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Fantasy Summoners Journey


Name: Sarin Rayne Darktree

Age: 300

Gender: Female

Race: Half dragon and half angel

Sexuality: does not care.if she falls in love it will be with a person she truly trust and loves.

Personality: she normally is a very chill person and can be very caring and friendly but if you make her mad you better run for the hills. She also can be silly if she feels like it.

Weapons: She has a bastard sword on her back and a blueish whip on her side.The sword gives off this red glow and seems to be pulsating.(If one got close enough to her and the sword one might be able to tell that her heartbeat and the pulsating from the sword synch up.)


Special Ability: (A power, only one): To turn into a large dragon that has the ability to use fire and healing.

Class: (The same as your Summoner)

Style of fighting: (How do you fight) She fights up close to mid range. She is not one to fight defensivly.

Bio:(Optional) Her back story is only for the ones she truly trusts.(I will add it if i really trust my summoner)

Other: She has long wavey red hair with green eyes with golden specks in the middle.She normally wears black pants with a red halter top.She stands about 5'7".She has the ability to look human but when she fights her heritage comes forth.She has black and red wings and a golden halo over her head that can not be touched by anyone or anything.
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Appearance: A pale skinned boy of average height with red eyes and black hair that goes down to his eyebrows with the bangs swept to the left.

Name: Echo

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire/Human Hybrid

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Echo's a curious, sarcastic boy who's only goal is to have fun, so he decides to become a Champion. His demeanor appears calm and collected, and he's cold to outsiders. He's caring to people he grows attached to, but tries not to show too much emotion. Echo keeps the fact that he's part vampire a secret, as people could learn his weaknesses.

Weapon: A light weight sword

Summoner: None at the moment

Special Ability: He can manipulate spilled blood into many different constructs, and refine them to be sharper and more durable. He can have up to two constructs at a time, and Gravity users can counter him by immobilizing the blood. If he uses the ability too many times, he'll develop Anemia for a period of time depending on how much he used it. As he gets older, he'll be able to use it more often until he reaches the age males stop growing, which also marks when he stops aging, due to his vampire blood.

Class: N/A

Style of Fighting: He's a mixed fighter who's creative with his ability and can use it fluently. He's also an intermediate swordsman, with stronger senses, strength, and speed than an average swordsman due to him being part vampire.

Bio: Raised in a small village as an orphan, Echo wasn't liked. He was kept isolated, but that didn't stop his jubilant, mischievous self from finding other ways to enjoy himself. From stealing to pranking and all other sorts of things, he was thought of as a troubled child. He was lucky to have a caring foster-mother, who educated him and attempted to clean up after any mess he made. He took her for granted, and didn't cherish her maternal love. Living this leisurely life, Echo was carefree and thought it would never change. But of course, fate would never be that lenient to his kind. A group of robbers broke into his foster-mother's house while he was out on another of his escapades. While he was coming back, he heard his foster-mother sobbing, being interrogated about where her money was. When their eyes came across Echo, they decided to use him to get her to tell them. His foster mother tried to stop them, but was slapped aside, maimed, and cauterized with a firebrand, to scare her into submission. This was when Echo had used his ability for the first time. After this, his foster mother stared at him as if he was a freak, and spread the word about his display. He was 10 years old at the time, and after this event, he became much colder, feeling betrayed. Cast out, Echo had to live on his own in the wilderness for a few months, until he came across a hermit who taught him how to use a weapon and control his powers. It turned out the hermit was a summoner, and since the way Echo's ability worked was similar to the way Gravity, Ice, and Earth magic did, he was able to teach him. Four and a half years passed, and the hermit sent him away to experience the world for himself, as he had nothing left to teach him. Echo decided to become a Champion, because he wanted to experience adventures, and find the meaning of "fun" again. (Would put more detail but 2 lazy)

Other: He does not have the generic weakness of being vulnerable to the sun nor the weakness to wood, but holy water does affect him negatively, causing him to be stunned momentarily(One turn) and get a 2nd degree burn. Once affected, his immunity system from his human side will strengthen for a few hours, causing the holy water to no longer affect him during this time. He can not control holy blood either, and due to his sensitivity inherited from being part vampire, dog whistles can hurt his ears and disrupt one of his attacks. Because of his undead side, cold can not affect him, and he doesn't produce body heat either. Cold not affecting him is due to a special anti-freezing protein within his body, which also prevents the formation of lethal ice crystals on him.

~ SNC~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpg.9f83ed49144bff9f515174a88f8730db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpg.9f83ed49144bff9f515174a88f8730db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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: Khan A. Dyne

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Determined Few (Humans whose willpower give them abilities in the result of them losing part of who they used to be)

Sexuality: Straighter than a Line

Personality: Not much of a talker, mostly because his voice box doesn't function -because he gave that up for his ability, along with the rest of his face- (Get it? cuz' he has a box on his head)

Can be pretty bipolar because the box sometimes cant express his feelings correctly if he cant think straight.

Weapons: Baseball Bat

Summoner: "Ask again later"

Special Ability: He keeps on fighting, even when all hopes seems to be lost or they isn't a chance left in the world. This gives him the title of Zombie. His fighting spirit allows for more than just sustain, it also allows for him to swing his weapon faster, run faster, think faster, and hit harder. When fighting spirit comes into effect, his weapon and himself emit a aura that can be sensed, sending a signal. (Similar to a katakana saying "MENACING" or something along those lines) Fighting Spirit also allows for heightened senses, its how he is able to see everything around him even with his head in a box at all times. Due to the box being exposed to his Fighting Spirit, it became his new face, with different drawing appearing on the box to express his emotion and being his way to eat things for he was determined enough. Fighting Spirit can also be forced into other people, damaging them and knocking them back.

Class: N/A

Style of fighting: Reckless Swinging, he tries to keep it as random as possible so his opponent cant tell what is about to happen or come next.

Nickname: Zombie

Weakness: He's still a human, even if he can get hit and keep on moving, at the core he's nothing but a Bat-wielding Human with a Box on his head


Ill do a bio later or something.))
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[QUOTE="Dropping Balls]

: Khan A. Dyne

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Determined Few (Humans whose willpower give them abilities in the result of them losing part of who they used to be)

Sexuality: Straighter than a Line

Personality: Not much of a talker, mostly because his voice box doesn't function -because he gave that up for his ability, along with the rest of his face- (Get it? cuz' he has a box on his head)

Can be pretty bipolar because the box sometimes cant express his feelings correctly if he cant think straight.

Weapons: Baseball Bat

Summoner: "Ask again later"

Special Ability: He keeps on fighting, even when all hopes seems to be lost or they isn't a chance left in the world. This gives him the title of Zombie. His fighting spirit allows for more than just sustain, it also allows for him to swing his weapon faster, run faster, think faster, and hit harder. When fighting spirit comes into effect, his weapon and himself emit a aura that can be sensed, sending a signal. (Similar to a katakana saying "MENACING" or something along those lines) Fighting Spirit also allows for heightened senses, its how he is able to see everything around him even with his head in a box at all times. Due to the box being exposed to his Fighting Spirit, it became his new face, with different drawing appearing on the box to express his emotion and being his way to eat things for he was determined enough

Class: N/A

Style of fighting: Reckless Swinging, he tries to keep it as random as possible so his opponent cant tell what is about to happen or come next.

Nickname: Zombie


Ill do a bio later or something.))

I shall await it
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]No...... I am awaiting your bio, you can rp till you make it. I like to just know background. I was going to like it but then I got like 10 alerts at once

i have one, but thanks!
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Name: Crescendo

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Eidolon Demon

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Incredibly cocky, impetuous, and confrontational. He was not very serious or focused and tended to fool around, but was shown to be incredibly savvy. At crucial points in battles, he will verbally predict what will happen to his enemies, and quote, often verbatim, what they will say. His enemy will then unwittingly repeat said prediction, shocked by Crescendo's "mind reading".

Weapons: Any kind of art material.

Summoner: N/A (for now)

Special Ability: Mind reading, in other words, Crescendo can sense the thoughts of other people. Usually hearing them like ordinary speech, but possibly by other senses such as sight. Usually he can sense the surface thoughts (including other mental communications), but he can also push farther into subconscious and memories. He is also able to predict actions and movements through the mind reading process.

Class: N/A

Style of fighting: Crescendo uses a wide variety of tricks and quick wit to confuse and otherwise get the upper hand on opponents, such as distracting opponents to attack his reflection in a mirror. He is very observant, and will point out things about the enemy to confuse them as well. He'll even stoop to taunts and insults to provoke the enemy if he thinks it'll lead to mistakes he can later take advantage of. He will also resort to cheating if the ends justify the means. As a result, Crescendo's mind is quite possibly his deadliest and most valuable asset. Once Crescendo is able to outwit his opponent, he'll come in hard with his superhuman strength and speed, ending the battle quickly.

Crescendo also uses a secret technique called "Last Minuet." Usually utilized as a last resort, Crescendo invented this move to use when battling the enemy seemed hopeless. In reality, it was actually used to stall time in order for Crescendo to formulate a plan. The secret technique consists of carefully retreating from the opponent, while keeping a close eye on his surroundings for things to use to defeat his opponent. To the untrained eye, it just looks like he is running away like a coward, however he will also use this technique to try to lure an enemy away from others.

Bio: (optional)

Other: Crescendo has a variety of weakness. One of them being the trouble to fight women. Women are one of his ultimate weaknesses, reason being, he vowed ever since the death of his mother never to hurt a single woman. And no you wonky pervs, not because he loves them. Another one of his weaknesses also consist of robotic humanoids due to the fact he cannot read the mind of a robot since they do not process thoughts or have brains. He also cannot read the mind of those who're smart enough to block him off and deny the permission to let him inside, meaning, they don't think about what they're going to do in battle, they block their mind off to everything but what is going on in the battle, leaving Crescendo to only think and predict what they may do next based on his actions.

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Name: Aries Sōsuke

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Fylgia (Guardian Spirit)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Aries is known to be a very overly cheerful person. Everyone who sees her will always see her with a signature smile plastered on her face. She is always focused on making the people around her happy before herself. Even with the plastered smiles, not many know why it’s always there, even in times of desperation she has it, in times of anger her smile doesn't falter. Her constant smiling and positive energy always leaves Aries exhausted, so you can find her in moments when she is alone sleeping, without that grin on her.

Weapons: Tessen (Battle Fans)

Both blades are identical, but have two completely different uses. Her left hand blade will expand and become a shield, pushing any oncoming people back by a strong gust of wind. The right hand blade turns into a wide saw-like blade that can cut through the thickest materials.

Summoner: Sheik Noroiko

Special Ability: Neurocognitive. Aries can cause the target's upper brain functions to shut down temporarily, causing unconsciousness.Though, it can only be directed at a certain amount people at once. It also has to be direct eye contact, and the person hit can be awaken several minutes after falling unconscious.

Style of fighting: Aries is more of a defensive fighter. Her main goal in fighting is to protect her summoner and keep a distance from their opponent.When a target closes in on her range, her right fan will expand and she will go into offensive mode. When in offense, her blades will become like miniature knives, and if a single blade hits, the rest follow afterwards.

Bio:(Optional) N/A

Other: Aries is known to be overbearing when it comes to her summoner. The reason why, is because she was outcasted from her birth parents, leaving her to her own survival. If knowing about her problems, during any sort of argument can turn quickly south and cause easy aggression towards the other, even if it means she means no harm originally. Her will for a place to call home and family can push her past her limit, leaving her emotionally exhausted. One of her weakness is her emotions, if pushed or worn correctly, she is left vulnerable to anyone.

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SocialDestruction said:

Name: Aries

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Fylgia (Demon-Spirit)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Aries is a complicated young-adult, one moment she can be completely calm and mature about a situation, and the next moment she becomes the most childish person in the room. With her ever-changing mood, Aries can be a very tactical person in dangerous situations.

Weapons: Tessen (Battle Fans)

Summoner: N/A (for now)

Special Ability: Neurocognitive. Aries can cause the target's upper brain functions to shut down temporarily, causing unconsciousness. (Two turns.) Though, it can only be directed at two people at once, and no more.

Style of fighting: Aries is more of a defensive fighter. Her main goal in fighting is to protect her summoner and keep a distance from their opponent. Her defense is her blades becoming like shield, blocking any incoming attacks for a short period of time. When a target closes in on her range, her fans will expand and she will go into offensive mode. When in offense, her blades will become like miniature knives, and if a single blade hits, the rest follow afterwards.


Other: Aries is known to be overbearing when it comes to her summoner. The reason why, is because she was outcasted from her birth parents, leaving her to her own survival. If knowing about her problems, during any sort of argument can turn quickly south and cause easy aggression towards the other, even if it means she means no harm originally. Her will for a place to call home and family can push her past her limit, leaving her emotionally exhausted. One of her weakness is her emotions, if pushed or worn correctly, she is left vulnerable to anyone.

that abiilty seems a bit too op



Cervus . Ry?ma






Preserved Human




Cervus can be said to be extremely calm in any situation. This may be only due to the fact that he is old, and has experienced many situations. As such, it is not a surprise if he knows one or two ways to get out from any situation. Calm, calculating, yet warm and kind as well, that is the kind of person Cervus is.


Katana and Prayer Beads.


Nohime is a special katana crafted by Mikaela for Borvem. Its blade is extremely sharp, but is surprisingly light, adding to Cervus' nimbleness and agility. Its special ability is 'Shade (?)', in which the sword is invisible to the naked eye, but only when it is in contact with Cervus' hand. Another requirement is that it must not be in contact with other people's hands, whether it be a summoner or a champion's.

Prayer Beads

At a glance, these prayer beads only seem like normal pearls made like a necklace with a big, sapphire-coloured pearl in the center. Though, these beads can multiply or be reduced at Cervus' will. It serves like a flexible whip, and does not require much energy to operate. This is why Cervus likes to use Prayer Beads rather than his katana.



Special Ability


Style of Fighting

He serves as a Vanguard, protecting his master at whim.

He would love a master that can fight alongside him, though.


It was a dark and gloomy day, on the outskirts of nowhere. The shadow of a long-haired man could be seen walking through the seemingly never-ending desert. He was Cervus' father, a great soldier, a great fighter, a great father, Borvem. Cervus was crying on his father's arms, his cries echoing through the desert. It seemed like the journey would never end, but just when Borvem had given up hope, he found a small but lively town. He quickly ran there, and bought whatever food resources he could buy, for himself and his son. Next was accommodation. They needed a place to rest, as they have been travelling in the dessert for no less than three days, without food or water. It was a miracle that they were even alive.

Borvem rented a room to rest in, then set the food he bought on a table. He gave Cervus milk to provide the vitamins he needed, then passed out on the bed. After a few seconds, he was in the land of dreams.

Borvem was a soldier that served for Mian's imperial army. It is not earlier than 3 years after his first service that he was appointed Captain of the brigade. However, Borvem was hated. There had been killings in the town that he was living in, Inaba, and everyone seemed to be pointing fingers to Borvem. There was nothing that the villagers could do, though; they were shivering in fear, just thinking about revolting to Borvem.

However, a group of wyverns brainwashed the villagers' minds. They offered help to kill Borvem, but in return, they would claim Inaba as their own, and be the king, in essence, of the town. Being as foolish as the villagers were, they accepted. At night, the villagers readied all their weapons and called the wyverns for assistance, then proceeded to begin the assassination plan. They were close to killing Borvem, however, his wife, Mikaela, saved him before it was too late.

Mikaela was an excellent miko, a shrine priestess, in essence. She prayed to the gods everyday, and as a result, had the power of divining. She knew that this day was going to come, sooner or later. It seems that divinity wasn't the only magic she could do; she could imbue her living energy in things, and she chose her prayer beads. Imbued with Mikaela's divine life energy, these beads became very durable, enough to serve as a shield to defend against' the wyverns' unrelenting attacks.

Shocked by the sight, Borvem shriveled in horror. He was afraid that Mikaela would die in cost of saving him; and his fear came true. She was caught in a blind-spot by one of the villagers, and died to a stab to her heart. Borvem wasn't going to let her sacrifice be in vain. He took his treasured katana as well as her wife's prayer beads, and managed to run away from the village, bringing his two-month old son with him.

Sweating, Borvem awoke from his dream. He quickly ran to Cervus, only to find the two-month old sleeping soundly. He let a sigh of relief come out, then went back on the bed to doze off.


"Dad, I'm off!"

My name is Cervus, and I am an adept in swordsmanship, though I really can't beat my father in the subject. He was the imperial army's captain, after all, while I am just his student. We lived off of hunting animals, or catching monsters with bounties on their heads. It was a never-ending fun experience. At the moment, I'm trying to apply for the Imperial Army without dad knowing.

"Wait! You haven't event told me wh--- That runt, seriously."

Having stolen Dad's prized katana and Mom's prayer beads without him knowing, I was sure that I would get into the army. These things were special. Over the years Dad had finally realized that the sword Mom made for him had a special ability-- he was the only person that can see it! Only when he's the only one holding it, anyway.

At any rate, I was accepted in the army, became captain like dad did, blahblahblah. Then there was the war. Summoners, they call themselves. They were the scariest people I'd ever meet. They could summon things from an ethereal dimension, but they were completely new to the subject, so what they summoned were uncontrollable. Story cut short, I was assigned to one of the summoners, to watch over him, they said.


Cervus Ryoma was on fire. And quite literally. The beads were lighting up the fire-- but it wasn't burning him at all. Instead, he felt a wave of power surging through his body-- a feeling that somehow felt reminiscent of his mother. Unknown to him, this was actually his mother's life force surging through his body. This fire would later be the source of his immortality; the preserved life force of Mikaela Ryoma, a great miko. The katana ignited the fire even more-- It seems that Mikaela's lifeforce was also contained in the sword.

The minotaur was still in front of Cervus, still trying to kill both him and his summoner. He succesfully beat it, but the price was his eyes-- he had lost his eyesight forever. Maybe this was also the price of his new-gained immortality.


With his old Summoner dead, he waited a thousand years to find another. . . He hoped that he would get a new master soon, the so called 'new generation of summoners'. His feelings have dulled due to not being in contact with another human for long; and Cervus now relies in his exceptional hearing he has trained over the years to make up for his blindness. He is able to 'perceive' rather than seeing, where certain things are. Even with his eyes gone; he is still an exceptional soldier.

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FinalStraw said:




Cervus . Ry?ma






Preserved Human




Cervus can be said to be extremely calm in any situation. This may be only due to the fact that he is old, and has experienced many situations. As such, it is not a surprise if he knows one or two ways to get out from any situation. Calm, calculating, yet warm and kind as well, that is the kind of person Cervus is.


Katana and Prayer Beads.


Nohime is a special katana crafted reminiscent of Cervus' late wife. Its blade is extremely sharp, but is surprisingly light, in lieu of the woman's nimbleness and agility. Its special ability is 'Shade (?)', in which the sword is invisible to the naked eye, but only when it is in contact with Cervus' hand. Another requirement is that it must not be in contact with other people's hands, whether it be a summoner or a champion's.

Prayer Beads

At a glance, these prayer beads only seem like normal pearls made like a necklace with a big, sapphire-coloured pearl in the center. Though, these beads can multiply or be reduced at Cervus' will. It serves like a flexible whip, and does not require much energy to operate. This is why Cervus likes to use Prayer Beads rather than his katana.



Special Ability

Preserved Life

Cervus can not die, he is immortal of age. However, something like a fatal wound could still possibly kill him.

Style of Fighting

He serves as a Vanguard, protecting his master at whim.

He would love a master that can fight alongside him, though.


It was a dark and gloomy day, on the outskirts of nowhere. The shadow of a long-haired man could be seen walking through the seemingly never-ending desert. He was Cervus' father, a great soldier, a great fighter, a great father, Borvem. Cervus was crying on his father's arms, his cries echoing through the desert. It seemed like the journey would never end, but just when Borvem had given up hope, he found a small but lively town. He quickly ran there, and bought whatever food resources he could buy, for himself and his son. Next was accommodation. They needed a place to rest, as they have been travelling in the dessert for no less than three days, without food or water. It was a miracle that they were even alive.

Borvem rented a room to rest in, then set the food he bought on a table. He gave Cervus milk to provide the vitamins he needed, then passed out on the bed. After a few seconds, he was in the land of dreams. He dreamed how he got here in the first place;​
Just tag me when it is done
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Just tag me when it is done

I tried to make a viable history from the information xD Hope it doesn't stray too far. . . I got confused in many parts of the story since there isn't much world backstory to back me up, but, well, I gave it a try!
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]that abiilty seems a bit too op

Sorry about that! I added more to it, I hope now it doesn't sound OP.



Chester Everill


'20' Or so he says...


Pansexual (Likes absolutely everything)






"All of my champs are the shit ~"

Alex Raske

• --

• --


Although intimidating at first, Chester actually means no harm to start off with (For the most part). That is until you get on his bad side. A rather good judge of character, he is able to see through lies and BS and if he writes you off on his bad list, it takes a lot to get taken off. He isn't one to waste time with manners, especially with those he doesn't think is worth the effort. Although he is tough as nails, he is as loyal as a dog and will fight or do anything for the select few he does love and care about. But he is rather violent when it comes to dealing with 'business' and feels nothing for people who ask for pity. Of course, having the curse of the Incubus blood, he is rather flirtatious, fickle, playful and perverse—With anyone nonetheless. He has no shame on admitting his hyper sexuality desires and often tends to charm whoever catches his eye.


Likes and Dislikes


Girls and boys |Ice cream|Being around people|horror movies|heights|evenings|naps|Also likes junk items for some strange reason | Violence.


Being Alone|People who gets on his nerves |Isolation | close minded people| cooking | messy/cluttered spaces|rain| mornings.


Type of Magic

Illusion Manipulation

When Chester turns into his incubus self, he can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Though the illusions only last for a couple of seconds.


He also has a form of lustful inducement, meaning he has a natural talent for seducing others that might come to his interest. Also, he uses his bat to beat shit up ♥



" SnC "


"Jus' call me Chessy ♥"

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/f8cb1ab3.jpg.74a111413cb0887b6250c01c2cdc3777.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/f8cb1ab3.jpg.74a111413cb0887b6250c01c2cdc3777.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

By the gods

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/viking-warriors-wallpaper-wallpaper-2.jpg.05fd274202457b7e3ea18e33bda507ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/viking-warriors-wallpaper-wallpaper-2.jpg.05fd274202457b7e3ea18e33bda507ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alex Raske




Sexuality: Hetro

Personality:Hot headed but jolly at the same time. Likes to socialize and is very loud and proud.

Weapons:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/104410535_o.jpg.ef1f3f7b6432dd80ff7df4bd5debb943.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/104410535_o.jpg.ef1f3f7b6432dd80ff7df4bd5debb943.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Summoner:Non right now

Special Ability: By the gods. He has the power to pull only one dead warrior down from Valhalla to fight. He is bound to one warrior that goes by the name Asger. When he does there is a bright flash of lighting from the heavens and he is replaced by the large and frightening Asger.

Style of fighting: Like a berserker

other: Asger can talk directly to him through his mind.

Alex is weaker than Asger who stands at 6.9 while alex is 6f

Both are well built but Asger much more than Alex.




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Blacknife said:
View attachment 243759

By the gods

View attachment 243765

Name: Alex Raske




Sexuality: Hetro

Personality:Hot headed but jolly at the same time. Likes to socialize and is very loud and proud.

Weapons:View attachment 243769

Summoner:Non right now

Special Ability: By the gods. He has the power to pull only one dead warrior down from Valhalla to fight. He is bound to one warrior that goes by the name Asger. When he does there is a bright flash of lighting form the heavens and he is replaced by the large and frightening Asger.

Style of fighting: Like a berserker

other: Asger can talk directly to him through his mind.
Nice. Not too op but at the same time the right amount of power. nothing too special about him.

Excellent cs. Accepted

Name: Kelvian

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Confident, Enjoys skilled fighters for hard challenges. Gets bored with easy tasks. Kelvian has respect for any accomplished fighter.

He keeps mostly to himself but has a sarcastic sense of humor. And is suprisingly clever

Weapons: Katanas made of extremely strong material that make them nearly impossible to break however they are quite light

Summoner: Gryphon Telm

Special Ability: Kelvian gets increased speed from absorbing blood, Therefor the more he injure's his opponent the stronger he gets. The highest he can achieve from this is blinking. However it is not easy to get that fast and rarely happens.

Class: 3-C

Style of fighting: Extremely fast. Kelvian is not focused on powerful strikes but rather fast precise hits. However he does not wear armor so due to this it is easier for him to get injured, He mainly avoids being hit and relying on his speed.

Other: I thought I should point out that while blood does empower him, He cannot use his own blood to strengthen himself.

Bio: Kelvian has only ever had two summoners including Gryphon and doesn't talk about his past very much. The most Gryphon has ever been able to surmise is that someone ended his last summoner and they payed for it dearly by Kelvian himself.


Let me know if I need to change anything. @The Unamed Character
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Name: Gryphon Telm

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Champions: Kelvian

Personality: Fun personality with a sarcastic humor but isn't super outgoing and is a bit more quiet. Loves music and is almost constantly listening to it

Class: 3-C

Type of Magic: Gryphon is an extremely skilled martial artist and he uses his aura to strengthen his strikes. For instance a normal punch has a much higher impact and does a lot more when he uses his aura to strengthen it. He can also use this to help block attacks, So combining his ability with his aura and his martial arts he can hold his own against most champions and is relatively powerful

@The Unamed Character
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Name: Sheik Noroiko


Age: 20


Gender: Female


Race: Human (Cursed)


Sexuality: Straight


Champions: Aries Sōsuke


Personality: Sheik is quiet and a very down to earth person. She is very reserved, enjoying only being around a certain amount of people at a time. She has a short temper, which you don’t want to get on the wrong side of during any arguments. Sheik treats everyone with respect, she believes that way you act towards someone means that is how you should have the same returned to the person. She does truly care for those close to her, but it’s difficult to notice at first glance. She antisocial, but Sheik will have moments where she can speak to the people close to her for long periods of time. Sheik also has a strong hatred to those who act like cowards, seeking out the help of others when the can do it themself, and this creates an instant hatred when she finds out about people with that type of personality.


Class: 3-C


Type of Magic: Fire. Once awakening the fire, she summons a demon-like beast that has the ability to create clouds of red mist. This red mist resembles a fire, and entering it resembles what survivors of it call “an rendition of hell.”


Other: (Unknown)


Bio: (Unknown)

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    Jackie McCarth




    Cis Female



  • latest


    Amon "The Light of Nile"


    1000+ Years old




    Ancient Undead

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Name: Jayce Claryn

Age: 170, Looks 17

Gender: Female

Race: Hybrid. Demon and Human

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Jayce is considered to be arrogant, selfish and stubborn. She will obey orders from nobody, other than her summoner. Although she seems like this, she is also quite charming, her charisma has an alluring aura in which people might think they're really close to her. Jayce is absolutely what you call secretive and mysterious, as nobody knows who she really is. She tends to lie about herself a lot when people ask. Despite this, she hates liars and likes to be honest, even when it is seemingly brutal. Jayce has a habit of acting before thinking, often going on a rash behavior. Her temper is one of the worst, especially on bad days. She has a sharp and witty tongue and is very sarcastic. She looks confident on the outside but really, she's self-conscious. This consciousness leads to her sarcastic remarks in which is her natural defense system. So the more sarcastic, the more self-conscious.

Weapons: Two Black, Light Broadswords.

Summoner: Nobody yet.

Special Ability: Reflecting pain, even if its not her own.

Class: N/A

Style of fighting: Jayce is a master in hand-to-hand combat. She likes close combat and is also a master in handling her swords.. She knows how to do mixed martial arts (Taekwondo, Karate, Kung-Fu, etc.) and uses them very well. Jayce is also very agile and is usually able to evade attacks. Although she can move, once you get a large hit, she'll be completely injured due to the fact that she has no armor. One of her flaws is also that she cannot aim very well, often relying on the speed of her attacks to get the hit. Jayce is very ticklish and once you hit a spot, she goes directly laughing on the floor, unable to breath.

Other: Very ticklish.

@The Unamed Beast

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Name: Diego D. Guitar

Age: 43 when alive

Gender: Male

Race: Revenant

Sexuality: Straight (Though Not A lot of ladies like to jump actual bones)

Personality: Diego loves to brag about his abilities with a gun. he also kind of known for his deadpan humor. Diego takes great pleasure in hunting bounties be they Wendigos, humans or spirits

Weapons: Multiple Pistols and knives, his pistols and knives have been inscribed with ancient Indianan runes that allows him to damage spirits and other spirit related abominations.

Summoner: James Nugent

Special Ability: Diego's status as a revenant has granted him, multiple abilities though none of them are truly noteworthy as one, Soul Sense this ability not only allows Diego to see, talk and touch spirits but he can also see you're soul through walls.

Class: 9-F

Style of fighting: Diego is gunslinger through and through, he takes great pride in his aim making claims such being able to shoot the wings of a fly or being so fast that his shadow has a hard time keeping up. while he can put up good fist fight due to his enhanced strength, his unarmed style of fighting is not at all refined, meaning he is nothing more then a brute force brawler without his guns. He's bit better with knife.



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Champion CS: cross out last one

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-8_21-58-9.png.857c94ada9b3e7971f51315d3cd1c6b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-8_21-58-9.png.857c94ada9b3e7971f51315d3cd1c6b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Tarrin Hagan

Age: 117

Gender: Male

Race: vampire

Sexuality: a sexual

Personality: animated

Weapons:a shortsword for emergencies and a crossbow that you don't have to pull back so it's half semi auto

Summoner: Chester Everill

Special Ability: teleportation only half good at it teleports randomly as well

Class: B-8

Style of fighting: avoids close range attacks at all cost preferable will hide in shadows and shoot as many bolts as possible before running off and hiding

Bio: Bitten at 17 always looks 17 angry that he can't grow a beard



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