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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Tokki said:
Something ticked in Sawako's head. I want affection. She looked at Vix then back down again. I will make you proud! Suddenly she had a determined look on her face. She continued walking with the rest. Sawako felt excluded from the rest so she didn't talk much. Michi never even looked at her.
(Michi is at the school, Kio is with you guys)
Alexia look at sawako as she was nervous" i...uh...i...Alexia... nice...to..meet...you...guys" she say to the other girls as she was nervous she wasn't really talktive she kicked vix by acciden't for touching her" don't touch me" she say to him firmly

Vix grins and says to them all " Someone's angry is this your way of showing me love, i'll play along but first what toy would Sawako and Alexia chan want since Kio chan has decided already and for the record it's unexpected but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have that side to you kio chan, last of all i'm happy you girls can talk in a group like this". Vix playfully ruffles Sawako's hair and then says" Sawako chan how about a stuffed lion or wolfs as your new teddy since yours got lost in my portal sorry about that".

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Sawako looked at Alexia. "...hi..Sawako." she said unsure of herself. She looked up at Vix I wonder what he's thinking. she thought. Sawako looked down not wanting to talk much. She noticed that some of her bandages were staring to come of so she took some extras out of her pocket and replaced it. She patted it down gently. "um..." she wasn't sure of what she wanted really.
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Alexi just looked at vix as she was frustrated as she sighed why did he act like this sometime it made her feel bad she just stopped talking to them putting her headphones on not caring as she was looking at the clothes the stuff she needs to survive no one knows about her secret not even her teachers she couldn't afford a dorm room
Sawako looked for a plushie to get. "Hmm..." she found a soft teddy bear with two different color buttons for eyes. She looked at it with a smile on her face. It was on the top shelf and she couldn't reach it because of her height. She tried balancing on her toes but it didn't work. "Nngh.." she tried stretching her arms to reach it but the bear was too far.
Jack snuck up behind Katy, but before he even had a chance to scare her she quickly turned around, hitting him with a right hook right to the face. "Stop trying to scare me all the time, Jack! It's not funny!"
Tokki said:
Sawako looked for a plushie to get. "Hmm..." she found a soft teddy bear with two different color buttons for eyes. She looked at it with a smile on her face. It was on the top shelf and she couldn't reach it because of her height. She tried balancing on her toes but it didn't work. "Nngh.." she tried stretching her arms to reach it but the bear was too far.
Vix sighed at alexia reaction but decides to leave her be when he notices Sawako trying to get the bear and reaches up and gets it and then brings it down and gives it to Sawako and then grabs a lion pushie because it's cute and then heads to the till and wait for them to come to the till, Truth be told she was starting to frustrate him but now is not the time and place'.

@Tokki @The Unamed Character
Katy frowns, freezing Jack's legs to the ground. "Yeah? Well, that's because you and my idiot of a brother share the same sense of humor." She says before hitting Jack with a left hook.
Yay a gift from Vix! Sawako hugs the plushie happily and gives Vix a hug. "Thank you Vix." she hugs the bear tightly in her arms and walks out the door.

(I have to go.)
The Unamed Character]Kio was hugging her puppy plushie. She was walking next to Vix and was glaring at him to make sure he didn't do anything pervy to her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Vix smiles as he was thanked rolled his eyes and says" It seems some else needs some ice cream but at least you have new pushie", ' Vix could feel his energy levels dropping because of the back lash from healing and such and would need to get the money and then some proper food'.
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Alexia just grab a white tiger plushy as she closed her eyes" i want this" she say to herself while she was alone she hug the plushy vix just bought the plushy" kk lets go and collect the money" she say happily
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(ffed for the sake of speeding things up a little)

Outside the collection point vix says" It will take me a little get this sorted but i'm glad your women are happy, there should be some seats inside if you lady's want to sit for a little ".
Katy kicks Jack in the gut. Jack sighs. "Are you quite finished beating me up, or are you insistent on-" He's cut off midsentence by Katy uppercutting him. "I'll be done when I'm done."
Alexia just sat down at the office as she look at vix as she try not to blush she open her book she start to read it was her favorite thing to do it helps coupe her feelings
Zeldafangirl said:
Alexia just sat down at the office as she look at vix as she try not to blush she open her book she start to read it was her favorite thing to do it helps coupe her feelings
Vix can feel alexia eyes on him for a little as he's waiting in the cue and laughs at himself and says mostly to himself" I'm probably over edgy after all it's probably because i brought her the plushie and kio's often getting mad at me i guess i'm a bit of a dick and that's putting it politely, not sure what Sawako thinks about me, but i hope it's not bad, not that i really expect the girls to love me, i mean who wants a guy like me when there's so many other better guys".

After a while the cue whittles down and fix goes to the desk and put the piece of paper from the mission and the women nods then transfers half the money to jack's and michi's account then give four other bags three being a lot smaller than the main bag then, closed the shutter and talks into the speaker" Sorry people for the inconvenience but we'll have more money tomorrow". On the way out a bandit trys to grab the money from vix so vix moves in closer and head butts him really hard dropping him to the floor like a sack of flour, the man not getting back up but still awake looking to try again, but vix isn't having any of that and his eyes change and that of a really pissed off demon peirce man's soul then he passes out.

Vix's eyes go back to normal as he goes over to the three girls and says"
Let's go and get some food lady's i'm starving and could eat a horse".

Alexia did something unexpected since she mad she hugged him" thank you for the plushy after this i need to go okay vix" she told him
Sawako had a smile on her face after she got the plushie. Hmm...I'll name you Mr. Snowcap. she thought. When she saw the guy on the floor she took out her scythe and stabbed him. She put her weapon away and held Snowcap. She continues walking along with the rest.

@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir
Tokki said:
Sawako had a smile on her face after she got the plushie. Hmm...I'll name you Mr. Snowcap. she thought. When she saw the guy on the floor she took out her scythe and stabbed him. She put her weapon away and held Snowcap. She continues walking along with the rest.
@Zeldafangirl @Leo Radomir
Vix sighed and says" Yeah he's a piece of crap, but dang sawako did you really have to stab him", Vix threw him a healing rune and then says" I'm cutting you a break but don't pull this kinda crap again". Vix paused then for a minute or so then leans in a kisses alexia on the cheek and then pulls back and says" It's a shame you don't want to stay but i haven't fallen so low to not understand it's a little hard to be around me". Vix gently grabs and puts a rune with words portal opener in her hand and smiles lightly.
Sawako looked down and said, "Sorry..." she turned her scythe into a hammer and put it back on her back. No stabbing, got it. Her stomach rumbled and she said, "I'm hungry." She looked at Alexia and waved an awkward wave. She realized that the head butt that Vix did probably hurt so she took out more of her bandages and held them up for him and said, "Here...for your forehead.."

@Leo Radomir @Zeldafangirl

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