Summer Vacation

Kat hoped out of the car and looks around she puts on her cool red sun glasses and leans on a rail (just like in the picture) she closes her eyes and nearly jumped out of her skin when jake ran his fingers through her soft ,straight hair "jumpy much" he smiled and stole her glasses to see her blue eyes he guessed she disliked it because she stomped on his foot and huged destiny from behind trying to scare her
Scarlett looked at the clock and sighed, picking up her phone and sending a mass text to her friends. 'Mikey's still sleepin. Sorry. Where are you?' She groaned and headed to Michelangelo's room, shaking him violently and dodged the flopping of his limbs. "Get up, lazy. Time to get ready to go see the others." She waited for him to open his eyes and then smiled, satisfied, and headed back down the stairs to find something quick to eat.

Mikey groaned at watched Scarlett retreat from his room, looking overly proud with herself as she left him to get himself ready. He groaned again and slipped from the covers, getting himself dressed in a pair of jeans, a tee, and his hooded leather jacket. His sister usually laughed at him for wearing it in the warm summer months, but it made him feel more complete than just a tee shirt did. He headed down the stairs after Scarlett and shook his head, watching her eat some cereal. "I thought We had to go." He muttered, glaring at her jokingly. She glared back seriously and continued eating.
Erabella kept a wide smile on her face as she practically dragged Destiny up to the house. She chuckled "Not quite what I'm used to, but it's nice." She fingered her necklaces and pulled off the starfish. She draped it around Destiny's neck "A present. To represent our best summer ever."
Destiny got overwhelmed by everything happening at once. She told everyone to get into the beach house while she drives to get scarlett and mikey.
Erabella sighed "I'm staying here. I just drove 94 miles and need to sleep." she went upstairs to room she had picked. She curled up on the bed and fell asleep.
Scarlett looked down at her phone and smiled, then finished off her cereal and headed into the living room. "Someone's coming to get us. I guess it's easier than directions, but they could let you drive." She smiled and sat beside Mikey, who was staring intently at the screen. "What's on?""Mythbuster's rerun." He muttered quickly. One of his favorite shows. He liked getting to see how something could be fact or an obvious myth. He felt Scarlett's eyes still on him. "What's this one about?" "Curving bullets."
Destiny showed up in their drive way and honked the horn. She popped her head out of the window and looked to see if anyone was home. "Hmmmm... Maybe they didnt hear me?" She muttered to herself. She texted Scarlett to see where they are. Dumb-founded that she didnt even knock she saw Scarlett and Mikey in the living room to be watching what appears to be a mythbusters re-run. She chuckled and honked once more.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Back at the house Brandon was bored and didnt know what to do. Destiny was taking way too long for a half hour drive. Its almost past 3:00pm. He was surprised he even worried about that but something in his head made that thought come up. He noticed everyone was tired. Road trips can be exhausting. He exhaled deeply. He was tired....
(( [MENTION=1974]meggibaby[/MENTION] hi ))

Sage held her stomach and sat up with a sharp pain in her stomach. "O-Ow!"
"you ok" Jake walked over to Sage with a carming smile.He brushed away the black hair in his face to see her better.
"C-Can you get me Brandon?" She groaned a bit. She knew that he could be a jerk but he was still who she wanted.
[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] // Hey sorry this is such a late post ive been kinda not in the mood to roleplay for the past week, trouble with relationships and stuff /:

Brandon asked Sage what was wrong because he actually really cared. She looked like she was in so much pain. He panicked and asked someone to help him get Sage to a doctors or something.

Meanwhile Destiny was driving back with scarlett and Mikey and they arrived shortly to the house with a ton of worried faces and Brandon panicking. "hmmmm i didnt know he carried the emotion to care enough to panic..." Destiny retorted to her self in her head.
[MENTION=1974]meggibaby[/MENTION] it's cool, I have too

She looked at him and hugged him. "No. I don't wanna see anyone.."
(( [MENTION=1974]meggibaby[/MENTION] Hey it's Ash Autopsy, I normally log in through facebook and the option isn't showing so I have to post here until further notice from the mods. ))
(( [MENTION=2184]Nethwan[/MENTION], meggibaby hasn't been on in a while and I don't even know if she's coming back on ))

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