• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ☼Summer Vacation☼


From Dusk till Dawn

Character Sheet

Appearance (Realistic Pictures or Gifs)






Place of Birth



Personality(1 Paragraph)

School Life


Bad Habits:

Secret(s)(Must have at least 2)







Bedroom(Check GALLERY)



(Anything else you would like to add for your Character)

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Avalon Menese

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca50403e7_ShayMitchell.png.44f89a1202c70661a75a633b2643fc4c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca50403e7_ShayMitchell.png.44f89a1202c70661a75a633b2643fc4c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Avalon Menese

Age: 20

Role: The Cheerleader

Sexuality: Heterosexual

D.O.B: 14 Febuary

Place of Birth: Philipines

Languages: Filipino, English

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e25ad2c9043180d23a1242406718e217.png.8f5e91e6ccec2acafcd72361b09b0e71.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e25ad2c9043180d23a1242406718e217.png.8f5e91e6ccec2acafcd72361b09b0e71.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Avalon is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Avalon tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Avalon can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Likes: Cursive Writing, Latte Art, Calming Music

Dislikes: Tasteless Tattoos, Tiny Dogs, Monopoly

Fears: Lightening, Her Father

Bad Habits: Ordering more than she needs, forgetting what she was talking about mid-sentence.

Strengths: Intelligent, Kind, Level-headed

Weaknesses: Her anxiety, Competitive, Over thinks

Secret(s): -Avalon had gotten pregnant but later lost the child

-She has a strong dependency on alcohol


College: UNC

Career: Student

Job: Volunteers at a local Autism Center & Works as a Casheir

Friends: TBR

Girl/Boyfriend: TBR ~((PM Me))~

Digging Deeper

History: When Avalon was born you wouldn't have known it. Her mother hopping right off the hospital bed right after she was born, and got dressed and ready for work. From what Mahala has heard through the whispers of the workers in her house, she was a mistake. A hiccup in her parents busy lives though Avalon didn't seem to care.

Both her parents were in high ranking jobs meaning Avalon could live comfortably without a worry in the world. Every month her father sent her, what Avalon liked to call 'hush money', an allowance. As long as the money continued to flow in Avalon wasn't one to complain. On her 16th birthday, her father had gotten her a W Motors Lykan Hypersport even though she didn't know how to drive yet.

Her father was the one who placed a lot of pressure on Avalon during high school. If she was not the student with the highest scores, the highest rank or first overall she had no reason to live...or so she's been told. There was no room for error with her father and when Avalon moved out the pressure was still there to come out on top.



Tattoo(s): N/A

Piercing(s): N/A



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Name: Corie Marie Thompson

Age: 18

Role: The Girly Girl

Sexuality: Heterosexual

D.O.B: April 18

Place of Birth: Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)

Language(s): English and French



Corie was born in Canada, her parents were born and raised there. For the first few years of her life she lived there and everything seemed to be going perfect. That is until late November, when Corie was 7 her parents and her grandfather went out to watch a music series in the park a few miles from their home, on their way there they were hit by a drunk driver. Her father died on impact and her grandfather and mother were rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. Her mother was paralyzed and her grandfather suffered from brain injuries and didn't make it. For a few weeks Corie stayed in her room for a while, she didn't want to go to school or do much for that matter. Corie's aunt came up from DC for the services and suggested for them all to go live near her, so they did, they packed up and moved to the US.


Corie has a very relaxed and calm personality, she doesn't like any type of confrontation. Corie enjoys going and having fun, she loves hanging out with her friends and family. Corie is protective, almost like having a motherly persona to herself, she likes to make sure that everyone around her is safe. Although Corie has a dark past she tries her best to keep it to herself, she believes that her drama and issues are her's and things get out of control so quickly when more and more people get involved. Corie can be emotional at times and let her emotions get the best of her, She can react on impulse. Corie likes things a certain way, all of her belongings have a particular place and spot and if they aren't in their spot then she freaks out. Corie enjoys dressing up in a nice dress and heels, doing her hair really nice, it makes her feel better about herself, and through that it radiates off to those around her.


Can be too sensitive at times




Stubborn (At times)







Bad Habits: Constantly Cleaning (Like pretty much most of the day she is cleaning)


1) How her Father and Grandfather passed

2) She has Narcolepsy ( A sleeping disorder, Causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness)

School Life

College: Empire Beauty School

Career: Cosmetologist

Job: Hair stylist and Massage Therapist




Bedroom: #

Tattoos: Nope

Piercings: Nope

Anythings Else: She is Cameron's Twin Sister

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The Nerd


Spencer Rafael Staton || 18

  • Back to the Basics



    April 14th in Los Angeles, California

    English ||German|| Spanish
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Maven Parks


May 25, 1997 | Portland, ME

Freshman in College

Female | Straight



Strong Willed

Down to Earth



Free Spirit


Short Fuse






Spencer Staton {
@Dandelion Princess }

Persona- Maven has a very bubbly and happy personality, always looking on the bright side of things. She's very optimistic and adventurous, never liking the idea of sitting and watching the day pass by. She loves going on hikes, shopping, exerting energy. Her favorite movies are either horror flicks or anything Disney, and her favorite bands are: Vance Joy, Fly Boy, The Lumineers, City and Colour, and The Paper Kites.


+ Maven hates alcohol + she has a horrifying fear of spiders +

|works at a book store|

Belly button & Nose piercing


Ever since Maven was a little girl, she was always searching for a thrilling game to play. She loved the adrenaline and the feeling of adventure. Her curious mind got her into a bit of trouble, but it never stopped her. Her idea of fun was a bit more dangerous and out of others' comfort zone, and most of the thrilling thing she did, she did alone. Until one night, after hours, she was driving home from a friend's bonfire and being alone, she took a back road. Driving over seventy miles an hour, she hit a deer, twisted off of the road, and rolled her car almost three to four times. The doctors had said if she had missed the deer while spinning off the road, she wouldn't have made it, the impact acted as a cushion for the most part and it slowed the process down. After that night, Maven has been more cautious at night, especially when driving alone.

Maven has both biological parents, Alyssa and Ray Parks and her little brother, Simon. Being the older sister, she is forced to be a better role model. But her reckless actions caused otherwise, led her parents to no choice but give up on their eldest child, and focus more on their angel, Ollie. Of course, Maven still loves him to death, but her rebellious heart won't stop her from being an adrenaline junkie. Especially when her parents tell her not to do something.

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Aaliyah Nikki Rose


Eighteen 1/2


The Social Butterfly




August 9-Leo

Place of Birth









Aaliyah was born in Barcelona,Spain with her mother named Brianna who was a model and an actress along with her father named Brandon who was an model and a singer, and her older brother Matthew who was in middle school doing sports and wanting to become an Professional Football Player. When Aaliyah or Nikki was about 10 years old, her and her family had to move out of Barcelona and move to the city of fame which was in Hollywood. Ever since that day when the Rose Family moved in everything changed in the life style, Aaliyah hated the fame, the paparazzi and people talking about how lucky she is to have this life, but to her it was a curse. Aaliyah was finally 16 had lots of friends and she was single and happy to be. That was until one night, her dad came home drunk and her mom and older brother was in Spain to visit grandparents while I had to stay here doing school work. Aaliyah was doing her homework like any school night is like and her dad's friend came in her room and started to take off her clothes and it got worse, she tried to stop him starts to slap him and punch him but it never worked and since that day Aaliyah was over protective and afraid that someone was going to do it again. Her dad never saw or heard anything because he was drunk and she didn't tell Matt because she was to scared to. After graduating from High school, she moved away in to Malibu in a nice house with only her and her older brother because she couldn't stand to live with her parents no more. So her and Matt has been living together ever since, and Aaliyah will always have that dare secret that no ones knows about.


Aaliyah is a very laughable, caring and loving person. Everyone would fall for her in a good way of being friends because she is an social butterfly. She is very talented in her own way by playing the piano and guitar, she is creative and smart but never book smart. She is very strict on herself to make everything she does prefect. She can be a neat freak and some what a trouble maker, She is flirty in her own way and a drinker. She is very friendly to everyone even the ones that gets outcast.



*Not Protective over herself

*Always get controlled by someone


*Keeping things Professional

*Modeling Skills

*Having Lots of Friends

Bad Habits

*Plays with hair when flirting

*Taps her pen/pencil when thinking

*Drinks when things happens to her or to take her mind off things

*Laughs when she tries to get avoid questions


*Is still an "Virgin"

*One of her dad's drunk friends raped her

*Never had a boyfriend

*Don't like the Fame and Riches


Los Angeles School of Modeling and Arts


Professional Model


Part-time Life Guard

Friends & Love Interest

PM me and I will do some PMing as well

no slide
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Name: Cameron Anthony Thompson

Age: 18

Role: The Jock

Sexuality: Heterosexual

D.O.B: April 18

Place of Birth: Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)

Languages: English and French



Cameron and Corie were born in Canada, their parents were born and raised there. For the first few years of his life he lived there and everything seemed to be going perfect. That is until late November, when the twins were 7 their parents and her grandfather went out to watch a music series in the park a few miles from their home, on their way there they were hit by a drunk driver. His father died on impact and his grandfather and mother were rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. His mother was paralyzed and his grandfather suffered from brain injuries and didn't make it. For a few weeks Cameron stayed in his room for a while, he didn't want to go to school or do much for that matter. Cameron's aunt came up from DC for the services and suggested for them all to go live near her, so they did, they packed up and moved to the US.


Cameron is much like his sister, well in some respects he is. He is more out going than his sister is, he likes going out and talking to people and taking risks. Although he is just as protective as his sister is, he is tough and if anyone tries to mess with her, they better hit the road before he finds out. Cameron tries his hardest to stay drama free, but because of his friends he had he always seemed in the middle of it all so he learned a little on how to properly handle it. Cameron doesn't like to tell people about his past, he doesn't think its anyone else's business but his own and his sisters. Cameron likes things in a certain way, even if his is more a messy approach, all of his clothes have a specific place, on the floor that is. Cameron loves to work out or go outside and play sports, if you ever need to find him the first place you should go looking is in the gym.



Overly Protective








Bad Habits: He doesn't make eye contact, with anyone


1) His Past (What happened to his parents and grandfather)

2) One night when he was 8 he snapped and almost tried to kill his sister (He blames her for what happened to his parents and grandfather), and he had to go away for a few weeks, and now has to take medication

School Life

College: Nashville Auto Diesel College

Career: Diesel Technology

Job: Mechanic




Bedroom: #1

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Anything Else: He is Corie's Twin Brother



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    Name: Jamie Rowe

    Age: 20

    Height: 6'1

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Brown

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Role: The Class Clown

    Crush: PM for possible plots

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4.jpg.6eaa02e1bee99724f47b7e312be7140a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129903" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/4.jpg.6eaa02e1bee99724f47b7e312be7140a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Name: Ryder Cole // Born: January 23, Boston // Age: 19

Role: The Stoner

Sexuality: Heterosexual // Language: English

Ryder was born in Boston. He got rich, divorced parents that he hates. He plays the drums, loves weed and alcohol and wants to travel the world. He never let anyone know that he cares. Most of the time he's an ok person, but he's always playing tough. It scares him that he got no idea what he wants to become.

Weakness: Easily angry, Aggressiv, Womanizer, Pothead /// Strengths: Intelligent, Funny, Charming

Secrets: He had sex with his brothers girlfriend // He's a dealer

College: Los Angels City College

Job: Part Time Mechanic



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5.jpg.1df092e96affedd418befa87599ca5be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/5.jpg.1df092e96affedd418befa87599ca5be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/6.jpg.704e8fa26ac24653d56a77c3fa0aab69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/6.jpg.704e8fa26ac24653d56a77c3fa0aab69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ryder Cole // Born: January 23, Boston // Age: 19

Role: The Stoner

Sexuality: Heterosexual // Language: English

Ryder was born in Boston. He got rich, divorced parents that he hates. He plays the drums, loves weed and alcohol and wants to travel the world. He never let anyone know that he cares. Most of the time he's an ok person, but he's always playing tough. It scares him that he got no idea what he wants to become.

Weakness: Easily angry, Aggressiv, Womanizer, Pothead /// Strengths: Intelligent, Funny, Charming

Secrets: He had sex with his brothers girlfriend // He's a dealer

College: Los Angels City College

Job: Part Time Mechanic



View attachment 289390
Okay there are two of you so this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to accept both of you guys so it would be fair but your going to saw a room
[QUOTE="Aaliyah Walker]Okay there are two of you so this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to accept both of you guys so it would be fair but your going to saw a room

That's cool, I don't really care which room my character sleeps in so just put me in one.
PixieDusts said:
Um... Question, is it to late to join...?
No your not to late there is two more spots open which is the bad girl and the bad boy
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Sorry it took so long,

@Aaliyah Walker, got busy with the family.​


All You



"Deadpool! Nah,
Daenerys Belew... Call me Khaleesi"


"Does age really matter?


"I wouldn't consider myself a
Bad Girl... Wait, Nope, I do..."


"I am
heterosexual... If you don't know what that is, it's straight..."


"Are you some Stalker?
May 30th"

Place of Birth:

"Getting weirder and weirder.
Placerville California"


"I speak mostly
English, but I can also speak Japanese"


"Okay, get ready to listen close!
When I was little, Watashi wa itsumo Nihon ni iku koto o yumemite. Dakara, watashinohaha wa watashi o soko ni toru koto ni shitaga, hitotsu no j?ken de, watashi ga shiharawanakereba narimasendeshita. Dakara, watashideshita. Watashi wa shigoto o shutoku shite inai, okane o hozon shitaga, denki shokku ry?h? yaku no hanbai, no y?na mono o shimashita. Watashi wa nagai ma ni tagu o tsuke, watashi no ane to ot?to to Nihondeattaga, watashi no im?to to ot?todatta, watashi no mama to papa wa kuruma no jiko ni norikomimashita. Kizu wa... Ipp?, watashinohaha ga seizon shinakatta watashin?t?san no tame no osorosh?deshita. Watashi wa utsuby? ni haitta, watashi no y?jin wa mohaya watashi no y?jinde wa nakattaga, watashi wa k?ch? ga hinpan ni watashiwomite, dare ni mimi o katamukemashita. Watashi wa bagu watashin?t?san ni ikutsu ka no irezumi, shikashi, dare peircings o emashita. Watashi wa 15 yeards furukatta toki ni, subete no koto ga okorimashita. Ima, watashi wa 2tsu toshiue no tanky? shiyou to shite,-ka o deta nochi, watashi wa watashinochichi to watashi no ky?dai o nokoshite 18desu. Watashi wa mettani nai hont?ni sono mikan koto ni, ima sorera o miteinai... Shikashi, watashi wa yoi shigoto o shitainode, ima watashi wa daigaku ni ikunakya... Don't understand? All I gotta say is I moved. Moved from home to Rhode Island. "


"Want me to say in Japanese? Nah I won't bother.
To be honest I think I'm a very kind person. But of course I'll never show my sweet, loving, adorable side. I may be short, and I tell you that now, but I have a big temper, and trust me, it's pretty big. It's trigger easy per say, maybe a little harder than I make it seem. Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"




Um, I don't know I guess a weakness could be that that I bite my lip, but also that I can never really trust anyone. The thing is, I hate people... And can never really trust anyone. That's why I have no friends. But no matter, I have a few strengths maybe... I think before I speak.. I guess that's good. I know how to be interesting. I know how to keep secrets. I don't know... Stuff like that."

Bad Habits:

I bite my lip a lot. I mean I also burn things a lot too, but mostly just biting my lip."


Please don't tell anyone... I've been rapped a few times and that's the reason I don't trust people. I mean There's another one.. and I guess I can tell you... I shower naked... Nah, I actually have a habit of drinking. Picked it up from my dad.... Oh... Another thing... my dad is the first person to rape me..."


Full Sail University. RISD"


Graphic Designer hopefully..."


I'm a part time worker at a candy shop!"


My Besty: Aaliyah... Um... Another friend is Kyle..."


Haha! Me? Never gonna happen!"

To Know



"Kinda want


"How'd you know...?"





No! None!"


Worst thing about me... I'm 4'6..."

Eye color:

Ocean Blue"

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PixieDusts said:

Sorry it took so long,

@Aaliyah Walker, got busy with the family.​


All You



"Deadpool! Nah,
Daenerys Belew... Call me Khaleesi"


"Does age really matter?


"I wouldn't consider myself a
Bad Girl... Wait, Nope, I do..."


"I am
heterosexual... If you don't know what that is, it's straight..."


"Are you some Stalker?
May 30th"

Place of Birth:

"Getting weirder and weirder.
Placerville California"


"I speak mostly
English, but I can also speak Japanese"


"Okay, get ready to listen close!
When I was little, Watashi wa itsumo Nihon ni iku koto o yumemite. Dakara, watashinohaha wa watashi o soko ni toru koto ni shitaga, hitotsu no j?ken de, watashi ga shiharawanakereba narimasendeshita. Dakara, watashideshita. Watashi wa shigoto o shutoku shite inai, okane o hozon shitaga, denki shokku ry?h? yaku no hanbai, no y?na mono o shimashita. Watashi wa nagai ma ni tagu o tsuke, watashi no ane to ot?to to Nihondeattaga, watashi no im?to to ot?todatta, watashi no mama to papa wa kuruma no jiko ni norikomimashita. Kizu wa... Ipp?, watashinohaha ga seizon shinakatta watashin?t?san no tame no osorosh?deshita. Watashi wa utsuby? ni haitta, watashi no y?jin wa mohaya watashi no y?jinde wa nakattaga, watashi wa k?ch? ga hinpan ni watashiwomite, dare ni mimi o katamukemashita. Watashi wa bagu watashin?t?san ni ikutsu ka no irezumi, shikashi, dare peircings o emashita. Watashi wa 15 yeards furukatta toki ni, subete no koto ga okorimashita. Ima, watashi wa 2tsu toshiue no tanky? shiyou to shite,-ka o deta nochi, watashi wa watashinochichi to watashi no ky?dai o nokoshite 18desu. Watashi wa mettani nai hont?ni sono mikan koto ni, ima sorera o miteinai... Shikashi, watashi wa yoi shigoto o shitainode, ima watashi wa daigaku ni ikunakya... Don't understand? All I gotta say is I moved. Moved from home to Rhode Island. "


"Want me to say in Japanese? Nah I won't bother.
To be honest I think I'm a very kind person. But of course I'll never show my sweet, loving, adorable side. I may be short, and I tell you that now, but I have a big temper, and trust me, it's pretty big. It's trigger easy per say, maybe a little harder than I make it seem. Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"




Um, I don't know I guess a weakness could be that that I bite my lip, but also that I can never really trust anyone. The thing is, I hate people... And can never really trust anyone. That's why I have no friends. But no matter, I have a few strengths maybe... I think before I speak.. I guess that's good. I know how to be interesting. I know how to keep secrets. I don't know... Stuff like that."

Bad Habits:

I bite my lip a lot. I mean I also burn things a lot too, but mostly just biting my lip."


Please don't tell anyone... I've been rapped a few times and that's the reason I don't trust people. I mean There's another one.. and I guess I can tell you... I shower naked... Nah, I actually have a habit of drinking. Picked it up from my dad.... Oh... Another thing... my dad is the first person to rape me..."


Full Sail University. RISD"


Graphic Designer hopefully..."


I'm a part time worker at a candy shop!"


To be honest I would love some! But I don't have any..."


Haha! Me? Never gonna happen!"

To Know



"Kinda want


"How'd you know...?"





No! None!"


Worst thing about me... I'm 4'6..."

Eye color:

Ocean Blue"

It's alright I understand :D
Kyle "KK" Kormick

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cool-Men-Hair-2015.jpg.6f1a38cf366b2b0b6e84df3893d89a8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cool-Men-Hair-2015.jpg.6f1a38cf366b2b0b6e84df3893d89a8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Age: 19

Role: The Bad Boy

Sexuality: Straight as a pole

D.O.B: July 7, 1997

Place of Birth: Santa Barbara, CA

Language: English

Personality: Kyle is very reserved about his personal things, unless he really likes you or you get to know him. Then he has that cool, calm and caring side. He can be very defensive of himself or the people he cares about. He has a not really big temper, but it's enough to scare you. He talks a lot with people, and is not really shy. He sometimes can make funny jokes and is really witty.





Very protective

Temper can be scary if angered


Bad Habits:

Bites nails when panicking, burns random crap

Secrets: Kyle almost tried to drown his own friend for spray painting one part of his house. He also

College: UCLA

Career: Graphics Designer

Job: Currently a Waiter at a fancy restaurant

Friends: Ryder Cole (@Lilli), Spencer Rafael Staton (@Dandelion Princess), Aaliyah N Rose (@Aaliyah Walker), and Daenerys "Khaleesi" Belew (@PixieDusts)

Girl/Boyfriend: None yet
Bedroom: Bedroom 1

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None



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Mquery said:
Kyle "KK" KormickView attachment 290566


Age: 19

Role: The Socializer

Sexuality: Straight as a pole

D.O.B: July 7, 1997

Place of Birth: Santa Barbara, CA

Language: English

Personality: Kyle is very reserved about his personal things, unless he really likes you or you get to know him. Then he has that cool, calm and caring side. He can be very defensive of himself or the people he cares about. He has a not really big temper, but it's enough to scare you. He talks a lot with people, and is not really shy. He sometimes can make funny jokes and is really witty.





Very protective

Temper can be scary if angered


Bad Habits:

Bites nails when panicking, burns random crap

Secrets: Kyle almost tried to drown his own friend for spray painting one part of his house. He also

College: UCLA

Career: Graphics Designer

Job: Currently a Waiter at a fancy restaurant

Friends: Ryder Cole (@Lilli), Spencer Rafael Staton (@Dandelion Princess), and Aaliyah N Rose (@Aaliyah Walker)

Girl/Boyfriend: None yet
Bedroom: Bedroom 1

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None
There is no Socailizer but there is a Bad boy if you choice to be that one
[QUOTE="Aaliyah Walker]There is no Socailizer but there is a Bad boy if you choice to be that one

okie dokie

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