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Futuristic Sunset Horizon


Happy Necromancer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Sunset Horizon

Welcome, and thank you for choosing Ysrendele Cruise Line for all of your relaxation and vacation needs.
Our top of the line space cruisers are as if you are in a hotel floating in space, taking you from one pleasing vista to another.
Our well trained crew will be able to respond to your every need and desire to make sure that you have the time of your life and memories that will last a lifetime.

Welcome aboard the Sunset Horizon and please enjoy your stay.

Written on an electronic pad found in an escape pod....

The Sunset Horizon was a cruise ship that was traveling through the Vega Delphi System. It contained all sorts of luxurious amenities for all different social strata. Different sections of the ship were closed off depending on the package that you purchased being Extravagant, High, Middle, and Low Class. The ship was large enough to accommodate all these factions without having any collide unexpectedly (Unfortunate lawsuits abound the last time that had happened). The Ysrendele Company prefers to maximize profits and makes sure that everyone is happy within their own clusters with plenty to do.

While on a routine flyby of the planet Vega Delphi Prime within the system, a planet that is known to have hostile animal life on it, but makes for good tours in small shuttle crafts for the passengers, something happened. We don't know what, but it was called for all hands to abandon ship and we did. Shortly thereafter the ship fell out of the sky and ripped into pieces. Some of the larger pieces actually landed intact on the planet surface.

Who knows when we'll be able to get help. But all I know is that once we make sure that we survive, I'm going to figure out what happened with the ship, you can count on that.

Vice Accounting Manager Gregory Daniels


The year is 2236 and humanity has spread to the stars. There have been ups and downs in human history, but here and now, you have come to relax. No matter if you are high class and low class, it is time to vacation on the space cruise ship Sunset Horizon. The ship has been in service for 10 years and every mission has been successful....except this one. Something went wrong while the ship was nearing Vega Delphi Prime in the Vega Delta System, causing all hands, crew, and vacation goers to abandon ship. Now, with your fellows, you must work together to survive, or compete against each other for resources. Some of you might hate each other, the rich hating the poor, the poor hating the crew, or something else inbetween.

The sky over the planet below was all abuzz as escape pods came flying down to the surface. It was a dangerous world, one not meant for humans. But that would not stop those that needed to land in order to survive the complete destruction of their ship.

Vega Delphi Prime was filled with creatures both deadly and bizarre. It was normally protected from poachers and pirates by a laser cannon defense grid. But the rumors circulated after the crash that some saw those very same cannons turn on the Sunset Horizon instead. Something that should not have happened unless it was sabotage.

These Passengers, crew, and otherwise would have to take all they can muster to survive until rescue. The world is a harsh environment and will not take it easy on any of these newcomers.

So begins the journey of Survival with the first steps of those exiting the escape pods into their new lands.

**19: Elias (Cortova)**
*A Lush plains next to verdant waterfall and lake.*

As the people exit out of the escape pod, they see vibrant purple plains. Small chittering sounds can be heard from under the grass, but any time anyone gets close, whatever they are scurries away.

The waterfall is a clear blue, churning sweetly into the lake below. Creatures that look like fish seem to be swimming around in the clear waters and the sounds of cawing flying bird like creatures can be heard. They occasionally land near the lake and take sips of the water. But often fly away before anyone can get a good look at them.

**18: Kloudy (William), Mechking (George)**
*The pod will land in a wide open grassy plain with a nearby mountain that looks like it has a cavern entrance.*

As people get out of the pod and look around, they have landed in the middle of an orange field of “grass”. Some of the “grass” have white bulbs on the top which give off a rather foul odor.

The cavern itself, seems like it is completely dry and seems to be labyrinth like deeper in. Echoes gather endlessly when spoken inside the cavern depths. It should be wonderful protection should there be rains.

**17: Lucas (Fletcher), Hiram (Royce)**
*The pod will be landing in a Verdant Forest near a Giant Lake.*

The pod lands within a Blue forest. Trees that tower up over their heads by at least two stories in height. Strange squirrel like creatures skitter from tree to tree. They seem to have 8 limbs, 4 eyes and two tails. Observing them, shows that they go after some purple grapes(?) and scurry away inside the trees.

The Lake is a deep green color as though it is some sort of sea moss growing on the top layer. Every once in a while, an eye stalk can be seen quickly poking up out of the green and then just as quickly diving back under.

**16: Auriel (Enver), Moopus (Friedrich)**
*A dark, verdant Forest that has protection from the nearby heat.*

The pod lands in a Lavender forest that seems to be incredibly thick, not letting in much light at all. Looking around, nothing big, plantwise, seems to be growing on the ground floor. However, the forest seems to be nice and cool, a change of pace from what you were expecting.

Crawling around the canopy floor are strange gray quadruped creatures that seem to have all hands instead of feet. Their heads just consist of two large fully black eyes. They seem to pay your people no mind.

**13: Deth (Sergeant Darling), Lightning (Jax)**
*Your pod will be landing on a tropical island that seems to have lush grasslands and a dense forest*

The pod lands on a tropical island. The weather is very warm and as they land, the passengers can see bipedal gray and black striped lemur like creatures awkwardly run into the dense orange forest.

Crashing waves land on the beach which continues to wash up red, spiky shells.

The grasslands are made up of Yellow thin fronds that sway carelessly in the breeze as the cooing of strange four winged bird type creatures fly by at fast speeds.

**8: Sully (Horatio), Deer (Elena)**
*The Zoo will crash land on an endless grassy plain at the edge of a desert.*

The Grassy Plane is a beautiful vibrant Dark Green. Strange skittering sounds can be heard from underneath the grass. But so far, any of your animals that have started wandering around there haven’t yet had any issues with the noise.

The Zoo’s outer shell took some damage in the crash and now many parts of the dome are open to the planet’s sky. This could become an issue when it rains.

There is a nice and pleasant breeze from the winds. They seem gentle. But also, they seem to be continuous and pushing towards the direction of the desert.

**6: Cosmo (Ari), Tarantula (Julia)**
*The Pod will be landing near a small oasis in the desert.*

The Pods land carefully within an oasis. A small smattering of strange but small furry creatures scatter from the water into the desert at the sight of the pods. The oasis is carefully shaded with plenty of trees that look like palm trees. They are covered in a Thick Orange Fur(?) and seem to have a star shaped fruit growing from the branches that are Bright Red.

The water in the oasis looks clear blue and must come from some sort of underground spring.

**5:** Dest (Leonard)
* The pod will be landing in a valley that is overgrown with THICK Red Vines*

The Pod lands safely in the valley. The first thing they notice is the vines. They are along the walls and even the ground. They are THICK, Hard, and make it difficult to walk around. However, the walls of the valley look very sturdy and should help give some protection from predators.

The Vines seem kind of insidious though. Within a few hours, they began to grow onto the escape pod. The passengers discovered that the newly grown vines are easily removed, its just an annoying hassle. Also, that they probably shouldn't sleep on the ground.

**4: Croc (Zoban), Forged (Kyle)**
*The pod will be landing in a Swamp that is surrounded by deep, dark forest.*

The pod lands in the middle of a deep, dark forest. However, it wasn’t until they landed, that they realized that they had landed in a swamp. The trees were a dark purple and there was the loud chittering of animals in this area.

The mud was a blackish hue and would occasionally bubble.

As soon as the escape pod was fully settled, a shuttle craft crash landed nearby. It was damaged, not only from the crash, but also from weapons fire. But it could be repaired with enough focus and supplies.

**2: Scatter (Basil)**
*Your Pod crash lands into a verdant Jungle. The plants are very VIBRANT colors.*

The pod carefully lands in the jungle. It is made up of all the colors of the rainbow and seemed very much alive. All the plants seemed to occasionally move. Whether it was the wind or because they actually could move, who knew?

What they did know was that a plant that was a Golden Hue would take pot shots at them with sharp needles.

They could see large predators occasionally peeking out from the foliage. But none have made a move…yet.

**1: Kent (Lord Gloom), Birb (Kentucky), Twist (Frederick)**
*Lord Gloom's pod will be landing in the middle of the desert, in between multiple sand dunes.*

The three pods land in the middle of the desert, in between multiple sand dunes. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be much. Just an endless expanse of desert in all directions. They don’t seem to be near any discernible landmarks.

At least the pods can be a place to keep out of the heat. But once the supplies run out, they will be in trouble.


RULES: Every Player gets two actions a turn.
This will represent One Week In game.
Each ONE unit of supplies will be used up per 10 people per turn.
If you run out of edible supplies, NPCs will leave your faction to try to survive elsewhere.
If you go more than One Turn without having any food, your character WILL DIE.
This is a HIGH STAKES game with a large chance of DEATH on a world that wants to kill you.
Good luck.
- horatio robertson -

─── post ────────────────────────────────

That couldn't really have gone better...the ship on the verge of exploding and I've saved the animals...would someone have even bothered if I wasn't there? Probably not. I guess the biggest problem is keeping them, and us, alive. I don't even know what we have here...

I know about the monkeys but I imagine birds, reptiles and presumably carnivores...I'll need to try and convince everything to work together for the betterment of everyone. If it works I'll probably feel like a Monster In Your Pocket master!

Fucking idiot, you're not twelve anymore. This is a real situation and it's dangerous. People can say what they want about films, but people cracking in life or death scenarios, throwing others under the proverbial bus, I've seen enough of that in far less stressful situations. I need to get the animals onside...I'll be able to trust them far more than any person...

─── actions ─────────────────────────────

- One Big Happy Family: Horatio spends his week engaging with all the animals and people, building trust and relationships so that they all work together to protect each other rather than resorting to standard animalistic instincts.

── Bonuses: ─────────────────────────────
[Psionic 4]
[Animal Handling 4]
[Advantage to Animal Based Rolls]

- Native Wildlife: Use psionic powers and animal handling to commune with local wildlife and to build positive relationships to be shown where local food and water sources are. He also uses this as an opportunity to catalogue all the animals they have available.

── Bonuses: ─────────────────────────────
[Psionic 4]
[Animal Handling 4]
[Advantage to Animal Based Rolls]


"In my short life I have already learned that animals are more honest than humans. A human will lie to your face and then stab you in your back, at least an animal will go straight for your throat if it wants you dead."]
Horatio Robertson

─── theme ───────────────────────────────
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Friedrich Dönitz


(All non security members of my party will be left with Enver)
Action 1: searching for other survivors.
As is his duty, Friedrich will immediately take action to locate and ensure the safety of the passengers. In addition to this he will also be searching for any position that looks as if it will be a good defensive position to place his encampment that will ensure the safety of all he is charged with protecting, for this he will also bring along Charlie to ensure that there will be a reliable area for farming in the area that he decides.

Action 2: Organising the forces.
For all he knew, Friedrich and his men were all that remained of the Sunset Horizon's security forces, as such they are going to be spread extremely thin maintaining order whilst also ensuring their security against outside threats. As such he will divide his forces into two, one under his direct command and one under the command of Vera. Vera will command the exterior security with a force of 6 guards, and Friedrich will command the interior security with a force of 5.

...Well. Cortova is multiple flavors of concerned. This isn't exactly her first time on a hostile planet, but last time she had a nation, beasts, her parents, and a good bit more information. This... This will be tricky. Time to prove she's her mother's daughter, she supposes.

"Right. Mister Quinn, I'm putting you in charge of getting us some of those fish. We need a food source ASAP. We're lucky water is already covered. I'll be with you.

Miss Rew, take the maintenance robot and see if you can't convert the pod into a more comfortable shelter for all of us. It looks like wood may be a scarcity."

Cortova and Dennis are going to fish

Lucy and the maintenance robot are going to make the pod into a shelter.
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Friedrich Dönitz


As the escape Pod went hurtling towards the ground, Dönitz contemplated the actions he had taken up until now. For the few minutes that felt like an eternity, he second and triple guessed every decision he made during his escape from the Sunset Horizon, he wondered how he could've saved more people, he wondered whether he deserved to be alive when so many were dead.

A voice suddenly intruded into his thoughts, "30 seconds till landing!"

Seeking to keep a strong image in front of his men he sat up straight and grabbed his rifle. As former soldier of the armies of Humanity, Dönitz acted almost instinctively the moment the doors to his Pod opened. Issuing orders, tending to the wounded and allocating supplies amongst other things. Despite the fact thar the Sunset Horizon no longer existed, and likely neither did the men that payed him, he knew it was his duty both as a soldier and a security guard to ensure the safety and survival of As many passengers as possible.

Julia Sommerfeld - Turn 01 - Location 06 Oasis


"Another track, crossing the previous one. We are likely close to another source of water.", Julia Sommerfeld concluded, causing the large man next to her to scratch his head. "And you can tell by looking at the dirt?", the Golden Mound inquired, still insisting on this name and wearing his golden mask. This caused the researcher to stand straight back up, excitedly explaining to him how important these routes likely were for the local wildlife. As soon as she clocked her own enthusiasm, Julia blushed and sighed. "Lets just say... I am quite certain by the way the dirt looks here...", she left it at that for now, still content with her small success for now. They would need a whole lot more to survive here, with none of them knowing how long exactly they would need to. According to Manfred, the sudden demise of their luxurious behemoth of a spaceship had to do with some planetary defense system, so unraveling that would unfortunately take a lot of time for any rescuers and whilst they kept these grim thoughty away from the children, the adult survivors all knew.

Still, some progress had been made. A stark contrast to how she had stumbled out of the escape pod. Julia remembered falling into the hot sand, how desperate cries rang out everywhere. But she considered herself lucky to be alive and having landed near an oasis. She knew not everyone was as lucky and just as that thought crossed her mind, she flinched as Holly Arches hissed at them to draw some attention. The woman with the cold eyes had unnerved Julia at first, but she was glad she was along now and judging from her gestures she had found something. "Look over there, Eggheads!", Holly quietly whispered, pointing at two figures in the distance. "Those don't look like they wanna eat us...", Mound concluded and Julia shuddered as she realized that those were people walking in the distance.

"Quick, get some water!", shouted Holly, as they arrived back at the Oasis. Everyone quickly caught on and huddled over, to help the two exhausted men that had been picked up by the scouting party. Releasing a big sigh of relief, Julia watched as they were taken into the tent, though their tales of what had happened to the rest of their pod worried her deeply. "Madame Sommerfeld.", Manfred suddenly appeared next to her, causing her to jump a little. "My apologies, Madame Sommerfeld. But I thought to let you know that rather unfortunately, our system of producing clean water has unexpectedly broken down. I suspect we strained it too much and too quickly.", the man had never given up his proper manners, despite their circumstances. "How... how severe is the damage?", she forced away any resignation, pointing towards the water and walking alongside Manfred. "Quite severe, I am afraid.", he admitted and she nodded along. "We'll figure something out. It was a good plan, but it just needs fine tuning. Lets see what we can do..."

Action 1: Scout the surroundings - Julia (Xenology 5, Charm 1 Tech 2, Medical 2) along with Holly Arches (Hunting 4, Athletic 4) and The Golden Mound (Athletic 4, Fighting 4) will scout around the oasis, looking for survivors, potential sources of food and cataloguing the local wildlife.

Action 2: The Basics - The Abrams Family ( Medical 4, Farming 4, Hunting 2, Athletics 4) and Manfred the Butler (Crafting 2, Charm 2) work their best to gather food from the oasis, noting down good spots, and - assisted by the repair bot (Tech 2) - establish a system for continous water purification by boiling it in hollowed palm stumps.
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Horatio Update:

One Big Happy Family-

It takes the entire week, but Horatio, using a mixture of his Psionic skills and his natural disposition towards animals, he manages to get the animals to protect each other. In fact, some of the larger one will now act to protect Horatio as well.

Choose Two and gain them for direct actions

-2 Lions: Fight 8, Hunting 4
-2 Brown Bears: Fight 8, Hunting 4
-2 Cheetahs; Fight 4, Athletics 8
-2 Wolverines: Fight 4, Hunting 4

Native Wildlife-

The Skittering sound turned out to be a series of creatures that look like a Furry Caterpillar, the size of a Large Cat. Each one has 16 small legs that they use to move very quickly. Horatio manages to befriend them with his abilities and they show him a nearby watering hole.

It was hidden a few miles away in a deep recess in the ground. In this same recess, there is a bulbous red fruit that practically uses juices. Perhaps that could be used as a food source? Certainly the strange furry creatures enjoy them.

Gain 2 units of Red Juicy Fruit
Gain access to watering Hole
Friedrich Donitz Update:

Action 1-

Friedrich begins his search for additional survivors inside the canopy. Unfortunately, his search was fruitless. There didn’t seem to be any additional survivors in their area. Or at least none in the large radius that he was checking for the current week.

Things actually ended up much more successful for Charlie though as a suitable location for farming was discovered. Charlie uncovered a purple Apple(?) looking growth on the ground near one of the trees. And the soil seemed very good for growing other crops.

Gain 1 Unit of Purple Apple(?)

Action 2- Organization was being developed. However, it seemed middling at best. At least at present. Perhaps it was the given situation and all the extreme stress that they were all under that led them to be far more lax than they should be. Continued training would be handled much better due to the ground work being settled, however.
Cordova Update:

Action 1- Fishing

Cortova and Denis have an excellent time fishing and manage to collect a large amount of fish during the week. There seem to be all kinds. Some with strange snapping jaws and some that are rainbow colored, or others that look like they shoot spikes in the water.

But, they managed to acquire a whole bunch.

Gain 2 Units of FISH

Action 2-

Lucy and the maintenance bot easily turn the Pod into a shelter. They carefully dismantle it, still managing to keep certain parts completely intact while doing so. It soon became a small Hut. Complete with a small kitchen, a refrigerator (Which will need to use energy every week), 4 Beds and a “recharging station” for the robot.

Everyone is very happy with the development, now that they feel more like a proper living environment.

Gain +10 Morale

As the escape pod carefully landed in the jungle, Basil and his companions found themselves surrounded by a vibrant landscape teeming with life. The plants, in every colour of the rainbow, seemed almost alive, occasionally swaying as if they could move on their own. Basil’s mind raced as he took in the scene. He knew they needed to secure both food and water if they hoped to survive.

“The six of you,” he pointed to the passengers and two of Elena’s entourage, "venture into the jungle and see what you can find. Prioritize anything that looks edible or potable," There was a sudden mass of confused faces amongst the group and Basil rolled his eyes in dismay.


"It means drinkable. Look for anything edible or drinkable. But don't stray too far from the pod," You dunces. I need as many of you lot alive if I want to stand a chance of making it out of here. Basil caught glimpses of something watching them from the bushes before vanishing from view again. "And be careful. We don't know what might be lurking out there.”

The group nodded and set off into the jungle, disappearing into the dense foliage. Basil watched them go, then turned to Elena and the remaining two entourage members. “I want to be ready for anything, so we need to start thinking about weapons. The needles those golden-hued plants seem so eager to shoot at us could make excellent blow darts. We just need some hollow tubes. And fashioning some sticks into crude spears should be simple enough, especially with the help of our robotic friend here." Basil gestured towards the robot they had found stowed away on the escape pod.

"Your wellbeing is paramount for me... I mean to me... so, to make sure you all remain in the best possible condition, I will be giving everyone regular health checks from here on." Basil said, with an authoritative tone. "Ms. Toulis," He glanced over at Elena, his gaze lingering for a brief few moments. "I believe we will begin with you. If you would kindly join me in the pod while you two busy yourselves with crafting weapons." Basil spun around on his heels and began walking towards the crashed capsule. "And make sure you seal the door behind you, Ms. Toulis." A mischievous smile crossed his face. "I'm nothing if not thorough in my work..."

  1. The four passengers [Hunting 2] and two of Elena's entourage [Fight 2] will venture into the jungle to look for anything edible and drinkable to bring back to the pod. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur upon their return. Basil will have his companions test the food/liquids to ensure they are safe to ingest and monitor them for any adverse reactions before attempting to consume anything himself.
  2. Elena [Charm 6 | Too Hot To Fail - Does not suffer from critical fails on Charm Tests] and two of her entourage [Fight 2] will gather supplies to give to the robot [Craft 2/Tech 2] so it can craft crude weapons and blowpipes, using the needles collected from the golden hued plants as darts. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur in the process.
Turn 1

Jackson "Jax" O'Donoghue


As the escape pod gently touched ground, Jax and his film crew were hard at work. Jenny Wilkins had her own camera set on the interns and the two strangers, making sure to catch the air of fear, worry, and for some, excitement. Meanwhile, in the back, Jeremy Johnson had his own camera braced on the inert frame of a damaged robot. His shot was focused on the door of the escape pod. Between the two, Jax was standing, shouting orders. His current target was one of the interns.

"Its simple, boy. Once we come to a full stop, walk up to the door, glance back at the camera," he gestured to Jeremy, "then open it without blocking the camera's view of the outside." He clapped a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Deep breath now. We only have one chance!"

The next few moments followed about how Jax had described. The intern himself was a bit shaky, but the camera's view was solid. As the door slowly opened, the camera, and passengers within, got a beautiful view of a coastal beach covered in spikey red shells. With a single gesture, Johnson was ending his shot and Wilkins was starting hers, following him to the pod's exit. "Beautiful, but dangerous," Jax said with confidence, turning his head to the camera. "That is the law that I've come to learn well over my career. Nature has a way of humbling us, and often the most awe inspiring locales are also the most threatening to human life." He waited a moment, then made a cutting motion, indicating for Jenny to end her shot.

"That line wasn't just for the big screen, Ms. Wilkins. Don't touch a thing until we get the chance to take a closer look." He looks back at the rest of the pod's occupants. "That goes for all of you. Safety first!" He finished with one hand pointing to the air, as though posing for a shot.


1) The four film crew (tech 3), led by Jenny Wilkins (hunting 2, tech 4, [Keep It Going]: can reroll tech roll once per turn), will begin taking an inventory of the pod, determining what can be stripped away for shelter and what can be repurposed for other uses.

2) Jax (athletics 1, hunting 2, charm 1), Jeremy Johnson (hunting 4, tech 2, [Perfect Shot]: can reroll hunting roll once per turn), the 2 interns (hunting 2), and Lorraine (hunting 4, fight 2, [To Adventure!]: when away from base camp, anyone she is with doesn't trigger nat 1s) and Largo (hunting 2, fight 2, [Carrying Capacity]: double carry weight) if they choose to join, will scout the pod's nearby surroundings, focusing on locating easy food and fresh water sources.
Frederick Christie


Group Members

Michaela, The Agent
Hunting 2
Tech 2
Charm 4
I Get Things Done- Can reroll any failed dice once per turn

Laetisha, The Executive
Athletics 2
Tech 2
Gathering Information: When making an investigation check, use Tech bonus instead.

Christina, Amateur Planter
Farming 2
Charm 2
Green Thumb: Has a higher chance to get something to grow.

Lin, IT
Fight 1
Tech 3
Debugger: Reroll one Tech roll a turn.

Crafting 2

11 Passengers
Hunting 2

Ophelia, The Technician
Crafting 2
Tech 4
I Can Fix It: Roll all Tech rolls at advantage.

2 unit of Alcohol
1 Energy Pack
1 Foldable Baton
2 unit of Rations
2 units of MRE
2 units of Water​

Turn One

"This is Derrick Christ and my name is Michaela, his agent"

She spoke with authority to the gathered circle, their escape pod resting nearby in the sand. They had escaped the Sunset Horizon safely but none the wiser to it's state nor what it happened. Though that was least of the concern as the eighteen strong group found themselves in the middle of a desert. Michaela had taken charge with little effort, and had gathered the dazed descenders together to introduce themselves and more importantly formulate a plan. Michaela looked to man on her left, his crisp white shirt slightly torn and his black vest stained by a recent spill. "My name's Manny. I tended bar for the high class passengers in the lounge."

"I'm Elijah" introduced a dark skinned man, seemingly a Afro-Mercurian by his New Brooklyn twang "I was at the bar when the crash happened"

"I'm Ophelia, Senior Technician on the Sunset Horizon" Still battered and bruised from her collision with the robot, she was at least conscious now, and determined by the look in her eyes.

"Hello everyone. I'm Paul. " stated a bald man with a pleasant smile.

"I am Abdul Al'Terran" said another dark skinned man in a traditional looking Terran thobe proudly. "High Class Passenger"

A woman covered with minor cybernetic enhancements was next to speak "I designate as Sarah One."

"My name is Sascha" answered a jovial man. Bouncing up and down on the spot he seemed to take the current situation rather well . His thick Neriman accent gave his home planet away "I am from Neri and I was on cruise with my lovely wife, Eleonore." Sascha pointed towards the portly blonde woman next to Lin, who after a moment or too waved and smiled "She only speaks Neriland so i speak often for her."

There was a slight pause as if in thought before he spoke again, interrupting the woman beside him. "Me and my wife were in the A-muse-ment Ar-cade watching the holo games when the big bang happened."

Another pause as he looked bright eyed at the woman next to him. Waiting a few seconds the woman coughed and introduced herself. "I'm Evani. I work in Tech Support for a big firm back home" She spoke in a rather polished non descript accent though you would assume she was from the planet of Santamasa by her skin tone and clothes.

"Holla. I am Nestor." said a man in coveralls with a sharp mustache "I am.. was.. one of the crew of the Sunset Horizon."

"My names Gail. Recently divorced" she said with a sad sigh " I thought going on this cruise would be a nice way to spend the settlement. Guess I was wrong"

"Hiya. My name's Reiko" By her accent and style she seemed to be from Chura "I was on the Dance Machine in the arcade. Eleonore here was having a go beside me when the ship started going down"

"I'm Simon" followed the final man of the group.

Next to speak was Christina, who introduced herself and her two friends, Lin and Latesha, as employees of Shineal Armour Division and their group holiday.

Michaela was quick to get to the real crux of the matter. "Okay now that we've all introduced ourselves does anyone have anything useful on them? Something that might help our current situation?"

"I brought a crate of alcohol" replied Manny, sheepishly. Lins eyes visibly lit at the revelation "I was carrying it when the Sunset Horizon was going down and never thought to drop it.... It's in the escape pod."

"I have this" proclaimed Lin, rising to her feet and flicking out a foldable baton from her dress to a few startled looks. "Compact, portable and S.A.D approved. Never leave home without it"

"I've got an Energy Pack" stated Ophelia. "I was replacing the robots old one with it."

The technician winced, holding her side. The rest of the passengers had little of note. The odd snack or candy bar but enough food and drink to last a week or two if they rationed it appropriately. Well Michaela could only assume that. No one expects to be stranded on a distant unknown planet after all....

The sun blazed high above them, goading them to action or to hide in the shelter of the pod. "Any ideas? Anyone?"

Frederick, Michaela and the 11 Passengers will go out to look for food, water or somewhere more viable to settle.
Christina, Latesha, Lin, Ophelia and the Bartender will attempt to salvage anything useful from the pod to aid survival and exploration.
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Julia Update:

Action 1: Scout the Surroundings:

Julia, Holly and The Golden Mound go scouting over the course of a week and manage to locate a duo of haggard survivors that said once they landed, most of their group was killed by some sort of Large Sandworm and hyena looking creatures.

Gain 2 Survivors- 2 Hunting

Julia has a field day with cataloguing various flora and fauna. She managed to track down the small furry creatures which looked like Hairy Starfish that are capable of extending small green vine like protrusions from their “paws”. According to her notes, these are the Grimaldi and are peaceful herbivores.

They also manage to discover a silver wolf like creature that came into the oasis to hunt the Grimaldi. It seemed to have various bone extrusions at the ends of the “elbows” and “knees” that it uses to strike hard and fast. They have sharp, red fangs and seem to be solitary hunters.

Action 2:The Basics

The Family, Manfred search the area for food food sources and manage to track down two of them that might be eatable. A Thick Blue Banana like fruit that smelled almost sickly sweet, A small Yellow Bulb that grows on the ground but smells pretty poor and of course the Star Shaped Bright Red Fruits that were growing from most of the branches.

Gain 1 unit of “Blue Banana

Gain 1 unit of “Stinky Yellow Bulb”

Gain 1 Unit of “Star Fruit”

The purification system didn’t seem to go as well as the collection session did. It was built and managed to purify some water. But then it broke down and the pipes burst. It will require 2 Scrap to Repair.

Gain 2 units of Purified Water.
Basil Update:

Action 1: Hunt for anything Edible or drinkable- Test on others

The passengers search for things to eat and drink while being protected by the Entourage. One of the Entourage manages to easily fight back hard against wolf like creatures that seemed to be made up of plants(?) They fought tooth, claw and vine to abscond with the passengers.

In the end, they managed to violently rip apart the other Entourage member in a gory manner. They dragged away the remains and seemed to be content not to come back….for now.

The others were very shaken by this ordeal, but managed to bring back a few things that seemed good.

The two types of fruits brought back seemed to give no reactions. However, the Dark Blue water that they had returned with gave an immediate reaction to the one who tried it. Basil used his medical knowledge to save the passenger before it was too late.

Lose 1 Entourage.
Gain1 unit of Red Pineapple
Gain 1 unit of Blue Fuzzy Banana
Gain 1 unit of Dark Blue Water (Dangerous. Do Not Consume)

Action 2: Gather materials to form Crude weapons and blowpipes

Elena and two member and her entourage gather branches, metals and other goodies so that their robot can make them some kind of protection against the dangers that lurked all around them. In the end, it was a success. They had a few Blowpipes and Spiked Clubs.

Gain 2 Spike Clubs
Gain 5 Blow Pipes
Jax Update:

Action 1: Take Inventory. Repurpose parts of the Pod and use the rest for the shelter

Much of the pod was easily dismantled to be repurposed into supplies that could be used to help survive their current situation. As for the Escape Pod, itself. The rest of it was repurposed into a shelter that could easily accommodate all of them rather comfortably.

It was altered to consist of an overhang front with four separate rooms. A small kitchen in the front overhang to prevent smoke from getting into their living environment. Two separate sleeping areas for the men and the women. A supply room with a small Refrigeration unit running on what is left of the pod’s power.

Gain 7 Scrap
Gain 8 Steel Pipes

Action 2: Searching for easy food and fresh water sources

The crew manages to uncover that there are trees in the nearby dense forest that seem to contain Coconut type growths. Though they seem more like hardened amorphous blobs that grow off of the tree and the drop down onto the ground. Cracking them open gives an object that has a bitter taste, but its certainly edible and easy enough to find.

Deeper in the forest, they follow those strange lemur like creatures and uncover a small drinkable pond(?). The water seems fresh and is most likely fed by an underwater spring of some kind.

Gain 4 Units of Bitter Coconuts
Gain 4 Units of Fresh Water
Allowing herself a moment to lose control was... difficult. Though she didn’t see herself as a control ‘freak,’ Elena was accustomed to taking charge when matters called for it. But handing the reins of their fate over to her little—no, younger—brother was a situation filled with unpredictability. She’d anticipated that it would take Horatio more time to overcome his discomfort with leading, but he stood before her, increasingly confident, even if some nerves were still evident.

Her hands gripped Horatio’s tightly, knuckles white, as she refused to let go, her gaze fixed on his back. His shoulders, once narrow and unsure, now bore a surprising strength. When had he grown so much? Had she been wrong to worry?

As the Zoo separated from the Sunset Horizon, Elena closed her eyes. Her teeth sank into her lips as a scream pierced the air—Cassandra Ravenscroft's voice, filled with terror. The world seemed to tilt, and Elena’s heart pounded against her ribcage. Her breath came in shallow, rapid gasps, her mind consumed by the fear of the impending impact. Would they survive the landing? Had she truly lived the life she wanted?

Regret gnawed at her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d done something just for herself. What did she want? Elena couldn’t grasp the need for material items. Her adrenaline rush came from her pursuits. Why would she need to fulfill desires she didn’t fully understand? Regardless, she tightened her grip on Horatio, clinging to him like a moth drawn to a flame. The thought of losing him was unbearable. Though she would never admit it, her clinginess stemmed from a deep-seated fear of losing the last remnant of her family. He was all she had left, and if she couldn’t hold on to him, what else was there? Perhaps this was her greed.

The weight of her suppressed emotions and trauma pressed down on her. She tried to turn her pain into strength, though whether it bordered on obsession, she wasn’t sure. She clung to the hope of their survival, her only solace being the knowledge that she had something to wake up to: ensuring Horatio’s good life. This purpose was her sole motivation and goal. She clung to it with fervor, unable to let go or relax. Her brother’s future was the anchor that kept her from drifting into the abyss of her unresolved pain.

────────── {⌘} ──────────​

A crash landing on an endless grassy plain was not on her bingo card. The ship’s attack and wreckage had left Elena feeling adrift, caught between high alert and confusion. Unaccustomed to the wilderness and far from the familiar confines of their slums, she felt completely out of her element. In the ordered chaos of human society, Elena had felt she could seamlessly flit about, unnoticed. But here—wherever here was—she felt exposed and vulnerable.

The emotions roiling within her were a stark contrast to the animals around her. Behind her, they adapted with ease, showing no signs of fear or threat. Elena, on the other hand, was frazzled, her mind a whirlwind as she scanned the unfamiliar landscape. Are they now the 'animals' to be observed? More than ever, she felt a deep need to rely on Horatio, acutely aware of her growing dependence and loss of control. She hated the feeling of being utterly useless.

At the sound of Cassandra's lackadaisical tone and her awe-struck wonder at the endless plain, Elena narrowed her eyes in slight confusion. The elderly woman seemed unexpectedly upbeat, far more so than Elena had anticipated. She had half expected Cassandra to demand they return to civilization immediately. But where were they? Where was this place? Elena couldn’t grasp the full extent of their situation.

A gnawing uncertainty gripped her. How long until they would be rescued? Would they be forgotten or lost? The thought of being lost echoed relentlessly in her mind. Mom. Dad.

It wasn’t until Horatio began to move that Elena, despite her reluctance to have him leave her side, jumped back to reality and realized she couldn’t hinder his resourcefulness. He had ideas brewing, and she knew better than to interfere with his process. While she couldn’t understand the animals and, surprisingly, Cassandra hadn’t given her a hard time, she could see the damage the crash had inflicted on the Zoo’s interior. Perhaps that was where she would start.
Elena Robertson

TURN ONE | location: grassy plains

Action 1 - Fixing and Strengthening the Zoo: Elena and Cassandra will work together to repair the Zoo’s damaged roof and implement security measures. Cassandra will use her farming skills to guide Elena in creating barriers and reinforcements. Meanwhile, Elena will gather the necessary resources and apply her tech skills to install the repairs and upgrades.
• Elena's Stats: Atheletics 2, Fighting 2, Tech 1, Charm 2, Talent [Psychometry] 1.​
• Cassandra's Stats: Farming 2. Is That For Me?: Higher chance of causing a GOOD EVENT when gifted items.​

Action 2 - Support the Zoobot Gargamel in Animal Care: Elena will assist Gargamel in addressing the animals' immediate needs. With Gargamel focusing on animal comfort and care, Elena will help set up medical stations and organize resources to support Gargamel in treating injuries and ensuring the animals are comfortable.
• Gargamel: Hunting 2, Medical 2.​
Doctor George Hawthorne

Fluff stuff

A vacation while watching his brother work

I could use a drink right now

  • Find a spot inside the cave near the cave entrance to settle in

Turn 1
William H. Fletcher


Unexpected Event Detected
Memory Recollection Activated
Fragment Located
Playback Begin? Y/N
Response Timeout Error
Playback Loading…

“What do you meant you ‘Got rid of your will,’ Dad? People-,” your age, Fletcher knows that’s what he wants to shout. A reminder of all the wasted time. His son refrains from adding coals to the fire even as the strain in his voice over the phone becomes apparent. “People don’t just do that without replacing it!”

“It’s fine. It’s no longer needed. I wouldn’t want to give the three of you the wrong impression. Best not to let it laying about.” Fletcher is calm, collected. He was expecting this call, A.H.S.D. had given him the warning that it would be around now when surviving family members might begin to react strongly. He just finds it disheartening that it’s over the matter of inheritance of all things that has his eldest calling him first.

“No longer needed?! Dad, are you even listening to yourself? I know you’re been going through a lot lately, but a big diagnosis like that doesn’t mean it’s the right time to upend everything we’ve done to keep your affairs organized.” The mention of his most recent piece of unpleasant news brings a frown to Fletcher’s face. It was… disheartening to hear, but, well, that was what A.H.S.D. was for, wasn’t it?

“Timing is everything, is it not?” Fletcher repeats the Society’s favorite phatic phrase, moving on before his son can further voice his displeasure, “Please share the news with your sisters for me. I am afraid I will not be available this weekend. Club event. I won’t keep you, for now.” Fletcher hangs up before his son can get another word in, can give a pleading goodbye of ‘Love you, Dad,” that would make the following months more difficult.

He ignores the phone screen flashing that he is being called back, there’s no time for it. There is work to be done.


Action 1: No Part Goes to Waste. Fletcher, three new recruits, and the two Repair Bots will salvage the usable parts that they can find of the escape pod and patch up the frame of the structure to make a temporary shelter.

Fletcher: Tech 4
Repair Bots: Tech 2, Crafting 2
New Recruits (Passengers): Hunting 2
Tool Kit

Action 2: We Must Continue On. Fletcher and the two Repair Bots will then work on creating a way to recharge the large batteries with solar power.

Fletcher: Tech 4
Repair Bots: Tech 2, Crafting 2
Tool Kit
4 Units of Scrap
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Turn 1

Royce Brackett


Royce looked out over the fields. Golden and serene, the grasses twisted in the wind under his peaceful gaze. The house was a ways behind, a good half hour's trudge. He had been gone for hours, the sun welcoming him to stay the whole afternoon. He looked around, admiring the glimmer of the sun on the grass, the deep blue sky, the rolling hills leaving nothing else for the eye to see.

He glanced down a moment, as a bug landed on his hand. It wandered about at a jittering gait along an arm reddened by the summer sun-

who's arm was that?

"- so me, Bull, and the bot will see what we can do. Agreed?" Harrison Gray stood over the circle of survivors, watching them all closely. Royce nodded slightly, indifferent to the task ahead. It may be life or death, perhaps, but it was nothing compared to what troubled him now.

The stark blue of the trees and gentle shadows dancing at his feet were nothing like that which is Promised. Unless something drastic happened to the surrounding landscape, there's no way his journey ends here.

But then again, based on the new detail captured, drastic changes are inevitable.

Action 1: A Feast of Forage
Royce and 4 others will be foraging for whatever food they can find. Royce will be yanking anything promising out of the trees using his psionic prowess while the others scout for edible flora.

Royce: Psionics 6
4 New Recruits: Hunting 2

Action 2: To Hunt a Squirrel
The Glistening Man and the final 3 survivors will be hunting down small game in the area, perhaps baiting the weird squirrels to come down using the grapes they favor. The Glistening Man will use his martial prowess to try and stun or kill the squirrels by throwing branches and loose stones, while the rest collect stones and pick out targets for him.

The Glistening Man: Fight 6
3 New Recruits: Hunt 2

Ari Sang-Hee
Turn 1

Athletics [0]
Crafting [0]
Fighting [0]
Hunting [0]
Farming [0]
Tech [0]
Charm [4]
Medical [0]
Talent [4]
Dancing [2]
Singing [2]
Helper Bot, The Helper
• Crafting 2
• Fighting 2
• Hunting 2
• Farming 2
• Medical 2
Capable- Helper Bot does not suffer from crit failures.

Reginald Godfrey, The Father
• Athletic 4
• Craft 2
Family Man- Can reroll any check once per turn if it involves his family.

Lisa Godfrey, The Mother
• Craft 4
• Medical 2
Handy woman- Uses less materials while Crafting

.Amy Godfrey, The Daughter
• Tech 4
Computer Genius: Amy can reroll one tech check a turn if it involves Computers.

Davy Godfrey, The Son
• Fight 4
• Hunting 2
Scrapper- Davy rerolls one fight check a turn.

4 Actors
• Charm 2
[Drew, Ryan, Wayne, Colin]
Thick Heavy Blanket
2 units of MRE*
2 Movies with Playback Device
Solar Battery


Ari stumbled out of the escape pod, the exterior metal still hissing from heat of reentry, the cheerful remarks of Helper reminding them all to 'not touch the metal upon disembarking to avoid serious injury'... It had not been a pleasant ride, the escape pod had shaken them vigorously, like a child with a soda, and the impact into the earth had jostled her entire being, she thought for sure she was going to vomit up her pelvis.. The sun was blinding and as her vision cleared, she saw.. a Desert. A giant desert. Surrounding a tiny oasis of water and trees. Oh no. Ohhhh no. Ari took a step out into the desert and then let out a surprised yelp as her high heels dug deep into the sand and she was sent toppling over, barely avoiding twisting her ankles around. The sand was scorching against her pale legs and Ari stifled a pain whimper that tried to make it out of her throat.

Behind her, the other actors and the family she had waited for were disembarking, help one another get out, unload and otherwise made themselves useful while Ari stared off across the rolling dunes, it was okay. She was okay. It would be okay. The thoughts ran through mind at breakneck speeds. The world became blurred, sounds distorted, she could hear someone talking to her, helper maybe? But she couldn't hear him. Ari curled her legs into her chest and wrapped her arms around them, trying to find stability, trying to.. She was going to be okay. It would be okay. Everything would be okay.

The hot desert air stung her lungs and the sand scratched her throat, but she couldn't stop the breathing, it just kept going, faster and faster. S-She was okay. She was going to be okay. She felt something touch her, she tried to look at the hand and whose it was, but her eyes couldn't focus, couldn't see. Ari tried to smile, to nod, to show she was okay, but everything felt sluggish, everything felt so distant and yet so close, too close, so close she couldn't breath. Why couldn't she breath? She wasn't okay, she wasn't going to be okay.. The thoughts entered her mind like a sickness, sliding in when she was sleeping and now all she could do was cough.. Dark spots tinged on the edges of her sight, people were shouting now, saying.. something. But they were so far away as if speaking from underwater. She raised a hand to wave them off, at least, that's what she was sure she did? It was so hard to tell.. More and more black spots appeared and then, at once, the oasis became black and Ari Sang-Hee passed out.


1. Ari and the gang will use the Heavy Blanket to put up an Awning to give shelter against the sun [Craft 4 is highest]

2. Ari and the gang, inviting Julia's [ Abstracty Abstracty ] people over, will watch some of Ari's best hits on the Playback Device! Gotta recover some sense of normalcy after all this

{Consumed one unit of MRE bringing me to 1 left}​
Elena Update:

Between their two skills, they made quick work of patching up the holes in the roof as best as they could. At the very least, they were now fully protected from the elements. Not only that, but they managed to set up a rainwater collection system while they were doing so.

It was rudimentary in nature, but enough that they could collect 1 unit of water every turn.

Action 2: Medical station

Elena and Gargamel certainly knew what they were doing together. After taking stock of what medical supplies they already had, they were able to set up an appropriate animal staging area for medical care.

It wasn’t long before the animals were very comfortable around the duo and they seemed healthier than ever.

George Update:

Action 1: Find a spot inside the cave entrance to settle in

George at first went looking and was going to choose a place. However upon closer inspection by the others, namely those with FARMING, they noticed that the place he was choosing was actually damp and growing mildew, which would have been poor for their health.

However, they managed to find a location within the cave that was perfect for settling. It was near enough to the entrance that they could have easy access to the outside, but close enough to the further interior that if they needed to retreat, they could.

Action 2: Dismantle the escape pod and use it for a settlement:

Some parts of the escape pod were completely destroyed in the dismantling by some people who were careless. However, enough of it was recovered that they were able to build a basic settlement.

Have enough beds with a door to the cavern and a small “kitchen”
Have enough beds with a small “kitchen” and a grinder for making weapons
Have beds only for the important people, a small “kitchen”, a grinder fort making weapons and a relaxation room
Fletcher Update:

Action 1: No Part Goes to Waste:

Deconstruction of parts of the pod to patch it up for a shelter went well. They managed to make a small area for enough floor space for everyone, though it would be tight. To keep them all from the elements.

They also managed to set up a crafting/repair station so that the robots and cyborgs could be repaired. This could be further modified in the near future in order to make it to create additional cyborgs. But it would need more parts in order to do so.

Gain 13 Parts.

Action 2: We Must Continue On:

Using up the 4 Units of Scrap, Fletcher and the two bots managed to cobble together a makeshift system for recharging the batteries. However, it takes time for the recharge to occur. 1 Turn per charge.

Royce Update:

Action 1: A Feast of Forage:

Royce and one of the other four that he brought along, did a fantastic job of gathering fruit from the trees. The other three managed to get in each others way or were driven off by squirrel creatures in an undignified manner.

Gain 2 units of Purple Grapes(?)
Gain 1 Unit of Yellow Squid Plant(?)

Action 2:

To Hunt A Squirrel:

The hunting Squad managed to be a HUGE success. Especially The Glistening Man. He seemed to be a natural at stunning and killing the Squirrels. Before long, they had managed to gather a collection.

Gain 8 Squirrel (?) Meats
Frederick Christie Update:

Action 1: Salvage Anything Useful from the Pod

The group manages to salvage a surprising amount from the pod, itself. Scrap, makeshift weapons and a surprising thing, a High Level Security Keycard. Surely it wasn’t useful in their current situation? Or could it be?

Gain 6 Scrap, 2 Units of Oil, 3 Makeshift Spiked Clubs

Action 2: Search for Food, Water, or somewhere better to settle:

Traveling to the East, at first, it just seems to be endless desert in a land where the sky looked the same and the terrain just looked like more sand in every direction. After traveling for a week, just when all seemed lost, they found it….

A cavern entrance hidden away. The entrance was only big enough to fit two people crawling side by side. But once inside, it quickly became tall enough for them to safely stand. It looked as though there would be a source of water up ahead. However, the water source seemed guarded by a 12 foot tall crab. (Adventuretime.)

- I -
~ William Vega Hawthorne ~

~ "to walk into nature is to witness a thousand miracles" ~


[Name] - William V. Hawthorne

[Location] - Grassy Plains (Cave)

[Farming] - [6]

[Age] - 23

[Gender] - Male

[Tech] - [2]


-Hybrids Are My Specialty-
Can better combine plants to form a Hybrid.

- I -
Seeding Worlds Anew

The day had started with a temperate breeze.

Surrounded by the hazy copper fields, Will kept busy admiring the local flora with overt fascination. He had eaten a hearty meal with his team and the rest of the crash survivors, his brother George insisting he maintained his health for the work ahead. Ever the pragmatist, but he was right. Though they had landed in an ideal location, Vega Delphi Prime was a largely unexplored terrain known only for its... peculiar ecosystem. The thought excited William to no end, preconceptions of danger far from his mind. Who knew what wonders and miracles of nature lay on the surface just waiting for a beholder to dazzle. There was work to be done and he was determined to be the one to do it.

Dismantling the escape pod was no easy task. Though both he and George has a degree of technical knowledge, neither were engineers and it seemed Will would have to take the lead in its scrapping. Working with his team and the other Horizon passengers, they managed to prize off enough components to haul back to their makeshift shelter in the cave by the mountain. It wasn't much to look at, but it would do enough to protect them from the elements.

"We should watch out for this mold, George," Will warned his brother, tapping a finger to his chin as he pondered the mildew growing further into the cave opening, "You probably know, but Aspergillosis sucks. A door with proper ventilation likely'd help."b2ca7ae142cc89a2120cffc9642fd4df.jpg

With the fungal matter settled, their temporary camp was complete and would serve to stave off the majority of the hardships that came with roughing it in the wild. There were plenty of MRE rations and they had managed to snag a few more before the Sunset Horizon was promptly blown to oversized shrapnel. They would survive for a little while, but the question now became about sustainability.

"Hmm... What to do... Perhaps, oh- OH, that could work!"

Browsing their stock of plant samples for cross-pollination, Will brightened up as a flash of inspiration struck him. He was no forager, but there were plenty of people here that could find what he needed. All he had to do was do what he did best. He clicked open his silver-gilded metal briefcase and began assembling his lab equipment on a hastily erected workbench, a sharp focus entering his eyes as he dropped into flow-state.

The dean back at the academy hadn't hailed him a genius for nothing.

Summary - Turn 1

  • Action 1 - Will sends the Horizon passengers with hunting to collect plant and soil samples from the local area for identification, using his kit to splice them and the Sunflower and Corn samples into a new species that could grow in the area.
  • [Hybrids Are My Speciality, Lab Equipment, Sunflower, Corn, Orange Grass, White Bulbs?, 4 Passengers (Hunting 2 Each), Farming 6, 4 Lab Assistants (Farming 4 Each), Botany Bot (Farming 2)]
  • Action 2 - Wishing to acclimitise his knowledge to the planet, Will studies the nearby landscape/flora brought to him to deepen his knowledge of the local plant species and discover genomes with splicing potential. He plants each of his plant samples into the Orange Grass fields to see what flourishes.
  • [Magazine 'Dr. Vencius Guide to Alien Life', Sunflower, Corn, Tomato, Azelias, Radishes, Turnips, Farming 6, 4 Lab Assistants (Farming 4 Each), Botany Bot (Farming 2)]


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