Summer Vacation


New Member
Story: A group of friends set off to a road trip out to a beach house. (5 boys and 5 girls prefferably) Some can be couples and some can be just friends. We can also add people we meet on the way. These friends have a blast and theres romance drama and other dilemnas but it shows the unity of a group of friends and how one can always have your back no matter what. The story can go in any direction needed to keep this RP alive.



Age: (17-20)

Personality: (optional)



Here are my characters:

Name: Destiny

Age: (17-20) 18

Personality: Leader of the group usually the most talkative and loves to keep everyone up on there toes. She has a passion for beaches and also is very flirtatious especially around Brandon


extra: N/A

Name: Brandon

Age: (17-20) 19

Personality: main jock friends with everyone. Likes to play football and be your average bad ass. He usually doesnt let girls get to him and for a girl to actually get his attention has to be pretty awesome and worth while. Secretly he likes one of the girls on the trip but has yet to figure out which one. He loves going to parks to play football, of course. He has no patience for idiots and has to be right most of the time. Getting into arguements with him is futile he usually always wins


This RP is open to anyone who can create a character :P Im new at this so please help me along the way and be nice when rating this RP THANKS !!!
Name: Connor

Age: 19

Personality: Connor isn't one of your typical jerks. He doesn't play football or hockey or anything typical. He's a comedian and often makes friends with everyone. He's sweet and caring. Connor is protective of his friends.

(But a bit more muscular.)

Extra: Connor plays the guitar, the banjo, and the ukulele.

Name: Sage

Age: 17

Personality:Sage is funny, and sweet. She cares about her friends and is protective of them.


Extra: She plays an acoustic guitar.

--- Merged Double Post ---

I'll be right back. Eating dinner :3
"ROAD TRIP WHOOO!!! " Destiny exclaims. "come on guys!!!" She hurries the group along as she naturally does all the time and shows her excitement by being extremely vibrant and vivacious. She helps everyone get there things loaded into her dads new Tacoma truck and excitedly hurries into the passenger seat calling shotgun because she doesnt want to drive or be stuck in the back where the air conditioner freezes her to death. She gets really excited to see Brandon take the wheel because that means a long time sitting next to him. Brandon smiles and yells being impatient of course when everyone is late to the truck disgusted he honks the horn.

OOC: oh okie im gonna be eating dinner soon too so i wont be on for a while
(( Back. ))

Connor smiled and grabs his bags, tossing them into the back. He climbs into the car and takes a seat in the back. "Sage said she'll be out in a minute."

Sage comes stumbling from the house and tosses her bags into the back, hopping into the car and taking a seat next to Connor. "Sorry, I had a bra situation.." She laughed.
"Hey connor and Sage glad you can finally join us" Destiny chuckles and Brandon roles his eyes annoyed. Brandon retorts, "well now we can go huh?" He has a blank expression on his face and starts the ignition and the truck roared to life. "Arent you all so excited?!?!?! Cause i am!!!! I mean this is amazing! Just me and my friends on a road trip no adults and no rules just the law in our way.." Brandon cough underneath his breath, "Like youre the on to break laws" and he laughs silently. Angered by what she could barely hear Destiny slaps Brandon in the arm jokingly and he gets really pissed and then came awkward silence after Brandon raised his arm up against Destiny but withdrew calmly trying not to get mad. He apologized and conversation boomed again.
Connor laughed. "You two fight a lot.."

Sage smiled and looked at Brandon. "Your being a piss ant." She giggled.
Destiny retorts "Well if Brandon could let lose once in a while maybe hell calm down" Brandon ignores Destiny's remark and keeps driving down the interstate. Destiny is intrigued by every single thing that passes by and wants everyone to share in the experience but sadly not everyone is on a dose of happy pills. She smiles instantly as she sees a bunch of birds do a dazingly arrangement in the sky and tells everyone about it. Destiny being over exaggerative ends up spending 30 minutes on the topic.

Mad at her Brandon parks at a rest station and makes her drive instead because he cant stand listening to her drone on and on about unneccesary birds. This way he thought would keep her occupied. The trip has gone on for hours they all agree to stop at 6pm to go eat some where .
Sage grabbed his hand and pulled him in the back with her, smiling. "Lighten up a bit.." She played with his hands.

(( She likes him ))
// ahhh like what ya did ther (; hehe //

Destiny stares with a hint of mild jealousy and tenses her grip on the wheel. She drives steadily and stays quiet the entire time driving and occasionally shell pick up a conversation but it usually dies within 2 minutes. They arrived at the resturaunt Connor seemed to notice and decided to eat there. "Man!!! I am starving" retorts Destiny. Brandon slides out of his seat and gives sage an acknowledging smile and follows Destiny. "come on guys i think everyone is hungry" Brandon says.
"This place is fancy!!! Look at the cute tables!!! EEEEEE and the chandeleir!!!" Destiny is so excited for the first legit stop in the trip.

Brandon asks the extremly attractive waitress for a nice table because apparently we needed resevations but we didnt phone in.... Jealous, Destiny cuts in spontaneously and Brandon gets mad again and decided to ignore Destiny for a while. He knew that Spending time with Sage would make her mad so he decided to make a move on her. Sage seemed to be pleased because her face lightened with a senial snicker.
(( She would never senially snicker.. xD ))

She smiled at him slightly and then realized he'd been trying to make Destiny jealous. She walked away from him.
Realizing what he did wrong he tried to make Sage understand his intentions but his explanation made him sound arrogant and undesirable. He never realized it but he thinks he likes Sage. His feelings between Destiny and Sage are mixed. He dislikes the way Destiny acts around him but beleives their arguing is "play fighting".

Destiny loves the restaurant and has to tell everyone..... as usual. Everyone doesnt seem to mind because this restaurant isnt half bad.

"Good pick Connor!" Destiny exclaims with an ear to ear grin showing her sparkling white teeth gleam with the reflecting flourescent lighting.
I'll join, gimme a minute to re-write all that I had written before my computer began a raging douchbag and erased it.
Name: Michelangelo “Mikey” Enders

Age: 19

Personality: Mikey is very serious and quiet. He's not quite shy, though also not too outgoing. He is a very protective person, going as far as it takes to watch over those he loves, so far that some call him very over protective. Mikey hardly ever jokes, though Scarlett is the exception to that simple fact. Once trust is earned, it's very hard to lose it.

Looks: View attachment 2753

Extra: He can usually be found playing his guitar in his room or drawing something in his journal.

Name: Scarlett Enders

Age: 17

Personality: Scarlett is very sweet and caring, she like to make people as happy as she usually feels. Almost like a polar opposite of Mikey, she jokes around all the time, even earning a smile from her elder brother. Some times she feels suffocated by his protective nature, however, pulling from him more than he likes. Mikey says she trusts too easily, and though that may be true, once trust is lost, it's hard to earn it back. Though, the only person she can really tell anything to is her big brother.

Looks: View attachment 2754

Extra: Mikey Ender's kid sister/mental twin. Once in a great while, when she is sad, Mikey grabs his guitar and she belts it out, music being her happy escape.

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