• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐ง๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ข๐๐ž ๐ก๐ž๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ โ€” character apps.



๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ข ๐™ˆ๐™„๐™‰๐˜ผ !

sunnyside heights


application info

please fill this out thoroughly and to the best of your ability. you must include everything in your sheets unless stated otherwise.

full name:
age: (renters must be between the ages of 20-25. note: misc characters can be 18+)
gender + pronouns:
date of birth:
(the year is 1989)
place of birth:
place of residency:
(are they a renter or neighbor?)

(height, weight, build, etc.)
distinguishing features: (body modifications, birthmarks, scars, etc.)
ailment/s: (optional if there isn't any to list.)
faceclaim: please choose with the rules in mind. your oc must have a realistic one. ai generated will not be accepted.

(a list of explained 3 vices and 3 virtues or a minimum of 2 paragraphs.)
likes: (5+)
dislikes: (5+)
hobbies: (2+)
fears: (1+)

backstory: (yes yes i know. it's so painful to write out but i really need to know where your bby comes from! i'll take paragraphs or a bullet-point list. any significant life occurances? what was their education like? home life? are they native to marysville? if they're renters, how did they get there? these are some questions to think about when writing your histories.)
relationships: (optional.)(is there any signifcant relationships of theirs that you'd like to mention? family, children, partners, etc.)


the renters


please remember that although there are six total units to rent from, only 5 are available to apply for. there should not be multiple characters from the same player applying for renters, i'm only allowing one per player. that being said, since this is application-based, if you want to make multiple renters with the intent of me choosing the best one, you can do that! also, please don't feel dejected if it's not accepted. you are more than welcome to reapply so long as the deadline is open or i've given you an extension.

p.s.: while kowalski may grab me by the ears for this, i encourage you to get as silly and creative as you'd like. did desperate times call for desperate measures? are you secretly allowing someone else under your roof to help with rent when it's not allowed? does mr. kowalski think your german shephard is a teacup poodle???? idkkkkk... i won't say anything.

the neighbors


nervous about applying for a role with limited spaces? totally fine, you have a safer route to choose from by being a neighbor. marysville is yours for the taking when it comes to writing up your characters, meaning that you're free to get as creative as you'd like. want to be the mayor's kid? the sheriff's troublemaker? the pastor's not-so-good child? with sensitivity in mind, feel free to take those reigns and explore what this little town is about!!


you're almost there, i promise! just bear with me and read the last of this note before you go wild. below are some extra need-to-knows to ensure you have a successful time with applying.

again, you're only allowed to apply for one renter role. if you make more than one, i'm gonna assume that you want me to choose the best one.

each player can make a max of 3 characters unless stated otherwise. i may or may not change this depending on the interest (or lack of) in this group.

deadline for applications is still pending but always look for any updates should i add one in the future!

discord invitations will be sent out to accepted players after the deadline ends. happy writing!!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Diana Rockwell

# Daughter of Pastor Arthur Rockwell

# Brooke Shields

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


full name

Diana Louise Rockwell


Dixie, Dia, Dee, Annie


Closeted Lesbian

date of birth

July 14th, 1969

place of birth

Marysville, CA

place of residency

Marysville, CA









Long, curly brown hair that reaches about midback. Itโ€™s often full of hairspray or gel and styled to be shiny and neat. When natural, it falls in a wave of ringlets. When styled, the curls are more old Hollywood glam.


Crystal blue eyes that are gently upturned and framed by thick, fluffy eyebrows. They are typically accented by soft makeup. And full of light and life.


An above-average height of 5โ€™8, with long legs and arms. Not particularly skinny, but not really curvy either. More of any in-between body type.

dist. features

Thick, fluffy eyebrows, beauty mark on cheek, long hair.

body modifications

Beauty mark on cheek


Brooke Shields

Good Luck Babe

Chapell Roan



a little quote here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.
Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.


Family, friends, church events, sunshine, animals, glitter, sparkly outfits, the smell of hairspray, pretty clothes, chocolate, warm weather, reading, watching movies, going for long drives, reading the bible, talking to people, volunteering, traveling, meeting new people.


Loud noises, rude people, seeing others disrespected, disorganization, violence (whether fake or not), people who make fun of her beliefs, dark places, and spaces, arguments, dogeared pages, soup, flowers (sheโ€™s allergic), photos that come out wrong.


Reading, painting, photography


Disappointing her parents, being excommunicated from the church, everyone finding out her โ€œsecretโ€, never seeing anything outside Marysville.




โ€œWhere there is love there is life.โ€

Diana Louise Rockwell was born the only daughter of Arthur and Barbara Rockwell on July 14th, 1969 in Marysville, CA. Arthur was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, and Barbara helped with secretarial work. Beloved by the town, the Rockwells were considered a pillar of the community. And as such, Diana grew up under intense scrutiny.
She was sitting in church as a tot, listening to her father's various sermons on how to be a good Christian. She featured in Christmas pageants, assisted with events, volunteered at local shelters and charities, and did whatever she could to be helpful. She and her family were very close and she desperately wanted to make them proud.

By all accounts, she was considered a good Christian girl. She never got into trouble, was a good student, and an active member of the community. Everyone knew they could count on her to lend a hand with a smile. When not participating in daily life, she could be found at church. Singing in the choirs, participating in church functions, and leading bible studies for the local children.

Her parents, believing life to be a mission field, sent Diana to public school. They were loud and proud about their beliefs and Diana held fast to what she was taught. Teachers adored her. And although she was open about her beliefs, she was never really bullied. She was pretty and smart, and she had quite a few friends. Boys were practically falling over her.

But truthfully, she never had much interest in boys at all. She always chalked it up to having high standards or being focused on more important things. And yet no matter how much her friends spoke about their latest crushes, or how many of the worldโ€™s hottest men she saw on movie screens, she never felt anything. She was much more interested in the numerous fascinating girls she encountered in her little town.

One such girl was Kelly Cameron. They didnโ€™t see each other all that often. Kelly attended a private Christian school and wasnโ€™t a fan of church events. However, they sang in choir together, and Kellyโ€™s family were at church nearly as often as Diana was. She thought Kelly was beautiful, and admired her willingness to forge her own path. Sure, she was known to be a troublemaker, but God loved all his people, even those who were a little โ€œdifferentโ€. And soon enough, Kelly started attending public school. So Diana admired her from afar.


Thatโ€™s when Sandra Patrick came waltzing into Dianaโ€™s life in a cloud of hairspray and bright colors. The two became fast friends, bonding over their love of films and photography, and their desire to see more of the world. Diana adored her new friend and spent all her extra time with her. The two were hardly ever seen apart. That is until Sandra started dating Michael Harris, one of the track stars. Sandra stopped coming around as much. Diana couldnโ€™t understand why Sandra was so interested in him, and desperately wanted things to return the way they were. She practically despised Michael. And what about their plans to travel?

Everything changed during one of Sandra and Dianaโ€™s sleepovers. It was the first time Sandra had started acting normal again. During one of their โ€œconversationsโ€ which was really just Sandra prattling on and on about this that and the other, Diana realized that she wanted to kiss her. Of course, that was an awful thought she never should have had. Sandra had a boyfriend. And girls couldnโ€™t date girls. It was against everything she was taught.
But no matter how much she tried to shake the thought she couldnโ€™t. They just started getting stronger and stronger. And she noticed it more as she was engaging with other girls. They started making her nervous. She noticed the way they looked and acted and she craved their attention more than anything.

She brought the idea up to her father when she was seventeen, posing a question about what God would do if her friend liked another girl. Her father told her that God hated homosexuality, and any true follower would deny themselves and follow his word. If they didnโ€™t, they werenโ€™t a true Christian. It solidified in Dianaโ€™s mind that something was inherently wrong with her.

But in the back of her mind, she always wondered how a God who was said to be the very embodiment of love could hate when two people love each other. After all, 1 John 4:16 says, โ€œGod is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God. And God in them.โ€

She spent college thrusting herself into her studies and church life, burying her secret deep down. She would somehow manage to rid herself of these feelings. Until then, she would be the best person she could be. She got a job as a librarian, kept helping her family in church, and continued to serve her community. She struck up a friendly relationship with Kowalski, and often lent him books and assisted with paperwork filing. She and Sandra kept up a friendly relationship, even after she married Michael Harris. And she quietly kept tabs on Kelly, who was kicked out of her house at sixteen.


Now out of school, Marysville is starting to feel too small. And her โ€œimpureโ€ thoughts still have yet to subside. Sheโ€™s always dreamed of leaving Marysville and exploring more of the world, photographing and writing about her experiences. But that would mean leaving the only home she has ever known. Diana is stuck between her devotion to her family (and God), and her desperation to experience life outside of her small town and perhaps find a way to rectify her beliefs with her truest self.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

question here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

question here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Last edited:

  • Sunnyside Heights.

    full name

    Matthew Lukas Armstrong


    His favorite nickname is "Mattie", not many people call him that as most people just call him "Mat".




    September 10th


    Hickory, North Carolina


    Cisgender male (he/him)




    High school English teacher







    Matt was born with snow white blonde hair, just like all the other Armstrong children. However, throughout the years of bad hair care, a few buzzes haircuts, and finally taking care of his hair, his hair has turned a darker, dirtier shade of blonde.


    Matt's been told his eyes look much darker from a distance, but he'll be the first to tell you that he's got grey-blue eyes. He might get a bit flustered if you ask to get close enough for "proof".

    body modifications

    Thanks to his younger sister, Angela, he has one of his ears pierced. It was a dare that he lost, and Matt knew his sister was far too excited to let him duck out of it And he's got some matching/ "inside joke" tattoos with his younger siblings.

    dist. features

    Matt's most distinguishing features are his eyes. Despite his striking eye color, they are surprisingly soft and kind.


    drew starkey

    Call Me

    Go West



    Perfect strangers in perfect worlds apart

    ISFJ, the Defender

    2w1, the Companion

    Virgo โ˜ผ Pisces โ˜พ Cancer โ†‘

    Attentive: Matt finds himself paying attention to any and everything around him, from the most obvious of things to the smallest and most minute detail. This spans from his environment to the people he interacts with. This is actually the trait that earns him the title of "best gift giver" among his siblings; He has a knack for remembering the little details that are mentioned in passing; whether it's likes, an inconvenience they mention, or a childhood memory, Matt pays attention. He never wants anyone to feel like they're not heard.

    Personable: While Matthew may not be the MOST outgoing or sociable person around, he knows how to converse and hold his own in social situations. Some say he's charming, but Matt just thinks he's good with people. He's very good with reading social cues, following the flow and tones of conversation, and finding common ground with someone to befriend them.

    Romantic: Surprisingly, Matthew's a romantic. It's a hidden trait about him, as he's never put his own wants and needs first, but it's still there. After seeing how his parents stuck together through such difficult and unsure times, he's wanted that for himself. Someone to be his best friend, his most personal confidant and someone to hold him when he needs it. He may not be able admit it, but he needs someone to take care of him while he's spent his entire life taking care of others.

    Avoidant: From growing up being a victim of some violent acts on a regular basis, Matt has formed the habit of avoiding any and all conflict as best as he can. He doesn't like any kind of conflict or confrontation, anything that comes across to him as potentially getting violent? Nope. He will take fifteen steps AROUND the situation to avoid it instead of dealing with it.

    Selfless: Matthew has the tendency to ignore his own needs and put other's first. He's of the mindset that everyone else comes before him, because he believes in his ability to handle his own emotions depending on various situations. He believes he's responsible for curbing his own emotions in favor of making sure others are taken care of first. His first reaction is to ask how everyone else is before he even ALLOWS himself to feel or react to whatever has happened.

    Secretive: Carrying over from his childhood, Matthew has a way of keeping secrets if he thinks it'll protect those he cares about. He got in the habit of trying to hide reality from his younger siblings, trying to make life "better" than it really was and that has, unfortunately, bled over into his regular life. If something occurs that he thinks will harm or upset someone he cares about, he would rather keep it a secret and try to make it better on his own instead of telling them.


    fall, leaves changing color, mountains, the beach, lakes, upbeat music, musicals, meaningful gifts, animals, kids, science, taking care of others, board games, making others smile, fall fashion, colorful sunsets, bonfires on the beach, binging tv shows with friends, cozy sweaters, taking pictures of things/people that make him happy, card games, subtle cologne or perfume, cool and colorful sneakers


    violence, being the center of attention, horror movies, heavy metal, sad music, reading, being alone, cold weather, winter, cloudy days, baking, clutter, being yelled at, the unknown,


    Photography, catching new movies at the theatre, going for nature walks, reading, cooking,


    That his brother will find him,,, or even worse, his brother will return to his family and hurt them when he's not there.




    Matthew Lukas Armstrong was born to Miranda and Nathan Armstrong in the scenic but hidden town of Hickory, North Carolina. Matt was born as their second son, and the couple was only just beginning their family. Miranda and Nathan met back in college, both studying Communications. Miranda had leaned into the radio and tv aspect of Communications while Nathan had an emphasis in public relations. They were a darling couple, both having a reputation of being very sweet, kind, and genuine people. There were a few red flags with Nathan being a senior and Miranda being a freshman, but they certainly stood the test of time and went on to get married and have five children.

    Yep, Matthew is the second son out of five total children. The first born was Dylan, their pride and joy, specifically Nathan's pride and joy. That's how it goes, the first born son is the child a father can pass his legacy on to. Not all fathers have a legacy to pass on, but you get the idea. Next was Matthew, just two years younger than Dylan. As they began life together, they were seemingly normal brothers. Being rowdy, messy, loud little boys. Then, another two years later came the first Armstrong daughter; Angela! Who adapted swimmingly to being the youngest and only sister with two boys. Just when the world thought there were enough Armstrongs in the world, Miranda and Nathan were surprised another two years later with TWINS! It was such a surprise that once their little Johnny and Joy were born, they were definitely done. They had their lovely "little" family and were looking forward to helping their children grow into wonderful, fantastic, loving people.

    Unfortunately, their hopes and dreams were quickly dimmed. When Dylan and Matthew were 7 and 5, Dylan started showing some concerning behaviors towards Matt specifically. Both boys seemed very playful as they grew up, and everyone knows when two boys play together for long enough, it gets a little rough. So Dylan and Matt started being a little more rough; play fighting, throwing soft toys at each other, and shoving each other around. But the first time that Dylan shoved Matt a little too rough was what raised some red flags for their parents. They rushed into the room because of Matthew crying to find that Dylan had shoved his little brother hard enough that he fell and hit his head on the floor. As most parents do, they assumed it was an accident and tried explaining to Dylan that he wasn't supposed to push that hard and he needed to apologize. Dylan wouldn't apologize, he didn't even show any signs of feeling bad for his brother. The insinuation sent shivers down Miranda's spine, but Nathan assured his wife that Dylan just didn't understand what he had done. They figured it was a one time incident and it wouldn't happen again.

    The couple was very wrong. Dylan's behaviors worsened, and only ever towards Matthew. There were more incidents of Dylan showing Matthew too hard, becoming more violent, stealing Matthew's favorite toys and cutting them up/ripping them up. Nothing stopped his behavior. No matter how his parents tried disciplining him, Dylan would never apologize, never show any kind of remorse, and seemed to enjoy directing his parents' attention towards himself. Poor Matthew, starting at the age of 5, not understanding why his brother hated him so much. For whatever reason, Matthew was the target for Dylan's violence and it was the beginning of the worst.


    As all the Armstrong children grew, Dylan's behaviors got worse and worse. There was a bit of grace from the fact that Matthew was the only victim to his violence; Dylan had a strong sense of apathy towards the rest of his siblings, so they just got to sit and watch their big brother hurt their other big brother. But for some reason or another, Matthew was the object of Dylan's attention for quite some time. In Dylan's eyes, he saw Matthew as the golden child of the family and saw Matthew as getting all the attention from their parents.

    There was a chance that Dylan was seeing things correctly. Dylan and Matthew felt polar opposites, even though they were only two years apart in age. Dylan had always been more reserved, had a darker feeling to him, kept to himself and not easy to get along with. Whereas Matthew was always outgoing, bright and smiling, everyone loved being around him because he was easy to get along with. And while Dylan didn't want to change who he was, he didn't like that Matthew got all the attention from their parents and family. So he was determined to knock Matthew down a few pegs.

    Matthew was too young to understand the complexities of the human psyche, to understand what sociopathy even was. All Matthew knew was that his brother always sought him out to hurt him, and he was afraid that Dylan's anger would reach his siblings. So for as long as he could, Matthew tried to "solve" Dylan's anger issues. That was still his brother, Matt couldn't turn his back on him. So sweet, kind, always-wanting-to-help Mattie did his best to be loving to his brother, to never treat him different no matter how hateful and sadistic Dylan was towards him.

    It went on for years, Matthew's parents didn't attempt to put Dylan in therapy for his behavior until he was 12 years old. The straw that broke the camel's back was a specific instance, just a few days after Dylan's 12th birthday. His parents threw him a big party, had some bouncy houses, invited a bunch of friends from school and around the neighborhood, even baked Dylan two different kinds of birthday cake! It felt like for the whole weekend, Dylan was the center of attention. Which is how it was for each and every Armstrong child! For a few short days, everything was absolutely about them! They picked the meals, the deserts, what movies they watched, what games they played, and the best part was always playing with all their brand new toys.

    Well, with a 10, 8 and two 6 year olds running around the house, there were a few boundary issues bound to happen. One day Dylan opened the door to his room to find his two younger brothers on the floor, playing with all his brand new toys. They weren't destroying anything, but all Dylan saw was Matthew stepping all over his spotlight. The yelling and screaming that took place soon drew the attention of their parents, but not the attention Dylan craved to monopolize; this was the attention children got when they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar. His parents tried to be soft-spoken, told Dylan that the toys were still his and that they would make sure Matthew and Johnny didn't go into his room again without permission, but Dylan just had visual and audial snow from his rage.

    All Dylan could see and hear was that Matthew was stealing his spotlight, just like he always did. So as their parents made Matthew and Johnny stand up and apologize to their big brother, Dylan very forcefully shoved Matthew backwards, hard enough that the younger boy stumbled back a few steps and fell backwards. On his way down, his head hit Dylan's metal bed frame and was wiped out cold.

    The next thing Matthew knew was that he woke up in the hospital, and it had been several hours since the "accident". Turns out that Matthew suffered a grade 3 concussion and would definitely need to stay overnight at the hospital to make sure it wasn't anything more severe. The doctors warned Nathan and Miranda that there was a chance Matthew would have various head-trauma related symptoms for the rest of his life due to the severity of his concussion; memory issues, dizzy spells, unexplained headaches, and even night terrors. It was also the hospital policy for the doctors to call CPS due to such a severe incident; most hospitals needed cause for child abuse, which frightened Miranda and Nathan into thinking they would get Matthew taken away from them. But Matthew was not the center of the concern.

    Through recounts of the incident, it was well known that Dylan didn't like Matthew; and as he was further questioned about his actions, there was a concerning lack of empathy and remorse. There were even times where Dylan laughed and seemed proud of the harm he inflicted. After thorough questioning of all the Armstrong children (Minus Matthew, due to his condition), the CPS workers came to the conclusion that Dylan needed a psyche evaluation and stat. They believed Dylan showed sociopathic tendencies and was proving a danger to the rest of the house hold. So while Miranda and the twins stayed with Matthew, Nathan took Dylan to get evaluated on the spot. And sure enough, after an hour and a half, a psychiatrist gave him the official diagnosis as a sociopath; or better known as Antisocial Personality Disorder.

    With the severity of Dylan's behavior and how young he was, the psychiatrist strongly encouraged Nathan to sign him up for therapy & possibly get the family involved in family sessions with him. Life was going to look a lot different for the Armstrong family.

    The Armstrong family tried the therapy route for the next three years. Sadly, there wasn't much change in Dylan's behaviors. Matthew had a lot of the aforementioned issues from his concussion, becoming less frequent the older he grew. But Dylan was still a massive threat towards Matthew; still finding ways to scare him or even cause him more bodily harm. Matthew tried to be a good brother, to all his siblings, and no matter how much his little sister Angela protested from them to stand up to Dylan, Mattie refused to let his little siblings be exposed to such violence from their family at their young age. Finally, Nathan and Miranda came to the agreement that Dylan needed to be sent away, somewhere where he would receive better help than they were giving him & he wouldn't be a major hazard and threat to the rest of their children.

    Saying Nathan and Miranda were constantly pre-occupied with their eldest son would be an understatement. Right up until they decided to send Dylan away, he was the center of their attention. Making sure he made it to therapy, making sure they could "read" him and determine if he was upset or not for the sake of their children, making sure to distance him from the other four children as much as possible. Everything they did was for the good of all their children, but the main "side effect" was that Mattie had to step up and take care of Angela, Johnny and Joy. Even with his post-concussion symptoms, Matthew proved to still be his kind, loving and big brotherly self. Ever since the severity of Dylan's behavior fully settled in him, Matthew had a sense of protection out of fear begin to grow inside him. He never, in a million years, wanted his siblings to have the full realization of how dangerous their eldest brother was.

    The next massive mistake was Miranda and Nathan sending Dylan to a wellness center just a short fifteen minute drive away from their home. Just as always, their intentions were pure; The couple wanted to make sure their four children were safe from their eldest but also be close enough that they could visit and check in with him on a regular basis. But as the saying goes, intent doesn't negate impact.

    It had been a four since Dylan was sent away & life seemed to return to somewhat normal. Matthew continuing to learn how to adjust and deal with the residual effects from his concussion; his headaches, his dizzy spells, his memory and especially his night terrors. The night terrors were the worst, constantly jolting awake out of his deep sleep, sometimes even yelling himself awake. The images that woke him up varied depending on what had been going on in his life, but most of the time it was Dylan. The amount of violence Dylan had directed towards Matthew as they grew up, and after the concussion incident he would have vivid nightmares of Dylan shoving him off a building or a cliff or other high places.

    But Mattie's condition didn't take away from him being a good brother to his siblings. Now being just 14 years old, he had really solidified in his personality and his role of big brother/caretaker of them. Not that he should have at that age, but his parents were still very involved with Dylan and his treatment at the wellness center. Miranda and Nathan talked about the improvement Dylan was making and how they believed he'd be able to come back home soon. That possibility should've scared Matthew, but he and his optimistic self believed his older brother had changed for the better.

    On the eve of the 5 year anniversary of Dylan being at the wellness center was when it all came crashing down. Miranda and Nathan came home from visiting with Dylan & shared with the rest of their children that Dylan would be coming home the next morning. Angela, Johnny and Joy were very wary of this news, but Matthew tried to lead by example and be happy, telling them that meant that Dylan was better and he wouldn't hurt anyone anymore.

    And that was the night of the escape. After living in the wellness center for the past four years, he learned every in and out of the security and was able to actually sneak out. He built up the trust of everyone there so that nobody would suspect him at all. Dylan essentially sprinted all the way to his house; he remembered every step of the journey despite having not been there for the past four years, and found a way into the house. It was dead silent. Being that it was midnight, everybody had gone to sleep; but that was exactly what Dylan needed. Slowly and methodically he crept up the stairs and into Matthew's bedroom. Fast asleep in his bed, Dylan knew that it was now or never.

    If someone were to ask Matthew what happened that night, he would answer that he woke up from another nigh terror. But it was a terror he didn't normally have, the terror was Dylan choking him out. Unfortunately that was exactly what was happening in his reality. Matthew was jolted awake to his older brother's hands locked around his throat. Out of instinct, Matthew began thrashing and kicking, even trying to scream, anything to get himself some help. There was the quickest bit of a strained yell that was able to wrestle out of Matthew's throat. It wasn't much but it was just enough to wake up Angela, whose room was right next to Matthew's. She heard a ruckus and rushed to her brothers room & immediately screamed at the sight. Actually surprised, Dylan turned around to see his younger sister which resulted in his hands loosening around Matthew's throat. It was just enough for Matthew to yell at Angela to run away before Dylan turned back around and clasped his hands back around his throat.

    Angela ran down the stairs to their parents, who were awoken by her screams. She led them up the stairs, her mouth trying to explain the situation faster than she had ever spoken before. As soon as Miranda heard "Dylan" she told her daughter to go be with the twins and make sure they were alright. Angela rushed to check on her younger siblings. Nathan ran into Matthew's room and all by threw Dylan off of Matthew. Miranda rushed to Matthew's side while Nathan restrained Dylan, who was a pathetic sight to see. Dylan was red in the face from anger, yelling and screaming, even trying to kick and bite at his father.

    After quite a fight, Nathan was able to get Dylan in the car and began driving him back to the wellness facility while Miranda called emergency services for Matthew to get checked on. He had severe bruising around his throat and was having trouble breathing. Matthew was rushed to the hospital and Miranda followed behind the paramedics with the rest of her children in tow.

    Aside from his trauma and bruising, Matthew recovered swimmingly. After another conversation with CPS, Miranda and Nathan agreed to send Dylan to a military boarding school on the other side of the country. Some place with a lot more security and who would be much "harsher" and strict. There wasn't even ever a moment where the rest of the Armstrong children said goodbye to Dylan, quite frankly Angela and the twins wanted nothing to do with him. Matthew was the conflicted one. It was his brother, he didn't want bad things happening to him, but he also recognized that Dylan had hurt him a LOT in his life. He asked his parents if he could be there when they dropped off Dylan at the airport, but it was out of the question.


    With Dylan out of the house, now the Armstrongs learned what is was like to live in a non-violent, somewhat peaceful household. Matthew still had his residual effects from the initial concussion along with a new night terror added to the collection, but he didn't let any of it stop him from being a good big brother and son.

    Matthew and Angela became very close as they grew up. Angela never forgot that fact that Matthew reminded her to get to safety away from Dylan instead of asking for her to help him. It was small and convoluted, but in her mind it was the ultimate sign of selflessness from her big brother. When they were younger, Angela just had to sit on the sidelines and watch as Dylan would unleash any and all rage and anger on Matthew. While she felt helpless, she also grew a sense of protectiveness over Matthew. Not in the same way that Matthew had for the rest of them, but in her own feisty and fiery way. She quickly became the person who would force Matthew to think about himself, to take a self-care day and even offer to help him with whatever responsibilities he had. The two were just about as close as the twins, Johnny and Joy.

    But even with Angela's support and encouragement throughout the years, Matthew still felt like he was tied to his family, to that town; he felt like it was his responsibility to stay close and keep an eye out on everyone. He truly never knew if it was a sense of responsibility and obligation or if it was his own fear of leaving his comfort zone. Nevertheless, Matthew ended up going to the nearby college, just a thirty minute drive from his house, and studied education. He had always known he wanted to be a high school teacher, to help as many teenagers through such a difficult part of their lives as he could. Angela clocked it as Matthew wanting to attempt to fulfill his longing dream of helping his older brother in the past.

    So once Matthew graduated college and started looking for jobs near his family, Angela decided to try doing something wild. In the name of helping out her brother of course.

    Angela somehow found information for a school out in California, the golden state. She called them up, put on her best "Matthew impression" and basically pretended to be her older brother looking for a teaching job. When "he" said the position sounded great, the school told "him" they would be in touch. Queue the next few days of Angela jumping to answer the home phone before anyone else, and asking everyone to not eavesdrop as she did her deep voice impression. So all over the phone, "Matthew" got an interview and accepted into being an english teacher at a school out in California.

    When they had sent over all the paperwork in the mail, addressed to "Matthew", Matthew opened his mail and was completely perplexed. He knew he didn't apply to an out of state school. That's when Angela sprung it on him, told him that he needed to get out of North Carolina, away from the horror stories and judgement people gossiped about relating to their family. He had sacrificed so much for his family to be happy and safe, and now that their brother was away for good, Angela swore they were fine.

    So, Matthew took the job. He packed up his whole life and moved out to Marysville, California. Found a decent place to live, got acquainted with the new school, and was more than ready to start his new life.


    Miranda Armstrong

    Matthew's relationship with both his parents is complex. Honestly, the four youngest Armstrong children all have strained and complex relationships with their parents. But especially Matthew. He was always the one trying to remind his siblings that their mom and dad were just trying to look out for and take care of all five of them. However, there were times when Matthew wondered why they cared so much about Dylan instead of trying to prioritize Matthew's health and safety. It's not a thought that Matthew likes to dwell on, though.

    older brother

    Dylan Armstrong

    Matthew wanted to have a good relationship with his older brother more than anything in the world. But due to literally everything, that didn't happen.

    younger sister

    Angela Armstrong

    Genuinely Matthew's fiercest protector. Matthew will always have a special place for Angela in his heart due to everything she's done for him throughout his life. While he tries to look out for everyone else, he knows Angela is there to look out for him.

    little hcs

    ๐–ฅธ his concussion effects him a lot more than most people realize
    ๐–ฅธ will get dizzy at random times and will have to either sit down or at least hold on to something to help him keep his balance
    ๐–ฅธ angela tried to get him to take a cane with him for the move but he refuses bc he didn't want to look like an old man
    ๐–ฅธ tries to write notes and tidbits about people
    ๐–ฅธ carries a little notebook around
    ๐–ฅธ like,,, to remember little things about people
    ๐–ฅธ IT'S NOT CREEPY, he just cannot remember what you said your favorite movie was if he doesn't write it down
    ๐–ฅธ loves cooking but cannot cook without a recipe
    ๐–ฅธ ALWAYS has to have the exact instructions in front of him
    ๐–ฅธ loves romantic movies and books
    ๐–ฅธ is convinced he'll die alone
    ๐–ฅธ but not in a depressing way
    ๐–ฅธ he's come to terms with it (for now)
    ๐–ฅธ summer/fall boi
    ๐–ฅธ loves all things summer and fall time
    ๐–ฅธ not a big fan of the cold
    ๐–ฅธ cannot stand turtlenecks or tight necklaces or anything around his neck
    ๐–ฅธ thanks TRAUMA
    ๐–ฅธ very chill
    ๐–ฅธ down for pretty much anything
    ๐–ฅธ very fatherly
    ๐–ฅธ will literally read you a bed-time story if you ask
    ๐–ฅธ a great listener
    ๐–ฅธ if you ask him to open up he will SOMEHOW spin it around to where you start opening up
    ๐–ฅธ has photo albumbs just,,, FILLED with sweet and random pictures
    ๐–ฅธ his family, scenery, buildings, whatever
    ๐–ฅธ just,,, pics that make him happy

    question here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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Bean Ximenez


full name: Bean Flora Ximenez

nickname/s: Beanie Baby

age: 23

gender + pronouns: cis female, she/her

sexuality: bisexual

date of birth: March 13, 1967

place of birth: El Paso, Texas

place of residency: Marysville, California

occupation: nurse

role: neighbor


hair: brown

eyes: brown

body: 5โ€™4โ€, 120 lbs, lean with muscle

distinguishing features: has her ears pierced and has freckles

ailment/s: slight adult ADHD

faceclaim: tashi rodriguez



+ compassionate: the reason Bean became a nurse. She's compassionate to a fault. Like taking in her ten year old brother instead of letting him live with estranged family even when she has her own son to care for. Or possibly stopping on the side of the road for the girl whose car broke down just to make sure she's safe. Either way, Bean has a kindness to her heart that won't be tempered.

+ driven: she's determined to succeed. If not for her, then for her brother and son who need her to step up. She got through nursing school with her son strapped to her back, she can get through anything.

+ funny: she's always willing to crack a good joke to lighten the mood and often they land.

- self-sacrificing: Bean gives up near everything for those around her. She gave up her free time and college experience to have her son and to actually take care of him, putting in the work as well to become a nurse to better his life. She sacrificed her life in El Paso to get her son away from his deadbeat dad and move to Marysville, CA into her parents home. And she sacrificed the easy way out and kept her brother close. All this to say: she's struggling, practices no self care, and is hurtling towards a burnout because of it and her desperate desire to remain independent.

- distractible: she's not flighty, but she does get distracted, often able to be easily redirected from current goals.

- forgetful: she doesn't have the best memory and will likely forget things she hasn't written down.

likes: gardening, swimming, her son and brother, drawing, soft rain, gold jewelry, cats, dogs, horses, the color yellow, blue cotton candy ice cream, sundresses, wedge heels, dancing

dislikes: cold days, hail, cranberry juice, oregano, red nail polish, horror movies

hobbies: gardening, drawing, swimming, horse riding

fears: her ex-boyfriend, losing custody of her son or brother


backstory: Born to a young Mexican couple just granted citizenship, Bean Ximenez had a harder life than others in El Paso, Texas. However, she was bound and determined to become something. Her brother was born when she was thirteen. She met her boyfriend when she was seventeen. At eighteen, her parents moved to Marysville, CA to be closer to her while she began nursing school at Berkeley. At nineteen, Bean was pregnant with her son, Matteo. At twenty, Bean began her third year of nursing school, seeing her parents less and less as her boyfriend became more and more controlling. At twenty one, Bean graduated, her son strapped to her back and a diploma in her hand. It was then that she moved back in with her parents and brother, safely escaping the narrow clutches of her ex who trudged back to El Paso, content to never bother Bean again as long as his parental rights were terminated. No son, but no child support either. Right out of college, Bean began working at Marysville General, finally able to support her son and herself. It was at twenty two that tragedy struck. Her parents, coming home from a local party, were in an accident. In their wills, they left everything to Bean, including their nine year old son, her little brother. It's been a year and Bean is struggling, her brother is withdrawn, her son is growing faster than she can manage, and she has very little assistance in the way of childcare or money. She hopes she can turn this year around and with new tenants moving in nearby, she hopes she can turn it around sooner than later.


Matteo โ€œMattieโ€ Ximenez - three year old son

Elรญas Raymundo Ximenez Jr - ten year old brother

Ryan Harcombe - ex-boyfriend

Talia Ximenez - mother, deceased

Elรญas Raymundo Ximenez Sr - father, deceased

coded by: @s e v e n

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short phrase.

full name

Sharlene Beatrice Braxton






Cis-Female + She/Her



date of birth

December 4th, 1962

place of birth

Silver Spring, Maryland

place of residency

Marysville, California


Office Assistant + Graduate Student


The Neighbor


Five foot and six and a half inches


Dark brown, currently short bob length small sized box braids with a buzzcut


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fringilla felis id sem consectetur, a pretium diam ornare. Integer accumsan bibendum enim sed tristique. Vestibulum egestas ornare condimentum.

dist. features

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body modifications

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a little quote here!

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vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.

part. 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

question here

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question here

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loser with a camera.






full name

benjamin charles hawke






bisexual (closeted)






december 13th, 1962



tacoma, washington


place of residency








  • click.

    a picture is worth a thousand words.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
basic info
Role Renter - Floor 3, Room 301
Nickname Rummy, dubbed by his sister
Hair Brunette
Eyes Hazel
Body 5'9" | 165 lbs. | slender physique
Notable Features Burn scarring along left shoulder, arm, half of his hand (pinky and ring fingers), & partial chest and back. (car accident)
Ailments A limp from a previous leg injury (car accident), insomnia due to night terrors, & far sighted so Ephraim wears glasses while reading.
Face Claim Christian Slater

Ephraim James Campbell

twenty five

male | he/him


music store clerk

Mar. 24, 1964

๐Ÿžฌ Ephraim is without a doubt a realist through and through, which is the cause for his pessimistic outlook on life
๐Ÿžฌ Stubbornness is his defining trait, once his mind is set on something, he is nearly immovable
๐Ÿžฌ His cockiness has often found him in undesirable predicaments
โœ” Despite their constant bantering, Ephraim is
fiercely loyal to his sister and those close to them
โœ” Ephraim is very calculated and meticulous with how he navigates interactions and his surroundings
โœ” With his love for reading, he's always itching to learn new things therefore he has knowledge on a variety of topics (though not all useful)

Dislikes Loud and extroverted people, being disturbed while reading, messy environments, William Campbell (his Father), & driving
Likes Black coffee with French Toast, Billy Idol, his solitude, Baby Ruth's candy bars, true crime non fiction books, dancing & when Elizabeth sings

Hobbies Reading and lounging on the roof of their multiplex, taking walks in the evening through the quiet neighborhood, people watching, & stopping by the diner his sister works at for coffee and french toast.

Fears Losing his sister, uncontrolled fires (ex: bonfires), & William Campbell misleading his sister with manipulation and lies.

๐Ÿžค Due to his desire to protect his sister, Ephraim hollowed out a book and hid a 357 Colt Python Revolver within it - placing it unsuspectingly in the bookshelf of their multiplex apartment. He hopes to never be forced to use it.

๐Ÿžค Secretly does enjoy dancing, but he will never admit it. However, if drunk enough, he'll come out of his shell.

๐Ÿžค Refers to Elizabeth as 'Lizard' because of an inside joke from their childhood.

๐Ÿžค Prefers to read non fiction true crime stories, though they tend to play a part in his insomnia and slight paranoia.

๐Ÿžค Is reluctant to drive due to a car accident from his childhood. Though, Elizabeth is saving up for a car, he's more than comfortable with taking public transport and walking to his destinations.

๐Ÿžค When home, Ephraim is typically at the bottom of a whisky bottle as an unhealthy means to cope with his night terrors. He considers it the only way to get some sort of sleep.

๐Ÿžค The Campbell siblings both own pagers, though Ephraim frequently 'misplaces' it.

๐Ÿžค Despite the roof of their multiplex being littered in debris and pigeon feces, Ephraim's made a small corner for himself with a lounge chair and torn up umbrella for a sense of sanctuary and fresh air.


The Campbell home was modest, nestled into a small suburban neighborhood in Hartford, Ct. William Campbell, the patriarch of the family, worked as a used car salesman, earning the family a comfortable wage of living. Though, teetering to and fro the fine line of middle class and lower class. Whereas, Jean Campbell was the heart of the household. A devoted stay-at-home mother, she poured all her love and care into raising Ephraim and his younger sister, Elizabeth. William and Jeanโ€™s marriage was far from โ€˜happily ever afterโ€™. Williamโ€™s demeanor was distant with his own family, as if he was never satisfied with the life he created for them. Working late hours and overtime, never being a true paternal figure in the Campbell siblingโ€™s life. Tension had risen between the couple due to Williamโ€™s lack of attentiveness towards his family, that even speculation of infidelity was rumored in their neighborhood. But Jean remained loyal to her husband and family, connecting with her children by sharing her hobbies and interests with them. Ephraim became an avid reader with his mother, taking frequent trips with her to the local library; they would spend most evenings in the living room quietly reading together. However, Jean was fond of romance novels. Ephraim later assumed it was cathartic for Jean considering her loveless marriage to his father, William.

Ephraim Campbell's life was changed drastically on a summer night when he was just thirteen years old. Jean was returning from the library with Ephraim, later than their usual time and it had fallen fairly dark outside. Taking the long winding back road home, a drunk driver came speeding around one of the tight corners โ€“ veering head on to the Campbellโ€™s family Volkswagen. Jean did her best to swerve away from any further oncoming traffic, only to lose control of the vehicle, ultimately sending them into the roadโ€™s shoulder drop off. Hurling at it with ferocity and just the right angle to cause the Volkswagen to flip further down the steep drop off. Ephraimโ€™s left leg had been crushed from the dashboardโ€™s impact with the other vehicle, while Jean had been knocked unconscious due to the merciless whiplash into the steering wheel. As Ephraim began to regain his own bearings, the smell of burning oil flooded his nostrils, quickly followed by the immediate pain of unbearable heat caressing the left side of his body. Through bleary eyes and a rush of adrenaline, he frantically pieced together the scene unfolding before him. The vehicle was being engulfed in flames, spreading faster than he could unfasten his seat belt. Jeanโ€™s tortured screams shot panic through young Ephraimโ€™s nervous system, seeing his mother transform into a raging inferno. Desperate to escape, he tugged and pulled at his now useless leg for some give. The flames now licking at his own skin, leaving painful open sores along his arm and shoulder. Finally breaking free, he managed to crawl out of the disorientating orientation of the car being on its back. Digging his fingers into the soft soil, grasping onto any rock or root to pull his frail body out of the ditch. Only the words: โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ repeated in his mind, the heavy burden of guilt for not being able to save his mother.
After some excruciating months of skin grafts, surgeries and physical therapy - Ephraim made a full recovery. At least, a physical recovery. He struggled to find any ounce of sleep for the night terrors and haunting nightmares consistently tortured him. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his shattered leg, Ephraim was permanently left with a subtle limp.

Their Father couldnโ€™t handle the loss of Jean and now crippled son. Or so thatโ€™s what the Campbell siblings assumed at the time of his abandonment. One day, William never returned to the children, allegedly having left Hartford with a woman he had been seeing behind Jeanโ€™s back.

Ephraim suddenly found himself and Elizabeth in the foster care system. But adopting two teen siblings proved to be a fleeting dream for the Campbell children. Five years had gone by, going from one foster family to another. Most couples took more interest in Elizabeth as she was charming, beautiful and a talented singer. While Ephraim had closed himself emotionally off to anyone but his sister, preferring to hide somewhere outside or in a corner of the house, nose deep in a book - shutting out the world. Once eighteen, Ephraim took full guardianship of Elizabeth. The responsibility was immense but he faced it with a mix of stubborn determination, working tirelessly at odd jobs to make ends meet. Finding a well paying job was out of the question with his weak leg and having chosen to drop out of high school in order to work more hours.

The rut of monotony slowly ate away the spirits of the siblings. Until one day, Elizabeth expressed her passion for singing had developed to an aspiration - claiming she wanted to be the next โ€˜Bonnie Tylerโ€™. Ephraim supported her ideals and craved a change of scenery from Hartford. Setting their sights on Los Angeles, the Campbell siblings packed what meager belongings they owned and hopped on the next greyhound bus. Unfortunately, to their surprise and lack of understanding for the world outside of their hometown - Los Angeles was an impossible dream due to the cost of living in the large city. Defeated, they settled further up north in the quaint town of Marysville. Quiet enough to gather their bearings, but bustling enough to settle in with ease to find lodging and work.

Ephraim signed a lease at Kowalskiโ€™s multiplex, knowing well enough he strictly advised Ephraim that he is to not have any roommates. Housing his sister proved to be a struggle in the beginning, but overtime, he noted Kowalski was set in his routines. Taking time to observe the daily routes the landlord took to ensure the timing of him passing through the multiplex for Elizabeth to slip in and out of the building unnoticed. Though, the plan wasn't perfect, nearly being caught more times than wanted. Two years have flown by, still tip toeing around their landlord

Jean Campbell - Deceased
Father William Campbell - Estranged
Sister Elizabeth 'Lizard' Campbell - Living with Ephraim. Their relationship is described as 'love/hate', as they often argue due to their polar opposite personalities.

Romantic Relationships
He's had flings here and there, but never anything serious. Ephraim knows well enough in his heart he doesnโ€™t have the capacity for commitment. At least, for now.

Friends and Acquaintances
Katherine 'Kitty' Tinsley - Elizabeth's best friend. Ephraim tolerates Kitty's antics and eccentric personality only for the sole fact that she has been a great friend to his sister. However, Kitty is the only person he allows into his personal space with her affectionate behavior - moreso because she broke him down over the last two years

Current Favorite Tracks

ยฉ pasta
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Basic Info
Role: Squatter/Renter - Floor 3, Room 301
Nicknames: Eliza, Liza or Lizzie. Lizard - only called this by her brother.
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Hazel
Body: 5'6 | 117lbs | Slender/Lean
Notable Features: Small butterfly tattoo on her lower hip. Pierced ears and navel.
Aliments: Separation anxiety.
Face Claim: Mรคdchen Amick

full name
elizabeth jean campbell


female | she//her


diner waitress

July 15, 1968
scroll โ–ผ
pager notification

you left the curling iron on AGAIN

pager notification

call me now lizard

pager notification

lizard ur late for ur shift. i need my french toast

paper notification

call me - dad

๐Ÿžฌ Impulsive
Elizabeth has a tendency to make snap decisions without weighing the potential outcomes or consequences, landing herself into trouble more times than not.
๐Ÿžฌ Manipulative
At times Elizabeth can weaponize her emotions to get what she wants.
๐Ÿžฌ Emotional
Her ever changing emotions have a chokehold on her, she's one backhanded comment from flying off the handle.
โœ” Considerate
Taking care of people is one of her favorite things to do. Even though her brother, Ephraim, gets under skin she enjoys taking time out of her day to make sure he is cared for.
โœ” Passionate
Elizabeth puts every ounce of her soul into even the simplest of things, she never does anything half heartedly.
โœ” Adventurous
Always down to experience new things, bringing (sometimes unnecessary) excitement into her and her brothers life.

Too much structure, the smell of cigarettes, weak coffee, early mornings, bad table manners, being left alone, when it's too quiet.
Bonnie Tyler, romantic movies, shopping (when she has the extra cash), dancing to loud music, binging out on candy/sweets, putting on her own concerts in the living room.

Annoying her brother. She spends most of her time off at the roller rink, roller skating was something she has always enjoyed since she was little. Belting her heart out at karaoke nights. Really any type of social activity with her friends.

Losing her brother, Ephraim. Ending up alone in life. Having the small connection she's built with her father fade and having Ephraim discover the deceit and causing a rift between the two of them.

โœšWrites letters to her father to keep him updated on their life, has him send his responses to the diner so Ephraim doesn't see. On the rare occasion she will sneak phone calls with him as well.

โœšRefers to Ephraim as, Rummy, a nickname from childhood. When she was little she had a hard time pronouncing his name, Rummy was easier and it just stuck with her as they grew up.

โœšElizabeth will never admit it, but she highly admires her brother. He has been the rock of their little family for so long and she secretly seeks out his approval.

โœšIf she goes to long without hearing from her brother she starts to panic, calling the house phone manically if she's at work, checking for notes of his whereabouts at the house, blowing up his pager, etc.

โœšHopeless romantic.

โœšWith their tight funds the siblings decided to risk breaking the one tenant rule at the multiplex. Ephraim put the apartment under his name and Elizabeth secretly lives there as well. Anytime Elizabeth runs into Kowalski she plays it off as her just visiting her brother, charms the older man and scurries off before he can continue his questioning.

โœšElizabeth is a dreamer, her in head high in the clouds. She can get lost in her own thoughts, daydreaming of future possibilities or adventures.

โœšThe Great Gatsby holds a special place in her heart, it was her mothers favorite movie, quickly becoming her favorite as well. If she's had a bad day, missing her mom, needs a little pick me up, she will plop down on the couch with her snacks and watch the movie on repeat until her hearts content.
The Campbell home was modest, nestled into a small suburban neighborhood in Hartford, Ct. William Campbell, the patriarch of the family, worked as a used car salesman, earning the family a comfortable wage of living. Though, teetering to and fro the fine line of middle class and lower class. Whereas, Jean Campbell was the heart of the household. A devoted stay-at-home mother, she poured all her love and care into raising Ephraim and his younger sister, Elizabeth. William and Jeanโ€™s marriage was far from โ€˜happily ever afterโ€™. Williamโ€™s demeanor was distant with his own family, as if he was never satisfied with the life he created for them. Working late hours and overtime, never being a true paternal figure in the Campbell siblingโ€™s life. Tension had risen between the couple due to Williamโ€™s lack of attentiveness towards his family, that even speculation of infidelity was rumored in their neighborhood. But Jean remained loyal to her husband and family, connecting with her children by sharing her hobbies and interests with them. Ephraim became an avid reader with his mother, taking frequent trips with her to the local library; they would spend most evenings in the living room quietly reading together. However, Jean was fond of romance novels. Ephraim later assumed it was cathartic for Jean considering her loveless marriage to his father, William. Elizabeth and Jean bonded over their movie nights where they snuggled up on the couch with cozy blankets and all the snacks they could want. Jean showed her daughter her favorite movies, even though some of them went over the young girls head she still looked forward to their weekly Friday night movies.

Elizabeth Campbellโ€™s life was forever changed one summer night when she was just nine years old. She sat on the front porch of her family home, aimlessly drawing on the smooth concrete with her bright colored chalk as she waited for her mother and brother to return home. Elizabeth hated that Ephraim was gone all day during the summer, losing himself to the imaginary world of his books, so she was always over the moon when he returned. Even though she didnโ€™t enjoy reading herself she loved to pester Ephraim about what he read that day and try to harass him into playing with her. As the sun continued to dip below the tree line even the young girl realized something was wrong, it was getting far too late. Where were they? Maybe they stopped and got a late night treat? Ephraim was taking too long to gather his things? Every passing car had Elizabeth perking up in anxious anticipation, but they never turned into the driveway, just continued down the street.

Finally car headlights filled the driveway, Elizabeth sprung up from the porch shouting, โ€œYay! Rummy! Mommy!โ€ Running over to the car she stopped in her tracks, staring up at the unfamiliar police car before her. To this day she can remember that conversation so clearly; the grave look in the Sheriffโ€™s eyes, the way the summer breeze suddenly felt cold, the way her tears stung her eyes. The Sheriff spared the young child the more graphic details of the tragic events that transpired, scooped her up and gently placed her into the back of his cop car. When she arrived at the hospital her father, surprisingly emotional, filled in the gaps the Sheriff left out. Her mother was dead. Her mother was dead. But she still had Ephraim, her Rummy, thank god she still had him.

Their Father couldnโ€™t handle the loss of Jean and now crippled son. Or so thatโ€™s what the Campbell siblings assumed at the time of his abandonment. One day, William never returned to the children, allegedly having left Hartford with a woman he had been seeing behind Jeanโ€™s back.

The siblings suddenly found themselves in the foster care system. But adopting two teen siblings proved to be a fleeting dream for the Campbell children. Five years had gone by, going from one foster family to another. Most couples took more interest in Elizabeth as she was charming, beautiful and a talented singer. While Ephraim had closed himself emotionally off to anyone but his sister, preferring to hide somewhere outside or in a corner of the house, nose deep in a book - shutting out the world. Once eighteen, Ephraim took full guardianship of Elizabeth. The responsibility was immense but he faced it with a mix of stubborn determination, working tirelessly at odd jobs to make ends meet. Finding a well paying job was out of the question with his weak leg and having chosen to drop out of high school in order to work more hours.

The rut of monotony slowly ate away the spirits of the siblings. Until one day, Elizabeth expressed her passion for singing had developed to an aspiration - claiming she wanted to be the next โ€˜Bonnie Tylerโ€™. Ephraim supported her ideals and craved a change of scenery from Hartford. Setting their sights on Los Angeles, the Campbell siblings packed what meager belongings they owned and hopped on the next greyhound bus. Unfortunately, to their surprise and lack of understanding for the world outside of their hometown - Los Angeles was an impossible dream due to the cost of living in the large city. Defeated, they settled further up north in the quaint town of Marysville. Quiet enough to gather their barings, but bustling enough to settle in with ease to find lodging and work.

Ephraim signed a lease at Kowalskiโ€™s multiplex, knowing well enough he strictly advised Ephraim that he is to not have any roommates. Housing his sister proved to be a struggle in the beginning, but overtime, he noted Kowalski was set in his routines. Taking time to observe the daily routes the landlord took to ensure the timing of him passing through the multiplex for Elizabeth to slip in and out of the building unnoticed. Though, the plan wasn't perfect, nearly being caught more times than wanted. Two years have flown by, still tip toeing around their landlord.


Jean Campbell; deceased
Father: William Campbell; estranged, Elizabeth does keep up some communication with her father behind her brothers back.
Brother: Ephraim James Campbell; Roommates. Their relationship is often described as 'love/hate', as they often argue due to their polar opposite personalities.

Current Favorite Tracks

It's A Heartache - Bonnie Tyler

Heart of Glass - Blondie

Take On Me - A-ha

code by @Fyuri

ยฉ pasta

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    โ€” DOSSIER
    aubrey jade mckenna
    NICKNAME/S: aubs or bubs by the general public, bre by his older sister.
    AGE: twenty-three years old
    GENDER + PRONOUNS: male + he/him
    SEXUALITY: closeted pansexual
    DATE OF BIRTH: january 8th, 1966
    PLACE OF BIRTH: ojai, california
    OCCUPATION: college student / biochemistry & statistics major
    ROLE: renter
    โ€” VISAGE
    6 feet 1 inches
    WEIGHT: 179 pounds

    HAIR: a full head of black hair that is styled in 360 waves. aubrey takes great pride in his hair and tries to maintain it despite his busy academic schedule. while he is not a fan of facial hair, he has a neatly trimmed mustache across his top lip. itโ€™s there moreso to take away from his boyish features.

    EYES: dark brown, almost black and framed by two thick eyebrows. his eyes are the two bay windows to his soul and do little to mask how heโ€™s feeling. aubrey has expressive eyes and he uses it to his advantage. multiple individuals have fall prey to his kicked puppy look.

    SKIN: deep brown, his skin is a vibrant brown with cool undertones. his skin is relatively clear, save for the breakouts of stress acne that he gets due to school. his skin holds markings from childhood, from falling out of trees to falling off of bikes, his has little scars here and there. the most notorious scar is a slash across his arm.

    BUILD: he is all long legs and lean muscles, giving him the appearance of being lanky. while heโ€™s not cut from stone, aubrey has a healthy physique. his love of a good meal and snacking has left a soft layer of fat over his muscles, he keeps himself fairly toned through swimming and basketball.

    DISTINGUISHING FEATS: a mole under his right eye.

    FACECLAIM: marlon wayans as darryl witherspoon

    โ€” PERSONA

    aubrey is like a gentle breeze, washing over the senses softly and leaving nothing disturbed in his wake. there is a certain lack of awareness about him, as if he needs to be tied down or else heโ€™ll float right away. it gives off the impression that he is forever daydreaming, head stuck in the clouds with no hope or wanting to return to the ground. some call him a fool yet their comments roll off of his back like water off of a dolphinโ€™s. they go into one ear and out of the other with no way of latching onto his being. he doesnโ€™t allow them to take room and fester in his mind.

    the air around him seems light for some reason. there is a gentleness that surrounds his person, a disarming trait that leaves most with the feeling of being at ease around him. for all of his height aubrey is a careful young man, a quiet person who does his best not to disturb the world around him. his hands, rough and calloused from work, are delicate in the way they interact with things, as though heโ€™s scared to break something.

    there is nothing complicated about aubrey. he is a simple man with simple goals. there are no ulterior motives or schemes running through his mind. no, honestly is something that he values and games are only enjoyed when not at the cost of harming someone else, be it me mentally or physically. he is a true pacifist who does not like violence in any sense. he tries to avoid it as best he can in fact.
    it comes as a surprise to many that aubrey is a smart as he is, just because of the way that the carries himself. one can even go as far as calling him a nerd, due to his love of reading and studying. for all of his airheaded ways, his mind is sharp where it counts. aubrey is an eager student who soaks up knowledge like a sponge.


    โ€” HISTORY

    code by birth of venus.

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โœ’ ๐‘บ๐’‘๐’†๐’๐’„๐’†๐’“ ๐‘บ๐’•๐’†๐’†๐’๐’†

๐‘น๐’๐’๐’†: ๐‘ป๐‘ฉ๐‘ซ

๐‘ญ๐‘ช: ๐‘จ๐’๐’‚๐’“ ๐‘ฒ๐’‰๐’‚๐’๐’Š๐’๐’๐’—

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


  • a renter.
    ricardo !
    DOSSIER โ€”
    Full Name: Ricardo "Ricky" Alvarez.
    Nickname/s: Hardly anyone calls him by his full first name, so he prefers "Ricky". In a mocking tone, and only by Josie, is he often called "Dad."
    Age: Twenty-four years old.
    Gender: Cisgender male (he/him/his).
    Sexuality: Heterosexual, and somewhat high on the demiromantic spectrum.
    D.O.B.: May 6th (a Taurus), 1965.
    P.O.B.: Marysville, California.
    P.O.R.: Marysville (190 Sunnyside Dr.), California.
    Occupation: Mechanic at (late) bestfriend's dad's autobody shop. Occasionally does odd jobs for Kowalski such as basic repairs around the multiplex.
    Role: The Renter.

    Height: Just short of six feet tall, standing at five feet and eleven inches. Although fully grown, he appears taller than usual when he's wearing his steel-toe work boots.
    Weight: Roughly 198 lbs (or 89 kg), his weight mostly in muscle.
    Build: Tall, brawny, and has a healthy definition of muscular stature. All thanks to workouts and none to his diet considering it consists of microwaveables in the freezer and lots of late-night cheeseburgers from whichever fast-food joint is open at 10pm. Let's go with lucky genes too.
    Hair: Chestnut brown, and arguably has a tinge of red in the right amount of lighting. Sideburns are kept trimmed along with the sides and back of his head. But, there are some longer strands of hair on top that like to curlโ€”and sometimes brushโ€”against his forehead.
    Eyes: Downturned and practically soulless, his sparing facial expressions are the only thing that gives life to his deep brown eyes, often mirroring black.
    Race/ethnicity: White, Hispanic.
    Distinguishing Features: Has prominent moles on his neck and upper arms, but namely splattered in light brownโ€”and easily missedโ€”freckles.
    Wardrobe: Plain, but most of all, affordable. Ricky does most of his shopping at local discounted stores or thrift shops, sticking to faded or dark-colored jeans and solid t-shirts. His closet is very lacking in brighter colors, with the exception of fun shirts that would have him stick out like a traffic cone had he ever worn them out (thanks, Josie). He never touches them unless he has to hit the local laundromats. Ricky only splurges on his work shoes or when he allows himself some jewelry. Most of it is gifted though.
    Face Claim: 90's Javier Bardem as Raul.

    PERSONA โ€”
    There's no one correct way to describe who Ricky Alvarez is other than an enigma, a man whose true nature stays hidden beneath an exterior meant to be explored by whoever crosses his path. Much like a gemstone, he's multifaceted, each one catching the light in a different way...
    To the casual observer, Ricky might seem like just a brooding, pretty boy, a figure stuck in the confinement of an "all work and no play" kind of routine, and devoid of any real personality. However, to those who take the time to look closer, to peel back layers as he allows, a far different and overall much more interesting individual lies underneath that grey reputation.
    At work, he's the epitome of diligence and dedicationโ€”and it helps that he enjoys what he's doing. His work ethic is, without a doubt, unwavering, and his commitment to his job often proves that he can be trusted to do honest work in ample time. Just like his colleagues find him reliable and industrious, so does Kowalski after the man's kindness extends into helping in basic repairs around the multiplex.
    But there's no side quite like the wild one that doesn't fail to surprise those who meet him, which very well comes to life when he's street racing with his four-wheeled projects. The adrenaline rush, the thrill of the speed, the friendly gambling, and the danger of the race reveal a different Rickyโ€”one who embraces risk and revels in the freedom of an open road.
    What keeps him out of trouble, however, is his ability not to overindulge unlike his counterpart (cough josie cough!). As he's aging, his need for speed is slowing down with itโ€”body aching with a need for rest with a host smart enough to listen to it. All in all, he enjoys his peaceful, and mostly no-nonsense, living. Why add fuel to the fire when his sister sparks enough infernos for the both of them on her own?

    Traits: Incredibly loyal, practical, resolute, diligent, traditional, protective, independent, selfless, rational, flamboyant, decisive, adventurous, pitiless (unless it's his sister, duh), overthinker at times, guarded, emotionally reserved, stubborn.
    Likes: Candy (especially Pixie Stix or Chick-O-Sticks), microwaveable dinners, cheeseburgers, his job at the autobody shop, rent discounts, dogs/puppies, his raven black '70 Chevi Chevelle, obtaining random trinkets, Bon Jovi, arcade games.
    Dislikes: Moochers, getting holes in a good pair of jeans, room temperature drinks, unnecessary vulgarity, extremely hot summers, bail bond visits, tags on his clothes, deep-set stains, people who smack while they eat.
    Ailments: Peanut allergy. Not deadly but his throat gets itchy and he breaks out into hives.
    Hobbies: Working on cars (he likes the challenge of trying to fix cars with extensive repairs. Even just interior detailing can keep him happily occupied). Having the occasional beer at the local bar.
    Fear/s: Ricky never looked fear in the face until Josie was able to leave the house on her own. Even when it was both of them under their parent's roof, he always had a knack for going the extra mile to look out for her (like paying a friend to keep an eye on her at parties). But now that she's considered an adult, all of her lifestyle choices are the most anxiety-inducing thing.
    Ricky may complain constantly about having to bail his sister out of trouble (literally or generally), but he'll always do it. His worst fear will come when there's a day that he can't.
    Inventory: Car and work locker keys on a carabiner, a black pager, some type of bubble gum, a worn wallet with the essentials, gold cross necklace.

    HISTORY โ€”
    Ricardo Alvarez was no silver-spoon fed child, but that's not to say there wasn't a spoon for him to eat off of in the first place. Tucked into an upper-middle class suburbia within Marysville, Ca, Ricky was lucky enough to indulge in the successful results of his parents' hard work over the yearsโ€”where food was nothing he had to fight for and neither was a designated side of a room to share.
    While his father, Richard, worked up the ranks of being a Marysville' police officer, Ricky stayed secured to his mother's leg. Wherever Trish went, he followedโ€”meaning he was greeting customers at his family-owned dry cleaning company at the tender age of five and graduating to washing dishes at home by nine. Richard thought they were chores for a child so young, but Ricky found them to be bonding experiences with his mom. He wasn't forced to do anything he didn't want to and was showered with unconditional love from the both of them. All he knew was peace and merriment, even when he was started elementary school in tow with a bunch of friends.
    He would never know the meaning of disturbance until his gray hairs took shape in the form of Josanna Alvarez.
    Josie's birth didn't drastically change his life in the start, but the age gap led him to slip into the role of a big, protective brother and psuedo-father with an earnest heart. But the adolescent years were filled with responsibilities that far exceeded the typical older sibling duties. It was a habitual routine for Ricky to step in without his mother having to askโ€”especially when he was readily available to help while their mother juggled a new baby and the company and their father worked towards transferring to the homicide department.
    As he grew olderโ€”promoting from elementary and middle school to high school with fluid-like confidence and charismaโ€”Ricky's interests expanded into love of cars, something he was exposed to by his best friend after spending hours learning from him and his father in their autobody shop. His fascination led him to work hands-on there, and eventually in his parent's own driveway, gradually shaping a hobby into a career.
    A part time job in their autobody shop would turn into something more than that, however, when tragedy struckโ€”his friend getting killed by a drunk driver in a head-on collision, and leaving a void that Ricky struggled to fill. He kept his job at the shop, partly out of loyalty to his friend's family and partly because the work gave him a sense of purpose and stability. It became his second home, and his dedication to the craft earned him a full time position during his last two years in high school to present day.
    Outside of his job, Ricky's social life became relatively quiet aside from Josie's occasional antics. Her rebellious streak aged him, even when he did his best as a brother to guide her. Bartering with her never worked either when he offered to give her rides, especially when she was old enough to get her own set of wheels. After that, Ricky didn't see much of Josie until she got bored with her rendezvous and decided to come back home to Marysville.
    With Josie gone for the most part and a full-time job to support a more independent living for himself, Ricky gradually moved out of his parents' house and into Kowalski's multiplex to finally focus on his own life. The move allowed him to carve out his own space, balancing his responsibilities with newfound freedom. While still keeping a watchful eye on his sister from a distance, Ricky embraced his independence, dedicating himself to his work and finding a sense of stability and peace in his new living arrangement.

    Josanna "Josie" Alvarez (sister, 21yo): Both a brother and psuedo-father to his sister, Ricky undoubtly loves her like she's his own and will fiercely protect her should it ever come down to it. His annoyance with her stems from constant worry seeing as he naturally adopted the protective big sibling role from a young age without needing to be told to. He was the menstural product shopper, the fierce knight in her fantasy worlds, and professional bedtime story reader.
    Patricia Alvarez (mother, mid 40's): Ricky has an unwavering amount of love and respect for his mother and how hard she worked over the years to support their family, even when they were financially stable enough for her to just be a sahm. He gives his father credit when it's due, but Ricky likes to think that his passion for a job well done stems from his mother's work ethic as well. Just like Josie, Trish is the apple of his eye too.
    Richard Alvarez Sr (father, late 40's): Things are cautiously alright between Ricky and his father, moreso when Richard isn't meddling into his son's life. They can get along amicably now that the older gentleman has learned to respect his son's boundaries as far as what he chooses to do. But, Ricky understands that his hard-ass opinions come from a parental standpoint. Their common ground is the respect and love they have for the ladies in their lives: Patricia and Josanna.
    coded by reveriee.

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  • neighbor placeholder
    the bartender๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน๐Ÿท

    face claim = Luka Sabbat

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A renter. Hopefully Kowalski doesn't find out about the cats...

  • renter.

    full name

    Camryn Moran




    female she/her






    January 7th, 1965





    hair colour


    eye colour


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • Brian "Bran" Mitchell


    #90's James Marsters

    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

    Christine "Chrissy" Mitchell


    #Young Debbie Harry

    โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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Katherine "Kitty" Tinsley

# neighbor

# fc Pamela Anderson

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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psa: ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐œ๐ก๐ž๐œ๐ค! New
not to be mistaken for a cs deadline, the progress check will help me
determine one! keep working at your comfortable paces but i will be taking
a tally of sorts to decide how much time everyone will need to complete their
characters. ((:

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