mark is a creative,anoying,Pranking Dude who just whants to live life to the Fullest!,He is mostly with a smile and with his Funnybone everywere,he ussually likes just talking and geting Others attention or sometimes Pranking them or making Fun of Himself in some ways like wearing weed Hoodie-...Oh neverminde....But anyway the 3 words that describe mark the best is Happy,energetic and creative guy!

Do that is his Main personality,he is aswell short temperd and preay easy to anger,he ussually stay,s away from others once he dicoverd what he could do and Overral cause,he is silent and aswell slightly Insolative fearing he would turn any time,but once he is out of that insolative shell he is Happy and the mark we all know,do he is carfull what he dose now that he discoverd this "Fear"


Mark is a preaty good Arist do not the "Best" Out here but knows how to draw,Just give him a pencile and paper and ready to go! aside from that he is REALLY good at Chess ussually Finishing a game in less that 20 Turns and still has not been beated....hink you can face chess Master here?Aswell aside from that he has great Knowlage of Yoga and meditation as he amidiatly stared learning theas after his discovery.

{How he Discoverd his Power}

well its simple really,One day he was at a sleep Over with one of his Buds named rayan,Having fun and overral time till they had a chalange,he was only 15 and Underage but there chalange was to Drink some of his parents little "Party drinks" so they did But rayan trick him and he dint drink it making mark mad only to....go Frenzy mostly killing his Friend,do he was Youngh it dint took time befor he turn back and saw what he did,Running away and fearing of himself since then.

{Power and how it is opposite of them}

Berserk Physiology

Mark has what is known as Berserk Physiology wen some one self is abble to become absorbe in anger were he would only have desire to Fight with no care of himself or anything,wen he ever gose Frenzy he is much stronger,faster,agile, and aswell has Pain Suppression,Unable to feel any sort of pain,aswell slight Regeneration were he would regenerate Injuries with time and Overral Lost in control of his own Body,thinking only of Slaughtering anybody in his way,on a side note this ability Changes his apperance in a Grusome and Painfully do he cant feel it,Riping his skin,Jaw,Bones apart exposing them and mostly all his Body turning him in to a Grusom abomination were he would have no control,as Great this sounds this has great Drawbacks.In short this Power Makes him Unstopable for some time if he gets angry...Imagen the Hulk but worse.Once his rampage comes to a end he would go limp and slowly start turning back to his Normal self,his bones and rip skin will be Put back to place leaving scars,and being in a 10 minute coma once done.

1.Once he Turns he will attack
Anything Being Friend or Foe

2.He Turns Blinde and aswell Unsmart only using his hearing and smell to track his targets.

3.He loses His legs and needs To crawl after his Opponets insted

4.Depending on those he kill once his rampage has come to a stop in that 10 Minute spand coma,he would start hearing and feel the suffering of those he killd,there Thoughts,Feelings,pain making him regreat what he has done.

Reson of hate/Opposite

For starters he dosent like getting mad in the first place,he has always been short temperd and have anger Problems only to discover if he gets mad he would turn in to a Monster,is something dosent whant,especially Hurting his own Friends,he wishes he never had this Power,he wishes he would be dead insted of having the fear if being a Time bomb to anybody close.awell each time he kills some one wille being like this he could hear and feel what they sufferd.all because of him.He likes being Happy and carefree But he has this Insted....

"Nanomachines son"
-Steven Armstrong
(Sorry i dont read much Books dose this work?)

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