

The 69er
So, what's up, guys? Heh, you obviously don't know me, so I'll go ahead and introduce myself! I'm Delta44, a newbie here at this...uh...alien land you guys would call RPnation. A friend recommended it to me (Naruyashan) so if you see him give him a holler, though I'm unsure if he's using the same username here as he did on the site we're both from...

Regardless, I'm an above average RPer and GM so I really would like to get to posting some awesome stuff, whilst also learning all I can and having as fun a time as possible.

Things about me:

I swear like a crazy and act like one sometimes too, however it ultimately depends in what mood I'm in. Oddly, I tend to roleplay females more than males (I don't know why), so...yeah. Anyways, uh, I don't really know what else to say (and I'm probably boring you to death by now) so I'll cut this all short and post right now! ^_^

Hi there, Deltkids. Welcome to RpNation!

If you haven't checked out the Welcome to RpNation greeting page, you should. It has a lot of useful links you may want to check out during your stay here. If you have any questions, feel free to check out our Questions & Informationforum for a list of rules, BBcode guide, and even the staff list. There's a lot of information there but if you can't find the answer to your question, you can always make your own question thread or ask one of our lovely members. Our staff are always happy to help and I'll also do my best to answer any questions you have.

The Discussion forums are open to chat about things such as general topics, creative topics, and roleplay topics. You can also visit the Shoutbox, an awesome chatroom that is located on your top menu bar. Make sure to come drop by sometime and say hello! Once you have made your 10 posts and have had an account for more than 24 hours, you can access our TeamSpeak server, start new conversations, make status messages, and post messages on other members' profiles. For more information, check out thisthread.

Anyway, I hope to hear more of you in the future. Happy roleplaying!


Welcome to RpNation[/URL] greeting page, you should. It has a lot of useful links you may want to check out during your stay here. If you have any questions, feel free to check out our Questions & Informationforum for a list of rules, BBcode guide, and even the staff list. There's a lot of information there but if you can't find the answer to your question, you can always make your own question thread or ask one of our lovely members. Our staff are always happy to help and I'll also do my best to answer any questions you have.

The Discussion forums are open to chat about things such as general topics, creative topics, and roleplay topics. You can also visit the Shoutbox, an awesome chatroom that is located on your top menu bar. Make sure to come drop by sometime and say hello! Once you have made your 10 posts and have had an account for more than 24 hours, you can access our TeamSpeak server, start new conversations, make status messages, and post messages on other members' profiles. For more information, check out thisthread.

Anyway, I hope to hear more of you in the future. Happy roleplaying!
I totally didn't accidentally reply to myself. Haha
Welcome to RPN!

I think you've got everything you need, but I'm going to stick my automated welcome under this anyway just in case. It's good to have someone confidently above-average around - I've got my eyes peeled for such...

You’ll probably want to check out Roleplay Recruitment to see if there’s an RP which matches your interests, or even pitch one of your own. If you feel a group RP is a little intimidating, there’s always 1x1 Recruitment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Site Rules and if you have questions, visit the Questions and Information board.

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