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Fantasy Summoned: Ya get what ya get

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
"Oh my it seems you've died, but don't worry you've been summoned. Where? Why to the world of Exidose. Why? To slay the Demon King of course. How? You sure ask a lot of questions. I suppose I can grant you a special power in order to fight. You wanna pick? Well tough shit haven't you heard the expression,  Ya get what ya get and ya don't throw a fit. Oh who am I? Why I'm the goddess of this world Megumi Le Astros. Don't worry about being alone your not the only poor sap- I mean great hero I've summoned so go forth and save Exidoes, or ya know die trying!"

You open your eyes and find yourself in a place you don't recognize. Looking around you, you seemany figures dressed in robes. They have a strange writing on them and leading them is a woman with long blue hair. She smiles and clears her throat. "Glad to see you had a safe trip. First time I've tried that seemed to work pretty well. So like I said before save this place from the demon lord. Like I promised I'll give you an ability though like the summoning I'm new to this, so don't blame me for whatever you get stuck with." 

She steps forward and you now notice you aren't the only one brought here. A few others are as well she touches each of their foreheads, including yours and each glows. When the light fades you feel power within you a voice in your head speaks the power you have received to you.

@Kira Times @Elision of Ecritures @Some1 @Hazeyred @Bmikeization @Sizniche @xX Monochrome Xx

(Just post CS in intrest thread skeleton will be there)
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After the voice spoke to Cassidy. He understood that he had to play by the "goddesses" rules. He was still in his head thinking about the last thing he felt.

the burning feeling inside his chest and the darkness that came after it. "fuck, I'm an idiot I can't believe i slipped." he whispered to himself.

The main thing running through his head was if he died and came here maybe Natalie came here too.

"Tell me something. Are we the first to be summoned?". "Are you the only one capable of summoning us".

He started biting the nail of his thumb deep in thought. He was more excited and curious then worried about where he was.

This new life gave him hope to see his friend once again.
Wait what did this lady say Riley didn't understand any of this. Last thing he dismembered was he was heading home, he still didn't understand where he was. "Wait place where are we, I cant be here I need to get home. I have a huge test tomorrow." He called out to the goddess. Wait were lose even real? Riley didn't know but he really didn't have time for this, and there was no way he was actually dead this wasn't heaven or hell. This was a real place and she was real. Thats when it hit him, is she was real then all of this must be. Riley fell to his knees with tears on his face "Please send me home what will my parents feel now that Im dead Please."
Mira stared at the strange woman. "Wait. Died?!" She tried to figure out what had happened, but her memories over the past few months were hazy and difficult to pick through. Her sense of time had gone wonky recently. Dragging in a deep breath, she looked around, forcing herself to stop and listen. Her jacket was heavy but comforting on her shoulders. She turned to the closest person to her and, with a warm smile, said, "Hey, I'm Mira. Who're you?"

The voice in her head was startling and she wasn't sure whether or not this made her more accepting of the situation's reality. To begin with was the woman in front of them, with long blue hair. A goddess, apparently? If this is real, then I need some time to get used to the idea that higher powers exist. Listening to the other questions being asked of the goddess, she tried to focus her thoughts on what was 'important.' Biting down a sarcastic comment, instead she asked, "Exidose? What's this place like?"
The goddess smiled at the group. "I'm sure you all have very important questions." A hint of sarcasm could be heard in her words. "I shall answer your questions to the best of my abilities. First you are the first group but not the first I have summoned. Second the one before you has no relation to any of you. Third you all have died so there is no use crying to go back. You have nothing to go back to I didn't take any of you from anything important. Besides my magic only works if you desire to help so in a way you all chose to be here, kinda. Fourth there is only one way to cheat your deaths if you wish and that's to defeat the demon lord and save this world. Those of you who have no regrets can pass on peacefully afterwards."

She gave a moment to let her words sink in. "I've granted you each with an ability work together, work alone, either way kill the demon lord that is all. You will be supplied starting gear to help you along. Oh and if you don't like what you got tough luck my skill ability gift only lets me use it on someone every month. So do bare with it till then." She snapped her fingers and many knights clad in white armor stormed in handing everyone a backpack. Inside was a map, compass and four weeks worth of food and money. "I'd be wary of the night the demon lord knows of your arrival, you each now have targets on your backs learn to use your powers quickly if you want to survive. Any other questions?" She asked looking around at the group.
Annie wasn't really looking forward to the bank. She decided it was normal, considering the fact that nobody looked forward to going to the bank. It's not like she had a gut feeling she was going to die that day or anything.

It was a bland day. Learning to do her taxes and pay the bank. She was near the front of the line when a voice shouted over the quiet crowd. "Get on the floor!" It sounded like a man, a mean one at that. People started screaming at the warning shots from his gun. We all collapsed to the floor in fear of what might happen next. It felt like an couple hours before he did something. There were so many phone calls, so many more gunshots. Then Annie heard the threat.

"10 minutes, or people start dying." 

People began watching the time. 5 minutes left and nothing happened. Annie's parents hugged her closer. The 10 minute mark came, and the robber's eyes landed right on Annie. 

"Get up." he said, thrusting his gun towards her. Her mom yelped, and the robber kicked her in the stomach.

You could probably guess what happened next. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the hollywood ending. 

Several punture wounds and loss of blood. That's what the coroner said. It was much, much more than that.

Annie woke up, the pain of the shots gone. She wiped her mouth, drawing no blood.

"What the..."

The goddess provided answers, but not security. 

"So we die..." Annie paused, still trying to take in the fact that she was... alive? "Only to be 'resurrected', fight for a cause we don't care about, only to die again. Bullshit." Annie finished, standing up and fluffing her skirt. 

Okawa opened her eyes finally she was listening and taking things in the first thing she said was "Bullshit, we have to fight a war that's not even ours" and the second thing she thought was why there were people here that looked strange they looked like they never fought and they're clothes were wierd to....were they nobles or something.


she checked her things most of it was there the only things that were gone were her tantos and her throwing needles which she cared little about since to the ninja culture weapons were only tools unlike those idiotic samurai and knights which prided there swords greatly, while her and her ninja sister fought mostly with martial arts and small blades.


but as she was thinking she looked at her clothes again they weren't torn or covered in filth from those disgusting species known as men it's like she was never tortured.....except for the multiple scars on her body she discovered when she pulled her sleeve up before putting it back down. She looked at all the other people in the room men and women in robes, knights, some female that was spouting nonsense of being a god and people that loooked horrified being here except her.


she looked at the goddess before speaking "So miss 'goddess' even if I do help what do I get out of this whole expirience" as she said this she had a calm deamenor, she accepted she died it was a mercy for her but she wasn't about to be put in a war without her getting something out of it.

Okawa opened her eyes finally she was listening and taking things in the first she said was "Bullshit, we have to fight a war that's not even ours" and the second thing she thought was why there were people here that looked strange they looked like they never fought and they're clothes were wierd to....were they nobles or something.


she checked her things most of it was there the only things that were gone were her tantos and her throwing needles which she cared little about since to the ninja culture weapons were only tools unlike those idiotic samurai and knights which prided there swords greatly, while her and her ninja sister fought mostly with martial arts and small blades.


but as she was thinking she looked at her clothes again they weren't torn or covered in filth from those disgusting species known as men it's like she was never tortured.....except for the multiple scars on her body she discovered when she pulled her sleeve up before putting it back down. She looked at all the other people in the room men and women in robes, knights, some female that was spouting nonsense of being a god and people that loooked horrified being here except her.


she looked at the goddess before speaking "So miss 'goddess' even if I do help what do I get out of this whole expirience" as she said this she had a calm deamenor, she accepted she died it was a mercy for her but she wasn't about to be put in a war without her getting something out of it.

The goddess clapped for Okawa smiling. "Wow an actually good question!?" The goddess spoke so everyone heard her. "If you help kill the demon lord, not only will you be allowed to return home but you will keep the ability you have when the deed get's done." She looked around at the group. "I know for a fact there are those of you who require these powers If you wish to return." She turned her attention back to Okawa. "Anything else you might desire can be yours all you must do Is name It."

Okawa smiled a little with hatred behind it. "return home what home, my village was burned down everyone was either killed or taken to be tortured and raped before being executed, why would I return to a world of human trash" she said while taking a seat on the ground before yelling out happily in jappanese with probably no one understanding besides the goddess and the ones that look a little Japanese "And Ill take on that offer 'Goddess' when I get the chance."
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When Riley heard the goddess say that if he helped he stood up and rubbed his. Thats all he wanted, to go home eat his moms cooking again hell even hear his dad yelling at him. After all how could this be, it couldn't be any harder then final minute in the rival game. He straightened himself up as much as possible and spoke "If it gets me home, tell me where to find this 'demon' lord." It couldn't be an actual demon right. But if all this was real then he didn't know what he was getting himself into.


It is a strange, strange feeling. She really does not know how to describe it, being as foreign to it as it is. Resurrection…truly? To her, it all just feels like a one bizarre dream she finds herself in. Yet, she really does not see herself as someone who can come up with this level of detail and imagination. Not when people wear clothes that do not match that of her line of familiarity, speak terms that go over her head, it is all too unreliable for her to grasp so abruptly. Dragana cannot take this reality for granted just yet. When can one do that, having suddenly been told that they came back from the dead? The deed the woman asks of them is unreasonable, she dares say incredulous. She cannot help but side with the two women speaking up in opposition to it. But…unlike them, she does not voice it? No, not when this all feels too real, not when the words reach her and she can understand them, even if she is sure she never spoke this language before in her life. She is not one to buckle her knees and cry on the impact of the circumstances she finds herself in, nor to argue as to what they were summoned here for. Why bother? What would it accomplish? Gods are cruel like that, after all.

The Russian female cannot help but find her lack of a reaction to speak of regarding this whole situation. She died and now she has been brought back to essentially play a hero of the stories she used to come up with on a whim at night. Yes, yes, it is uncanny, far too uncanny. But she feels far too overwhelmed, far too confused to process it all at once. Or at least, that is what she can gather from her current state of mind. She keeps it in, her anger, her frustration, her insecurities and instead, she poses a question for the deity in front of her. “…Let’s say we do fulfil the task you given us. If you do allow us one last chance to return, will it be the exact moment we left our world? Or a different one?” Her eyes roam back to the people around her, as she speaks in a clear, silvery. Of course, to her, some of these people just feel…out of place. And if she does have to wrap her head around the idea of the existence of an actual god, why not around the one of different realms of existence beyond her own? What stops her now?

After all, this all just feels like a dream…a very, very strange dream.

@Nenma Takashi
The Goddess sighed scratching her head. "You lot sure ask a lot of questions. But I guess that's expected, if you wish I can send you back to the moment you were born or a day before your death it doesn't matter. Whenever wherever in your life you desire to return to I can make it happen with the added perk of you keeping your ability." She began twirling a strand of hair with her finger. "Any of you who don't feel like risking your lives by all means I'm not telling you, you have to. I'm just saying it's fine if you wanna sit around and let the others do all the work for you. Then you can ride on the coat tails of others isn't that grand?" She asked sarcastically the goddess sat down in a blue throne chair. "So great heroes I wish you all the best of luck you'll find that mean old demon lord's castle is marked on the maps you've been given."

A knight with a red bird on the front of his chest plate whispered into the goddess' ear. She nodded then with a sigh added. "I've been told I should maybe warn you. Like I said you are the first group but there was another before you. Two in fact both gained a nice power each but things don't always turn out well, one of them is rogue we have no clue what their power is. It is a girl her name is Fuyuki she does not have a last name be wary of her she might appear a simple kind girl. But any of these knights can tell you she is a monster." Some of the knights in the room began to shutter when remembering the scene. "Without warning she turned and attacked the other person I had summoned, tore open their chest and ate their heart right in front of us all, then managed to escape in the confusion."


Such a certainty brought a sense of reassurance in the girl’s heart as while she knew well that there was not much of a choice, to hear those words was enough for her. Being the wary character that she was, however, she could not help but grow somewhat restless of the ordeal ahead, as she knew well how such fortunate results could not be achieved as easily as one thought. Yes, Dragan knew such a notion far too well. The idea of allowing others to take upon themselves to carry it on was one she promptly dismissed with utter repulse. No. She did not hesitate to reject it as soon as it came. She would not hand over her responsibility to go forth with this, nor would she trust upon a stranger her second chance at fate.

The information that followed did faze her somewhat, she even dare say she was taken by a moment, eyes roaming the reactions of her companions. While the intentions of the goddess and her guardians did not held any ill to them by enlightening them on a matter of the past, she could hardly not think of it as a test of faith on the new heroes. It is as if she is trying to raise distrust and suspicion among us…that we cannot trust anyone, not even ourselves to strive to complete our task. A double-edge sword. Folding her arms, Dragan refused to meet the eyes of others this time around, remaining firm on her resolve, refusing to give in to the insecurities that could derive from this accusation. Not only that but what I can gather from her speech, it seems this woman might come to be a threat to our cause. “I accept.” Nodding her head softly, in silence, she had made her decision.
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The old man did not speak. He was still trying to wrap his head around the whole situation. There he was, dead. That was to be expected. When he fell asleep last night, he did not expect to wake up, which was why he was confused.He still felt very alive. He felt young again. Well... younger anyways. Inspecting his body, he found out that he was, in fact, younger. While his hair had not come back, he was wearing the suit he taught in twenty-five years ago. And that scar on his head from where he fell off the roof of his house was not there anymore. While it wasn't his ideal self, it would work. He had kept himself in shape up until the very last moments, due to his army training, so he could fight in whatever war this lady wanted to fight in. Not that he wanted to fight, though. One war was enough for him. 

Then again, this lady said that he had powers to help. The power to control shadows didn't sound very helpful, but who knows. He wasn't alone, though. There were many others around him, mostly children. And she was asking them to fight as well. He couldn't live with himself if he left them to fend for themselves. They all were ripped away from what they loved, so they weren't going to back out if it meant not being able to return home, so that meant he had to stay to protect them. To try, at least. But there was one question he had to ask first.

"So what happens if we die?" Nick asked. "You said that we all died beforehand, which leaves some terrible implications for the world we live in, but what happens if we die in this war? I can't believe that every one of us is going to make it out of this alive. Especially since you haven't provided us with any weapons so we can defend ourselves"
Okawa listened to the goddess more about where she would find the demon king.....but that female sounded like a problem eating her comrades hearts huh, maybe it'll be fun meeting a fellow killer who knows. But a white haired girl that looked kind of emotionless wearing heavy clothing....no doubt she came from a cold region in the north said she accepted which was kinda of a surprise to Okawa seeing she could understand her. Then there was an old man asking about what would happen if they died and how they would protect themselves. "Well from what I'm getting at is that if we die it's permanent, no redo we just stay dead old man" as she said this Okawa stood up stretching it been awhile since she stretched her body there pops heard here and there, "Well miss 'goddess' I accept this quest, but with my ability you gave me I'll probably ask for a new one in a month if this isn't useful in my fighting" as she turned around she was kind of shocked most of the people here were probably younger than her now that she got a better look at them, hell the youngest one looked 14 for Kami's sake. but regrettably a lot of them were males so this was about to be a living hell for her since she'll have to watch her back for traitors and for the males of the group.

Natsuki Himura


Natsuki opened her eyes and took a deep breath in. Wait... breath? She could breath? Why could she breath? The confused girl heard a pretty voice telling her that she was now dead. Her little speech reminded Natsuki of the start of a video game. Assuming that this wasn't a dream, why would anyone waste their time to transport Natsuki to another realm in order to fight some "demon lord"? She wasn't all that special. The only thing that really made Natsuki special was the fact that she was accepting this as the truth in the blink of an eye. Well, mostly because her death was way too vivid and painful to be a simple dream. As the goddess spoke, Natsuki tuned her out and touched her stomach where the stab wounds were. There was no pain.

Soon, Natsuki was forced to look up when the beautiful lady with blue hair had touched her forehead. She held her breath as she heard a voice in her head. That's it, Natsuki was finally going crazy, "Serqek-wha?" Not only was Natsuki hearing things, but she concluded that the voice was speaking gibberish. Suddenly, Natsuki realized there were others in the room with her, who were actively asking questions.

Once the goddess started speaking of "starting gear", Natsuki began to wonder if she were really stuck in a video game. Before she could finish her thought, a knight ran up to Natsuki and handed her a backpack. It stumbled in her hands and she almost dropped it. Catching it, she peered in, only to find a map, a compass, money and some food. She hoped for some cool weapons or armor at the very least. But, nope.. Only things to help her survive: disappointing..

The goddess finished, but Natsuki had no questions. At least none she would dare bother a goddess with. Surprisingly, Natsuki was taking this well compared to the others in the room. She had even laughed as she saw the stereotypical gender roles fade away when two boys were panicking and some girls expressed their anger on the ordeal. Natsuki seized her snickering once the goddess began speaking. Although Natsuki seemed calm at first sight, she was scared of angering a powerful goddess. Plus, she wasn't going to make her first impression on a group of people, that she was most likely going to spend some time with, as an impertinent little girl.

Natsuki hadn't noticed it earlier, but one of the women in the room looked an awful lot like a ninja. It allowed her to draw the conclusion that she wasn't able to finish earlier: she was indeed in a video game. Natsuki attempted to approach the overwhelming situation with an open mind, however it was hard to do that when the goddess said they could get anything they desired once taking care of the demon lord. Natsuki had no idea what she would wish for. When thinking about it, her life was rather simple: School, work, eat, sleep, repeat. She didn't have any particular wishes. Her train of thought crashed once the ninja girl put a bummer on the situation with a sad backstory, and then began yelling in a foreign language.

Looking around the room once more, she observed the others within the group. The lot of them seemed like pretty normal people with genuine reactions to the situation. She looked for people who she could befriend or be able to call a trusted ally. The way Natsuki died proved that she wasn't all too smart, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to do this alone. Especially under these conditions: summoned to a foreign world with a "demon lord" who is probably more powerful than all of them combined if a goddess can't simply get rid of him.

That last thing made Natsuki start to think, 'Wait, why did a goddess summon a bunch of humans to do the dirty work for her? Shouldn't she be able to do it?' The thought kind of scared Natsuki, but before she could address the problem, the goddess mentioned that a deceptive heart-eating girl was on the loose. Although she probably should've done so earlier, Natsuki put her guard up and looked around.

Now, it seemed as if the questions were slowly seizing and they were going to get left out to fend for themselves in a foreign land. The thought of it terrified Natsuki; she didn't want to leave the room, where there weren't any beautiful goddesses to protect her. Plus, another thing she should've done earlier, was doubt this "goddess". The gullible little girl didn't even think that she could be getting lied to. However, Natsuki felt as if she had no choice but to have some trust if she wanted to survive, and try not to die again. The young girl attempted to smile away her insecurities with the thought of having a fun adventure by defeating a demon lord in a distant land, getting stronger, and making friends. The cliche action adventure... Remembering about her ally hunt, Natsuki continued to look around the room.
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Cassidy didn't trust the goddess. Her tone and sarcasm didn't help either.

She was holding more important information since the group was large Cassidy doubted he would be able to interogate her. He was handed supplies by one of the guards. Cassidy slung the pack over his shoulder then proceded to tie his shoe. He was getting out of there. The girl with the appetite for hearts was his only other lead on the second person the goddess summoned. 

As he Walked past the ninja. He needed the answer for one thing. 

"Yo! Goddess"

"Is there going to be a Language barrier between me and the Locals or what?"
                                                                                                                   Inami Wolfsong

Dead. Inami understood that she had in fact died. The spirits of this plane were different and more lively than back home. Add in the memory of a slow death from the cold stealing all the heat from her body and there was no doubt that her life had ended. But now she was alive and being given another chance to help people and even get back to her people. Before she could speak she felt a twinge course through her body and suddenly every movement around her was picked up. Even the fact that the grass had blown only a couple of centimeters in the breeze, but she could see it. What is going on? Adjusting further, she realized that she could see A LOT. And not just a few things, she saw multiples of everything in front of her. Her breathing began to become ragged and her heart rate skyrocketed.

"Um, Goddess." Inami managed to barely speak as she felt the panic starting to take her. "I-I don't know what's going on, but whatever power you've given me. It's disorienting. Is there any chance for guidance with this?" She looked about and felt even more terrified as her power seemed to let her see all of the members of the group. She closed her eyes for a moment and let the darkness ease her tension. She reached out to the spirits of this world, hoping that they could ease her pain, but they felt so foreign and different that it was hard for her to grab onto more than a few small creatures. When she opened her eyes again, Inami could see normally. "Never mind." She muttered before an actual idea had popped into her mind. "Um, I actually have a much more important question, is there any chance that we could have someway of talking at the least with the others in our group?"

Inami looked within the bag handed to her and sighed at some foreign objects. What was this parchment with drawings on it? She wasn't used to this kind of thing. She had always tracked using nature or the spirits around her. What was this world going to hold for her now? Now with her items to carry, Inami panicked and searched around her for her staff. It was an heirloom form the last Chief Guide given to her by their Chief. Seeing it laying on the ground, Inami scooped up the wooden artifact and clutched it tightly to her chest. "At least I still have you." She muttered as her memories of the village flooded her mind and she felt even more determined to succeed in this quest. "I will help with this quest as well." She spoke calmly as she looked to the others around her. The dark armored woman seemed to be the most combat adept and instantly she could feel the tension within the woman. At least the pair could probably help each other. As a spirit guide in her past life she could do something to help ease this woman's problems. She silently walked over before remembering the language issue and wound up just looking at the girl inquisitively.

@Nenma Takashi @The Ascended
The goddess waved a hand at Cassidy trying to hold back a laugh. "Don't be stupid Cassidy I've already worked that out, all of you are gifted with the passive skill Soul Mate. Which will let you speak the language of anyone you wish to speak to." She smiled as it seemed more and more of the group was becoming more determined. She raised an eyebrow when the question of weapons was brought up. "Are you aware that if I offered an ability to whichever country won in an all out war, the people wouldn't waste a moment battling it out. I've granted you something far greater than any pathetic sword or lance." 

Taking a moment to think she then shrugged. "Apollo give them whatever weapons them might ask for." The knight with a red bird on his chest nodded with a quick glance to the other knights they scattered. The knight held out his hand which glowed pure white then weapons shot from the ground swords, lances, shields, staffs, daggers etc. The knight then looked out at the group and smirked. "Take whatever you like." 
Nick's eyes opened wide when he saw the weapons pop out of the ground. This was feeling more and more like a dream. But it couldn't be. He had never had a dream where he could feel, or smell things. But here, he could easily feel the grass with his feet and smell the morning dew. So this was definitely not a dream. This actually reminded him of the stories he used to read as a kid. Of heroes and magic and princesses and evil kings. It made him feel a bit nostalgic. Nick had come to terms with the fact that he couldn't know everything the world had to offer, but seeing something so foreign, so mystical, it excited him.

Of course, he hadn't completely ruled out the fact that he was still alive and that this could be a dream. But even if it was, there was nothing he could do to leave it, and since he is so uncertain about it, he should treat it as real life until he can confirm that it is, in fact, a dream. Nick looked down at the weapons that appeared out of nowhere to see that there was nothing he could use. Of course there were no rifles or pistols. Why would there be? He had no faith in whatever this "power" the lady had given him, so he picked up a dagger to reassure himself. Holding a weapon in his hand made him feel just a little bit safer. 

He took a look around at the people around him. They really were a motley little crew. Most of them probably had no combat experience. How did this lady expect them to win a war? Even if the powers are great, there's probably no more than ten of them. Just then he had a thought.

"How can we trust you?" He asked the lady.
The goddess smiled at the question standing she walked over and held her hand toward Nick's face. "Boom!" She she jerked her body forward at him but nothing happened. "Look around you Nick if I wanted you dead I wouldn't of given you that ability. I would've just had you all killed the moment you popped into this world. The question isn't if you all should trust me, it's if I should trust you. Last gal who I summoned tore a guy's heart out if his chest remember. I know your names and how you all died but that's it I don't and really don't care about your whole life stories. For all I know some of you are thinking of killing me which might I add is impossible for any of you. But I'll trust you all since I have nothing to lose at all if necessary I'll get new heroes and our contract can be dust in the wind if you all wish. Of course that'd be no going back home and retaking of those powers I gave you all. So Nick trust me now?" The goddess titled her head with a smile the group might just now notice it but the guards are all either not paying attention or falling asleep. Not a single person sees them as a threat to them.
Alexander von Bismarck

As the last traces of life left his body he was suddenly assaulted by a vibrant light. He blinked rapidly in an attempt to adjust. Awareness quickly returned to him as he found himself standing among a crowd of unique individuals. Standing before him was a beautiful woman with oddly colored hair. He stood silently in the back of the crowd as the woman spoke. The explanation she gave them was difficult to swallow but given the circumstances he was in no position to stand against it. "Goddess? I very much doubt that." The thought played out in his mind. There was only one Lord who ruled heaven and he certainly was not some young woman. All the same it was clear to him that this woman was some powerful entity, most likely some kind of witch. The fact that he was hearing languages he had never heard before and seeing garb he had never seen before was enough to convince him that something strange had taken place. The self-proclaimed Goddess came to each of the attendants and gently touched their heads. When she got to him he was suddenly filled with a surge of power he had never experienced before. As if by magic he had an understanding of an unnatural ability. His armor rattled as he took a step back reflexively, his eyes narrowing behind his helmet. What little doubt he had of this woman's status as a witch was swiftly swept away by the ability he now found himself with.

He softly shook his head as he silently listened to the others ask questions. While many of the questions posed were nothing he would concern himself with there were some that he too was eager to hear the answers to. It seemed odd that this woman could summon them here to defeat some lord of demons yet not be able to bring them back should they fail along the way. He brought his hand up to rest against his metal helmet as he pondered the prospect. "It would make sense that she couldn't if we never actually died as she claimed we did..." At the thought his hand slowly dropped from his helmet to the gap under his left arm, feeling around for signs of damage. His armor was intact but he still felt a subtle pain from the wound that had been inflicted on him. It was at that moment that he came to his conclusion. They never actually died. This witch simply brought them here moments before their deaths and used her witchcraft to heal them. That would explain why they would get no second chance should they fail.

The Knight was pulled from his thoughts by another armor-clad individual coming forth and providing him with a bag full of supplies. He quickly rummaged through the bag to see what he had been given. As expected it was basic supplies such as food and currency. Sealing up the bag he slung it over his shoulder as he looked around the group of summoned individuals. Many of them began to voice their commitment to the witch's mission. While he had little interest in the general going ons of the situation the prospect of dispatching one of the Lord's foes and being able to return to his family were powerful motivators. He was on the verge of adding his voice to the chorus when he stopped himself. He had been so focused on the witch that he had not spared enough attention to the others she had brought forth. Other than an elderly man it seemed the entirety of their group were little more than children. After a brief glimpse of his companions he quickly shook his head. "It will not do to have such thoughts. If they were summoned as I was then surely they must be warriors of my caliber at the very least." The thought provided a little comfort but his prejudice at their age still lingered.

Nonetheless there was little that he could do and so he decided to fully commit himself to the cause. "I shall join your crusade against the Lord of Demons." He again looked over his comrades as his eyes settled on the elder as he brought up the question regarding weapons. Now that it was pointed out he realized his halberd was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately it seemed the witch had a means of addressing this issue as numerous weapons sprang from the ground in front of one of her knights. He watched as older man was the first to go forth and fetch himself a weapon. Not one to go to war unarmed he too strode forth, his eyes already set on his weapon of choice. Standing proudly among the field of weapons was a polearm that stood even taller than his own impressive height. The weapon was beautifully crafted and had the perfect blend between form and function. He reached out his armored hand and grasped the halberd at it's midsection, effortlessly lifting it from the ground as he stepped back and gave it a light flourish. He had used many polearms in his life and this one was certainly one of the finer ones to ever be held in his hands. With an approving nod he walked back to his original position only this time he held the halberd by his side. 
Cassidy brushed off the face the goddess made. 

"You understand there are things worse then being killed goddess,"Cassidy exclaimed. 

"Besides if we aren't a threat to you that means we're just pawns in your stupid game versus another super power in this world. You just don't want to get your hands dirty!"

He caught himself before he couldn't go back. Cassidy closed his eyes and grit his teeth.

Authority wasn't a fan of Cassidy and vice versa. 

There was an unfamiliar sensation in his head, It was like an subwoofer was let loose in there. The more he thought about the circumstances the more it pissed him off. He wasn't usually the hot head but the past 48 hours wasn't that great. He just wanted to break something.

There was a jade glow starting to emit from his eyes.  The ground started to shake. Everyone else felt the ground shake and churn under them. 
Okawa didn't care about all this talking anymore and walked up to the weapons that the knight had summoned there were a lot from the western swords to halbreds all the way to the eastern samurai and Ninja katannas and wazikashi but no throwing weapons that was a downer. So Okawa went and grabbed to Wazikashi, a Katana and a knife for back up now that she had weapons she was good to got for a fight or survival so when walked back to her spot.

as she was walking she noticed more people either they were farther back or just got summoned, one was armored and looked like a western knight from Europe....probably out for honor and glory but as she was looking she caught his sight for a second and gripped her wazikashi a little bit, it's kinda of wierd to see and enemy from your old world as a comrade in this world isn't it. But as she made her way back she a shaman girl, but she didn't look like a shrine maiden at all so she made her way to her trying not to look hostile. As Okawa made it in front of the shrine maiden look alike she concentrated a little and started talking "um...are you a shrine maiden miss" she asked in a bewildered tone as she scratched her neck where she knew the blade had cut and she still can't believe all that's left were scars on her body there should be some open wound or something but guess not....she had to thank the goddess on that some other time.

@Xel @Kiroshiven
The Goddess gave Cassidy a blank stare. "Cassidy when your people ask many to fight in wars for the seer sake of ideals. That's stupid I'm asking you to fight for not ideals but lives. Do you know what will happen to this place if I am killed by the Demon Lord? You don't and no one will cause the moment it happens this world will cease to exist and he will be the new god of the next world. So Cassidy I ask you to fight to save millions of people in return I offer you anything you could want. What could possibly cause you to not want to help? I also suggest you calm yourself before you end up hurting yourself or others." She put a hand on his shoulder and Cassidy would feel a rush of positive emotions course through him all his favorite memories from the past flooded his head. Apollo stepped before the others with a map of his own in hand and held it up pointing at the nearest town Whechis. "You will begin here a small band of demons are holding up there they should make good practice for you. Defeat them and move on however you desire from there. My the Goddess bless you all in your quest."

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