Summer Vacation

[MENTION=1979]missnoblerose[/MENTION] //Accepted ^____^

[MENTION=1994]nomnomcrash[/MENTION] //accepted

[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] //accepted but please create a guy to accompany your girl

--- Merged Double Post ---

Destiny suggests that they sleep instead of drive all night and then the next day theyll stop to pick up the rest of the group. She received texts from Katherine and Jake so they will meet them at their apartment on the way. Destiny is really excited that they wanted to join in on the road trip she couldnt stop talking about it on the way to the motel 6.

The next day she got two more texts from scarlett and mikey. She was so happy but they are 3 hours out from where theyre picking up Kat and Jake. Brandon was mad and argued endlessly with Destiny. The fight got pretty intense and left Destiny speechless which we all know is near to impossible......
kat yawned as they waited for destiny and brandon mean while jake was shirtless working on a mustang car kat walked outside to help jake when he says "take off your shirt i need it" kat was shocked and punches him till he falls then she gives him her shirt "what the hell kat!!!" kat was wearing a black bra with a pink heart on the left side by then destiny and brandon was there she smiles and waves at coner and destiny being the only people she knows
"HEYYYY KITTYYY KAT!!!" Destiny waves sporatically out the window and Brandon rolls his eyes. Excited she jumps out of the car and runs up to hug Kat but slightly hesitates because shes only in her bra. "Seems like youve been stripping for Jake again?" She chuckles.
she growls at jake and steals his shirt "1 sec" she rushes in the apt and puts on a black mini skirt with swim wear under it then she puts on her swim top to her gothic black bikini she puts on jakes shirt leaving it open then she rushes down stairs and walks out she was looking very hot in her new look she takes off her sunglasses and looks at brandon "who is that" she asks puting her arm around destiny


Jarren Luke Arienala







[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] //accepted :b

"looking good Kat (;, and oh him. Thats Brandon. He's a jerk." She rolls her eyes sickingly.
(( [MENTION=1974]meggibaby[/MENTION] hiya(; ))

Sage sighed and sat back in the car, not looking at Brandon because she was frustrated with him.

Connor smiled and waved.
she slightly snickers. "mind if i try him out?" she looks over at brandon, testingly as jake throws the bags in the back of the truck he wipes some sweat off his fore head and sighs as he looks over at kat (she is so going to tear him up) he smiles,and gets lost i his thoughts about kat and keeps silent for a long time, he just stands there gazeing at her.
Erabella stepped out of her sleek black sports car and pulled off her Ray Bans. She surveyed the exterior of the house and shrugged. She grabbed her designer suitcase out of the trunk and walked up to the door. She knocked and after no one answered opened the door. She surveyed the interior of the house and shrugged again. It wasn't what she was used to, but, hey, she was here with her friends, what did it matter? Yes, she had been raised in a rich family and not everything lived upto her expectations. But should she care? No. This was going to be a good summer with her friends. No matter what the place looked like she was going to have fun. She walked inside and sound a room. She placed her things agains the foot board of the bed. Erabella walked down the stairs and out the back door.

Jarren drove down the road and searched for the house where he would be staying. He finally found it and pulled into the driveway, his 1989 Ford complaining the whole time. He grabbed the blue duffel bag from the back seat and jogged up to the house. He walked inside and nodded his approval. Definately nicer than he had expected. He pulled off his Green Bay baseball cap and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He really needed to get the air conditioning in his car fixed. He took the stairs two at a time and threw his stuff in a room. He sighed and walked outside. He laced his fingers and put his hands behind his head. This was going to be a good summer, he knew it.

Their Clothes-



The pink one..




Destiny told everyone to hurry up becuase she got a text from erabella that theyre already at the house. Everyone rushes into the van and Destiny tells Kat about how brandon is selfish and inconsiderate and never settles down. Hes usually a one night stand kind of guy. But then she got side track and talked bout how he actually does have a heart. She sat with Sage and Connor disturbed at her own words

[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] heyy (;
Brandon looks at Sage and gives her a "try to hard" smile. He feels awful for making her think bad of him but hes not sure how to say sorry. He never felt the need to. He seemed to notice Kat though. Which made Destiny slightly mad. She knows how Kat works and unfortunatley how Brandon functions as well. She takes a deep breath and smiles at Sage and starts a conversation about how wonderful the vacation house is.
"Was it the food?" Brandon asks kind of worried. He looks at her and stared in her eyes. He obviously tell she doesnt look so well and frowns.
He leans over trying to comfort her. "Theres something wrong. Loook were almost at the house once were there you need to go to the doctors."
I'm watching the titanic and i'm ready to ball my eyes out..

She looked over to him and shifted slightly, leaning on him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

brb going out to eat, be back.
Erabella pulled out her iPhone 4S and smiled at the custom cover. It was her and her best friends at the beach. She quickly texted Destiny again. She read over it once before sending 'Another guy here. IDK what his name is. Hurry!' She sent the text and shoved the phone into her pocket. She glanced over at the boy and caught him staring at her butt. She shot daggers at him and he rolled his eyes. Luckily he looked away or he would've had some problems.
Destiny yelled at Connor to drive faster and everyone started bustling up a commotion. They soon arrived at the beach house not too long after noon. Sage pointed out Erabella and Destiny bursted out a excited "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!"
Erabella screamed as most girls do when they see their best friends. She ran over and hugged her friend. She pulled back, a grin on her face "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She hugged her again and finally turned around to see the guy. This time he was staring at Destiny's chest. Erabella shook her head "Perv." Jarren looked hurt at the comment and looked away, he couldn't help it if he was attracted to girls. Well, he could..but- ok just stop that thought. He sighed and walked over to the van. He looked around for somebody, anybody he knew.
Destiny screamed in joy seeing Erabella. She couldnt remember the last time she hung out with her. She also looked over at Jarren. He did come off as a pervert but he's cute!!! She held her thoughts in and smiled back at Erabella.

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