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Realistic or Modern Sunshine & Summertime [small group; doubling]


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜


sunshine & summertime

& about

It's summertime, and you, my friend, aren't going to be sitting at home by the pool this summer. Instead, you're headed off to a big city in the state of Virginia, where you'll be spending your summer working at an amusement park there. How you got the job depends on the role you choose, and for working there, you get free room and board at a nearby hotel. Food and games and such are all discounted, and once your shift is over, you can ride whatever you want for free!

Sounds great, right?

Well, along with any job place, there will be drama and fighting, disagreements and people who just plain don't get along. Can you handle the entire summer, or will you let a stranger drive you absolutely crazy?


So basically, this RP is fairly simple-- it'll follow a group of young adults (probably aged like... i dunno, eighteen to somewhere in their twenties) who work at an amusement park (that has yet to be named) for the summer. Maybe even beyond, if the rp lasts. I did make predetermined roles for this, and though they're first come, first serve, I do have the right to say you're not a good fit for my rp based on your attitude, cs, etc. The genders of the roles are not up for debate, sorry, and that's because I'm looking for only three other people for this roleplay. Yes, I'm asking you to double (and I will be as well) so that we each have one male and one female role.

I'm definitely open to ideas revolving around this rp, whether we want to keep it light or venture into darker territory, so if you have any thoughts once we get the discord (yes, discord is required for ooc) up and running feel free to lay them on me!

The regular rules apply as well: you know, don't be mean to your fellow roleplayers, be able to contribute to the plot and write posts we can respond to, don't start drama unless it's IC (and approved!). All that good stuff.

Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions (:

p.s. - if you can tell me the name of the amusement park in the background picture, you get cookies.

the apathetic.

open / closed

this person doesn't even want to be here. they do their job, they go back to the hotel, and leave at the end of the season.

the princess.

open / closed

they are being forced to work for the summer by their parental unit(s). they dont want to do the dirty work.

the know it all.

open / closed

new to this particular amusement park, though they've worked amusement parks/carnivals before, so they think they know everything.

the friendly one.

open / closed

actually enjoys their job. thinks working at an amusement park is the shit, and tries to make friends with everyone.

the bad one.

open / closed

an ex-inmate or someone in trouble with the law. whatever their crime was, the best job they could get now was here or this is their community service.

the free spirit.

open / closed

doesn't hate or love their job, but really hates being told what to do. gives out free ice cream and lets people ride twice all the time.

the open role.

open / closed

you MUST tell me your character idea BEFORE posting your CS to see if it will be approved.

the open role.

open / closed

you MUST tell me your character idea BEFORE posting your CS to see if it will be approved.

coded by xayah.ღ

Overview & About
It's summertime, and you, my friend, aren't going to be sitting at home by the pool this summer. Instead, you're headed off to a big city in the state of Virginia, where you'll be spending your summer working at an amusement park there. How you got the job depends on the role you choose, and for working there, you get free room and board at a nearby hotel. Food and games and such are all discounted, and once your shift is over, you can ride whatever you want for free!

Sounds great, right?

Well, along with any job place, there will be drama and fighting, disagreements and people who just plain don't get along. Can you handle the entire summer, or will you let a stranger drive you absolutely crazy?


So basically, this RP is fairly simple-- it'll follow a group of young adults (probably aged like... i dunno, eighteen to somewhere in their twenties) who work at an amusement park (that has yet to be named) for the summer. Maybe even beyond, if the rp lasts. I did make predetermined roles for this, and though they're first come, first serve, I do have the right to say you're not a good fit for my rp based on your attitude, cs, etc. The genders of the roles are not up for debate, sorry, and that's because I'm looking for only three other people for this roleplay. Yes, I'm asking you to double (and I will be as well) so that we each have one male and one female role.

I'm definitely open to ideas revolving around this rp, whether we want to keep it light or venture into darker territory, so if you have any thoughts once we get the discord (yes, discord is required for ooc) up and running feel free to lay them on me!

The regular rules apply as well: you know, don't be mean to your fellow roleplayers, be able to contribute to the plot and write posts we can respond to, don't start drama unless it's IC (and approved!). All that good stuff.

Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions (:

p.s. - if you can tell me the name of the amusement park in the background picture, you get cookies.

1. The apathetic - this person doesn't even want to be here. they do their job, they go back to the hotel, and leave at the end of the season. [male]
2. The princess - they are being forced to work for the summer by their parental unit(s). they dont want to do the dirty work. [female]
3. The know it all - new to this particular amusement park, though they've worked amusement parks/carnivals before, so they think they know everything. [male]
4. The friendly one - actually enjoys their job. thinks working at an amusement park is the shit, and tries to make friends with everyone. [female]
5. The bad one - whatever their crime was, the best job they could get now was here or this is their community service. you pick. [male]
6. The free spirit - doesn't hate or love their job, but really hates being told what to do. gives out free ice cream and lets people ride twice all the time. [female]
7. Free role - you MUST tell me your character idea BEFORE posting your CS to see if it will be approved. [female]
8. Free role - you MUST tell me your character idea BEFORE posting your CS to see if it will be approved. [male]
So this is what I have right now:

monkeydoll - apathetic & ???
addictedtofandoms - friendly & bad
solaris - free spirit & ???
me - princess & ???

We'd have two open roles and then the know it all left that we could work out between those of us who still need a role.
what do yall think?

Solaris_ Solaris_ monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 addictedtofandoms addictedtofandoms
So this is what I have right now:

monkeydoll - apathetic & ???
addictedtofandoms - friendly & bad
solaris - free spirit & ???
me - princess & ???

We'd have two open roles and then the know it all left that we could work out between those of us who still need a role.
what do yall think?

Solaris_ Solaris_ monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 addictedtofandoms addictedtofandoms
Maybe interested in the know-it-all role as my second?
Taken roles:
-the princess
-open male role [the prince]
-the apathetic
-open female role [the protective]

Open roles:
-the know it all
-the bad one
-the free spirit
-the friendly one
Taken roles:
-the princess
-open male role [the prince]
-the apathetic
-open female role [the protective]

Open roles:
-the know it all
-the bad one
-the free spirit
-the friendly one
Interested. If these roles are still open can I take the free spirit and the bad one?

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