• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Summer.

Doop said:

Jordan Spring

all the basic info
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide


Dinocorn said:
Name: Charlotte (Charlie) Duxinrowe

Age: 18

Birthday: October 31st (Scorpio)

Gender Identity: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian


Brief Description: She has dark, short, hair which is usually styled forward. Her eyes are brown and she is 5ft 3" tall, weighing in at just over 10st (64kgish)

Clothing Style: Casual; she tends to wear loose fitting slim jeans and baggy tee-shirts, Charlie has a vast selection of hoodies and one pair of worn-out once-white trainers which she always wears.

Any Tattoos/Piercings: Charlie has an eyebrow piercing and a tattoo sleeve up her right arm which consists of various video-game and comic book characters. Behind her right ear is tattoo'd a space-invader.


Flaws: She has difficulty concentraiting on conversations and tends to answer regardless of whether or not she has heard everything correctly. This often leads to innappropriate comments. Charlie has a very addictive personality and has been known to dabble with a number of different substances in her past. She also tends to get very attatched to people very quickly. She is very quick to rise to anger, and very often will hold a grudge for an extended period of time.

Good Traits: Shehas a big heart and is willing to help when somebody needs it, she is thoughtful and loyal but can often overlook what they think and will act without asking what someone wants or needs. She eats well and exsercises regularly. Charlie is open and honest.

Fears: Spiders. Bugs. The Dark.

Hobbies: Charlie is a gamer. She runs regularly but if not doing this she is gaming.

Goals: To live well and be happy.

Grades: Average. She is not the smartest tool in the shed, but that is probably because she spends little time studying.

Family Life: Charlie tends to avoid her family if she can. She spends a lot of time out of the house and when she is there she is often in her room avoiding people. They are not and have never been bad to her, but she has always felt an outsider and has very little in common with her parents or siblings. Being the eldest she has found that much of the time her distancing herself goes unnoticed. Just how she likes it.


Bio: Charlie is the eldest of four. The only one who enjoys video games as her step-father deems them ultimately pointless and has forbidden her younger siblings from being 'exposed' to them. Charlie does not herself own any consoles but she spends a lot of time with friends playing these - the same friends who introduced her to various drugs and alcohol. She is on the cross country team at school and runs competatively. She has experienced various boyfriends and girlfriends but ultimately is not sexually attracted to men and much prefers women. Not that she has ever found one who has held her interest for long.

(Apologies for typos; have been tapping this out on my lunch break!)
both accepted, claim a room and go rp!
Name: Jaden Ruse

Age: 17

Birthday: January 1st

Gender Identity: Female, just female.

Sexuality: straight


Brief Description: Frustrated at times, rarely happy, jokingly bitter

Appearance: light brown hair, bold swept aside cut, blonde highlights, square jaw, casual eye makeup

Clothing Style: lazy, boyish

Any Tattoos/Piercings: none


Flaws: Odd approach to socializing, has a hard time making friends, inappropriate comments slip easily, nosey

Good Traits: She has a good sense of humor, for those who understand it, she's good at keeping friends, has a certain spot for giving people an understanding of things

Fears: meeting someone alike her

Hobbies: video games, figuring out secrets, and people watching

Goals: to have a better understanding of people

Grades: b average

Family Life: regular, nothing traumatic.


Bio: Jaden is described as odd by most of her classmates. The few friends she has just share a casual relationship with her, for she isn't too interested in making friends rather than simply watching the people around her. She is reserved, but can easily cough out a humorous remark in front of a group. She could be described as quiet, yet chatty by meeting her for the first time.
Meacha said:
Name: Jaden Ruse
Age: 17

Birthday: January 1st

Gender Identity: Female, just female.

Sexuality: straight


Brief Description: Frustrated at times, rarely happy, jokingly bitter

Appearance: light brown hair, bold swept aside cut, blonde highlights, square jaw, casual eye makeup

Clothing Style: lazy, boyish

Any Tattoos/Piercings: none


Flaws: Odd approach to socializing, has a hard time making friends, inappropriate comments slip easily, nosey

Good Traits: She has a good sense of humor, for those who understand it, she's good at keeping friends, has a certain spot for giving people an understanding of things

Fears: meeting someone alike her

Hobbies: video games, figuring out secrets, and people watching

Goals: to have a better understanding of people

Grades: b average

Family Life: regular, nothing traumatic.


Bio: Jaden is described as odd by most of her classmates. The few friends she has just share a casual relationship with her, for she isn't too interested in making friends rather than simply watching the people around her. She is reserved, but can easily cough out a humorous remark in front of a group. She could be described as quiet, yet chatty by meeting her for the first time.
accepted! you can claim a room and start rping.
WannabePunk said:
[Quick Reminder: Up to 2 characters per account, and if you go so hardcore of bbcode that I can't read it, I won't accept it.]
Sorry if the CS seems too detailed for a Casual rp, but this is supposed to be what the people looked into when choosing the teens!

CS Requirements

Name: Mikal Isador

Age: 17

Birthday: May 30th, 1999, Gemini

Gender Identity: Cis male, he/him

Sexuality: Gay
Brief Description: Snapchat-3428921441289835721.jpg

Clothing Style: Grey longsleeve shirts and baggy pants

Any Tattoos/Piercings
: Gauges
Flaws: hot-headed, foul mouthed, never talks about emotions (3+, specify the largest flaw)

Good Traits: Talkative, Funny, Gets along well with people(3+, specify the best)

Fears: being alone

Hobbies: writing and drawing

Goals: Make a friend at least (1+)

Grades: ehhh

Family Life: Hates his adoptive parents for lying to him about parentage. He grew up in a good home though.
Bio: Mikal grew up in a nice house with a sister and both parents. He grew up bullied for looking different and found out he was adopted recently. He found out he has a brother and dead mother and this put him in a downward spiral that ended with him doing drugs and wrecking his relationship with his family. His parents, unsure of how to deal with their rebellious and hateful teen, they found the experiment and signed him up, so someone else would have to deal with him. (1+ paragraph)
(optional, for any notes you want to add)
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[QUOTE="Isabella Murdock]can i fix the bio and still join?

yup! just tell me when you fix it.
[QUOTE="Isabella Murdock]There you go. Let me know if I forgot anything and sorry about all the mistakes, I'm fairly new to this site.

thank you! your character is accepted! claim and room and start rping
CS Requirements

Name: Andrea

Age: 16

Birthday: Pisces

Gender Identity: Female, she her

Sexuality: Straight


Brief Description: High waisted skirts, shorts, and jeans with fun tees, a cardigan and purse. Topped with golden stained jewlry and boots.

Clothing Style: Preppy with an edge

Any Tattoos/Piercings
:2 ear piercings and an infinity sign on her ankle.
Flaws: Stubborn, Tries to cover up emotions (worst), Easily Annoyed

Good Traits: Tries to be helpful, Intelligent, Knows street smarts

Fears: Heights

Hobbies: Art

Goals: To do something in life worthy of peoples appreciation

Grades: A, rarely a B when she gets she and her parents beat her up about it (mentally)

Family Life: Rough, she has depression and her parents harsh expectations don't help. However with her older sister she is great.
Bio: An art obsessed and inter net loving 16 year old girl. For her a date during this long stay would be just one of the up sides to life without her parents.
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PieIsGood said:
CS Requirements
Name: Andrea

Age: 16

Birthday: Pisces

Gender Identity: Female, she her

Sexuality: Straight


Brief Description: High waisted skirts, shorts, and jeans with fun tees, a cardigan and purse. Topped with golden stained jewlry and boots.

Clothing Style: Preppy with an edge

Any Tattoos/Piercings
:2 ear piercings and an infinity sign on her ankle.
Flaws: Stubborn, Tries to cover up emotions (worst), Easily Annoyed

Good Traits: Tries to be helpful, Intelligent, Knows street smarts

Fears: Heights

Hobbies: Art

Goals: To do something in life worthy of peoples appreciation

Grades: A, rarely a B when she gets she and her parents beat her up about it (mentally)

Family Life: Rough, she has depression and her parents harsh expectations don't help. However with her older sister she is great.
Bio: An art obsessed and inter net loving 16 year old girl. For her a date during this long stay would be just one of the up sides to life without her parents.
Name: Beckett Williams (Beck)

Age: 18

Birthday: June 12, 1997(Gemini)

Gender Identity: Cis male(He/him)

Sexuality: Pansexual


Brief Description:

Beck is short in stature at only 5"8, lean, and fit. He considers himself to be unattractive, despite being told other wise by many. His blonde hair is fairly light but even more so during the summer. Beck's blue eyes are the only trait he received from his mother, and thinks of them as his best feature.

Clothing Style:

His clothing style is very plain and conservative, although sometimes he'll just throw on a t-shirt and jeans if he can't be bothered.

Any Tattoos/Piercings

He has one black stud in his right lobe, and small Roman numerals tattooed on his hip in the form of a date, although has never told anyone what it means.


•Beck's largest flaw is his mistrust in people, he is very closed in, and opens up to no one.

•Beck is also very shy, and introverted, tending to stay away from people.

•Beck is very self conscious, and has a low self confidence.

Good Traits

•Beck is very loyal, once you've gained his trust he will follow you until the end.

•He isn't judgemental, and if you get to know him, he can be a great person to talk to.

•he isn't afraid to speak his opinions, but respects others.

Fears:Beckett is afraid of public embarrassment, and dying in his sleep.

Hobbies:He plays piano, and the violin, and dabbles in drawing. As well as acting.

Goals: While Beck is shy, he really comes out of his shell while acting in things such as school plays, and aspires to be an actor.

Grades:Mostly As, and occasionally Bs.

Family Life:

Adopted as a baby, only child, two mothers.


Beck never knew his birth parents, only seen pictures, being put in the system at birth, and being adopted not long after. His moms, a lesbian couple in their early forties, were good to him, not having a lot of money but always making it by and giving him everything he could ever ask for. Growing up, Beck didn't really have any friends due to his tenancy to avoid any unecessary contact with people. His love for music, and acting though allowed him to connect with people, however he's still never had anything close to a best friend. As well, Beck has never been in a relationship, although being the secret romantic he is, he longs for one, but gender never mattering to him.
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Rhys said:
Name: Beckett(Beck)
Age: 18

Birthday: June 12, 1997(Gemini)

Gender Identity: Cis male(He/him)

Sexuality: Pansexual


Brief Description:

Beck is short in stature at only 5"8, lean, and fit. He considers himself to be unattractive, despite being told other wise by many. His blonde hair is fairly light but even more so during the summer. Beck's blue eyes are the only trait he received from his mother, and thinks of them as his best feature.

Clothing Style:

His clothing style is very plain and conservative, although sometimes he'll just throw on a t-shirt and jeans if he can't be bothered.

Any Tattoos/Piercings

He has one black stud in his right lobe, and small Roman numerals tattooed on his hip in the form of a date, although has never told anyone what it means.


•Beck's largest flaw is his mistrust in people, he is very closed in, and opens up to no one.

•Beck is also very shy, and introverted, tending to stay away from people.

•Beck is very self conscious, and has a low self confidence.

Good Traits

•Beck is very loyal, once you've gained his trust he will follow you until the end.

•He isn't judgemental, and if you get to know him, he can be a great person to talk to.

•he isn't afraid to speak his opinions, but respects others.

Fears:Beckett is afraid of public embarrassment, and dying in his sleep.

Hobbies:He plays piano, and the violin, and dabbles in drawing. As well as acting.

Goals: While Beck is shy, he really comes out of his shell while acting in things such as school plays, and aspires to be an actor.

Grades:Mostly As, and occasionally Bs.

Family Life:

Adopted as a baby, only child, two mothers.


Beck never knew his birth parents, only seen pictures, being put in the system at birth, and being adopted not long after. His moms, a lesbian couple in their early forties, were good to him, not having a lot of money but always making it by and giving him everything he could ever ask for. Growing up, Beck didn't really have any friends due to his tenancy to avoid any unecessary contact with people. His love for music, and acting though allowed him to connect with people, however he's still never had anything close to a best friend. As well, Beck has never been in a relationship, although being the secret romantic he is, he longs for one, but gender never mattering to him.
add a last name and then your accepted.
Hope this goes well... This is too much. I'll release my Bio later. @WannabePunk

  • Quote: "Hi! My name is Jackson, but you can call me Jack for short!"

    Name: Jackson Quips

    Nick: Jack-Jack, J-son and Jaja (hates it.)

    Birthday: June 16th 2001. Gemini. (born first by a half-hour.)

    Gender Identity: Male

    Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual.

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Name: Piper Smith

Age: 17

Birthday: Nov 13, Scorpio

Gender Identity: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual



Brief Description:

Piper is a sinewy fellow who stands at 5'9" and weighs approximately 135 pounds. He has relatively fair skin, light brown hair, and gray eyes.

Clothing Style:

Laid back and casual yet hardly tacky. His style is mostly centered around how he feels like dressing that day.

Any Tattoos/Piercings:

Has an "embarrassing" tattoo of peter pan on his foot. He considers it embarrassing because he doesn't remember getting it, and doesn't tell many people about his old *cough* still existing *cough* love of Disney.


Getting to know



-Despite being an ambivert, He has rather antisocial mannerisms and it isn't due to bashfulness. He doesn't like most people upon first meeting them unless they give him a reason to, even if he is polite to them.

-Rudeness is by far his biggest flaw. He is mischievous by nature, but his blunt honesty, sarcasm, or teasing mannerisms at times has caused a lot of trouble for him in the past. If he is overly polite to someone he doesn't know well it's a red flag that something is up. !!

-Gets bored quickly, sometimes stiring drama up in order get amusement. Other than this he doesn't go out of his way to be rude to people.

-He suffers from insomnia which he has medicine for, but hardly ever takes it unless he really wants to sleep at night.

Good Traits:

-Piper is highly intelligent and observant. It is his best quality as it's kept him from dropping out of school, and is helpful in noticing changes in people who spend a lot of time around him.

-Even though he can be a bit rude, he is a pretty laid back and confident person. It's easier than some might think to get on his good side.

-Once piper warms up to someone he starts to show more of his friendly side and he is incredibly loyal to those who gain his trust.


Dying without doing anything with his life.




-playing the flute






A's and high B's

Family Life:

Piper comes from a wealthy foster family, though it isn't very close knit they care for each other. Like many teens, he often gets a lot of pressure to succeed.



Piper was in the English system for a while before he was placed in his current home a few years ago. He's had a bit of trouble with under aged drinking and fights at school, usually caused by his smug attitude, but has managed to keep good grades. When he was really young he had an obsession with Disney movies, especially Peter Pan, and was apart of his school's band since the day he enrolled. He wasn't very enthusiastic about being shipped off somewhere, and hasn't the slightest idea why.

TrippyVirus said:
Hope this goes well... This is too much. I'll release my Bio later. @WannabePunk

  • Quote: "Hi! My name is Jackson, but you can call me Jack for short!"

    Name: Jackson Quips

    Nick: Jack-Jack, J-son and Jaja (hates it.)

    Birthday: June 16th 2001. Gemini. (born first by a half-hour.)

    Gender Identity: Male

    Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual.

  • Clear said:

    Name: Piper Smith

    Age: 17

    Birthday: Nov 13, Scorpio

    Gender Identity: Male, he/him

    Sexuality: Demiromantic Bisexual



    Brief Description:

    Piper is a sinewy fellow who stands at 5'9" and weighs approximately 135 pounds. He has relatively fair skin, light brown hair, and gray eyes.

    Clothing Style:

    Laid back and casual yet hardly tacky. His style is mostly centered around how he feels like dressing that day.

    Any Tattoos/Piercings:

    Has an "embarrassing" tattoo of peter pan on his foot. He considers it embarrassing because he doesn't remember getting it, and doesn't tell many people about his old *cough* still existing *cough* love of Disney.


    Getting to know



    -Despite being an ambivert, He has rather antisocial mannerisms and it isn't due to bashfulness. He doesn't like most people upon first meeting them unless they give him a reason to, even if he is polite to them.

    -Rudeness is by far his biggest flaw. He is mischievous by nature, but his blunt honesty, sarcasm, or teasing mannerisms at times has caused a lot of trouble for him in the past. If he is overly polite to someone he doesn't know well it's a red flag that something is up. !!

    -Gets bored quickly, sometimes stiring drama up in order get amusement. Other than this he doesn't go out of his way to be rude to people.

    -He suffers from insomnia which he has medicine for, but hardly ever takes it unless he really wants to sleep at night.

    Good Traits:

    -Piper is highly intelligent and observant. It is his best quality as it's kept him from dropping out of school, and is helpful in noticing changes in people who spend a lot of time around him.

    -Even though he can be a bit rude, he is a pretty laid back and confident person. It's easier than some might think to get on his good side.

    -Once piper warms up to someone he starts to show more of his friendly side and he is incredibly loyal to those who gain his trust.


    Dying without doing anything with his life.




    -playing the flute






    A's and high B's

    Family Life:

    Piper comes from a wealthy foster family, though it isn't very close knit they care for each other. Like many teens, he often gets a lot of pressure to succeed.



    Piper was in the English system for a while before he was placed in his current home a few years ago. He's had a bit of trouble with under aged drinking and fights at school, usually caused by his smug attitude, but has managed to keep good grades. When he was really young he had an obsession with Disney movies, especially Peter Pan, and was apart of his school's band since the day he enrolled. He wasn't very enthusiastic about being shipped off somewhere, and hasn't the slightest idea why.

    all accepted. go claim a room and start rping! (sadly, the twins will have to split due to all the rooms ready having somebody)
WannabePunk said:
all accepted. go claim a room and start rping! (sadly, the twins will have to split due to all the rooms ready having somebody)
So uh, Is one of the twins not in the rp? or both are in?
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  • Name: Fay Remedy

    Age: 17

    Birthday: October 15, Libra

    Gender Identity: Female, she/her


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poutysunshine said:
  • Name: Fay Remedy

    Age: 17

    Birthday: October 15, Libra

    Gender Identity: Female, she/her


so sorry I didn't get the notification!

accepted, go claim a room and start rping!

Name: Emilia Watson

Age: 16

Birthday: April 27th; Taurus

Gender Identity: Female (She & Her)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Brief Description: Weighing around 129,and with a height of 5 '2'. Emilia has dirty blonde hair and green eyes; Her overall figure is slightly under normal for a girl her age.

Clothing Style: Emilia tends to dress in different types of style based on how she feels. Most of the time she'll be either wearing dresses, sweaters with skirts, or a simple Shirt and skinny jeans/leggings.

Any Tattoos/Piercings: N/A


- "You're insecure... don't know what for." (Biggest Flaw): Emilia at a young age always enjoyed Fashion, though as time went by it affected her personally more than anything else. Most of the time, she won't be confident in the way she dresses.

- "The Silent Type...": Though she enjoys talking to her family it's always difficult for her to make friends, most of the time she would walk around a bit, and most of the time you would have to talk to her, more than her trying to talk to you.

- Weak-hearted: Confront Emilia about something that you disagree with? Is your voice a little bit sterner than usual? She'll take effect to it. She won't cry (Well in front of everyone), nor would she stutter. Most of the time she would tend to shy away, or try to talk her way out of a situation.

- "Scaredy Cat.": Emilia can get scared quite easily, especially when you surprise her out of nowhere!

- "The Snorer.": Emilia silent around people but is loud in her sleep, her Father always said he had his "Sleeping" Gene. Emilia will usually snoor & drool on her pillow.

Good Traits:

- Trustworthy: You need to talk to Emilia about some, She'll always listen and keep things with her, she hates to Gossip with anyone or start anything, so she'll always be trustworthy.

- Peaceful: In most situations, she would like to keep peace and not cause a spark. In most situations, she would either try to talk her way out of it privately.

- Nurturing: Emilia cares for others, especially her friends; though yes, she is a shy gal, Emilia will always try to help a friend in need when they need it.


- Rumors/Gossip: Emilia hates rumors about her, she doesn't want people talking about her as well as people harassing her.

- Heartbreaks: Though she steers away from relationships as much as possible, she always hated the feeling of a breakup, and scared if something like this happens.

- Bugs: She's a city gal, she hates any type of bug, especially if they're inside the house.

- Heights: She always had a fear of heights, even at a young age.


- Reading

- T.V

- Fashion/Dressing Up

- Drawing


- Make New Friends

- Survive the Summer

Grades:B's & C's. GPA: 2.883

Family Life: Lives a normal life, well with her Father
Bio: Living in a small town in Florida, Emilia grew up a very timid person; at a young age Emilia didn't really enjoy socializing much, most of the time during her elementary age, Emilia usually just stared and looked at kids in her class (She still does this) though as she got older she got a little bit more out of her shell, she talks a little bit but prefers to be quiet most of the time.

Oh! I forgot to speak of Emilia's family. Living with her Father, Emilia never really knew much about her Mother. She remembered her at a young age, but what her Father didn't tell her was that her Mother wanted a divorce, which probably affected her personality a little bit, as well as her getting into Fashion.

As Emilia got older she mostly just talks to her small group of friends, and just enjoys to relax at home. However, it all changed once her Father got an offer about a place for her to spend her summertime in.... and boy will it be an adventure.

(optional, for any notes you want to add)
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Pure said:

Name: Emilia Watson

Age: 16

Birthday: April 27th; Taurus

Gender Identity: Female (She & Her)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Brief Description: Weighing around 129,and with a height of 5 '2'. Emilia has dirty blonde hair and green eyes; Her overall figure is slightly under normal for a girl her age.

Clothing Style: Emilia tends to dress in different types of style based on how she feels. Most of the time she'll be either wearing dresses, sweaters with skirts, or a simple Shirt and skinny jeans/leggings.

Any Tattoos/Piercings: N/A


- "You're insecure... don't know what for." (Biggest Flaw): Emilia at a young age always enjoyed Fashion, though as time went by it affected her personally more than anything else. Most of the time, she won't be confident in the way she dresses.

- "The Silent Type...": Though she enjoys talking to her family it's always difficult for her to make friends, most of the time she would walk around a bit, and most of the time you would have to talk to her, more than her trying to talk to you.

- Weak-hearted: Confront Emilia about something that you disagree with? Is your voice a little bit sterner than usual? She'll take effect to it. She won't cry (Well in front of everyone), nor would she stutter. Most of the time she would tend to shy away, or try to talk her way out of a situation.

- "Scaredy Cat.": Emilia can get scared quite easily, especially when you surprise her out of nowhere!

- "The Snorer.": Emilia silent around people but is loud in her sleep, her Father always said he had his "Sleeping" Gene. Emilia will usually snoor & drool on her pillow.

Good Traits:

- Trustworthy: You need to talk to Emilia about some, She'll always listen and keep things with her, she hates to Gossip with anyone or start anything, so she'll always be trustworthy.

- Peaceful: In most situations, she would like to keep peace and not cause a spark. In most situations, she would either try to talk her way out of it privately.

- Nurturing: Emilia cares for others, especially her friends; though yes, she is a shy gal, Emilia will always try to help a friend in need when they need it.


- Rumors/Gossip: Emilia hates rumors about her, she doesn't want people talking about her as well as people harassing her.

- Heartbreaks: Though she steers away from relationships as much as possible, she always hated the feeling of a breakup, and scared if something like this happens.

- Bugs: She's a city gal, she hates any type of bug, especially if they're inside the house.

- Heights: She always had a fear of heights, even at a young age.


- Reading

- T.V

- Fashion/Dressing Up

- Drawing


- Make New Friends

- Survive the Summer

Grades:B's & C's. GPA: 2.883

Family Life: Lives a normal life, well with her Father
Bio: Living in a small town in Florida, Emilia grew up a very timid person; at a young age Emilia didn't really enjoy socializing much, most of the time during her elementary age, Emilia usually just stared and looked at kids in her class (She still does this) though as she got older she got a little bit more out of her shell, she talks a little bit but prefers to be quiet most of the time.

Oh! I forgot to speak of Emilia's family. Living with her Father, Emilia never really knew much about her Mother. She remembered her at a young age, but what her Father didn't tell her was that her Mother wanted a divorce, which probably affected her personality a little bit, as well as her getting into Fashion.

As Emilia got older she mostly just talks to her small group of friends, and just enjoys to relax at home. However, it all changed once her Father got an offer about a place for her to spend her summertime in.... and boy will it be an adventure.

(optional, for any notes you want to add)
accepted, claim a room and start rping

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